Starcraft 2 Beta

Just a heads up, I think if you pre-order the collector's edition then you get two beta keys. At least that's what I have on my receipt from the store.

In any case, more love to spread around to my friends. The only downside is that BNet has been completely screwed up since this weekend. I'd hate for this to be the first impression for so many people, given the fact that BNet has functioned great up until Saturday. The update patch can't come soon enough.
Damn, anyone having trouble seeing ladder matches? I only see non ranked matches available
Just a heads up, I think if you pre-order the collector's edition then you get two beta keys. At least that's what I have on my receipt from the store.

In any case, more love to spread around to my friends. The only downside is that BNet has been completely screwed up since this weekend. I'd hate for this to be the first impression for so many people, given the fact that BNet has functioned great up until Saturday. The update patch can't come soon enough.

Totally agreed. I can't actually seem to get my placement matches done since it never matches me up. Haven't tried custom games :\
Just a heads up, I think if you pre-order the collector's edition then you get two beta keys. At least that's what I have on my receipt from the store.

In any case, more love to spread around to my friends. The only downside is that BNet has been completely screwed up since this weekend. I'd hate for this to be the first impression for so many people, given the fact that BNet has functioned great up until Saturday. The update patch can't come soon enough.

Is this true? If so I gotta email again..
Just a heads up, I think if you pre-order the collector's edition then you get two beta keys. At least that's what I have on my receipt from the store.

In any case, more love to spread around to my friends. The only downside is that BNet has been completely screwed up since this weekend. I'd hate for this to be the first impression for so many people, given the fact that BNet has functioned great up until Saturday. The update patch can't come soon enough.

I pre-ordered the CE from B&M and I only got one code... Didn't matter apparently since I was already in the beta, so I guess I technically have an extra code to give to my roommate.
Just pre-ordered the collectors edition from my local Gamestop and got two beta keys. Of course when me and my friend try to play, bnet is all wonky.
Was finally able to log in, can't download a single map to test out even playing against the ai. *sigh* :(
Yes I'll agree that gameplay is what matters, but they seriously could have worked just a little more on the eyecandy. The textures scream incredibly low res and bland. The little squares that fly off the protoss buildings while warping in was like... wtf??... The bar for RTS graphics have seriously been raised in the last 10 years... SC2 can't even match a game like Age of Empires 3 in terms of detail and eye candy... it's just a little disappointing after 10 years to have the 'same gameplay' and only slightly better graphics.

I'm not sure I like the art direction Blizzard is headed... they're way too full of themselves with the success of World of Warcraft and just by looking at SC2 I can see how a lot of that spilled over in terms of blocky cartoonish graphics... Hopefully Diablo 3 isn't like this...

I'm mostly interested in the world editor anyway... hopefully it'll be good.

Me too, I loved the user made maps and modes, im not very big into competitive rps games. But the user made games kept the game fun for me for atleast 2 years.
Me too, I loved the user made maps and modes, im not very big into competitive rps games. But the user made games kept the game fun for me for atleast 2 years.

Dota is the only reason why I ever played WC3 so I guess I can see where you guys are coming from.
I got my pre-order from gamestop B&M... got my key, but apparently I've already been in the beta for a while (despite me not receiving any emails from blizzard about it). Not amused by this turn of events, but can't really complain either.

Hah... Nice. Dont worry, that probably means it hasnt been there that long. They've been doing a few waves of invites recently. Someone earlier in this thread also got an invite with no email.

Anyone else not able to log in right now?
They shut it down a few minutes ago. They gave a 3 minute warning while I was in the middle of a match. I hope it doesn't count as a loss.
Hmm just my luck. Just decided to start playing again after a break.I hope it comes up soon.
My guess is that the server will be completely reset. They announced a few weeks back that they were going to do another reset, hopefully this reset comes with a patch as well.
I am going through sc2 withdrawal now. Servers need to come back up.

Oh god, this must be what it's like to be one of those betaless street urchins begging on the forums. How low to fall.

Incidentally... Is the current beta missing units/abilities coming at launch ?

Take look at this single player clip on the site

my battlecruisers do NOT shoot that death bombardment at ground units. And medics ?!?!?

Where are my medics ????
Won my first 2 matches earlier after going to gamestop. Massing marine and marauder pushes on enemy bases while rushing battlecruisers, too much fun.
After checking the site and looking up some character bios, I am kind of looking forward to the campaign of the game as well.

Of all of blizzards game universes, I liked starcrafts universe the most.

diablos back story is the same old good vs evil demons

warcraft is fantasy that's been seen and sampled a thousand times before

starcraft though was new and fresh as a universe, damn interesting.
got my preorder at gamestop B&M last night (the regular edition). I also had two keys on the receipt and the guy there was surprised by it. The numbers were not the same, but I can't verify whether it's a legit beta key or not. I'll see if I have any buddies who want to try it I guess.

