Soyo 24" LCD at Office Max $299

Today I went to officemax to look at them and I didn't like how it looked . Maybe it was because it was playing a movie but I didn't like how it looked compared to the other ones around it .
Today I went to officemax to look at them and I didn't like how it looked . Maybe it was because it was playing a movie but I didn't like how it looked compared to the other ones around it .

Stores do not know how to properly set up monitors/TVs.
Don't forget to bring the flashlight and a warm coat... if you're waiting 6.5 hours for the store to open, it'll be dark and cold.

Haha I'm a New Hampshire native so the cold is no stranger. ;)

Damn, there's no way I'd wait 6+ hours in the cold for a $50 savings. I hope they have a lot. I plan to roll in around noon.

I'm a midshipman at the Naval Academy - I'll take any savings I can get! :)
what is a good lcd mount for this? i need just one that will hold one monitor. i am thinking of getting 2 at 250 to mount on either side of my westy 37 on my ikea jerker (shelf kind)
Dang....Office Max said they were still going to sell any left they had in stock for Black Friday, but I'm still weighing my options over whether or not I should "risk" getting one. The employee said that they've had a good amount come back for exchanges...I'm not sure.

I think I'll still go and have them try it in-store, and if it looks good then I'll go for it. For those that had no problems, I've read [almost] nothing but raving reviews.
Dang....Office Max said they were still going to sell any left they had in stock for Black Friday, but I'm still weighing my options over whether or not I should "risk" getting one. The employee said that they've had a good amount come back for exchanges...I'm not sure.

I think I'll still go and have them try it in-store, and if it looks good then I'll go for it. For those that had no problems, I've read [almost] nothing but raving reviews.

I believe you have 14 days for a complete return if you are unhappy with it.
Stopped by the local Office Max after dinner to see if they had any. Still listed at $399 and they said they're opening an hour early, at 7AM, on BF.
anyone else get in on this? Picked one up from officemax today. only waited 30min prior to opening and was ~25th in line. Had about 5-7 stacked up front. No problem getting one. Rest of the drones went for some camera/printer deal.

It's nice. 1900x1200 buys a lot of screen space. Has great view angles, even compared to my 19" CRT. Mount is difficult to work with. Not sure if it even rotates upward so it's angled slightly down right now. Tested it w/ a little HL2 at non-native resolution and didn't notice any ghosting. No dead pixels.

Obviously the big drawbacks are lack of 1080p and no hdmi inputs, but as a monitor, it seems to shine. It does get pretty warm but i'm not sure what difference that makes.
I got one. I didn't go early in the morning though. I figured if it was meant to be there would be some left later in the day. I swung by BB at about 7pm to pick up Orange Box for $25 and since Office Max is in the same plaza I would check it out. They had 3 sitting on the shelf. Picked it up, went to the counter and paid. My entire trip including picking up something to eat took about 30 minutes. Best Black Friday experience I can remember. Oh yeah, the screen looks great, a deal for $250.
I hope this deal (or similar) is around when I get my income tax return.

Picked up 3 today. OM didn't run a BF ad here, but the manager at the first store I went to price matched like it ain't no thing. They only had 3 there, so I left one for the other guy who was there for it. Stopped by another one on the way home later and picked up another 1 by showing them my receipt from the other store. Booyah.
Picked up 3 today. OM didn't run a BF ad here, but the manager at the first store I went to price matched like it ain't no thing. They only had 3 there, so I left one for the other guy who was there for it. Stopped by another one on the way home later and picked up another 1 by showing them my receipt from the other store. Booyah.

3? LOL

i wanted 2 but couldn't afford 2. oh well. i bought some headphones, which i needed more (since i have a 37 westy ;)) :D
I got one. I didn't go early in the morning though. I figured if it was meant to be there would be some left later in the day. I swung by BB at about 7pm to pick up Orange Box for $25 and since Office Max is in the same plaza I would check it out. They had 3 sitting on the shelf. Picked it up, went to the counter and paid. My entire trip including picking up something to eat took about 30 minutes. Best Black Friday experience I can remember. Oh yeah, the screen looks great, a deal for $250.

