SS2 on GOG

Does this GoG version already use the NewDark engine?

Thats not a new engine, that video was uploaded after the ninja patch was released and its just showing it off. (Widescreen, 1080p, 32bit color)

So to answer your question, yes, the GOG version is 2.4, which was the last version of the ninja patch. You may still want to load the mods to make it look even better.
Thats not a new engine, that video was uploaded after the ninja patch was released and its just showing it off. (Widescreen, 1080p, 32bit color)

So to answer your question, yes, the GOG version is 2.4, which was the last version of the ninja patch. You may still want to load the mods to make it look even better.

How critical is load order on mods?
How critical is load order on mods?

Well, you can't mess up the game if you are using the mod manager, but from my experience it's better to load the bug fixing mods before any texture/model mod. Depending on the order you activate the mods in the manager, you might see more/less conflicts. You kinda have to play with it.

As for the cfg question, maybe cam_ext.cfg file?
That was the main file to edit when 2.4 came out. Ah, here is that old post:
Well, you can't mess up the game if you are using the mod manager, but from my experience it's better to load the bug fixing mods before any texture/model mod. Depending on the order you activate the mods in the manager, you might see more/less conflicts. You kinda have to play with it.

As for the cfg question, maybe cam_ext.cfg file?
That was the main file to edit when 2.4 came out. Ah, here is that old post:

So we've got all that right now with this GOG version. Do I even need to mess with that file?
IMO SS1 > SS2... but I'm probably biased being that SS1 was the first of the two that I played so I have that fuzzy nostalgia thing going on. Looking at it now I'm like o_O

When I played SS2, it was years after it was released and it all just felt very much the same as the first game, just with better/different graphics and some extra weapons/skills. What I thought SS1 did better was making you feel as though the ship is consuming you. This was probably due to how cramped the environments were. Also, there was these very organic levels in SS1 that I don't seem to remember being in the sequel.

Either way, great games, and it's cool to see them getting attention still. Hope people enjoy them even after all this time.
So we've got all that right now with this GOG version. Do I even need to mess with that file?

Only if you want to.
There's a few GUI things you can edit, change the scaling of the menu's and such, but other than that, the 2.4 patch is what brought the game into the modern world. Moding, at this point, is only needed to enhance the graphics. Pretty much all bugs have been squashed. That said, I'm on 2.4 and I still load bug fixing mods. That's more of a preference of minor things they changed, it doesn't conflict and works just fine with the new version.

If you are interested in what was fixed/upgraded (an incredible programming feat I must add) from the final official patch 2.23(?), look here:
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I've seen that you can do co-op in this game... is it worth it on a first playthrough?

Not really. The co-op was added after the game came out so it is not really balanced for multiple people. It takes away from you being alone on a spooky ass spaceship.
Yeah, I wouldn't on the first play through.
The nanite scramble that happens in co-op makes the game incredibly difficult. But also, what he said.

SS2 is a game that is fundamentally about being ALONE. The sights and sounds of SS2 are all designed to instill in the player a dread sense of isolation and desperation. Be aware that by playing co-op, you directly undermine that authorial intent. The only reason SS2 even has a multiplayer mode is because the publisher demanded it.
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I looked at some YouTube videos and I think I also prefer the SHTUP mod over Rebirth...I think I'll use that exclusively

This is how I do it. I use SHTUP. I'll even add some of the newer gun model mods, water mods, etc. However, something about the Rebirth models kind of kills some of the original atmosphere. I highly recommend playing without Rebirth, but WITH SHTUP and some of the other more environmental graphic mods.
Only if you want to.
There's a few GUI things you can edit, change the scaling of the menu's and such, but other than that, the 2.4 patch is what brought the game into the modern world.

I need to do this. The menus and fonts are a bit small for me. I'm 16x10 1920x1200 and wouldn't mind a little help on that end. How do I do it if that's an option?

Moding, at this point, is only needed to enhance the graphics. Pretty much all bugs have been squashed. That said, I'm on 2.4 and I still load bug fixing mods. That's more of a preference of minor things they changed, it doesn't conflict and works just fine with the new version.

If you are interested in what was fixed/upgraded (an incredible programming feat I must add) from the final official patch 2.23(?), look here:

Damn. What a labor of love.

I highly recommend playing without Rebirth, but WITH SHTUP and some of the other more environmental graphic mods.

SHTUP and Four hundred? Any others you recommend?
Is the GoG version 'mod ready' as described on the modding forums?

