Soyo 24" LCD at Office Max $299

i wasn't able to find an "add to cart" link on the site, but i was able to walk into my local B&M OM and pick on up. woot.
Gave the LG a second chance but not a Soyo? ;)

Once you get a good Soyo you don't regret it...

Mostly my decision was based on the return period time-frame. Dealing with an RMA is a hassle.

If I could have returned the LG, I likely would have as well. I am happy it worked out for the best, however.
Just for what it's worth, I ended up returning mine - it wasn't a big enough improvement in size over my 22" CRT @ 1600x1200. It also really bugged me that at 1900x1200 I couldn't open up 2 full-page windows side by side. So... I think I will wait for the 27" or 30" monitors to drop to affordable prices.

However, if I didn't already have a 22" CRT, I would definitely have kept the monitor - for the price, it's a steal.
so far i've played a bit of rainbow6 vegas and love it. i can't run 1080, but damnit if even at one lower setting its not a huge improvement over my old tv. bonus points for being able to see it from across my bedroom so i can play video games in my bed...