Starcraft 2 Beta

I'm getting crushed in plat.. did very well in gold though ahha.

Lol, I know what you mean I tried playing a few games on my friends account before I got in, (he is in the top 9 of his plat div) I got destroyed. I know I am not really a copper I just got screwed/screwed up my placement matches. Still though, starting in copper and working my way up is probably the best experience/practice I can get from this beta. I will be interested to see if I get placed better after the reset that's coming. I am just really surprised to see 90% of my opponents are above copper ranking.
Lol, I know what you mean I tried playing a few games on my friends account before I got in, (he is in the top 9 of his plat div) I got destroyed. I know I am not really a copper I just got screwed/screwed up my placement matches. Still though, starting in copper and working my way up is probably the best experience/practice I can get from this beta. I will be interested to see if I get placed better after the reset that's coming. I am just really surprised to see 90% of my opponents are above copper ranking.

Can't agree more. I was 98th copper for awhile before I started working up :D
It was really important to play competitive games that gave me the room to try different things.. getting confidence in your basics is huge.
Can't agree more. I was 98th copper for awhile before I started working up :D
It was really important to play competitive games that gave me the room to try different things.. getting confidence in your basics is huge.

I think I'm getting demoralized in platinum, in gold I had a ton of challenge from both plat and gold.. but now in platinum its a ton of cheese builds and what not. It is breaking down my playstyle everytime I play.. :(
Needed some where to brag, I just got moved up to 1v1 platinum!! After a pretty massive thirty-six minute game, I won and JUMPED out of my chair and almost cheered. I had smile on my face for about ten minutes, I'd say the league system works because I finally had a feeling of accomplishment.
Needed some where to brag, I just got moved up to 1v1 platinum!! After a pretty massive thirty-six minute game, I won and JUMPED out of my chair and almost cheered. I had smile on my face for about ten minutes, I'd say the league system works because I finally had a feeling of accomplishment.

Grats bro! I knew you could do it. We need to practice more 1v1 games.. without just pure cheese.. hahaah.
Needed some where to brag, I just got moved up to 1v1 platinum!! After a pretty massive thirty-six minute game, I won and JUMPED out of my chair and almost cheered. I had smile on my face for about ten minutes, I'd say the league system works because I finally had a feeling of accomplishment.

Refraxion, we do need to continue to practice 1v1, I like playing with you because you've always been a step or two ahead of me. Also ken, you are easily the most improved out of all of us, I know we only played one game but I was really impressed.
Refraxion, we do need to continue to practice 1v1, I like playing with you because you've always been a step or two ahead of me. Also ken, you are easily the most improved out of all of us, I know we only played one game but I was really impressed.

Haha yeah, ken is definitely most improved. I need to work on my macro more. Me and him had a pretty good back and forth fight on desert oasis (Hate that map). I just need to keep playing, but I'm usually only limited to two days of playing so I don't get too much game time in.
Yeah ken is pretty nasty now with his rushes, all of us have improved but he's a nut!
This Blizzard Facebook thing is killing me. I just went through the latest "key storm" without a single working key :( Anyone have an invite for a fellow [H]?
aw <3

Thanks guys, playing you two really really shows me my weaknesses and where I need to improve next. I've never been an rts player before but this is so fast-paced and exciting. Hopefully I can catch you guys online soon, until May 6th I'm on school crunch.. so I'll grab a few games where there's time.

Its cool to see everyone getting better though- Redleader, if you want some replays I'd recommend checking out which is a great resource for tips, replays, livestreams. Speaking of which.. shoutout to Quix for hanging out in my channel when no one else is <3
Been playing for about a week now, this is what I've noticed. Keep in mind playing off a friends account, so we're only in GOLD top 10 on our server.

protoss > terran > zerg
zerg > protoss > terran
terran > zerg > protoss
Been playing for about a week now, this is what I've noticed. Keep in mind playing off a friends account, so we're only in GOLD top 10 on our server.

protoss > terran > zerg
zerg > protoss > terran
terran > zerg > protoss

Zerg with Zerg God (brood lord) and Zerg Demigod (corruptor) = immortal. Rule is just to not let them tech that far.

brood lord renders ground based assaults on them virtually useless due to the micro needed on top of the range disparity, and corruptors circling Zerg God (broodlords) ensure they stay alive.

Those two zerg units are the most powerful combo in the game.

From the Terran side, you need strong air to prevail, which Terran can muster.

With Protoss... die well.
ZvT is my weakest matchup- when I lose to P, I usually can think of a reason why.. maybe I just haven't played good terrans. Refraxion's reaper harass was crazy, especially against a fast expo.
Terran is < Protoss I'd say.

That's what I said lol, I am getting better at it though. Ghost ARE your friends though, just scout as much as possible and build accordingly.

