So, why would one buy an Xbone over PS4?

You couldn't play Nintendo games on a super Nintendo. Consoles are different :rolleyes:

Exactly what I was going to say. BC didn't come into play until PS2. XBox 360/PS3 had it for a little while then dropped it. It didn't last too long. How many people actually used it? If they had a collection of games, they probably still had the console to go with it. Not a big deal anymore.

My thoughts exactly.

What :confused: ...I don't even...I wasn't saying that consoles weren't different. I am responding to someone who was trying to compare PC(Steam) to the Consoles. I am saying they ARE two different things so don't compare them! Lol...Its like ya'll are agreeing with me, but arguing with me about it.

Why not? It is an app store just like steam, apples store, etc. Comparing it to steam makes a lot of sense.

Again...It isn't like it at all. You ask "Why not?" and I gave you an explanation.
Again...It isn't like it at all. You ask "Why not?" and I gave you an explanation.

Yea I still think it is a good comparison.

There is no comparison between the Steam model on a PC and the game market on a console (other than digital downloads on the systems). Consoles allow you to rent, trade, sell, buy, borrow games. PC games, you buy, install, and it's yours.

To an extent the dlc and online pass model has changed the ability to rent and borrow games as you don't get the full experience without spending extra money. All 3 of the last gen systems had online stores where games could not be borrowed or rented. Sony and MS changed this idea of a console years ago.
Yea I still think it is a good comparison.

Haha...Well that is a very nice counterpoint!

All I ask is that you stop asking people "Why not" then, if you don't have any actual good response when they actually tell you why not.
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Haha...Well that is a very nice counterpoint!

All I ask is that you stop asking people "Why not" then, if you don't have any actual good response when they actually tell you why not.

I guess I look at them both as platform app stores(yes steam supports more then one platform but I think it is safe to say most people talk about the windows one). In the case of steam and the live store really game app stores. Both are made to serve pretty much the same purpose and that is deliver games for the system they run on.

For all of steams problems I think one of the best features is sign in and you have access to your games even if you switch systems. Looks like MS is trying to add this to the one. I like the idea of taking my xbox with me to the beach with friends(we have internet were we go) and not having to carry a bunch of games. Same can be said with leaving a bunch of games around my tv at home.

The online check system was part of the 360's store if you switched consoles(there was a way to move your content licenses but I never worried about it). It worked fine which is why I'm not that worried about it on the next gen.

Now it does suck for kids now adays that the games online features(this goes for current gen as well) mean that when they are adults the ability to play many of their old games will not be the same as people in their 20's forward have today unless it gets rereleased.
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Seems simple to me,

XBone is being publicized to developers, Kinect lets devs track people and get advertising data. The DRM platform allows them to limit sales lost to used/piracy, and they already have a well established means of DLC distribution.

PS4 is being publicized to gamers, showing off games and sticking with traditional content rights. Their online platform(s) are improving, but they are as tried+true as MS is.

What sucks is that now that one has made the jump (to no/limited used game sales), the nex gen after this, both will surely be on the bandwagon; just as Sony jumped on the "pay to be online" bandwagon this generation.

And the WiiU is done.
Yea I still think it is a good comparison.

To an extent the dlc and online pass model has changed the ability to rent and borrow games as you don't get the full experience without spending extra money. All 3 of the last gen systems had online stores where games could not be borrowed or rented. Sony and MS changed this idea of a console years ago.

The point is that people accept that it has gone that way on PC, but many (even most) don't want that to become the standard. You get more on most games for the PC, like mods and always being able to play online, often making your own dedicated servers, and the fact that you are more likely to own multiple computers, where you can install the games on multiple computers at once. You also have the option for many games to not use it.

There's a lot more to it than a basic comparison between the services would show.
I've owned both consoles this entire gen.

I will not be picking up a XBone.

Sony wins my business for at least taking concerns of gamers as an important part of their strategy.

Furthermore, I really don't appreciate being told, "if you don't like it, go f-k yourself" by MS.

It's really a shame to watch this play out. MS did so much right with the 360, climbing nothing to a player in the console market, to basically giving away the opening round in this generation.

It's very apparent to me the culture over in the Video Game division has changed, and changed for the worse.
Seems simple to me,

XBone is being publicized to developers, Kinect lets devs track people and get advertising data. The DRM platform allows them to limit sales lost to used/piracy, and they already have a well established means of DLC distribution.

PS4 is being publicized to gamers, showing off games and sticking with traditional content rights. Their online platform(s) are improving, but they are as tried+true as MS is.

What sucks is that now that one has made the jump (to no/limited used game sales), the nex gen after this, both will surely be on the bandwagon; just as Sony jumped on the "pay to be online" bandwagon this generation.

And the WiiU is done.

