Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

Okay, thank you for the info guys. Ill try to do more research before I ask. Ha. I suppose this is going to be a monster file size upon full game release...
Okay, thank you for the info guys. Ill try to do more research before I ask. Ha. I suppose this is going to be a monster file size upon full game release...

Hey man it's cool. There is a metric fuck ton of info out there and at the same time not. :) I am hoping that this game is as awesome as CR is making it out and I am confident enough in his track record to throw a chunk of my own cash at it to make it happen. Who knows, could be a disaster of epic proportions (I personally do not think it will happen that way) and we will all be weeping bitter tears of anguish in the end. I am fully prepared to lose all my cash to this grand experiment. :D
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alpha is august 24th 2013, so in 24 days.

Hangar Module is the first alpha, with it getting patched and updated and the dogfight module being added to the hangar, and then more modules added ect over time

we will be getting the patcher program similer to what wow and other mmo's use on the 24th.

the Hangar module will be the base for everything from this point on until the games release.

so we will get updates to the hangar module to add more of the pledge ships and more functionality, until the Dogfight phase where you can climb into your cockpit and VR screens will come up for the dogfight alpha, and then once the land base module is done they will push that out and a door on the hangar will lead to that area to test ect.

Is there any information on the dogfight phase alpha? I'm curious if we will get to fly the ships we bought or will we have access to maybe the hornet or a few to choose from. THAT will be interesting.. Whether or not the dogfight will be like a multiplayer DM/TDM or just a kind of free for all in a space area that is instanced.

I'm assuming none of this will effect your account or permanence until launch.. It would be cool to be able to earn a few credits off dogfights though.
Hey man it's cool. There is a metric fuck ton of info out there and at the same time not. :) I am hoping that this game is as awesome as CR is making it out and I am confident enough in his track record to throw a chunk of my own cash at it to make it happen. Who knows, could be a disaster of epic proportions (I personally do not think it will happen that way) and we will all be weeping bitter tears of anguish in the end. I am fully prepared to loose all my cash to this grand experiment. :D

ya i consider the money i put into SC gone. i am pledging my money because i believe what CR is trying to pull off is a worth cause. so even if it falls flat on its face. i believe my money is well spent.
Is there any information on the dogfight phase alpha? I'm curious if we will get to fly the ships we bought or will we have access to maybe the hornet or a few to choose from. THAT will be interesting.. Whether or not the dogfight will be like a multiplayer DM/TDM or just a kind of free for all in a space area that is instanced.

I'm assuming none of this will effect your account or permanence until launch.. It would be cool to be able to earn a few credits off dogfights though.

same as the hangar. you'll have access to the ones you bought. as far as anything other than that nothing has been mentioned but i doubt it.
pretty sure that like the hangar launch only the first 5 ships are planned for the first dogfight phase, so aurora, 300i, freelancer, hornet, constellation.

im sure the first things that will be included are the variants for those 5 ships too if they arnt already in the first release of the module before other ships. other than that we have no timeline on other pledge ships.
...but for the same reason i dont want to see the moment when we are heading for a collision, and the navigator running in one place becouse he dc'd

This made me think of a funny illustration someone did years ago when I played the Desert Combat mod for BF1942, when the AC-130 had the rear cargo door ramp that had to be manually opened by the one position. It showed the plane going down in flames as the entire crew ran around inside, unable to escape, then it showed the guy manning the door was AFK and making himself a sandwich. :D Wish I could find it...
pretty sure that like the hangar launch only the first 5 ships are planned for the first dogfight phase, so aurora, 300i, freelancer, hornet, constellation.

im sure the first things that will be included are the variants for those 5 ships too if they arnt already in the first release of the module before other ships. other than that we have no timeline on other pledge ships.

That would suck if the variants like the 325a weren't available right away in the hangar/dogfight alpha.. lol

I guess that would be their way of making me pledge for a hornet/constellation :p
pretty sure that like the hangar launch only the first 5 ships are planned for the first dogfight phase, so aurora, 300i, freelancer, hornet, constellation.

im sure the first things that will be included are the variants for those 5 ships too if they arnt already in the first release of the module before other ships. other than that we have no timeline on other pledge ships.

i think the variants will be in the alpha well at least the variants that don't have body changes. like the 350
im expecting the 300i series and possibly the hornet variants to show up in the hangar at launch but the freelancer and connie variants most likely wont make it in the first iteration of the hangar unless they manage to get them all announced before the 24th which i dont think is happening
They'd better freaking have my Freelancer available at the hangar module release.
I'd expect they should have all the ships currently available for pledging in the first release of the hangar. It doesn't make sense to have a bunch of PR and only release 3-4 basic ships, excluding the Hornet, Freelancer and Connie.
All 5 initial pledge ships will be there when the hangar module releases, Aurora, Hornet, 300i, Constellation and Freelancer. What may not make it are the ships that were released/announced later. This was mentioned by CR himself during the latest livestream.
Freelancer is confirmed for the V1 Hangar module, all of the pledge ships outside the first 5 initial none of the other ships except maybe the Vanduul Scythe are even close to being Hangar ready.

they haven't finished the Avenger model yet and it cant be in the hangar until its done, we havnt even seen much if any concept art for most of the others let alone them being in a model state even remotely close to being Hangar ready.