ZvT is my weakest matchup- when I lose to P, I usually can think of a reason why.. maybe I just haven't played good terrans. Refraxion's reaper harass was crazy, especially against a fast expo.

Not really sure what you said.....

But T is greater then Z, at least for me, I probably win about 98% versus zerg.
That's what I said lol, I am getting better at it though. Ghost ARE your friends though, just scout as much as possible and build accordingly.

Not really sure what you said.....

But T is greater then Z, at least for me, I probably win about 98% versus zerg.

Haha, you're right, doesn't make any sense. I meant that I tend to lose to terrans without really knowing why, its not obvious what is making me lose. I figured a good terran player would make it plainly obvious why I'm losing.

Banshees can DIAF as far as i'm concerned. I'm considering 1-base fast lair just for hydras. How much of an eco hit does terran take when going fast banshees?
I don't know if any of the races are hugely better than another. I've had nothing but close games recently, and now they're moving up from an average of twenty minutes to around thirty five where each of us takes about half the map. It's really hard to tell, and it depends on your tech choices pertaining to each particular map.

I beat a lot of Terran players when I was middle ranked with an immortal push pretty easily, but a lot of the higher gold players and mid-level platinum players punish me for doing that. Zerg seems tough to beat right now, usually I try for a very early push because most of the FE and go ling/muta. But if you don't focus down the spire right before they get it up you're in trouble. Have to keep a zerg players gas low when they do that, and just constantly harass them. I've won some games early with a fast immortal push to take out spire crawlers, mixed with zealots and sentires. And never go in without a proxy pylon!!!

Terran is much more difficult because of their harassment abilities. Banshees are incredible units and can be had really early, so it's tough to really stop that and deal with your macro, it's all dependent on the player and good timing.
Haha, you're right, doesn't make any sense. I meant that I tend to lose to terrans without really knowing why, its not obvious what is making me lose. I figured a good terran player would make it plainly obvious why I'm losing.

Banshees can DIAF as far as i'm concerned. I'm considering 1-base fast lair just for hydras. How much of an eco hit does terran take when going fast banshees?

TBH none really, I'm pretty good at scouting and adjusting accordingly, but if it's a map that has a backdoor. Just rush with as many lings as possible if he's rushing banshees. It's pretty hard to defend that if you could get +1 zerglings pretty fast.

What do you normally go for anyways? Btw you can always tell if a terran is rushing banshees because he will only be making hellions/marines at the front door.
I don't know if any of the races are hugely better than another. I've had nothing but close games recently, and now they're moving up from an average of twenty minutes to around thirty five where each of us takes about half the map. It's really hard to tell, and it depends on your tech choices pertaining to each particular map.

I beat a lot of Terran players when I was middle ranked with an immortal push pretty easily, but a lot of the higher gold players and mid-level platinum players punish me for doing that. Zerg seems tough to beat right now, usually I try for a very early push because most of the FE and go ling/muta. But if you don't focus down the spire right before they get it up you're in trouble. Have to keep a zerg players gas low when they do that, and just constantly harass them. I've won some games early with a fast immortal push to take out spire crawlers, mixed with zealots and sentires. And never go in without a proxy pylon!!!

Terran is much more difficult because of their harassment abilities. Banshees are incredible units and can be had really early, so it's tough to really stop that and deal with your macro, it's all dependent on the player and good timing.

You can't possibly be having trouble with banshee rushers... stalkers rape banshees. And the sacrifice of units terrans take to rush banshees is no excuse not to just walk up their ramp and win, you can after all have blink up into their base.

I get ghost up fairly fast now, but doesn't change the fact a protoss has so many differen't options to throw terran off their game.
Lately I've been finding that a good way to counter immortal pushes is to hide lings along the attack path and isolate units, especially when units move at different speeds. For those that keep them all together, I love burrowing blings on common chokes and ruining their day :D

I did this to a terran player that went mass rines and thors, then he took a gold i'd neglected to scout and I died under a swarm of rines.

The longer games are something I've been seeing as well, which is awesome and lets me work more on my mid-late game.
You can't possibly be having trouble with banshee rushers... stalkers rape banshees. And the sacrifice of units terrans take to rush banshees is no excuse not to just walk up their ramp and win, you can after all have blink up into their base.

I get ghost up fairly fast now, but doesn't change the fact a protoss has so many differen't options to throw terran off their game.

Going ghost early = death of terrans as well. If you rush that, chances are you don't have a sizable force to deal with the protoss player. One EMP isn't going to save you the fight that early in the game.
Going ghost early = death of terrans as well. If you rush that, chances are you don't have a sizable force to deal with the protoss player. One EMP isn't going to save you the fight that early in the game.

Likewise, 1 immortal = death of a terran army. Stalkers + 1 Immortal can take a pretty decent sized terran army early on.

