So, why would one buy an Xbone over PS4?

Killer Instinct


LOL I loved Killer Instinct back in the day, but I'm skeptical that this new one will be any good. Who knows though, they could surprise me.

I'm impressed that PS4 won't require a PS+ sub to play Netflix\Hulu. I don't play online, so I don't care about multiplayer. I'm surprised that people still want to buy an Xbox, but I can understand why some would buy if everyone you know has one and that's what you're invested in. I used to be invested in an Xbox 360, but after I had two die on me, I didn't want to get stuck in RMA hell, so I sold the repaired console and all my games. I don't miss it. Honestly, the only exclusive the 360 had that I liked was Mass Effect and I can play that on PC now. I'm fairly certain that will be the way it will work next gen too. I don't care about Halo either, maybe because I don't do multiplayer. I also don't care about COD and my media center is my HTPC (Netflix\Hulu\Amazon Prime via PS3). If you like all that overlay garbage, more power to you. I like watching TV on my TV and that's what my laptop/iPad or whatever is for.
We are witnessing historical milestones with this next console launch. The PS4 will crush the Xbox 1. The used games and online drm issues are massively important to tens of millions of customers. There is a reason why there seems to be a Gamestop everywhere you look these days.

It was amazing watching the video from E3 after Sony announced they would simply continue to handle used games as they did with PS3. The entire room chanting "Sony, Sony, Sony..."

I loved the 360, but MS really messed up this time around, and will pay the price for years to come. MS behavior will be studied by companies in the future to learn what NOT to do to customers. New coke anyone?
Killer Instinct



LOL. One of those games that people always have fond memories of until they actually play it. Blecch. The winner in KI was always just the person who out-waited their opponent.
Tack on Double Helix making the game and we have a real winner this time.
A couple killer exclusives early on can make a huge difference.

Aside from that, better controller and more robust online features.

They've also already been mimicking the 'Steam Sale' model with live, with weekly sales by genre, theme, DLC packs, publisher specific...etc. The delay between release and the sale is longer than steam, and the deals not as great - but it does show that they are paying attention. The DRM measures they are doing right now are ugly, but they do also look like the foundation for a digital model. There have been some issues complaints with the updates to 360 (mostly with regards to packing in adds), but overall Microsoft has done a considerably better job than Sony in terms of doing small steps in between generational steps - the 360 dashboard already works and feels a full generation ahead of the PS3 equivalent.

I think Microsoft is betting on the long-play, building a console that reflects where they think the market is heading. Could very well backfire spectacularly, but it's way too early to write them off.
The new KI only has one playable character, the rest are paid DLC. It's not a reason to buy anything!
A couple killer exclusives early on can make a huge difference.

So if we ask people about the best games on the PS3/XBox360, how many first-year exclusives are going to pop up?

Or do you simply mean commercially?

If you want to look at true exclusives over the long term, I think that's valid, but short term? First year? That's insanity (unless maybe you're just chosing which of the two to get first)
Weaker system, check
$100 more expensive, check
Online authentication requirement per 24 hours, check
Used games screwed, check
Less value on Gold vs PSN Plus free games, check
Region locked, check
Requires Subscription for Entertainment services, check

I even think PS4 looks much better and sleeker but that's subjective.

If Microsoft remained so arrogant that they're not willing to change their DRM policies and maybe even lower the price of the system, I honestly see this the end of Microsoft consoles and the Xbone will truly be the Last one lol. They seriously are NO Competition to Sony as of right now.

As a video gamer that won't benefit me since better competition will only lead to more value for us consumers, so I truly hope MS will get their head out of their ass for once and attempt to fix this mess, damage has been done, but it's still not too late for them.

The Xbox isn't going to die a painful death this round just because of some poor design choices, lets face it, the PS3 took a beating last generation due to poor design choices and they're still around. I do foresee the Xbox losing some market share this time around for sure and the roles being reversed this generation with Sony taking a commanding lead and MS trailing behind, reversed from last generation.
the 360 dashboard already works and feels a full generation ahead of the PS3 equivalent.

I disagree. After just booting my PS3 for the first time this weekend, I was impressed. I like it better than the XB dashboard. Easier to navigate and see what/where you are going. Might just be the initial "WOW!" period, though.

I'm not sure if Microsoft is ahead of their time (which happens a lot with them), and this model will be successful down the road, but right now - it's not. It could be a killer system with killer games and a great experience. Sony may be the last ones to offer the current model (used games, less DRM, etc.). They may be the Nintendo still using carts instead of optical drives like the N64. In a few years, we'll know. Microsoft could be doing everything right - just not at the right time.

If Xbox did do the 'Steam Sale' approach and offered newer games during a weekend for $20 instead of the normal $60, I'd be way more impressed and willing to buy (yea, I'd live with the restrictions for the lower game price). I don't see that happening, though.
So if we ask people about the best games on the PS3/XBox360, how many first-year exclusives are going to pop up?

