So... where is barcelona?

releasing Barcelona will be good for AMD no matter how you slice it.

1. They've already put the money in the R&D for it, so it's not like they're going to incur much more loss on it in that dept.

2. It will most definitely perform better than K8 clock for clock. For it not to would be utter nonsense.

As long as they can get a decent quantity rolling soon, they'll be doing better with Barcelona than without. We can only ask ourselves if it's good enough, and if they're going to have enough of it. Even if it isn't better than what Intel has to offer, it only has to be good enough to get them back on the upswing.

To put up an analogy, if AMD is haemorrhaging right now, Barcelona is a bandaid. The bandaid doesn't have to completely stop the bleeding, only stop it well enough to allow the wound to heal(and before AMD runs out of blood :p ).

You cannot heal a shotgun wound with a band aid. :) Barcelona and its siblings need to be far more then just a bandaid.
True, although the AMD acquisition may have contributed slightly to the delay of both products due to the restructuring and what not, in the end we can't place the blame for any performance deficits these products manifest on either company, when the overall length of a typical production cycle is taken into consideration.
Precisely. If AMD's restructuring screwed the ATI stuff it certainly will the regular AMD stuff because of the synergistic movements they are making. I think they are good moves in a direction that Intel is not considering. I just do not see how the issues in one major aspect of product would not represent pretty significantly of the issues in another product from the same company looking at two major products with timetables only a quarter off in timespan. Its just too close and too much work to do. I feel strongly that this AMD product will be good but not the ballbuster that I personally would like it to be. Of course its great for me because I get more inexpensive products from the company I respect. I do NOT feel they will go belly up. Just stalling a bit right now.
Well when you're a nursing student, odds are that you know dick about stocks. When you know dick, you play with what you DO know, or THINK you know. Manny just proved to himself that he knows fuckall, and now he's angry at AMD. Oh the irony....:D:p

Flame ? It is,but oh well.

Actually your kinda right,I dont know alot about stocks,but luckily we did diversify our investment.So the sting wasnt too bad.As to me being angry,not any more.

Upset ? Yes,but its passing.I at this point just hope the company improves.I've lost bigger chunks on a stock drop,but only barely.Thankfully INTC and NVDA are outperforming our brokers estimates by a good margin.

What my wife and I have made up on those two far outwieghs the 1500+ odd dollars we lost on AMD.And I still recommend AMD hardware to folks,depending on thier needs.

Just not as much as I used to. :eek:
benchmark scores mean nothing without proof. I could say I have a 3ghz agena core that turnes 25000 in 3dmark 06 with nothing more than an x850.... but I dont.
benchmark scores mean nothing without proof. I could say I have a 3ghz agena core that turnes 25000 in 3dmark 06 with nothing more than an x850.... but I dont.
I got a 62021 score in 3DMark06 on my single GPU and 4GHz Nehalem system. But it got stolen. :( Trust me, it was very fast.
benchmark scores mean nothing without proof. I could say I have a 3ghz agena core that turnes 25000 in 3dmark 06 with nothing more than an x850.... but I dont.

Haha. Theo said everything was running at stock, that means an Agena quad and two 2900XT 512MB cards at stock gets you 23,770 3DMarks in '06. When they OC'd the CPU to a cool 3GHz and the cards to 830MHz core and 1.8GHz RAM it just broke 30K.

Now we just need some real game benchmarks with this puppy. If this is any indication of what the future brings I'd bet Kuma and Agena will give Wolfdale and Yorkfield a really, really, really hard time if performance is like this across the board.
Haha. Theo said everything was running at stock, that means an Agena quad and two 2900XT 512MB cards at stock gets you 23,770 3DMarks in '06. When they OC'd the CPU to a cool 3GHz and the cards to 830MHz core and 1.8GHz RAM it just broke 30K.
I have several bridges for sale. Inquire within.
It just seems to me that if you have ATI and AMD under the same company, there'd be a nice chance to make some killer deals with say.. laptops manufacturers using both their mobile GPU and CPU technology, or pocket pc's with the same. Or hell, if you have good mobile technology, maybe cut some deals for communications devices.