Not the same at my Office Max. Got there at 7:30am and all the Soyo monitors were already gone. The only things I got was a sansa e250 MP3 player and a 8GB cruzer flash drive cheap.
WOW, apparently I got lucky!
I went into officemax simply because I needed some blank cds. I went by the monitors and saw the SOYO for $250. I was like wtf is this price right? Needless to say I looked and they had one left. I am now posting from it. I can't believe the price I got it for! I had no idea they were even going to have this deal. I'm gonna sell my 20inch to pay for this one. WHOO HOO. :D $249!!!
WOW, apparently I got lucky!

Kinda like Charlie finding the golden ticket? :p That must have been a leftover from the BF stampede and you happened to hit an OM that actually had one left. I bought one @ $299 a couple of weeks ago, since my nearest OMax is about 50 miles away and I don't do Black Fridays. Got the last one they had in stock - good monitor.
I picked up 2 of these and the screens are amazing. The stand on the other hand is complete and utter garbage. Both of mine tilt forward about 5 degrees, and since the monitor sits so low on the sand, I feel like I am hunching over to look at them properly.

Does anyone know of a good replacement stand that is adjustible like on a dell? I have been really spolied by the dell stands, and I want something similar for this monitor. I am not looking for a wall or desk mount.
Heh I thought the screen was too high for my desk. BTW do you have some good settings for the brightness and what not? I'm having some trouble getting the best picture since I'm using that high light full option.
Heh I thought the screen was too high for my desk. BTW do you have some good settings for the brightness and what not? I'm having some trouble getting the best picture since I'm using that high light full option.

I have mine set like this: Brightness - 30, Color Temp - 6500

Looks pretty damn good, can't really tell a difference from the higher quality panel in my Dell 2005fpw. I got to these settings by running the Nvidia monitor adjustment wizard.
I also got lucky in that I went Friday afternoon (around 4PM) and they had 3 left in the back. I decided to pick one up even tho I have a 22" SAMSUNG coming from Best Buy. Office Max, like Best Buy has a 14 day return policy that is full refund, no restocking fee. I'm coming from a 19" Viewsonic, so this thing is huge compared to it. I got a July, 2007 model for those that are curious. I hooked it up and immediately looked for imperfections such as dead/stuck pixel and back light issues. Back light was uniform, but I did have one red stuck pixel at the very bottom where the power button is, but you have to lean down and really look for it to be noticeable. Once I was satisfied with that, I played around with the color settings and found a nice balance (out of the box was really bright). I have to say that this LCD is really nice for the price and from what I've been reading it has a true 8bit color panel instead of a 6bit like most LCD is this price range. Playing WoW on this was pure joy, almost felt like I was in the game, the screen is so huge. The colors are noticeably better than my Viewsonic. Overall it was a sweet first impression...

Move forward five hours and my new larger than life LCD developed a pencil like line from left to right in the middle of the screen. Move forward to this morning and a second line has developed just under that first line stretching from left to right as well. The funny thing is that in Office Max, the floor display model also has this same line, one going vertical and another horizontal. I am really disappointed, because I was really considering keeping this one and returning the Samsung. I still have the Soyo and I'm on the fence on whether to get a full refund right away or try another panel and cross my fingers, and hope for the best. I may just hold off and see how the Samsung stacks up to this display and make my choice from there.

I would advise anyone who bought this panel to get the Office Max service warranty for that extra sense of security. I think the 1 year warranty is like $29. It's well worth it in my opinion. It can save you a lot of aggravation if the display starts acting up after your return window is closed.

