Starcraft 2 Beta

Still in amazement of how WhiteRa won those matches, shows that protoss is still very very viable and in the right hands VERY devastating =).
i dont think thats right. The quotes are quite misleading. In one thread he says the beta ends june 1st and in the other thread he says the part about going down for a few days. Not really sure what he was saying
Well the instability of Bnet caused me a lot of grief this weekend...two dropped placement matches shoved me into Platinum. I'm most definitely NOT a platinum. Already been downgraded to gold as I've only won 3 games out of about a dozen since finishing the placement matches. I don't mind losing because it helps me learn but constantly getting crushed is very frustrating and is getting old. I also shouldn't have to lose 100 times just to get to a ladder where I'm with people at my skill level.

Is there a way to reset yourself and go through the placement matches again?
I haven't gotten the game to load in a while, I get a ton of screen flickering and then it just crashes on me.
I've had some issues with connectivity with this patch just like with patch 11. It's so frustrating to be neck and neck or winning and get booted off. I'm also not a fan of your game settings disappearing when the new patch is applied. I figured that one out when I accidently hit the windows key during a game and came back just in time to see my last probe killed by reapers while half a dozen stalkers stood around my gateways. So awesome. Also, I think this game is about to make me quit on my MX 5500 Revolution mouse (or whatever it's called). That wireless POS won't stay connected during all my games. There are times I have to turn it off and back on mid game which usually costs me a good 10 seconds.
A friend and I decided to finish our 2v2 placement last night... Apparently our '2 games' played was 1 win and 1 tie (the tie being a game that literally never happened... it was stuck on players found).

So we finished up our remaining 4 placement matches without any issue except for a little lag on my friend's part (he has bad internet anyway). We're in diamond and then play 4 more games to cap off our bonus... went 3-1 with no bnet crashes during those games. Was OK, but this was at like 2 am EST.
Is anyone experiencing a fair amount of loser-bitching? What I mean by that is people who lose and then bitch about the way you played. The other night, in platinum, I plopped down two assimilators on a Terran opponent's vespene. I then worked quickly to a mixed force of zealots and stalkers and put a pylon just outside his base to start warping guys in and then started pushing my attack. The fight basically hinged on our first encounter and I just managed to kill most of his force. He rushed back inside and turtled and I pushed through with a load of stalkers and then just starting laying waste to his base.

Then the bitching started.

The guy's first comment wasn't "gg" or anything like that. It was, "Dick move with the gas in the beginning." To which I responded, "So?" His response, "Dick move." I pointed out that the game isn't peace craft and then he started bitching about me making stalkers against Terrans and how my victory was a fluke and that he lost the game more than I won it. I laughed a lot and egged him on some more, but I'm always amazed when people bitch like that.

I've gotten the "make different units" bitching way more than I expected. I don't ever remember getting that particular complaint in SC1. I guess I'm just surprised by it because I'm in the platinum league. In copper I'd expect it more.

Are you guys getting stuff like this?
dick move or not, its clever and effective play.

I mostly play with friends...and we have a constant circle of shit talking and insults. I would say that I go out of my way to execute a "dick move" for the sheer joy of it. Ive lost some games because I was more interested in annoying them with tanks than just attacking logically haha.

That exact bitching is alot of why I prefer gaming with friends though...we do it in fun, laugh it off, and try to learn something from a round =\. Publics in SC1 were always people whining or people calling you a noob by the time it was over. "gg" was a rare thing back then too.

Oh well.
Is anyone experiencing a fair amount of loser-bitching? What I mean by that is people who lose and then bitch about the way you played. The other night, in platinum, I plopped down two assimilators on a Terran opponent's vespene. I then worked quickly to a mixed force of zealots and stalkers and put a pylon just outside his base to start warping guys in and then started pushing my attack. The fight basically hinged on our first encounter and I just managed to kill most of his force. He rushed back inside and turtled and I pushed through with a load of stalkers and then just starting laying waste to his base.

Then the bitching started.