Or do you simply mean commercially?

If you want to look at true exclusives over the long term, I think that's valid, but short term? First year? That's insanity (unless maybe you're just chosing which of the two to get first)

I think he meant commercially. The Wii U is considered a flop by many. If they were to bring out some killer games after the Sony and Microsoft release of the new consoles, would it make a huge difference? No. If they had released a new Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart when the system was launched or soon after, it'd be a big hit right now.

Bring out some real killer games early on, and the initial sales will skyrocket and then that's the console that your friends will buy after the first initial wave. They want to play with their friends, trade games (sorry, MS)... Why buy the system that no one else has and you can't play with any of your friends or borrow games (sorry, MS)? People buy the systems for the big name games.
Honestly, I'm not planning to even decide to get either console until next year in the fall at the earliest. Despite what Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo say, despite being told over and over that they'll have all these games ready for launch, they never come through all the way. Games get pushed back, cancelled, or they end up sucking. I'm tired of paying for a promise, I want to pay for the experience NOW, not later.

If I had to make the decision between these two now, it would be for the PS4 despite the fact that I hate the company and I never liked any of their controllers. I can't condone what MS is doing, and I don't want to give them my money for doing it.
I got the be honest; the fact that I know that "talk up exclusives" is the big narrative push from Microsoft makes me view all talk about them as suspect, even when there might be valid points to make.

I don't mean this directed at anyone in particular in this thread, but I've been reading all sorts of forums and I feel like I'm seeing more and more "counter-reaction" posts that sound like they were written by sockpuppets.

(If this makes me sound crazy and paranoid... that's exactly what THEY want you to think!)
How do I play COD multiplayer with the internet down on the ps4, I will buy it in a second if they have solved that issue?

I think they are all pink. So yes, they do match today ...

LAN? Split screen? Better get your pre-order in! :D
I think he meant commercially. The Wii U is considered a flop by many. If they were to bring out some killer games after the Sony and Microsoft release of the new consoles, would it make a huge difference? No. If they had released a new Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart when the system was launched or soon after, it'd be a big hit right now.

Bring out some real killer games early on, and the initial sales will skyrocket and then that's the console that your friends will buy after the first initial wave. They want to play with their friends, trade games (sorry, MS)... Why buy the system that no one else has and you can't play with any of your friends or borrow games (sorry, MS)? People buy the systems for the big name games.

Yeah, but can you name the big name games that came out for the Xbox 360 and PS3 within their first years? the companies always say they have a full roster of awesome games, but by the time the console actually comes out, the list dries up. I know the Xbox 360 had like, Condemned, and Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero, and then nothing until Oblivion and months later they had Dead Rising and then even later, Gears of War. I think Lost Planet was in there somewhere too. I don't even remember what the PS3 had besides Resistance for its first year.

I can't be the only one tired of the launch drought.
The new KI only has one playable character, the rest are paid DLC. It's not a reason to buy anything!

Seems like F2P format is the next big thing for fighting games. Dead or Alive and Tekken are going this direction on PSN soon.
Killer Instinct being developed by Double Helix. Has anyone looked at the games Double Helix has produced. Fuck, they might as well just not even produce KI. If they're just going to throw away the brand like that to a shitty developer, I would rather them not even bother.
Wasn't Uncharted a release title on PS3?

It was intended to be, but it didn't actually hit until a year later.

So far the vast majority of games that both Sony and MS have featured are available on the other system, too.
How do I play COD multiplayer with the internet down on the ps4, I will buy it in a second if they have solved that issue?

I think they are all pink. So yes, they do match today ...

better question, how do you play COD single player with the internet down on Xbone? :p
The only game thus far announced that seems like a must have to me is Forza 5. However, as much as it pains me to say it, I think the Xbox One is not going to impress me as much as the PS4. I don't like paying $500 to play Forza 5.
COD has single player? :p
Yeah, exactly. lol Still, shit happens and your Internet could be down for more than 24 hours. What if you want to fire up COD to play single player because you're bored? Sorry, you're SOL. You can watch TV though!
It was intended to be, but it didn't actually hit until a year later.

So far the vast majority of games that both Sony and MS have featured are available on the other system, too.

That's happened way too much for me to want to get a console at launch anymore.

Still, if it's a choice between a game being pushed back and being great eventually, or a game rushed out the door and being buggy and half finished (I'm looking at you, ZombiU), I'd rather wait.
Its the only way I play. Multiplayer is for tweens.

I play single player on my pc and only use consoles for multiplayer games. I must just be an outlier in this whole console war.

