Starcraft 2 Beta

phase 1 is over, phase 2 is coming sometime soon.. release is the 27th. If you haven't go into the beta yet then you may as well just wait for release.
phase 1 is over, phase 2 is coming sometime soon.. release is the 27th. If you haven't go into the beta yet then you may as well just wait for release.

That's still a month away though! I figure since i'm considering pre-ordering anyways, if I could get into beta i'd be all over it.
yeah, I guess so. They say that beta phase 2 won't be on until "a few weeks" before release, so.. it's not like you could start playing now if you found a beta key anyway. I heard the gamestop's are pretty wiped out as far as beta keys go, and that would be your only option really.
I don't think there are beta keys any where, at least there shouldn't be. Amazon ran out first, and I'm pretty sure EB was told to stop giving them out as well. It doesn't matter, phase two is only going to last like a week.
Phase 2 will last at least 2 weeks, I'm thinking it's probably going to be about 3 weeks. Assuming they will want ~4-7 days after phase 2 ends to make some last adjustments for launch, the beta will most likely be back up sometime during the 29th of June to July 3rd.

If I were in your place, download the client and play around with a few of the different custom ai's people have made. There's some good custom maps to do solo also. If you find you like it just from doing those, keep the pre-order.

Sadly there are no longer any beta keys anywhere, at least none I could find in 5 mins doing some searching. Look at it this way though, most places didn't allow you to cancel your pre-order once you activated your beta key. You won't be stuck with a $60 purchase if you don't like it.
You can download and install the beta and install the AIs without preordering. Save yourself the five bucks, download the installer and try the game out before you even plunk down 5 bucks or whatever it is to preorder.
I'm thinking about a laptop with the following specs, do you guys think it'll be able to handle starcraft 2 at medium (or higher) settings? i'm looking for a machine that can (theoretically) handle starcraft 2 and later diablo 3 (no release date no specs, so theoretically):

* Intel® Core™ i7-720QM processor
* Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium
* 4GB DDR3 1066MHz memory
* 500GB 7200rpm hard drive
* 1GB GDDR3 NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 330M
* DVD SuperMulti drive
* 1680x945 native resolution
I'm thinking about a laptop with the following specs, do you guys think it'll be able to handle starcraft 2 at medium (or higher) settings? i'm looking for a machine that can (theoretically) handle starcraft 2 and later diablo 3 (no release date no specs, so theoretically):

* Intel® Core™ i7-720QM processor
* Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium
* 4GB DDR3 1066MHz memory
* 500GB 7200rpm hard drive
* 1GB GDDR3 NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 330M
* DVD SuperMulti drive
* 1680x945 native resolution

Blizzard normally makes their product available and playable for even the crappiest computer. I ran SC2 at ultra settings, with a E6400, 2gigs of ram and 9800GT. You'll be more than fine with that comp.
You can download and install the beta and install the AIs without preordering. Save yourself the five bucks, download the installer and try the game out before you even plunk down 5 bucks or whatever it is to preorder.

Quick questions: Do you have to download the client from these torrent sites or is there an "official" place to get it? Also, can you play over LAN or something with this client or does it require the beta server to be online?
You can download the client here:

I'm not sure if Blizzard's official client downloader is still working or not. They didn't seem too protective of the client to begin with since the client couldn't get you onto without a beta-activated account. I'm not sure how patching the beta will work for you though, and the 15 or 16 patches they have released since launching the beta have made some pretty major changes to the gameplay.
Battlecraft can be played against the computer AI, and it's not too bad. It's said to make random units (by the author, and so on) but it's not like tons of queens (some, heh). It has decent combos like banshees and ultras. And any bad games... well, that was 3 minutes, move on.

Just use the editor, load it, change map->player properties and then the "control" option to computer.
Greattea is also quite good. It follows some preset build orders, but it expands aggressively, harasses minerals, micros units (move injured units to the back) well and seems to adapt to what you build.'s official AI 7 is ok too.
How can I revert to Patch 15 and get replays working? First I tried editing the versions folder, moving the most recent folder, etc. Tried a reinstall, now it just updates to patch 15 but it will crash with all replays.

The YABOT AI was adequate as well.
Take this with a gran of salt. But according to this story, the beta will be back up July 1st. With players at the cafe Pc Bang starting June 27.
phase 1 is over, phase 2 is coming sometime soon.. release is the 27th. If you haven't go into the beta yet then you may as well just wait for release.