The guy's first comment wasn't "gg" or anything like that. It was, "Dick move with the gas in the beginning." To which I responded, "So?" His response, "Dick move." I pointed out that the game isn't peace craft and then he started bitching about me making stalkers against Terrans and how my victory was a fluke and that he lost the game more than I won it. I laughed a lot and egged him on some more, but I'm always amazed when people bitch like that.

I've gotten the "make different units" bitching way more than I expected. I don't ever remember getting that particular complaint in SC1. I guess I'm just surprised by it because I'm in the platinum league. In copper I'd expect it more.

Are you guys getting stuff like this?

Yeah, I've seen it a lot. In 2v2 there's a map or two where I will do an 8 rax fast reaper because it works very well and can usually destroy one of the two opponents in the first 3-4 minutes. Had a guy go "Real pro dude" and then rant about some other fair/unfair crap as I proceeded to finish him off with only 4 reapers. I then expanded into that newly opened base and we destroyed his partner about 10 minutes later.

I also do steal refineries and have gotten yelled at for that as well. My favorite with Terran is letting the refinery build about half way. Then stopping and taking the other refinery as well. Also fun to once and awhile to bunker up right where they're natural is so they come down to expand and find 2 bunkers, a tank, and 2-3 marauders waiting. People appear to not like that move either. I like that more then bunkering directly below choke because they don't expect it. Plus on some maps it keeps me out of tank range if it's TvT yet my tanks can get them coming down the choke. ;)

I've also seen the opposite where the guy that beats me trash talks. There was one random game where I was playing with a new build order so I wasn't paying attention to my supply. I ended up supply locking myself. That's when he pushed. All the units I should have had by the time he pushed should have been there but they weren't. Instead he rolled over me and when I said GG, I screwed up and supply locked myself he was like "no that was all me." He then proceeded to talk more trash about how good he was and that I was a noob.
I wouldn't blame him on saying capping the gas was a dick move.

I honestly hold it against people who complain about the way they lost. I've been beaten a number of different ways, and while I never enjoy it, I do learn from it. What good would it have done me the first time I watched my base and army get completely destroyed by banelings to bitch and moan about such a "dick move"? If anything the loss just reaffirmed my need to scout better so I'd know not to run a bunch of zealots, stalkers and sentries into a whole mess of banelings.

Every move in the game is a dick move in the sense that you are doing everything you can to completely obliterate your opponent.
Also fun to once and awhile to bunker up right where they're natural is so they come down to expand and find 2 bunkers, a tank, and 2-3 marauders waiting. People appear to not like that move either. I like that more then bunkering directly below choke because they don't expect it. Plus on some maps it keeps me out of tank range if it's TvT yet my tanks can get them coming down the choke. ;)

I rather like this...I need to start playing with some more proxy barracks and such. The tank ramp idea is awesome as well...
Is anyone experiencing a fair amount of loser-bitching?

A friend of mine sent me this the other day.


I dunno, you tell me if there's loser-bitching out there ;)
Yeah, I've seen it a lot. In 2v2 there's a map or two where I will do an 8 rax fast reaper because it works very well and can usually destroy one of the two opponents in the first 3-4 minutes. Had a guy go "Real pro dude" and then rant about some other fair/unfair crap as I proceeded to finish him off with only 4 reapers. I then expanded into that newly opened base and we destroyed his partner about 10 minutes later.

I also do steal refineries and have gotten yelled at for that as well. My favorite with Terran is letting the refinery build about half way. Then stopping and taking the other refinery as well. Also fun to once and awhile to bunker up right where they're natural is so they come down to expand and find 2 bunkers, a tank, and 2-3 marauders waiting. People appear to not like that move either. I like that more then bunkering directly below choke because they don't expect it. Plus on some maps it keeps me out of tank range if it's TvT yet my tanks can get them coming down the choke. ;)

I've also seen the opposite where the guy that beats me trash talks. There was one random game where I was playing with a new build order so I wasn't paying attention to my supply. I ended up supply locking myself. That's when he pushed. All the units I should have had by the time he pushed should have been there but they weren't. Instead he rolled over me and when I said GG, I screwed up and supply locked myself he was like "no that was all me." He then proceeded to talk more trash about how good he was and that I was a noob.

