So... where is barcelona?


I have permission to post this.. idk if it is a Barcelona though.. :p :rolleyes:
Barcelona is in my gaming pc. i got a engineering sample.

i'll post benchmarks later


Hows that DX10 on XP working our for you

But honestly what does average joe care when the Barcelona hits the streets, there is only a hand full of sites that review server chips anyways. Bring on the Phenoms and what ever Intel is working on and let the the reviews flow, all the 8600 and PSU reviews are pretty damn boring at this point.
OT: when i was watching f1 grand prix yeasterday i think it was at the back of felipe massa's helmet that i saw an amd phenom decal :D
OT: when i was watching f1 grand prix yeasterday i think it was at the back of felipe massa's helmet that i saw an amd phenom decal :D

The logo debuted at the Canadian GP a few months back on the helmets of both Raikkonnen and Massa. I was expecting a bit more when AMD was saying that they would be doing something special that weekend...
The Barcelona chip launching in 15 days is a server chip, where quad core is very useful.

A server chip!?

AMD's going to be the "bang for the buck" poor man's CPU rather than an enthusiasts product. And even then the "bang for the buck" is very questionable considering you can take a cheap C2D and turn it into a $1000 CPU with a bit of overclocking.

So maybe 'safe ' and 'dependable' (and boring) might be their approach.... Maybe abandoning the enthusiast market is the right strategy for AMD to take; after all the server market and it's need for 'dull', 'dependable' products is much bigger. In which case, there may not be much point in waiting for 'cutting edge' AMD products...
A server chip!?

Are you genuinely surprised? Barcelona is the server chip, while Agena and Kuma (arriving Q4 07 - Q1 08) are the quad and dual core desktop derivatives, respectively.

The modifications are being introduced as the next generation of Opterons, and then Phenom will be the desktop derivatives of those products.

Barcelona's release should give us a good idea as to how well Agena and Kuma will perform at their higher clock speeds in a few months time.
How can anyone talk so definitively about a product that does not yet exist; unless you possess a Barcelona or know something we don't? Let's at least wait until the launch.

I personally can remember back not too long ago to the launch of the Pentium D. June 2005 wasn't even that long ago. Now there was an underperforming kludge of a CPU design, if ever there was one.
Are you genuinely surprised? Barcelona is the server chip, while Agena and Kuma (arriving Q4 07 - Q1 08) are the quad and dual core desktop derivatives, respectively.

The modifications are being introduced as the next generation of Opterons, and then Phenom will be the desktop derivatives of those products.

Barcelona's release should give us a good idea as to how well Agena and Kuma will perform at their higher clock speeds in a few months time.

Not especially. Was in a slightly fustrated mood. Was looking for a sign, any sign, even a small one, that AMD was worth waiting for.

Anyway doesn't matter - I got fed up with AMD posturing and ordered a G0 Q6600 a few minutes after writing.
While Barcelona may not take back the performance crown (it still might, we'll all know on the day the NDA lifts), it will still likely be an extremely capable server processor.
We'll see, maybe AMD might have a great product, maybe not.

Considering what I'm running now, my cheap "soon to arrive" 'G0' Q6600 isn't a true upgrade, but is only a stop-gap measure while I wait. I'll certainly upgrade when the next gen products by either AMD or Intel come out in a few months. Phenom or Penryn.

But while Intel is making effective revisions of existing CPU's (prompting people to buy) what the heck is AMD doing?
When you only have so much resources, you are going to want to concentrate on products with high margins - server parts. That makes perfect sense to me.
When you only have so much resources, you are going to want to concentrate on products with high margins - server parts. That makes perfect sense to me.

Especially when you've been bleeding cash like a stuck pig and the banks are done giving you transfusions.
releasing Barcelona will be good for AMD no matter how you slice it.

1. They've already put the money in the R&D for it, so it's not like they're going to incur much more loss on it in that dept.

2. It will most definitely perform better than K8 clock for clock. For it not to would be utter nonsense.

As long as they can get a decent quantity rolling soon, they'll be doing better with Barcelona than without. We can only ask ourselves if it's good enough, and if they're going to have enough of it. Even if it isn't better than what Intel has to offer, it only has to be good enough to get them back on the upswing.

To put up an analogy, if AMD is haemorrhaging right now, Barcelona is a bandaid. The bandaid doesn't have to completely stop the bleeding, only stop it well enough to allow the wound to heal(and before AMD runs out of blood :p ).
Why is AMD hurting so bad anyways? Someone give me some insight on this. Their CPU sells are doing fairly well considering they are the small kid on the block. Their cpu sells were doing AWSOME.... they even posted a gain "OMG a gain for amd"
How can they be having so much trouble?
AMD is hurting mostly because of their acquisition of ATI recently. It was quite costly for them and although they have technically 'paid' their debt to Morgan Stanley off, there have been teething problems in integrating the two companies which is probably absorbing alot of their time.