July 27, such an amazing day, my birthday. Not surprising starcraft 2 is released on such a day. World changing events tend to occur at that calendar position.
Nope. We'll find out on 1st.

I would think they probably resume beta around July 4th weekend... Wings of Liberty and all... but who knows.
yeah i was wondering when are they going to reopen beta its only july they should make an announcement.
Even if they didn't re-open the beta, game is 27 days away and counting..... No midnight release party though where I am, sniff.
Even if they didn't re-open the beta, game is 27 days away and counting..... No midnight release party though where I am, sniff.

Shame they didn't release it via Steam; then there wouldn't be a need to drive to some store late at night to pick up a damn game :)
Shame they didn't release it via Steam; then there wouldn't be a need to drive to some store late at night to pick up a damn game :)

Depends... digital distribution of a game like SC2 would destroy all known servers in the world (or something like that :rolleyes:)

But you get the point... I'd rather pick up the game and play within an hour than try to download the game when everyone else is as well. already has 'digital distribution' for games like Diablo 2, Starcraft 1, Warcraft3, WOW, etc.... and I imagine SC2 will be the same some time after release.
Depends... digital distribution of a game like SC2 would destroy all known servers in the world (or something like that :rolleyes:)

But you get the point... I'd rather pick up the game and play within an hour than try to download the game when everyone else is as well. already has 'digital distribution' for games like Diablo 2, Starcraft 1, Warcraft3, WOW, etc.... and I imagine SC2 will be the same some time after release.

Preloading would take care of that problem. Then you'd only have to deal with the activation server getting overloaded, which is what happened when half life 2 came out IIRC.

I'm betting will be a mess for the first couple of days after the game's release with dropped connections and login problems being not too uncommon.
Preloading would take care of that problem. Then you'd only have to deal with the activation server getting overloaded, which is what happened when half life 2 came out IIRC.

I'm betting will be a mess for the first couple of days after the game's release with dropped connections and login problems being not too uncommon.
The beta was supposed to help prevent those launch issues. They've simulated launch environments several times throughout the course of the beta. Hopefully they have enough servers to handle the load.
Nope. We'll find out on 1st.

I would think they probably resume beta around July 4th weekend... Wings of Liberty and all... but who knows.

Not a Korean holiday... lol.

If any game company can afford an overkill of servers it's Blizzard.
Preloading would take care of that problem. Then you'd only have to deal with the activation server getting overloaded, which is what happened when half life 2 came out IIRC.

I'm betting will be a mess for the first couple of days after the game's release with dropped connections and login problems being not too uncommon.

Yea.. preloading in theory solves the issue, but in practice a lot of games still get bogged down on steam despite having a preload option. will definitely be a complete crapstorm when SC2 comes out. I don't doubt it one bit... which is why I'm spending at least the first week on single player.
Oh man, I wasn't expecting to buy the game because of the huge delay, but after getting a beta key, I'll buy it for sure!!!!
Oh man, I wasn't expecting to buy the game because of the huge delay, but after getting a beta key, I'll buy it for sure!!!!

What do huge delays have to do with anything? Delays generally mean better products from companies like Blizzard and Valve. Let other developers release unfinished products due to release dates pushed by outside forces. :)
Not sure if this has been posted, but a blue responded to a thread on battlenet forums.

Early July can mean anything up till July 14th.

I always find it interesting to see what people define "early" or "late" to mean. So, you're saying that "early July" is equal to the first half of July. It seems others thought that early July meant the 1st of July. Some seem to count the first week as early and the next two as mid.

That said, we'll keep you all informed on the start of the next phase, no worries. I'm just stunned that it's already July as of tomorrow. How time flies when you have a lot to get done before the exciting launch of a game. ;)
I'm setting up no expectations for the beta reopening. I'm already suffering major SC2 withdrawal, I really don't need to focus on when it "might" come back online by checking BNet every few hours once July 1st rolls around. :)

My mental goal is July 27th, and if the beta comes back online before then, awesome, great.
omfg, it's already July 1 and no beta access.... HURRY UP BLIZZARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They better not have early July mean 2 weeks in, no excuses!
I'm setting up no expectations for the beta reopening. I'm already suffering major SC2 withdrawal, I really don't need to focus on when it "might" come back online by checking BNet every few hours once July 1st rolls around. :)

My mental goal is July 27th, and if the beta comes back online before then, awesome, great.

Maybe you can utilize those tricks like the marshmallow experiment kids could, but I cannot!