I don't mind getting trash talked when I've lost a game, even when I've made some mistake that cost me the game. I just don't get the mentality of moaning about a loss to the person that beat you.

Edit: Oh, and I love blocking natural expansions with a couple pylons and a canon.
A friend of mine sent me this the other day.

I dunno, you tell me if there's loser-bitching out there ;)

Classic. I hope your friend pointed out that if he were turtling then the other guy should have just expanded like crazy and made a huge ass force to ruin all those Hydras. Mas Hydras are by no means an overwhelming force.
A friend of mine sent me this the other day.

<snip image>

I dunno, you tell me if there's loser-bitching out there ;)

LMAO that's awesome!

I don't mind getting trash talked when I've lost a game, even when I've made some mistake that cost me the game. I just don't get the mentality of moaning about a loss to the person that beat you.

Edit: Oh, and I love blocking natural expansions with a couple pylons and a canon.

To me trash talk is trash talk. You should still respect other players regardless of their skill level and whether you win or lose.

Personally I'd rather see more stuff like this: I was run over by a plat player in a random game last week before patch 13. He knew I was a lowly copper. He didn't gloat or say anything after crushing me. Instead every time he would come up and destroy my army he would back off and let me live a little while longer. I thanked him profusely for that. I learned a lot from that replay.
I've had that picture for days and I still laugh my ass off whenever I see it. :)

A response is needed when people go off like that. Something designed to inflict the maximum amount of agitation and rage.

I always liked the phrase - Your tears are like candy. But maybe that is too creepy.
I only see that behavior in RT custom and RT ladder. Generally the plat players I've met in 1v1 have been courteous and are more then helpful when I admit defeat
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To me trash talk is trash talk. You should still respect other players regardless of their skill level and whether you win or lose.

Personally I'd rather see more stuff like this: I was run over by a plat player in a random game last week before patch 13. He knew I was a lowly copper. He didn't gloat or say anything after crushing me. Instead every time he would come up and destroy my army he would back off and let me live a little while longer. I thanked him profusely for that. I learned a lot from that replay.

Yeah, that would be cool. Most of the players I've been badly beaten by were really cool about it, and a couple even took some time after the game to point out where I'd failed and how they'd taken advantage of that.
A response is needed when people go off like that. Something designed to inflict the maximum amount of agitation and rage.

I always liked the phrase - Your tears are like candy. But maybe that is too creepy.

The best part is, it's easy to rage these kinds of people since they are already raged at losing.

BTW, whoever posted that article on playing to win, that article is awesome. I'm really enjoying it. Referring to a player as "cheap" is a total cop-out.
A response is needed when people go off like that. Something designed to inflict the maximum amount of agitation and rage.

I always liked the phrase - Your tears are like candy. But maybe that is too creepy.

Nope, its actually very funny.

I wish you could use sprays in Starcraft 2, I'd throw down with this if I saw someone raging.

Nope, its actually very funny.

I wish you could use sprays in Starcraft 2, I'd throw down with this if I saw someone raging.


haha yeah exactly. I think this all the time when people rage on me for beating them. Especially people who think Terran is easy to play and its just all one build. Such a scrubby way to think.
haha yeah exactly. I think this all the time when people rage on me for beating them. Especially people who think Terran is easy to play and its just all one build. Such a scrubby way to think.

Anyone who thinks Terrans are easy to play is a fool. Those mother effers require tons of micro and have the most complex tech order in the game IMO.
A response is needed when people go off like that. Something designed to inflict the maximum amount of agitation and rage.

I always liked the phrase - Your tears are like candy. But maybe that is too creepy.

