Starcraft 2 Beta

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Well thought out and concise. Very helpful.
So I am trying to main Toss, and just get my units handed back to me in rubble from mutas.
To counter I need to have so much going going, sentry and stalker tech, where as zerg just need to mass a unit. UB imo.
After the patch, zerg is much much more manageable as protoss.

Zealot/sentry/stalker is a pretty good unit combo to take out the muta's. As well as his zergling ground army.
So I just registered 5 new battle net accounts on my 5 PC's :D

Knowing my luck... maybe one gets into this thing. Bleh.
Do you have a blizzard game on each of those 5 accounts? You won't get into the beta without one, wow trials don't count.

Just FYI, disregard otherwise.
Pick up some of those cheap 5 buck SC1 keys and just activate them, dont' download.
Ya mutas are a pretty strong Zerg unit, I don't know why more zergs don't mass them, as terran it's really hard to fight versus mutas/lings, just like sc1 lol. This is in respect to early/and barely into mid.

I was rank 4th in platinum division 55 for a while, but dropped down fast by just losing two games today. One of which was a total mistake on my part, which I am sure I would have won. I teched to two factories instead of two starports lol, it was the most embarrasing thing to watch, and he was still trying to go for the whole baneling rush bs
I got a beta invite Thursday. Oddly enough, it was on my account that had didn't have a WoW account active on it.
Yup. Looks like they did the reset. Time to get some games in.
Yeah there's something weird going on with this reset, I'm not sure why they would just reset the ladder and not add a patch. What kind of statistical evidence do they hope to gain from this reset? Maybe we'll see a patch once the reset is finalized, clearly getting your match making reset over and over means that they're not quite finished.
After doing 3/5 of the placement matches (and losing them) it tossed me into copper league right away. Although the MP screen still says I need to do 5 placement matches.
I wonder if I can make it into plat in one go. Probably not, I haven't been on for a few days now so I gotta get back into shape.
After doing 3/5 of the placement matches (and losing them) it tossed me into copper league right away. Although the MP screen still says I need to do 5 placement matches.

I wonder how deeply it rate you, is it just that you lose, or HOW you lose (those APM stats and the like).

First time I was classified I was put into copper, then after a reset was put into gold, then went down to copper, now after the reset placed in silver.
I didnt get reset tonight... Theres a msg on the login screen saying there was a database error.
Ya all my stats and history are cleared, but my user name wasn't. Perhaps they tried to do the reset last night and something went wrong.
Well thanks to the beta loader I happened by last night I got to try SC2 finally lol. unfortunately its only against computers but atleast i get to try out all the races
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I didn't see any reset? what time did it take place?

it didn't take place, however around 9pm EST a lot of players got disconnected from and their stats, history, ranks were deleted. A full reset is supposed to happen sometime later this week, hopefully with a patch accompanying it.

For all you people still missing out! Keys will start being emailed at 11:00PM CST tonight, please read!

Reserve StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and receive an invitation to the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty beta. Available online and in-store while supplies last. Once you recieve your Beta Code your order cannot be canceled.

Online Customers (web delivery): A code and instructions on how to join the beta will be emailed within 1 business day of when your order was placed.

In-Store Pickup Customers: Please wait 24 hours after your order is placed, then proceed to your store to pick up your beta code.

Store Customers: A beta code will be printed on your pre-order receipt.

For all you people still missing out! Keys will start being emailed at 11:00PM CST tonight, please read!

woot, called my local game stop and he did indeed have codes available. being in canada and living in a smaller town I wasn't sure.

Whats funny is there not even cards you get, he had a printed off list with the codes and just wrote your number on the back of your receipt then crossed it off the list. Our store only had 5 codes given to them though, I was the second one to get one.

I can now try it out online instead of using the beta loader off pirate sites to play single player only lol.
gonna go out on a limb here and bet no more free beta invites bein sent out.. would cut into the kick backs they getting from gamestop.
gonna go out on a limb here and bet no more free beta invites bein sent out.. would cut into the kick backs they getting from gamestop.

gamestop = free invite anyways
I always pre-order games from gamestop for beta's, then just use the $5 I put down on something else if I dont want it. heck I've used the same $5 for 3 different pre-order bonus's before I used it to buy something, just ask them to switch the $5 to a different pre-order lol.
Just walked into gamestop to put 5 dolla down and got my key :) can't wait to get home and play the beta but I'm sure I'll get bored with it in an hour lol
Just walked into gamestop to put 5 dolla down and got my key :) can't wait to get home and play the beta but I'm sure I'll get bored with it in an hour lol


Besides, going to buy it anyways...
damn! this came up the same day I broke down and placed a bid on a diablo pack on ebay so I could have a game in my account! I might be out $9, oh noes.. Guess i can always play diablo 1/2 again after I get beat in SC2.
Gamestop a block from work so I know where I'm going later..

