Starcraft 2 Beta

What do huge delays have to do with anything? Delays generally mean better products from companies like Blizzard and Valve. Let other developers release unfinished products due to release dates pushed by outside forces. :)

Valid point about the unfinished products! I just got tired of waiting. I thought I could live without playing it..but the beta changed my mind
I'm looking forward to the single player campaign... I'm not liking the fact that it's split up in to 3 games for single player though.
I'm looking forward to the single player campaign... I'm not liking the fact that it's split up in to 3 games for single player though.

Well if it lives up to Blizzard standards, it should be well worth 3 seperate campaigns. We'll see though if that's the case.
Well if it lives up to Blizzard standards, it should be well worth 3 seperate campaigns. We'll see though if that's the case.

That's true. I've been reading "I, Mengsk", which is an excellent novel about Arcturus & Valerian. Each pages brings me closer to wanting to play SC2 more & more...
I havent touched SC2 since the beta ended, I'll probably be hella rusty once phase 2 comes around.
Blizzard is like a dope dealer catering to crack addicts with this beta stuff :eek:
Highly unlikely. Unless the 3 campaigns are a must for MP...

Buy first one, DL the other two. God knows they are already charging more for it than any other PC game..

Considering that each new campaign acts like an expansion (new units/tilesets), it would pretty much be a must for MP as well. Otherwise, you'd be left out like how SC players are with BW players.
Considering that each new campaign acts like an expansion (new units/tilesets), it would pretty much be a must for MP as well. Otherwise, you'd be left out like how SC players are with BW players.

They've stated that you only need 1 game to play multiplayer, but I don't know how you would interpret that. Since you didn't 'need' brood wars to play 'multiplayer starcraft 1' either.
They've stated that you only need 1 game to play multiplayer, but I don't know how you would interpret that. Since you didn't 'need' brood wars to play 'multiplayer starcraft 1' either.

That's right. You can play MP with just the Wings of Liberty forever, but you'll be confined to that version alone. Meanwhile, the rest of the world will be moving on to the Zerg and Protoss campaigns with new units and tilesets for MP. So by "must," I meant that if you don't wanna feel left behind, you'll want to upgrade too.

As far as the FAQ on the official site described, it'll work just like SC1 and BW. SC1 players will still be playing, but they won't be able to play with BW players with the new units/tilesets.
I'm looking forward to the single player campaign... I'm not liking the fact that it's split up in to 3 games for single player though.

All three games will be roughly as long as Starcraft and Brood War were. Don't think of it as a normal single player game being split into thirds, think of it as a frigging huge single player story that you're getting. :D

I dunno, I'm glad that we're getting even more this time around, can't wait.
I havent touched SC2 since the beta ended, I'll probably be hella rusty once phase 2 comes around.

Yeah, I haven't played the trainers or anything either, so I know I'm gonna be rusty when we finally get it back.
Just read their Real ID stuff..... Epic fail. I guess I'll have to create a new BNet account with a fake name... can't edit the original account.
this game will launch in 3 weeks, and the second phase of beta still not up yet. either this will be an extremely short phase 2, or it's not happening at all. any news, or even rumors on this??
this is all speculation on my part, but if i had to guess, they'll cancel this and use the first few weeks after release as the 2nd beta period. not a bad idea, as most people (including me) will be focused on the single player, and they'll still have plenty of people jumping straight into the multiplayer.

Blizzard has been good about early balancing patches in the past, so hopefully this will be no different.
2nd beta is supposed to be going up very shortly, hopefully before the end of the week.

Stay tuned.
this game will launch in 3 weeks, and the second phase of beta still not up yet. either this will be an extremely short phase 2, or it's not happening at all. any news, or even rumors on this??

Phase 2 is just a stress test. They want to simulate a launch environment so that they don't have issues on launch day. Even if it's short it'll be enough time to do what they want to do.
any way to get in on the 2nd beta?

I have no idea if they are opening up any more slots. If they are then it will either be via random picks from the people that opted in for the beta through their Battlenet account, or if they give out more friends & family keys to people already in the beta (I got four F&F keys over the course of the beta).

I kind of doubt it considering that they have a decent number of people in the beta between invites and people that preordered the game, and that the final retail release is so close, but we'll see. Either way, make sure you are opted into Starcraft betas in your Battlenet account, anything to increase your chances.
any way to get in on the 2nd beta?

Sorry, old boys club. jk

Some weeks with the beta (toward the end) really froze everyone out, or at least games were laggy and tenuous. So if they're going to stress test it could be like that and not worth getting a key.
EU Beta patch is up but servers are down. Awaiting US client update now! It's 476mb in size for EU.
Still no mention of quad core optimization in this patch, god i hope it's in the final release. Too bad there will be no AA on release.
Patch notes are up:


  • Rally points now behave as a move command, instead of an attack move command.
  • Enabled the ability to manually add a StarCraft II character friend using the player's character code. Character code is a server-assigned numerical code that is displayed within the Add Friend panel.
  • Achievements & Rewards have been updated.
  • All Quick Match modes are now available: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and Free For All.
  • All A.I. difficulties are now available for play.
  • Cooperative matchmaking versus A.I. players is now available as a play mode.
  • Enabled cross-game social features between World of Warcraft and StarCraft II.

Balance Changes



  • Frenzy spell removed.
  • Infested Terran spell added.

  • Infested Terran spell removed.

  • Now immune to stuns and mind control.
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Probably not tonight. Possibly tomorrow or friday, but I wouldn't hold my breath.