I'll add my story to the official Soyo thread in the display section along with pictures before I return it. Soyo 24" Official Thread
Picked one up as soon as I got back in town on BF. Mines got a Manu. date of Sept., no dead or stuck pixels. I do; however, notice the heat problem everyone is worried about. The thing does get hot, so I will update on it, after I've used it for at least a month, in the official SOYO 24 thread.
This deal just keeps on going and going. While looking at the Office Max add today saw that it was back at $300.00. I was able to pick one of these up the Saturday after black Friday. It has been the best upgrade to my gaming rig since the 3DFX Monster Voodoo 8 meg card. This is large step up from my Acer 22" TN panel. Much brighter colors and larger. Will be putting my Acer up for sale in about another month. The post of a few who have had problems with this monitor have scared me into almost not buying and have me not selling my 22" for a few months. Over all I am very happy with this monitor and am kind of sad that I let a few posters almost change my mind about buying it. Kind of wounder about the poster who has had three of these. Man that was bad luck.
On the subject of heat....

I remember, a long time ago, seeing small fan setups meant to sit on top of old CRTs, to vent some of the heat. I haven't seen them in a while, but something like that should work well.

I got one on BF and its been awesome. I'm thinking of getting one for my work.
I already have one as my TV in my apartment. Amazing for $299! I am on the phone getting one on hold for me tonight.
OK if there isn't an OfficeMax near you call 1-866-466-2927 and give them item # 21361009

They will quote $399, tell them it's on sale for $299. It will be shipped from Washington and the shipping is free.
i got mine on black friday and still going strong. did u get the extended warranty? ;)

Nope . I had seriously thought about it , either the OM or Squaretrade ; however Ive not done either one . Not sure why i did not and maybe I should have ; but by next year I'll go for a 28" or larger anyway .

So far Ive run this thing pretty hard since day-one . Ive had this monitor going almost 8/10/12 hrs a day (I leave my pc run during waking hrs) and the monitor is surge protected on a nice APC/UPS back-up , so far without a hickup . Ive also never turned this unit completly off since ive had it ; meaning Ive never turned it off with the "off" button (computer's off ,but you still see the little red lights) . Iam also not using the the original DVI cable that came with it , as I already had an extra , a nice fat one that I grabbed from Newegg years ago . Maybe with the fatter cable and it surge protected may be a big part of why ive had zero problems (something to think about) . With most pc hardware , if its made it this far with no problems i should be ok down the road .
I already have one as my TV in my apartment. Amazing for $299! I am on the phone getting one on hold for me tonight.

Just out of curiosity, how are you using as a tv? You arent hooking it up to a tv cable box right? Just off like a tv tuner card?
Just out of curiosity, how are you using as a tv? You arent hooking it up to a tv cable box right? Just off like a tv tuner card?

I download TV shows and movies, then use Vista MCE to play it all back. It's really nice when you have a smaller apartment like mine.
I download TV shows and movies, then use Vista MCE to play it all back. It's really nice when you have a smaller apartment like mine.

Ok, just wanted to verify...I wasnt sure if you used any kind of adapter like an HDMI to DVI adapter to hook it up to a cable box and actually use it as a regular LCD TV.

If so, I was going to find out how you did it, and go get another one. :D
Figured I'd add my experience:

I jumped on this deal the first time it was available (July/August?). I was extremely happy with the monitor at first. The colors and viewing angle seemed fantastic for the price. I had upgraded from a 19" dell LCD.

It wouldn't last, however. About 10 days in, I noticed a faint black line about 1/3rd from the top of the screen. I hoped it was temporary, and turned the monitor off for a while. Within a couple of hours, when I turned it back on, the line was double-width. Seemed like 2 or 3 lines of dead pixels all the way across the screen. Luckily I was within Office Max's 15-day return threshold and was able to return it without issue.

I ended up spending (significantly) more on the LG 246WP-BN. Unfortunately, I had to RMA this one as well (would not power on after about a month). I am happy with my replacement, however.

I would have loved the Soyo if it lasted. Others seem to have had much better luck. Perhaps I was unlucky.
Gave the LG a second chance but not a Soyo? ;)

Once you get a good Soyo you don't regret it...
ok so i hear this thing can't do 1080 on 360, which isn't good, but how bad does 1280x768 look? i'm going to go home and try it out, cuz frankly i can't afford to spend the money on a fancy monitor that costs a lot more.

anyhow, even if its not a great fit i'm planning on keeping it. i need a replacement for my 19in crt.