Think about it, 1 immortal turns ALL of terran dmg into 10 dmg total, with zealots charging, and stalkers snipping it's a useless fight.
Yep, Immortal push is really strong against the terran army. I lose to that almost always.
Its cool to see everyone getting better though- Redleader, if you want some replays I'd recommend checking out which is a great resource for tips, replays, livestreams. Speaking of which.. shoutout to Quix for hanging out in my channel when no one else is <3

I meant some of our own matches. I know I can watch pro matches but that was not the point.
I meant some of our own matches. I know I can watch pro matches but that was not the point.

I'm not great, but all my matches are recorded and available on demand on livestream here. The last session is also on autopilot. I think I played refraxion a couple games on the one currently on AP :)

I'll see if I can get the replays hosted somewhere as well.
Yep, Immortal push is really strong against the terran army. I lose to that almost always.

I find my timed pushed with 2 Immortals to be working really well against any T BO, since they usually only have a couple of Banshees out and haven't researched cloak yet. Walling in against Toss is useless because of Immortals, they just rip through Depots... I wish they ripped through Banshees too :(
I think e-tailers are pulling release dates outta their ass. Newegg says 6/30/2010, Bestbuy says 6/1/2010

I personally don't think it's gonna be until july.
LoL refraxion I just played you earlier tonight, I play under QUY

Haha really? I'm on a huge losing spree... once I hit platinum I'm losing to everyone in gold and platinum. I don't get it anymore lol.

I think I'm like 4 wins to 14 losses?? haha.

We should play more sometime, I'd definitely like a rematch (Though last night is kinda blurry, just know I lost a lot :p)
Haha really? I'm on a huge losing spree... once I hit platinum I'm losing to everyone in gold and platinum. I don't get it anymore lol.

I think I'm like 4 wins to 14 losses?? haha.

We should play more sometime, I'd definitely like a rematch (Though last night is kinda blurry, just know I lost a lot :p)

Haha np, I'm on a winning streak, excluding vs protoss of course unbalanced pos.

I watched the replay because I noticed the name, you started off strong, but then seemed like you just went afk or something lol.

If any Platinum toss players wanna play a bit just to get strats down, and show me how you lose to terran I'd be willing to take the time!
Haha np, I'm on a winning streak, excluding vs protoss of course unbalanced pos.

I watched the replay because I noticed the name, you started off strong, but then seemed like you just went afk or something lol.

If any Platinum toss players wanna play a bit just to get strats down, and show me how you lose to terran I'd be willing to take the time!

Yeah, that's the thing. For some reason I'm not playing up to par like I used to be at the later stages of the game. I just freeze and drop everything, its like my macro just went to crap after hitting platinum. I've had to face so much cheese early game that most of my games lately last only 7-8mins or less lol. I never get the chance to brush up on my macro anymore :(.
I just had the most epic victory ever.

And I tell you I am on such a high now, because I was totally lost, he massed void rays and obliterated my viking air (almost useless against any air of similar strength btw, they go down way too fast.)

He then proceded to wipe out my main base. Had a glut of crystal (I know, I'm bad, though turned out to be a boon later on when I needed to reconstitute something from nothing, plus I was kind of busy minimizing the damage he was doing at the time), so massed depots and missile turrets and marines.

He then wiped out my second expansion, and almost did the same to my third, but that was the one with the turrets, so that delayed the kill stroke with all that air.

***A moment must be taken to highlight the valiant effort of a ghost trio and a raven vessel whos timely nuke and seeker missile (I LOVE that thing, terran do not neglect it, it is a power) weakened the protoss enough to delay them for my 3rd bases defenses.

He began picking at the edges and my marines were picked off faster than they could be built, but it was an attrition issue, and eventually they were wiped out.

But at this point, he had his base in tact with mine mostly wiped out, so I sent a full set of marines on 3 medivacs to his main base to do as much damage as they could, alone with a couple tanks I had hiding away under the aegis of the turrets at my 3rd base. While he was busy getting his air wittled down due to all the turrents, and having to replenish his fighters on those carriers, his main base was pretty sparse on defenses, so my 3 marine bands alond with the medivacs cleaned up, and proceeded to his 2nd expansion, and then hit his third, at that point he quit.

Talk about a hail mary pass. He must have been out of resources, I was so about to give up, it was demoralizing to see everything you have save a 3rd expo with virtually nothing there survive, but I stuck with it, and came out on top.

If I never win again this week, it was worth it for that victory.

You see rushers, THAT is the bright spot in a game like starcraft, not a win for its own sake by getting in early lings to take out your enemy in fetus stage, the comeback, the longer games.

And thank you to those 3 bands of marines, the lowest creature in the terran ranks, canon fodder and not much of that, those band of brothers, they went in expecting nothing, just wanting to do as much damage as possible before death. Their mission and goal was fueled by pure spite, by scratching and clawing to the bitter end.

It reminds me of that section of a famous poem.

...and though
We are not now that strength which in the old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are,
One equal-temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
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