"QQ more nub" any good? :)
I liked this quote on TL:

"there is no such thing as an unkillable tank mass in SC2. Anyone who thinks otherwise either has never played a PvT in BW or has no idea what he is doing. "
UMS maps are now available (again), but it's still laggy as hell.
Oh you have to make light of people getting really upset and calling you names. Some guy said to me the other day "Sigh... you play like such a faggot." I exclaimed "Sweet! My favorite Protoss player is SUPER gay!" and he just left. Of course I went for a typical phoenix build, but apparently harassment is cheating. It's amazing the things people think are cheese, even cheese builds them selves are bad once you learn how to stop them and move past that level of play.


gl hf, noobz(sarcasm), but seriously I'm so god damn sick.
Damn, a lot of 2v2 cheeses going on right now. Just played a bunch of 2v2's with my friend, we're currently rank 3 diamond in our division ~200 points (was rank 2, but another team was playing at the same time and they passed us :(). We were doing fine with our early timing push strategy until literally every team started doing some sort of cheese... cannon rush, reapers, proxy gate, 6 pools, DT rush, etc.

These weren't scrubby teams either, most of them were 250-300+ point teams with very good records (so it's obviously working for them).

My friend is admittedly not actually a strong player... he fell to a cannon rush and a proxy gate right inside his base on 2 occasions. He just doesn't really know how to deal with it. He would make mistakes like forget to raise his depots when I call out 20 zerglings inc. But damn, 2v2 feels really cheesy right now.
Oh god, 3v3 and 4v4 are just as cheesy its not even funny.. haha. But still its fun because you can just have fun in 3v3 and 4v4 and do a whole whack of random stuff..
Oh you have to make light of people getting really upset and calling you names. Some guy said to me the other day "Sigh... you play like such a faggot." I exclaimed "Sweet! My favorite Protoss player is SUPER gay!" and he just left. Of course I went for a typical phoenix build, but apparently harassment is cheating. It's amazing the things people think are cheese, even cheese builds them selves are bad once you learn how to stop them and move past that level of play.


gl hf, noobz(sarcasm), but seriously I'm so god damn sick.

this is why you get a nice starcraft 2 playing laptop.
Oh god, 3v3 and 4v4 are just as cheesy its not even funny.. haha. But still its fun because you can just have fun in 3v3 and 4v4 and do a whole whack of random stuff..

I figured you'd see a lot of cheese in 3v3 and 4v4. I mean why not? One guy goes fast reaper or 6 pool and takes somebody out really fast. Sounds like a good plan to me. ;)

Had a TvZ this morning and the Zerg promptly pounded me into the ground. I haven't gone back to the replay yet but it wasn't pretty. Zerg is my hardest match up. I just can't win unless I completely turtle and slowly expand while harassing with banshees and nukes and even wins like that are few and far between.

At least I had a TvT after my ass kicking. Proceeded to bunker up in his natural so he couldn't expand. Then got a viking and slowly microed my tanks in while pumping MM.

Those two matches this morning made me realize even more that when this game hits store shelves I hope you have to go through at least 10 placement matches. This 5 placement matches shit just isn't enough.
So I made a micro jails map to play with some friends...we had 5 of us + 3 AI in a 88x60 map or something of the sort. I kept getting ruined, and it was probably the frustrating starcraft experience of my life. 3 times in a row i got terran and a middle base, and just got irrefutably pounded in the ass every match. Part of this is that my friends consider me the best player, and always seem to have that secret alliance thing going...this doesn't usually bother me as it tends to be true, and even when losing I love taking on a "FFA" of 2v1 haha. I generally lose as a result, but its fun.

However, with such a small map they just resorted to utter cheese. 1 zealot and 2 zerglings marching in as I have 2 marines, and they do enough micro to avoid attacking eachother completely until I'm out. Assuming this is just bad luck though (maybe I am crazy and overthinking it), I do feel like terran are a bit shortchanged in that small map game. They can get to me before I can block off multiple entrances when stuck with the middle base. Perhaps that is the bad luck element of it.

Even so, enough zealot harassment from one player overpowers bunkers and repair at its finest once stalkers and sentries show up. I just feel like the terran are screwed fi you cant get that factory up before cybernetics core units show up.

Queen creep makes it super easy for zerg to just attack with spine crawlers as well. 2 of those take down a 4 marine bunker no problem - they have quite the range.

I realize its just the game...but this is the first I'm upset, realizing that my love for micro jail and fast small action gameplay stuff might not be a viable thing in sc2. Maybe I just have to get better at terran in the first 3 minutes...bleh.


Sort of related - anyone playing some other cool custom maps yet?