Did a quick custom game against AI first and I agree: very similar to SC!:D But I don't have a problem with that. Played a lot in early high school and this was certainly familiar and only a few new techs had me reading descriptions. I've also watched a couple HDstarcraft videos so that helps.

Lost to a not very good player, and won over a worse one in placement matches:) But I didn't know there were rocks outside the starts! Guess that's only for novice. Made the game very slow and weird. Can't wait to get through those 5 games and get to "real" ones.
I have a preorder through Amazon and got beta key just this morning. I'm guessing this will be a norm with preorders from all stores soon. Client is downloading pretty slow :(
I have a preorder through Amazon and got beta key just this morning. I'm guessing this will be a norm with preorders from all stores soon. Client is downloading pretty slow :(

I'm not surprised considering the sheer amount of people who just got beta access... was slow all of last night!

Think we are entering stress testing phase! :D
Ya in soviet russia, You pay them to beta test.

Blizzard sure is smart in making money
Ya in soviet russia, You pay them to beta test.

Blizzard sure is smart in making money

were in no way paying them to beta test. most people are buying the game anyways, all there doing is giving us access to the beta for pre-ordering. And I dont know about the other stores but my eb games lets me take the $5 i put down on this pre-order and buy something else with it if i want, not forced to buy the game.
I have a preorder through Amazon and got beta key just this morning. I'm guessing this will be a norm with preorders from all stores soon. Client is downloading pretty slow :(

To speed up my download, I turned off Peer-to-Peer and just told it to downloaded from Blizzard's server...

The problem for me with Peer-to-Peer was that it was saturating my upload bandwidth and causing my entire internet to just slow down to a crawl and probably negatively affect my down speed at the same time. Downloading from non P2P went at 500+ kb/s while P2P averaged less than 100 kb/s for me.
were in no way paying them to beta test. most people are buying the game anyways, all there doing is giving us access to the beta for pre-ordering. And I dont know about the other stores but my eb games lets me take the $5 i put down on this pre-order and buy something else with it if i want, not forced to buy the game.

Didn't cost me a penny for my pre-order and even if it did I don't give a flip. I planned on buying this game on day one. The beta just makes it that more tantalizing.

Got my key this morning. Had the client downloading before I left for work so when I get home it's game time during the NFL draft.
Ya in soviet russia, You pay them to beta test.

Blizzard sure is smart in making money

What? I think gamestop had more to do with it than Blizzard. The money you pay on pre-order is a down payment towards the game when it comes out. If you pay $5 now... the game costs retail price minus the $5 when you pick it up.
So is Gamestop giving 2 keys out to everyone? Because at first I thought it had just printed my key twice, but I looked at it again and I got 2. :D

Chrono boosting should be limited to only unit warping . Chrono boosting dual
cybers and forge is instant back door access lol.

Cybernetics should have a gas requirement

Medivac healing should be an aoe based skill opposed to single target healing.
Last edited:

Chrono boosting should be limited to only unit warping . Chrono boosting dual
cybers and forge is instant back door access lol

Medivac healing should be an aoe based skill opposed to single target healing.

Dual cybers?
So I have developed a nice fast carrier strat if anyone wants a copy of the replay, I just won a 2v2 in 16 minutes and had like 10 carriers (and 5 more already being built) and I got attacked before it. I actually have 2 demos, but the first one was kinda sloppy. Shoot me a PM and I'll figure some way to get it and send it to you.

I posted that in the SC2 username thread, because I didn't know this thread existed.
StarCraft II Beta - Patch 9 (version

StarCraft II Beta – Patch 9 (

The latest patch notes can always be found on the StarCraft II Beta General Discussion forum.


* The StarCraft II Editor is now available!
o Players will now be able to begin creating trigger maps in preparation for map publishing which will be made available in an upcoming beta patch.
* Achievements & Decals are now live!
o Players will now be able to earn achievements, browse the list of available achievements, and view achievements earned by friends.
o Players will be able to highlight favorite achievements in their Showcase.
o Earning certain achievements will unlock portrait and decal rewards.
* The updated Homepage now includes a Recent Broadcasts panel and a News & Community panel.
* A new Match History page is now available which will allow players to browse and filter their last 1,000 games played.
* A new Community page is now available which features an in-game version of RSS news feeds.
* A new Friends-of-Friends feature has been added, which allows players to easily find and connect with more real life friends on through existing friends.
* Additional friends’ presence details are now available from the Friends’ list.
* Improvements have been made on the Voice Chat system in game.
o Please use the new voice chat and provide feedback via the StarCraft II beta forums.
* The score screen now features a new graph tab.
* The art for many parts of the user interface has been updated.
* Hotkey templates have been added.
o In the gameplay options menu select from standard name based hotkeys for right and left-handed players, grid based hotkeys for right, and left-handed players, and classic StarCraft keys.
* Several hotkeys have been changed to avoid conflicts with the "Select All Warpgates" UI button:
o The Set Worker Rally Point has been changed from W to R.
o Build Sensor Tower has been changed from W to N.
o Terran Infantry Weapons have been changed from W to E.
o Terran Vehicle Weapons have been changed from W to E.
o Weapon Refit has been changed from W to R.
o Burrow has been changed from W to R.
o Spawn Larva has been changed from R to V.
o Neural Parasite has been changed from R to E.