I don't know, enough people whined and bitched about Microsoft requiring a subsciption for online multiplayer, how are you to know that many of them won't switch to Wii U? I know at least a dozen people that pointed out that was their only reason for going to Ps3.
I don't know, enough people whined and bitched about Microsoft requiring a subsciption for online multiplayer, how are you to know that many of them won't switch to Wii U? I know at least a dozen people that pointed out that was their only reason for going to Ps3.

Because WiiU will have their Nintendo specific exclusives and nothing else? The graphics on the machine are last-gen? Their online functionality is a joke? They still use friend codes for pete's sake!

And it's in all caps so you know he's SERIOUS. Care to elaborate on deeper library, more games and more exclusives? How do you know the online service will be ebtter when neither console is out yet?
With all the discussion of the Xbone, I haven't seen anyone ask the question yet... but what happens when MS eventually retires the machine and stops supporting it? Will all your game cease working? Will the console itself end up a giant paperweight since not much seems to work without it phoning home?

This is one of my biggest complaints about anything that's "always online". If said publisher/developer or company decides to stop supporting that product one day, you're SOL.
With all the discussion of the Xbone, I haven't seen anyone ask the question yet... but what happens when MS eventually retires the machine and stops supporting it? Will all your game cease working? Will the console itself end up a giant paperweight since not much seems to work without it phoning home?

This is one of my biggest complaints about anything that's "always online". If said publisher/developer or company decides to stop supporting that product one day, you're SOL.

That happens with all sorts of things and generally they push out an update to just turn it off.
Please note that 'turning it off' will come even sooner the more crap they move to "the cloud". Having a server up just to match up clients or auth is one thing, having a scores of servers up costing energy doing computations is another.

What happens if a publisher of a game goes under? On the current gen such games (and DLC) have been removed from online stores, but do you think MS or Sony will continue running any backend servers such a game needs to work at all? Current gen that didn't matter too much, you could probably still play the game SP if nothing else.

Hey, I have an idea, how about you don't buy any games, you get to rent them per hour? Sounds great, right? #wherethisisgoing
Because WiiU will have their Nintendo specific exclusives and nothing else? The graphics on the machine are last-gen? Their online functionality is a joke? They still use friend codes for pete's sake!

super smash bros, zelda and mario kart will easily justify the 300$ price tag for the wii u though.

actually just smash bros i dont even need other ones to justify

when i was in highschool i think we logged more hours on super smash than any other game we ever played. i constantly flaked on a hot brazilian gf to play smash with 3 other dudes.

ah the decisions we make when we were younger. so much i wish i could prevent, and tragically I cannot
Because WiiU will have their Nintendo specific exclusives and nothing else? The graphics on the machine are last-gen? Their online functionality is a joke? They still use friend codes for pete's sake!

I'm sorry, but the Wii U has the new Splinter Cell, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed and what not, the graphics capabilities are better than the Xbox 360 and PS3 (not by a huge amount, mind you), and FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME, DOES NOT USE FRIEND CODES. Fuck, what the hell is wrong with you? They use Network IDs you make yourself you stupid shit. I don't mind when people point out a problem, but can you stop making shit up?

It's the 3DS that uses system friend codes, but even that is going to be moved over to a unified network ID that interfaces with the Wii U network ID too.
It has been officially confirmed via Twitter that PS4, much like the PS3, is not region locked for game discs. This means we can import games freely.
I'm sorry, but the Wii U has the new Splinter Cell, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed and what not, the graphics capabilities are better than the Xbox 360 and PS3 (not by a huge amount, mind you), and FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME, DOES NOT USE FRIEND CODES. Fuck, what the hell is wrong with you? They use Network IDs you make yourself you stupid shit. I don't mind when people point out a problem, but can you stop making shit up?

It's the 3DS that uses system friend codes, but even that is going to be moved over to a unified network ID that interfaces with the Wii U network ID too.

My mistake on the friends code, everything else though? Those multiplat ports will be inferior versions compared to PS4/Xbone, and guess what..."this gen" is PS4/Xbone, WiiU is last gen.
You couldn't play Nintendo games on a super Nintendo. Consoles are different :rolleyes:

First, I think you're unwittingly agreeing with the person you've quoted. He was making the argument that you won't get a "steam" like service on the consoles because they are different.

Consoles are designed, no matter how much you put into them and your library of games for it, to have an end of life. Steam, at least as far as we've seen, is not designed that way.

This is one of the many facets of Steam that simply can not be translated onto the Xbox One (or any console). It's also one of my biggest fears in terms of amassing any kind of digital library on a console.

Sales might happen to keep the peace in each console's ecosystem but the larger sales won't be necessary, because the barrier of entry for Steam vs. Origin is literally nothing while the barrier for PS4 vs. Xbox One is hundreds of dollars. In order to make an impact on their system's prevalence, they'd have to have sales that were obscenely cheap which really wouldn't be worth it.

WiiU is last gen.
Please go on. Cite sources, expand on this idea. I would have TOTALLY bought a WiiU over a PS3/Xbox360 had I known they were the same generation...