(we dont know if when they said first 5 if that will include their variants but i would assume if variants arnt in at V1 they would be in shortly after)

after we have the the first 5 in the hangar, and then after all their variants are in the hangar i would expect to see the Avenger as the next ship in the hangar, followed by the Scythe, m50, cutlass, caterpillar, starfarer, retaliator, gladiator, Idris will be last i would assume the order they will do them is unknown
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Joined the steam group as malibutomi.
Im mostly interested in trading, and exploration, but who knows, maybe ill become a pirate one day :)
I'm trying not to get carried away but I have already ordered a CH Fighterstick just for this game (well, I might try X-Plane for the heck of it for the time being).
I have become adept at deceiving myself. which makes justifying purchases much easier. its a good skill to learn.
I purchased the physical map. Framed maps are always cool. Wonder when they will send them out?
I'm trying not to get carried away but I have already ordered a CH Fighterstick just for this game (well, I might try X-Plane for the heck of it for the time being).

I will probably get an x-52 hotas, and its pretty hard to resist to order a trackir5 as well....
I am waiting on the joystick, no sense in getting it now. im going to try a 360 controller and kb/m before buying one though
I feel like the track ir would really show it's advantage with an Eyefinity/Surround setup, otherwise it seems limited to me with a single screen. You can only look so far left/right with a single screen, but with three monitors you can actually look left or right.

I wish someone had one that I could use in person!
what the deuce is all this hangar module talk?

august 24th the alpha comes out, you can run around a hangar... see your ship and mod it. I believe you can sit in it as well but I cant remember for sure. cant fly it though
I feel like the track ir would really show it's advantage with an Eyefinity/Surround setup, otherwise it seems limited to me with a single screen. You can only look so far left/right with a single screen, but with three monitors you can actually look left or right.

I wish someone had one that I could use in person!

I am investing in new monitors before the whole game comes out. 3x30" in portrait here we come!
I feel like the track ir would really show it's advantage with an Eyefinity/Surround setup, otherwise it seems limited to me with a single screen. You can only look so far left/right with a single screen, but with three monitors you can actually look left or right.

I wish someone had one that I could use in person!

Nah, you can calibrate it, for instance 10 degrees of your head turning to cause 90 degrees in the game. You can set it up for your liking...
Even with a single screen its a mayor advantage over the pov switch users
oh crazy, that's pretty soon!

Yes it is ! there will enough to hold us over till the star citizen beta at the end of next year.

right now the road map is

Hangar Module Aug 24th
Dogfighting Module December
Squadron 42 (Singleplayer Campaign) Early 2014 CR said March - April
Star citizen beta Q4 2014
Star citizen release in Q1 2015
EMP weapons confirmed, also they just confirmed every ship is going to be available in the hangar EXCEPT the cutlass.
EMP weapons confirmed, also they just confirmed every ship is going to be available in the hangar EXCEPT the cutlass.

not exactly they said that every pledge ship that comes in a package will be in the hanger release.

they also said that work on the asteroid hanger has already started.

from what wingman said i am expecting a brochure to come out in the next week. hopefully this weekend.c
not exactly they said that every pledge ship that comes in a package will be in the hanger release.

they also said that work on the asteroid hanger has already started.

from what wingman said i am expecting a brochure to come out in the next week. hopefully this weekend.c

What ships were add on only?
The ships that are in the hanger will be


add on only ( not in first hanger release)

Even though the cutlass is in a package of sorts it won't be in the first hanger release.
Yes it is ! there will enough to hold us over till the star citizen beta at the end of next year.

right now the road map is

Hangar Module Aug 24th
Dogfighting Module December
Squadron 42 (Singleplayer Campaign) Early 2014 CR said March - April
Star citizen beta Q4 2014
Star citizen release in Q1 2015

Thats good, by the 2015 we should get Maxwell type cards and possibly Broadwell, so there will be finally reason to upgrade.... Maybe even 1440p will become standard and with introducing 4k screens, the price of standard monitors will drop.

I see major update to my PC, just for Star Citizen in 2 years :)