Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

do you have track ir? because i have no problem using it to point where i look on my screen. its very accurate for me.
Trackir should be a great way to fly this game in first person. trackir only works in first person view, if you switch to 3rd person view the regular default controls take over.
do you have track ir? because i have no problem using it to point where i look on my screen. its very accurate for me.

I don't, but none of the videos I've seen looked like it could be used for such pinpoint accurate aiming.
yeah see that hasn't been my experience at all, it goes pretty much right where i look its very accurate, and you can adjust the sensitivity to what you like.
more and more this is P2W

so don't play it if you think that's the case.

I don't think it's P2W. I think it's Pay to PLAY.

Because, really, there is no "WIN" in star citizen. The game is open world, never ending. Big powerful ships require more players to fly it.
The best weapons will not be available for purchase.
I have reason to believe that something big, related to the availability of "limited" ship variants etc... will be happening in the middle of this next/coming week. Can't risk saying any more than that I don't think, but... bolster your wallet now and don't spend too much over the holiday weekend ;)

i cashed in 1 bitcoin today so i have 136$ coming my way combined with the 110$ for my digital colonel i should have enough money floating around this week for any hornet surprises or what ever else they might do.
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17 Million~! Also, a public service announcement.

I have reason to believe that something big, related to the availability of "limited" ship variants etc... will be happening in the middle of this next/coming week. Can't risk saying any more than that I don't think, but... bolster your wallet now and don't spend too much over the holiday weekend ;)

Well, making some ships available again would certainly piss a lot of backers off.

I don't know if I would be willing to pledge for more ships at this point.
so don't play it if you think that's the case.

I don't think it's P2W. I think it's Pay to PLAY.

Because, really, there is no "WIN" in star citizen.

Most people when they say P2W they don't literally mean "win" they mean using RL cash in order to gain an in game advantage. The fact that there is no "win" isn't really relevant to the discussion.

The best weapons will not be available for purchase.

They'll probably be available for purchase, just from other players, not from the "company store". So the question here is, can you buy enough credits with RL cash to also buy the best of the best from other PCs. If they limit it to 25,000 creds a day bought with RL cash, and you can earn 25,000 creds with an hour or two of play time, then those actually playing the game will likely have the best weapons. If they don't limit the amount of credit purchases, or it takes 12 hours to earn 25,000 creds, the people whipping out their credit cards are going to have the best gear.

Scenario 1: They limit cred purchases to 25,000 a day, and it takes a decent player 2 hours or so to earn 25,000 creds.

Result: People that don't have as much time to play, but have enough RL cash, can do what they want to do in game without feeling like they have to devote most or all of their in game playtime to just making money in order to buy fuel/pay for insurance and maintenance/buy some minor upgrades/etc. The people actually playing the game are still going to be at an advantage, they are that ones that will be able to afford to buy boss loot drops from other PCs, grab the choice production nodes, build their empire, etc. The RL cash doesn't provide a significant advantage, it just keeps people from being left further in the dust (or gives you a slight edge, if you're playing all the time AND hitting your credit card every day).

Scenario 2: There is no limit, or 25,000 credits is a large sum of money, not earnable by someone playing 6-8 hours a day.

Result: The people with the best gear, the people/guilds that own the best production nodes, the people dominating the economy, are all going to be the people spending significant amounts of RL cash.

Scenario 1 is fine by me. Scenario 2 is not.
Awesome.. glad I'm waiting .... Lorien be prepared to get a message from me about a hornet when that brochure comes out :D
I noticed that the lights were turned on in the p52 bay so you can kinda see it a little better than before.
I may have to wait until a later date. Every day I try it wants to download another 1gb of data then just ends up in a black screen when I go to launch it. Ah well, pre-alpha is pre-alpha :D

Edit: Figured it wasn't applying data correctly, so ran it as Administrator and all solvered.
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I'm very tempted to melt my 325A in favour of a Freelancer.

The 325A was bought as a package and has LTI on it (bought it just before the end of when they were offering LTI), if I melt it and buy Freelancer, will the Freelancer come with LTI?

