Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

How many hours per day does it nag you? How much time do you spend drooling over the Constellation / Hornet?
Are you going to have fun dogfighting with a Freelancer?

Their schedule states August 2014 for the Squadron 42 / Singleplayer Alpha. That means Dogfighting with a Freelancer for 9 months. Do you really think you can holdout?
I doubt it.

If I were to buy another ship, I'd want a 350r, but since it's not available anymore, I'd get a 325a because the mass driver would be great and it'll be a good little ship that should have a higher speed than the Freelancer and it'd be another ship to have fun dogfighting with for until the Squadron 42 alpha is released in a year.

Just keep thinking about it. Document all the hours you spend thinking about it, and decide if peace of mind is worth spending the extra.

Now that I bought the Hornet, I don't think about it anymore. And it's great not having that decision hanging on my shoulders.

Shush you :p

You don't have to double your spending on most of your purchases because I know if I end up getting a Hornet my wife will want one as well and add getting the constellation on top of that. Although at least the Constellation would be a onetime purchase playable together.

That Hornet looks pretty badass though. Why must this game appeal so much that I am even thinking of dropping another $450 on it.
Hopefully there will be actual visible damage from what you've done, and not just pre-rendered damage to add the appearance of wear & tear. Just been in a dogfight and had your right wing beaten in by some mass drivers? Your right wing should look mauled. Took a missile directly to your belly? There should be a huge dent in your belly along with burn marks ;)

yeah they said there will be damage to your ships and you will be able to see them degrade from dmg etc. they also said parts can be blown off, all of em can be blown off*
Hopefully there will be actual visible damage from what you've done, and not just pre-rendered damage to add the appearance of wear & tear. Just been in a dogfight and had your right wing beaten in by some mass drivers? Your right wing should look mauled. Took a missile directly to your belly? There should be a huge dent in your belly along with burn marks ;)

I believe they said there would be. and since its the cry engine it will be fairly easy to implement.

i also heard that sq42 was first quarter 2014
I am kind of okay if it is later, I need to save a bit, there are a lot of upgrades I wanna make for this game. :D

No kidding. Not only is this game sucking my money into the game itself but it is going to make me upgrade two computers. Probably going to end up spending at least another 800 on that for new mobo,cpu, and gpu's. This will definitely rank as the most I have ever spent on any game before and likely ever will again.
No kidding. Not only is this game sucking my money into the game itself but it is going to make me upgrade two computers. Probably going to end up spending at least another 800 on that for new mobo,cpu, and gpu's. This will definitely rank as the most I have ever spent on any game before and likely ever will again.

Monitors and gpus for me probably... looking at like $4000 in upgrades
I am just amazed by the amount of money people have already sunk into this game which is still in development...
Im hoping the OR will be awesome so i don't have to blow tons of money on new monitors.

only 10 days left!!
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I am just amazed by the amount of money people have already sunk into this game which is still in development...

I'm not. This is what happens when someone makes a new space sim, and targets PC gamers. We have been so beatin down by consolization we were just waiting for something like this.

I'm honestly hoping that star citizen is the eye opener the gaming industry needed to realize there's lots of money to be made on proper PC games and not just console tailored shit we get lately.
I'm not. This is what happens when someone makes a new space sim, and targets PC gamers. We have been so beatin down by consolization we were just waiting for something like this.

I'm honestly hoping that star citizen is the eye opener the gaming industry needed to realize there's lots of money to be made on proper PC games and not just console tailored shit we get lately.

This. PC has been starving for a bad ass space sim forever. The fact that we are going to be able to play with other people in a persistent world is the real kicker for me.
Ben is on Chatroll answering some questions. It seems there will not be a hornet brochure/variant announcement 'til after the hangar module is released.


Did anyone notice in the gamersnexus interview that the cockpit canopy of the hornet was open and there was a ladder you could use to climb in? I'm hoping that's confirmation we can do the same for all the other ships as well.
Did anyone notice in the gamersnexus interview that the cockpit canopy of the hornet was open and there was a ladder you could use to climb in? I'm hoping that's confirmation we can do the same for all the other ships as well.

Yes, I noticed that and thought it was pretty nifty.
Did anyone notice in the gamersnexus interview that the cockpit canopy of the hornet was open and there was a ladder you could use to climb in? I'm hoping that's confirmation we can do the same for all the other ships as well.

Only for the ships with a canopy that opens would you need a ladder. I'm thinking the only other ships with open-able canopies would be the M50, P52 and maybe the Scythe. The Aurora, 300i and most of the other ships have doors and a walk in cockpit from what I have seen.

I think we'll have "getting in your ship" animations for all of them though, since CR loves that stuff.
I know that, my point was the ships being fully animated and having the ability to climb in/walk around inside them. I'm hoping to see the interior of my Constellation (and my Hornet, 315p, 325a and if it makes it into the hangar revision 1.0 my Cutlass).
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i would like to know where this came from

Final Release (estimated Q1 2015) - Full commercial release of both Squadron 42 and Star Citizen.

i have yet to see this mentioned in any of the wingmans hangers or on the forums. it was always q4 2014.
That was if they took money from the private investors CR had lined up to bridge the gap to the $20million estimated amount to complete the game. Demand and support from people pledging has been so extraordinary that they are confident in achieving the entire 20million goal without any outside investors and told them they weren't needed anymore.

From the looks of it we are well on track to achieving that goal and even breaking it. And the 2015 date is for a full retail launch(boxed copies on store shelves, e-tailers, steam, etc.) which obviously will lag behind what the people who pledged (like us) will have access to.
I know that, my point was the ships being fully animated and having the ability to climb in/walk around inside them. I'm hoping to see the interior of my Constellation (and my Hornet, 315p, 325a and if it makes it into the hangar revision 1.0 my Cutlass).

Ya they showed the guy climbing into the hornet in their promo trailer so i think its been planned for a while.
Heh~ My addled mind threw the word 'lunch box' in your post and I was suddenly unreasonably interested... :rolleyes:

But cube toys of our ships should be a given in one form or another at this point. :D

Lorien said "From the looks of it we are well on track to achieving that goal and even breaking it. And the 2015 date is for a full retail launch(boxed copies on store shelves, e-tailers, steam, etc.) which obviously will lag behind what the people who pledged (like us) will have access to. "
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Thinking I'll be pulling the trigger on monitors this weekend unless there is some kind of crazy star citizen promo... Maybe I should wait till hangar release before buying monitors...
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Haha who needs to board when you can just shoot their life support, pull up a chair, make a bowl of popcorn, kick back, and watch them asphyxiate