AMD is also hurting because of a costly price war with Intel. You can pick up an opteron 2210 for about $130 right now. Back in Febuary it cost $420. I'm not sure about any other figures but both companies have been trying to undercut the other in almost all their target markets, and since Intel is 10 times the size of AMD, AMD is hurting more from the price war.

Anyone - feel free to jump in and correct me, don't want any misinformation up here.
2. It will most definitely perform better than K8 clock for clock. For it not to would be utter nonsense.
Uhm... my X1950pros are WAY faster than the HD2600XTs... if you want some doubt... there it is. I'm not holing my breath. I did for R600... no more. I get what I need when I need it. I may be cheap at times(currently on hold for 45 min. to Dell for a $200 refund) but for deadlines to be missed by so much and performance not being what I personally need... I'll take my business elsewhere. When my Opteron 165 is too slow for me... I'll upgrade. At that time I'll need to upgrade everything and you know what? I'll probably have missed the entire DDR2 movement. Do what you will. I've learned my lesson and I thank AMD for teaching it to me.
Manny I can understand, but I'm unsure as to why you are so angry at AMD, despite being an AMD user :p
I'm not angry, just realistic. I buy and recommend whatever makes sense. I have and still do buy and recommend both AMD and Intel for myself and to others.

Plus my post was a jab at you for posting the same thing so often. ;) But you of all people here must know how Opteron is faring and your comment did deserve a chuckle. If that's concentrating, i'd hate to see how AMD does when it's dozing off.
Have you not read any of his posts in the last oh... 3 months or so?
Yes, of course, and I even replied to some of them, but nowhere in his many posts that I recall reading did I see a personal reason mentioned for his anger. Unless you're referring to his criticism of AMD's financial performance and not a personal pique.
Yes, of course, and I even replied to some of them, but nowhere in his many posts that I recall reading did I see a personal reason mentioned for his anger. Unless you're referring to his criticism of AMD's financial performance and not a personal pique.

He mentioned a while back that he had an investment in AMD stock that went sour. I guess it was lost in the rollback.
He mentioned a while back that he had an investment in AMD stock that went sour. I guess it was lost in the rollback.

And that would explain the grudge. If I lost money on AMD stock I'd be pissed too. But I'd give 'em a chance to bounce back before I cashed in all my chips.
And that would explain the grudge. If I lost money on AMD stock I'd be pissed too. But I'd give 'em a chance to bounce back before I cashed in all my chips.
Or maybe pick some stock that wasn't as risky. Playing the stock market, IMO, is not all that different than going to Vegas.
Hows that DX10 on XP working our for you

But honestly what does average joe care when the Barcelona hits the streets, there is only a hand full of sites that review server chips anyways. Bring on the Phenoms and what ever Intel is working on and let the the reviews flow, all the 8600 and PSU reviews are pretty damn boring at this point.

lol. i just sold my gpu so i'm actually gpu-less at the moment. :(
Well, at least Vegas doesn't give a huge impression that you have a chance to reap large returns.
You're kidding right? If you get into the market you better know that despite what ANYONE says it's a game of chance. Nothing in the financial world is solid and always stable, that's why it's wise to invest in different areas.
Or maybe pick some stock that wasn't as risky. Playing the stock market, IMO, is not all that different than going to Vegas.

Well when you're a nursing student, odds are that you know dick about stocks. When you know dick, you play with what you DO know, or THINK you know. Manny just proved to himself that he knows fuckall, and now he's angry at AMD. Oh the irony....:D:p
He mentioned a while back that he had an investment in AMD stock that went sour. I guess it was lost in the rollback.

Well, AMD is pretty much rock bottom sitting at about $12 / share as of this morning...

If the new chip does well on release it maybe a good time to look a little more closely... lol.

Of course you never know.... investing is gambling....

I've thought about buying AMD just because it's at about a 52 week low. Can only go up, right? Lol.
Why is AMD hurting so bad anyways? Someone give me some insight on this. Their CPU sells are doing fairly well considering they are the small kid on the block. Their cpu sells were doing AWSOME.... they even posted a gain "OMG a gain for amd"
How can they be having so much trouble?

Because a rise in absolute revenue doesn't help when your margins are so low that you can't cover your costs.
Uhm... my X1950pros are WAY faster than the HD2600XTs... if you want some doubt... there it is. I'm not holing my breath. I did for R600... no more.

Man I love it when people use this analogy, considering the R600 was in R&D and almost in production before AMD acquired ATI. In other words the R600s what doomed long before AMD touched ATI, so the comparison really doesn't work that well.
Man I love it when people use this analogy, considering the R600 was in R&D and almost in production before AMD acquired ATI. In other words the R600s what doomed long before AMD touched ATI, so the comparison really doesn't work that well.
True, although the AMD acquisition may have contributed slightly to the delay of both products due to the restructuring and what not, in the end we can't place the blame for any performance deficits these products manifest on either company, when the overall length of a typical production cycle is taken into consideration.
what the hell's the nda?

I'm not sure if that's a genuine question, but what the hell...

non-disclosure agreement. In other words, it's a contract signed by groups which prevents them from disclosing information about the product until the contract has ended.