Also have an M50, but that was just bought separately as an individual ship, not as a package.
What level of backer are you? Original or Veteran? If you are either of those you can melt and upgrade the package and LTI will be automatically applied.
I'm very tempted to melt my 325A in favour of a Freelancer.

The 325A was bought as a package and has LTI on it (bought it just before the end of when they were offering LTI), if I melt it and buy Freelancer, will the Freelancer come with LTI?

Also have an M50, but that was just bought separately as an individual ship, not as a package.

hover your mouse over the MY RSI button on the RSI site, it your subscriber status is veteran or original, then yes, every thing that in the store will have lti through November.

if you ordered the a ship before the lti sale ended then you should have veteran backer status.
hover your mouse over the MY RSI button on the RSI site, it your subscriber status is veteran or original, then yes, every thing that in the store will have lti through November.

if you ordered the a ship before the lti sale ended then you should have veteran backer status.

It says veteran, but I got veteran status with the 325A package, so if I melt that package that got me veteran status, will I keep the veteran status?
It says veteran, but I got veteran status with the 325A package, so if I melt that package that got me veteran status, will I keep the veteran status?

Shouldn't lose it. It's been done many times. You should be good.
It says veteran, but I got veteran status with the 325A package, so if I melt that package that got me veteran status, will I keep the veteran status?

You will not lose your status. i I did the same thing a while ago and was fine.
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Haha well watch out if you try to ride your buggy up a elevator. i fell through the bottom of it half way up, and when it came down it pushed me and the buggy through the floor.
Confession time. How many of you have just sat in the cockpit of your favorite ship just staring out the window?

New stretch goal announced and go vote for your choice of proposed fix to the VD store. Everyone is getting an extra free 5k credits, prices are likely to be halved and volatile TEST UEC credits that reset daily will be implemented.

$19 million

Know your foe with a Jane’s Fighting Ships style manual free in PDF form to all pledgers.
Manage Space Stations – Players will compete to own and operate a limited number of space stations across the galaxy.
RSI Museum will air monthly, with a new game featured each time!
people say that, but to me, hangar accessories don't help with winning

doesnt it feel....EA-ish that everything, every single thing has a price attached to it.

I have rear admiral, and the more I wait, the more I see features, and the more things get a cost associated with it.
Im stoked for the game, but it just feels like CR is walking around with a pricing gun putting tags on every single thing.

Someone mentioned we have to fork up like $20 to get this buggy we were all told we would get with our business and deluxe hangers? this is going to be micro-transaction madness
Read the link I posted above, they are fixing it. They actually didn't need us to test anything from the store, it was their way to share content that was already finished and would've had to wait until it was implemented in-game in the dogfighting module down the road. You will be able to earn credits there by completing missions/multiplayer matches, etc already. But they do admit pricing was off so they are asking everyone to vote for a solution.
Stretch goals add stuff to existing release dates, they do not push it back.
P.S: Check your Billing and Subscription tab, everyone should already have those extra 5k credits
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Stretch goals add stuff to existing release dates, they do not push it back.
P.S: Check your Billing and Subscription tab, everyone should already have those extra 5k credits

I have no credits listed to me whatsoever, is that because I haven't spent a penny directly with them, instead buying my package through another user?
I am shocked really of how much money they are bringing in at this point.They just pushed passed 17mil and are already 250k into the next stretch goal.
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I have no credits listed to me whatsoever, is that because I haven't spent a penny directly with them, instead buying my package through another user?
Yeah, you told me you already had a Digital scout package. If you acquired that package by sending the full cash amount to someone to buy for you, your account did not become tagged as a backer and because of that you lose out on all gifts and perks backers are given (like those free credits) and also when the game reaches further funding goals.

That's also the reason why I tell people to at least buy a $5 skin so that their accounts are tagged as backers. They can then gift that skin to be melted for store credit and applied to whatever package they wish to buy.

Another option is to buy a bunch of skins worth the exact price an original backer would pay for a package. The OB melts them all and buys the package with the credits and the person they are helping ends up not having to spend a dime more than they need to.
I just voted D, and am rather surprised at how many other people voted for D as well. Its good to see the community can be reasoned with. Hats of to CR for that post

Edit: nice just noticed that lorien. I hope they sort out the crossbow debacle soon so i can see it in my hanger.