Balance Changes

o Marauder
+ Concussive Shells research cost decreased from 100/100 80 seconds to 50/50 60 seconds.

o Immortal
+ Build time increased from 40 to 55.

o Infested Terran
+ Damage increased from 5 to 8.
+ Speed decreased from 1.5 to 0.9375.
o Queen
+ Speed off creep decreased from 1.5 to 0.938. (Speed on creep unchanged.)
o Spine Crawler
+ Attack period decreased from 1.6 to 1.85.
o Infestor
+ Neural Parasite range increased from 7 to 9.
+ Fungal Growth projectile removed; Units in the target area are now instantly hit.


* We've made a change to the (2)ScrapStation map to make the natural expansion easier to defend.
* New maps have been added to the ladder rotation while others have been removed as follows:
o 1v1
+ Added (2)IncinerationZone
o 2v2
+ Removed (4)LostTemple
+ Removed (4)Metalopolis
+ Added (4)AridWastes
+ Added (4)Coalition
+ Added (4)Decena
+ Added (4)ScorchedHaven
o 1v1(Novice)
+ Removed (4)NoviceKulasRavine
o 2v2(Novice)
+ Removed (4)NoviceKulasRavine
+ Removed (4)NoviceShakurasPlateau
+ Added (4)NoviceDecena
+ Added (4)NoviceScorchedHaven
+ Added (4)NoviceTwilightFortress
StarCraft II Beta - Patch 9 (version

StarCraft II Beta – Patch 9 (

The latest patch notes can always be found on the StarCraft II Beta General Discussion forum.


* The StarCraft II Editor is now available!
o Players will now be able to begin creating trigger maps in preparation for map publishing which will be made available in an upcoming beta patch.
* Achievements & Decals are now live!
o Players will now be able to earn achievements, browse the list of available achievements, and view achievements earned by friends.
o Players will be able to highlight favorite achievements in their Showcase.
o Earning certain achievements will unlock portrait and decal rewards.
* The updated Homepage now includes a Recent Broadcasts panel and a News & Community panel.
* A new Match History page is now available which will allow players to browse and filter their last 1,000 games played.
* A new Community page is now available which features an in-game version of RSS news feeds.
* A new Friends-of-Friends feature has been added, which allows players to easily find and connect with more real life friends on through existing friends.
* Additional friends’ presence details are now available from the Friends’ list.
* Improvements have been made on the Voice Chat system in game.
o Please use the new voice chat and provide feedback via the StarCraft II beta forums.
* The score screen now features a new graph tab.
* The art for many parts of the user interface has been updated.
* Hotkey templates have been added.
o In the gameplay options menu select from standard name based hotkeys for right and left-handed players, grid based hotkeys for right, and left-handed players, and classic StarCraft keys.
* Several hotkeys have been changed to avoid conflicts with the "Select All Warpgates" UI button:
o The Set Worker Rally Point has been changed from W to R.
o Build Sensor Tower has been changed from W to N.
o Terran Infantry Weapons have been changed from W to E.
o Terran Vehicle Weapons have been changed from W to E.
o Weapon Refit has been changed from W to R.
o Burrow has been changed from W to R.
o Spawn Larva has been changed from R to V.
o Neural Parasite has been changed from R to E.

Balance Changes

o Marauder
+ Concussive Shells research cost decreased from 100/100 80 seconds to 50/50 60 seconds.

o Immortal
+ Build time increased from 40 to 55.

o Infested Terran
+ Damage increased from 5 to 8.
+ Speed decreased from 1.5 to 0.9375.
o Queen
+ Speed off creep decreased from 1.5 to 0.938. (Speed on creep unchanged.)
o Spine Crawler
+ Attack period decreased from 1.6 to 1.85.
o Infestor
+ Neural Parasite range increased from 7 to 9.
+ Fungal Growth projectile removed; Units in the target area are now instantly hit.


* We've made a change to the (2)ScrapStation map to make the natural expansion easier to defend.
* New maps have been added to the ladder rotation while others have been removed as follows:
o 1v1
+ Added (2)IncinerationZone
o 2v2
+ Removed (4)LostTemple
+ Removed (4)Metalopolis
+ Added (4)AridWastes
+ Added (4)Coalition
+ Added (4)Decena
+ Added (4)ScorchedHaven
o 1v1(Novice)
+ Removed (4)NoviceKulasRavine
o 2v2(Novice)
+ Removed (4)NoviceKulasRavine
+ Removed (4)NoviceShakurasPlateau
+ Added (4)NoviceDecena
+ Added (4)NoviceScorchedHaven
+ Added (4)NoviceTwilightFortress

awsome to hear, looking forward too playing with the editor.
what's up with the beta? i can't even open the game. when i try, there's a small splash screen and the program seems to freeze.