Just seems like they could make some good out of the ATI situation, despite the poorly performing 2900xt.

Maybe not.

August hasn't "went" yet. It's only the 24th so there's 7 more days to go. Besides, I think AMD has stated the launch data as early September.

Well, August has "went" and still no wind of Barcelona.
Too quiet for a product now launching in 8 days.
Well, August has "went" and still no wind of Barcelona.
Too quiet for a product now launching in 8 days.
I also have to admit that for such a major product launch, there's relatively little info available on performance, just a few uncorroborated benchmarks from somewhat dubious sources. Not saying that's indicative of imminent bad news, just making an objective observation.
or it could work so freakin good that they are waiting for that "BIG BANG" launch.
or it could work so freakin good that they are waiting for that "BIG BANG" launch.
Yeah, that *has to be it.*

Next week expect more from HEXUS on AMD ‘Barcelona’ and how its own customers are confused and frustrated over AMD’s extremely restricted media product sampling ‘strategy’ of this new product... which, it seems they believe, could cost them a packet at the expense of AMD endeavouring to tactically influence a, um, initial ‘proper understanding’ of the chip and its platform proposition by the hands-on sampling of the most appropriately friendly of ‘media partners’...
In answer to the original question

So..where is Barcelona ? I have found it on google earth its in a country called spain just below france north of africa.

anyhow on a more serious note if the super_pi results are to be trusted it doesnt matter when barcelona hits, if those results are correct its going to get a very bad press.

just under 40 seconds for a 2ghz k10, my x2 4800 bris does 40 seconds at 2.5ghz so its not much of an improvement. hardly following Moore's Law is it.

lets hope that all this is a smoke screen from AMD and the chip is a killer! Just hope that AMD dont go back to the super high prices of a few years ago!
Whatever the case may be as far as performance is concerned, AMD was apparently true to its promise of commencing Barcelona shipments in August according to this article:

Again, obscurity.
Release should mean release to regular channels: OEM and Retail.
These over-bent (almost/kind of/technically/if you look with one eye) arguments are getting really tiring.
If spectrumbx had just travelled at the speed of light into space (and back) for half a day it would have already been September 10th for him. :) Just look into the recent past for the way these silicon launches work, and realize it will be more of the same.
If spectrumbx had just travelled at the speed of light into space (and back) for half a day it would have already been September 10th for him. :) Just look into the recent past for the way these silicon launches work, and realize it will be more of the same.

Forget Barcelona, I want his reactor that can produce an infinite amount of energy ;).
vista_blista said:
Just look into the recent past for the way these silicon launches work, and realize it will be more of the same.

Quote for effin' tr00f. AMD has, is and most likely will always be very tight-lipped about their products before launch, get over it already people. 5 days to wait until all the facts are laid out on the table of what to expect of K10. As far as where Barcelona IS, well, it's where it's always been. Being mass-produced in FAB36 and for the past month, already shipping. The dates have already been stated by AMD when they will be shipped (August) and when it will debut.(September 10th). For anyone getting some notion that it's late according to AMD's published dates is merely either ignorant or oblivious to those aforementioned dates.

I find it funny that at this juncture the only thing they are capable of is whining and lashing out.

Holy off-topic whining, Batman! Who's the real whiner here? :eek:

Wow Manny, is there anything you can't complain about when it comes to AMD? I figured you would at least be over your "problem" by now, but I guess that was merely my hopeful optimism. :rolleyes: Can you at least stick with the topic of the thread at hand? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Or is that too much to ask? FWIW, last I checked this the AMD MICROPROCESSOR forum, not the AMD/ATI GRAPHICS forum, maybe you will get a better results there, if being a ass is your aim.