Played SC1 last 8 years ago.. What's the recommended way to start SC2? Some AI 1v1 to learn the ropes?
damn! this came up the same day I broke down and placed a bid on a diablo pack on ebay so I could have a game in my account! I might be out $9, oh noes.. Guess i can always play diablo 1/2 again after I get beat in SC2.
Gamestop a block from work so I know where I'm going later..

Played SC1 last 8 years ago.. What's the recommended way to start SC2? Some AI 1v1 to learn the ropes?

You can make a custom game online and add an AI enemy, though the only option for their difficulty is easy atm. But it can give you time to sort of what units do and the new techs.

But the best will always be going against other players, and watching recordings to see how some of them got so much farther ahead, and copy them.
AHAHAHA my ladder as been reset 4 times now.

I've placed in Silver, Gold, and Platinum twice for 1v1!!! BAHAHAHA
Haha at this point in time, I could care less where I place even if they reset me. You get better in time, not just by playing through in one league IMO.

Also, some keys emailed from gamestop have been claimed I hear.. as in someone at gamestop must be taking your keys.
I got my pre-order from gamestop B&M... got my key, but apparently I've already been in the beta for a while (despite me not receiving any emails from blizzard about it). Not amused by this turn of events, but can't really complain either.

Fired up the beta... and my first impressions are very disappointing. Everything feels familiar which is good... but honestly the graphics don't look very improved at all. They're better than Warcraft 3 (not saying much...), but there's been numerous RTS games recently that look much much better.

Also... read the patch notes while it was downloading... "reduced Hydralisk HP from 90 to 80"... NOOOOOO. Har har.
I got my pre-order from gamestop B&M... got my key, but apparently I've already been in the beta for a while (despite me not receiving any emails from blizzard about it). Not amused by this turn of events, but can't really complain either.

Fired up the beta... and my first impressions are very disappointing. Everything feels familiar which is good... but honestly the graphics don't look very improved at all. They're better than Warcraft 3 (not saying much...), but there's been numerous RTS games recently that look much much better.

Also... read the patch notes while it was downloading... "reduced Hydralisk HP from 90 to 80"... NOOOOOO. Har har.

Gameplay is all that matters, no RTS game will EVER EVERRR touch SC. Blizzard is by far the best gaming developers atm, they focus on GAMEPLAY which matters. Who cares how cool teh graphics are, if the game is awefully buggy and imbalanced and really not that playable it's worthless.
Gameplay is all that matters, no RTS game will EVER EVERRR touch SC. Blizzard is by far the best gaming developers atm, they focus on GAMEPLAY which matters. Who cares how cool teh graphics are, if the game is awefully buggy and imbalanced and really not that playable it's worthless.

Yes I'll agree that gameplay is what matters, but they seriously could have worked just a little more on the eyecandy. The textures scream incredibly low res and bland. The little squares that fly off the protoss buildings while warping in was like... wtf??... The bar for RTS graphics have seriously been raised in the last 10 years... SC2 can't even match a game like Age of Empires 3 in terms of detail and eye candy... it's just a little disappointing after 10 years to have the 'same gameplay' and only slightly better graphics.

I'm not sure I like the art direction Blizzard is headed... they're way too full of themselves with the success of World of Warcraft and just by looking at SC2 I can see how a lot of that spilled over in terms of blocky cartoonish graphics... Hopefully Diablo 3 isn't like this...

I'm mostly interested in the world editor anyway... hopefully it'll be good.
I got my pre-order from gamestop B&M... got my key, but apparently I've already been in the beta for a while (despite me not receiving any emails from blizzard about it). Not amused by this turn of events, but can't really complain either.

Fired up the beta... and my first impressions are very disappointing. Everything feels familiar which is good... but honestly the graphics don't look very improved at all. They're better than Warcraft 3 (not saying much...), but there's been numerous RTS games recently that look much much better.

Also... read the patch notes while it was downloading... "reduced Hydralisk HP from 90 to 80"... NOOOOOO. Har har.

I disagree, I think it looks better than games like DOW2. The fact that it can look almost as good as my desktop when its running on a two year old notebook is also great.