Stablebit scanner or HD Sentinel?

never heard of it.
does not appear so. but googling could have told you that too, you should learn how to use it.
I do use both. I use hdd sentinel to monitor hdds/ssds. Also use it to burn in hdds cause i dont want to learn bad blocks. Scanner i use on windows arrays to scan weekly/monthly. I dont mind paying for both. Obviously both are windows based
I got StableBit Scanner as I was looking to get StableBit Drivepool. I use Drivepool on my HTPC, pooling eight 4TB drives into 1 drive letter. Allows me to also replicate certain folders across drive. Not quite RAID replacement or replacement for a good backup, but useful for Kodi/Plex library management etc.

I have lost 2 TB drives before, and StableBit Scanner started showing lost sectors. Didnt help as I lost 4 in a few days, not enough time to save some media. No big loss, some work. It was probably a bad PSU.

Never used HD Sentinel. Will look into it.