Yes it is, you can stick the mod manager inside and merge all your mods right after installing it. The Strangebedfellows forums suggest running SS2Tool after installing, but I didn't bother because everything appeared to be updated properly out of the box.
Yes it is, you can stick the mod manager inside and merge all your mods right after installing it. The Strangebedfellows forums suggest running SS2Tool after installing, but I didn't bother because everything appeared to be updated properly out of the box.

sexy. thanks!
Try loading them in different order, it may work.
I know ADaoB 2.8 works with Rebirth 2, but I have not tried 3.0 yet.

Where can i find ADaoB 2.8? I want the Tacticool pistol that's compatible.

Also, is load order determined by the order you turn them on?

Here's my list so far, haven't ventured to turn anything on yet because my list is so big... i don't know where to start lol
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Where can i find ADaoB 2.8? I want the Tacticool pistol that's compatible.

Also, is load order determined by the order you turn them on?

Here's my list so far, haven't ventured to turn anything on yet because my list is so big... i don't know where to start lol

I'm running all of those same mods except all the vurt ones.
^^ sweet, thanks!

So I went for it and just started Activating mods. ADoB seems to conflict with SHTUP Beta 6, among other things. Is there a place to get older versions of these mods which would be compatible?
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They waited until I had grey hairs to do this!

Haha. But atleast they did it!

WARNING : Playing this game will give you a deep hatred for the bioshock series.

I <3 this game more than Bioshock, but I don't hate Bioshock after playing SS2. It's one of the closest things to it in terms of gameplay, even if it lost a lot (all) of the horror aspect in the process.

Bioshock is a great game. SS2 is legendary.
When the mod manager says some things are "incompatible" it just means that both mods try to replace the same files. In the case of ADaoB and SHTUP, I believe they both change the textures for computer monitors to be high res. In other words just hit "override" when the mod manager throws you a warning.

The order in which you turn them on DOES matter, but in the case of those two mods it probably isn't noticable either way.
Load Rebirth 02, first.
Then ADaoB.
2.8 has no conflicts, I still have not tried 3.0 yet though. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a link for any older versions...
When the mod manager says some things are "incompatible" it just means that both mods try to replace the same files. In the case of ADaoB and SHTUP, I believe they both change the textures for computer monitors to be high res. In other words just hit "override" when the mod manager throws you a warning.

The order in which you turn them on DOES matter, but in the case of those two mods it probably isn't noticable either way.
Thanks for confirming this. I wasn't sure if it would cause problems, so i did not proceed.
Load Rebirth 02, first.
Then ADaoB.
2.8 has no conflicts, I still have not tried 3.0 yet though. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a link for any older versions...

Thanks for checking. I also searched around a bit but came up empty-handed.

If anyone still has their ADaoB v2.8 and can upload it, that'd be awesome.
If you can PM me a link for upload, that would be best.
I don't want to sign up for any service for a single upload.
So have any of you guys got UI scaling to work? the sort talked about here:

I tried to get it working but to no avail. It'd always crash around the robot guy who tells you about beginners and advanced training.

Trying to figure out why, I came across this site: which mentioned that the GoG version didn't have the right SS2Tool. So i grabbed the updated version of SS2Tool (made to be compatible with the GoG release). This caused problems (i'm guessing because i already had mods installed). So i'm going to start with a fresh install today. But hopefully someone else has been through this and can offer advice.

edit: this seems most up to date resource:

^^ Confirmed. I followed all that nonsense to the letter, from load order, to the SS2Tool 5.0, didn't use mod manager, now all the newdark cam_ext.cfg tweaks work without crashing the game.
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Never played SS2, but I just downloaded it from GOG to have it be my Saturday *bring my laptop to work* game.

Is there much of a learning curve to this game? Or can you just jump right in paying it a half-mind?
·PitBuLL·;1039665006 said:
Never played SS2, but I just downloaded it from GOG to have it be my Saturday *bring my laptop to work* game.

Is there much of a learning curve to this game? Or can you just jump right in paying it a half-mind?

I'd say there is a learning curve to it but if you've played something like thief or dues ex then you'll be ok. It isn't a run-n-gun game by any means and can be quite confusing and frustrating the first time you play until you understand what works and what doesn't. It is also sorta slow at first until you get through the engineering deck.


It is a fantastic game, great atmosphere, sound, environments, etc. Very memorable.
Even playing soldier class isn't simple. Psy-ops is definitely more challenging. I think my fav was mix tech/psy.