I guess I will buy a xbone for HALO and Forza, a wii U for smash brothers, and a ps4 for some exclusive game they will announce in the future hopefully. Don't have to worry about which is better then.
The answer is pretty obvious on release day, however ask the same question a year, two or three from now when more exclusives are released then maybe just maybe xb1 has a chance.
It was intended to be, but it didn't actually hit until a year later.

So far the vast majority of games that both Sony and MS have featured are available on the other system, too.

Hey, if Nintendo was made fun of for doing the exact same thing for the Wii U launch, can we shame Microsoft and Sony for doing it with the Xbox 360 and Ps4? With the consoles coming out around November (presumably), we can guess that those games will be released earlier for the previous generation.
Online authentication requirement per 24 hours, check - who cares, what are we in 1995?

To many people the 24 hour check on the X1 is no big deal, but I remember last year when I moved I was without Internet for 6 months at my apartment. I was able to play my playstation 3 without any issues the entire time. I took it over some weekends to my friends house to download some games through ps+ and I brought it back and played offline without any issues and no worries. Just remember, what is nonsense to you might be a HUGE deal to others. Not every one has internet available all the time. Things happen. Internet issues, Burt modem etc. So to me, in my experiences, yes, needing Internet is a huge deal for me .:)

That's not to say I won't buy a X1, but I'm certain that i will buy a ps4 at launch and MAYBE be interested in a X1 down the line when the slim version comes out.
To many people the 24 hour check on the X1 is no big deal, but I remember last year when I moved I was without Internet for 6 months at my apartment. I was able to play my playstation 3 without any issues the entire time. I took it over some weekends to my friends house to download some games through ps+ and I brought it back and played offline without any issues and no worries. Just remember, what is nonsense to you might be a HUGE deal to others. Not every one has internet available all the time. Things happen. Internet issues, Burt modem etc. So to me, in my experience, yes, needing Internet in a huge deal for me because of my past experiences.:)

Its not a big deal to me, I never lose an internet connection. I don't like many of the other design choices being forced on us by MS though.
I would hope that with the hardware so closely mirroring PC equivalent that the release titles would be a little better than they have been in the past.
I wasn't arguing in favor of the xbox1. I just don't get all the hate. Even on the used games issue, it's like buying games on Steam.

I will just quote what I wrote a couple weeks ago on another thread:

This is not like steam:

If I buy something on the Xbox one, I do not know if it will transfer to whatever new xbox is after that. I don't worry about Steam when I upgrade my computer (the last 50+ times). Maybe one day it will be a problem, but until then...this is nothing like Steam.

All the stuff I bought on Xbox 360 is worthless. Has steam ever done this?
I will just quote what I wrote a couple weeks ago on another thread:

This is not like steam:

If I buy something on the Xbox one, I do not know if it will transfer to whatever new xbox is after that. I don't worry about Steam when I upgrade my computer (the last 50+ times). Maybe one day it will be a problem, but until then...this is nothing like Steam.

All the stuff I bought on Xbox 360 is worthless. Has steam ever done this?
First off, I completely agree, this is NOTHING like steam. Steam and PC are in a league of their own compared to Xbox and playstation.
But To be fair, if you bought stuff on x360 it means you still own you x360 right? Why not keep? If you get an x1 and want to play an old x360 game just fire up your old x360.

I have no faith in the streaming service that playstation will supposedly offer next year. How do I know I will not be charged? Are all the games I own going to be available at no extra cost?

For that reason I'm keeping a ps3 along with a ps4. No biggie.
It was a pretty easy choice for me

But To be fair, if you bought stuff on x360 it means you still own you x360 right? Why not keep? If you get an x1 and want to play an old x360 game just fire up your old x360.

That isn't a fair either...I don't have to keep my old PC's to play any of the games on my Steam Library...I upgrade and all my games transfer over to my new PC.
Never underestimate the loud,shrill screaming of a pre-teen wanting the new 1337z0rz xbox console. It can be very persuasive.

For the rest of us who have hit puberty I am not sure, after watching both presentations of the consoles why anyone in their right mind would get an Xbox -- unless you really need another Halo.
Personally, I don't want slightly better ports of existing 360 and PS3 games. I don't really care if a game is multiplatform so long as it's only for the Xbox One and PS4. I know devs love to make games for every system under the sun, but MS and Sony need to push them so people actually adopt these new systems ASAP.

While the 360 shipped with some hold over titles like Gun, it also shipped with games like COD2, NFS: Most Wanted, & Condemned that were VERY clearly a generation beyond the PS2 and original Xbox. They were damn close to PC games at the time.
So far we simply haven't seen much of that. Destiny might be the only one I was truly impressed with, although some of the effects from the Order looked nice.

I'm hoping we don't get bogged down in next gen titles that are just last-gen games given a slight last-minute graphical boost.

It's like bad PC ports all over again :p
I had to watch Sony's conference using my Xbox because the PSN service could not handle it...hint hint