Staying up for Half-Life 2?

Staying up for Half-Life 2?

  • Hell YEAH Half-Life 2 PWNES Halo 2

    Votes: 253 50.5%
  • Nope I am sleeping tonight beacause I have school/work

    Votes: 232 46.3%
  • Halo 2 PWNES HL-2 and Consoles RULE!!!

    Votes: 16 3.2%

  • Total voters
I will be downloading this from work as soon as we can. I know the servers will take a poo very fast but we will see :p
IceWind said:
Yes, if you wipe the system, you will either .

A: Have to completely re download steam and games using your account

B: Use the built in STEAM backup feature and backup the games to CD or DVD. Then simply reregister it via STEAM. I did B and it was VERY easy. Check it out, made my own labels and the whole bit. Who needs retail?



think you might be able to shoot a copy of that to my email addie or even send me the linky?? my email is [email protected] if you want to send the jpgs... thanks man and i appreciate it.
I will simply play it tomorrow after class when I get home with Metal Gear Solid 3. A couple of hours with each will do.
for the sake of sounding redundant, to make sure that im up to speed with the release, you right click on hl2 in steam, go to preload status, and then if it says "100% complete" then its good to go right>???

anyway, heres the planethalflife post:

"""""International Release Times Demystified 14 Comments
11/15/2004 15:00 PST | Half-Life 2 | by Pratt
Since I have been receiving numerous emails of confusion, I thought I would try to help shed some light on the "simultaneous release times"... thing. Basically, we expect that Half-Life 2 will be available for activation at midnight tonight VALVe time - which is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT -08:00). For release times in your locality, please refer to the list below:

November 15th:
(GMT -12:00) 8:00 PM - International Date Line West
(GMT -11:00) 9:00 PM - Midway Island, Samoa
(GMT -10:00) 10:00 PM - Hawaii
(GMT -09:00) 11:00 PM - Alaska

November 16th:
(GMT -08:00) 12:00 AM - Pacific Time (US & Canada) [VALVe Local Time]
(GMT -07:00) 1:00 AM - Mountain Time (US & Canada)
(GMT -06:00) 2:00 AM - Central Time (US & Canada)
(GMT -05:00) 3:00 AM - Eastern Time (US & Canada)
(GMT -04:00) 4:00 AM - Atlantic Time (Canada)
(GMT -03:00) 5:00 AM - Brazil, Buenos Aires
(GMT -02:00) 6:00 AM - Mid-Atlantic
(GMT -01:00) 7:00 AM - Azores
(GMT) 8:00 AM - Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
(GMT +01:00) 9:00 AM - Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Madrid, Paris, Stockholm
(GMT +02:00) 10:00 AM - Jerusalem
(GMT +03:00) 11:00 AM - Baghdad
(GMT +04:00) 12:00 AM - Abu Dhabi
(GMT +05:00) 1:00 PM - Islamabad
(GMT +06:00) 2:00 PM - Sri Jayawardenepura
(GMT +07:00) 3:00 PM - Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
(GMT +08:00) 4:00 PM - Taipei
(GMT +09:00) 5:00 PM - Seoul
(GMT +10:00) 6:00 PM - Melbourne, Sydney
(GMT +11:00) 7:00 PM - Magadan, New Caledonia
(GMT +12:00) 8:00 PM - Fiji, Marshall Islands
(GMT +13:00) 9:00 PM - Nuku'alofa
Update: For all of you rabid fans sitting in front of a computer right now reading this and counting down the final seconds to release - just got confirmation from Doug Lombardi that "Half-Life 2 will be made available just after midnight (PST) tonight". Tick tock."""""
just rember u have to restart steam for it do update and unlock hl2 if you preloaded
WickedAngel said:
I will simply play it tomorrow after class when I get home with Metal Gear Solid 3. A couple of hours with each will do.

Hehe, I could never be quite that calm and collected around releases like this. :p

EDIT: Yay, thx for that list of the time zones.....2am for me with no work the next day.....beautiful. :D
sweet, i always thought i had to wait until 2am to play, i guess its right at 12am now:D maybe i can get a little sleep before school now
This game better have ground breaking physics... did any of you guys ever notice how the original halflife (single player game) had fucked up physics??

when you're on that train at the start of teh game.. when you jump you fly to the back of the train.. WTF??? lol who programmed that shit man... they better have fixed that..
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
when you're on that train at the start of teh game.. when you jump you fly to the back of the train.. WTF??? lol who programmed that shit man... they better have fixed that..

Haha, yeah.....I'm really gonna be laughin' my ass off if I run across any little "mind lapse points" like that in the game. :p
I would love to stay up, but I've got a Cisco Networking test tomorrow! :(
So I guess at midnight (valve time), there should be nothing for my PC to download, right?

The pre-load should have downloaded all the essential files needed to play the game?

All I need to do is allow STEAM to activate my copy, just want to know what to expect because if more files have to be downloaded, I will not even bother to stay up and watch STEAM crash.
carloswill said:
So I guess at midnight (valve time), there should be nothing for my PC to download, right?

The pre-load should have downloaded all the essential files needed to play the game?

All I need to do is allow STEAM to activate my copy, just want to know what to expect because if more files have to be downloaded, I will not even bother to stay up and watch STEAM crash.

Nope, nothing left to download.....just the unlocking and activation....I can hardly wait......4 more hours for me. :D
fuck yeah ill be waiting for hl2. To HELL with halo 2, give me a break I dont see why people even bother comparing the two...
OMG....Well it looks like the Blue is now winning. The red was ahead the entire time until now. I demand a recount lol.
screw half life 2, i'll be playing halo 2 on livewhile everyone here bickers about how gay CS is and how fat gabe is

Nope I am sleeping tonight beacause I have school/work 192 49.10%

It's nice to see the people with their priorities straight out weigh those whoes minds are lost.

(only saying this since I have to go into work tomorrow. Thought about just calling in though.) ;)
I'm not gonna stay up all night, but i'll stay up till at least 1am, depending on how good it is. So i suppose i probably will be up all night, since we all know HL2 is gonna be sweet.
you know whats sad.... im to the point where i really dont care i think id pick up hl2 this weekend .... ............. or maby never

OMG WHAT AM I SAYING ?!?!??!?! if had my pay check id be knocking down EB's Doors Right now :p hehehehe
Shouldn't it be open for activation by now? It's now 12:50AM EST I think? 1:50 here in PR... Oh well, Steam isn't installed in this rig and I do have to go to both school and work tomorrow so that'd be a -no- for me. :eek:
Impulse said:
Shouldn't it be open for activation by now? It's now 12:50AM EST I think? 1:50 here in PR... Oh well, Steam isn't installed in this rig and I do have to go to both school and work tomorrow so that'd be a -no- for me. :eek:
i believe it gets activated at 12am pacific standard time. so u got about 2 hours before its available.
Tell me about it.... I'm in the UK too.

I've even spent a few minutes dicking about with my time zone etc to see if I could get the damn thing to activate.
I really want to stay up and play it, but I have a class in about 8 hours that I really cant miss :( how is the game u west coast fuckers. lets see some screens
If you have work/school and don't want to stay up, just go to bed early, and then get up 2 hours earlier than normal and play before you leave.
cuemasterfl said:
If you have work/school and don't want to stay up, just go to bed early, and then get up 2 hours earlier than normal and play before you leave.

Its a bit late to be saying that now, its released in a hour
i dont think i can handle the edge of my seat suspense of waiting...dammit hurry.....43mins and counting w00t
question, does anyone know how this is going to work exactly?? do we just keep restarting steam or what?