So, Vista 64 works pretty darn good, how many actually use it?

So, are you running Vista 64?

  • Yes, love it!

    Votes: 147 83.1%
  • Yes, hate it!

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Wanna make the leap, but haven't.

    Votes: 15 8.5%
  • Want to, but I realy on apps that don't support 64-bit OS!

    Votes: 2 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 16, 2006
Curious to see how many people actually took the leap or bought a system with the 64-bit version of Vista pre-installed. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how well its working and how little to no problems I've had with it. During the BETA I tried it and had serious issues, but I took the leap after SP1 was released and all my former 32-bit systems now run 64-bit. I know there are certain programs that don't officially support it yet, but everything must have a turning point and the fact that I see more and more notebooks ship with 3-4GB RAM and 64-bit OS is quite convincing that the change over is in more positive swing then before.
Running V64b since SP1 came out, not going back to *32b, and actually not a single issue with the OS to report :D
Where's the just "Yes" option?:p

I use Vista 64 because I have to due to having 4 gigs of memory. I don't hate it, but it has quirks that I would be free of were I using XP. It also has some handy features that I like that XP doesn't have. I'm kind of in the middle.
Sorry, can't edit the poll to add, just a yes :D I originally had just a yes, but added the hate it since I figured there would be some who were looking forward to changing back and the loving it for a more positive outlook.
Never had a problem with it.
In Fact, Im trying to have it's babies right now.
Just got my T7400 for work with Vista Business 64bit. As much as I hated my wife's laptop with Vista, I'm slowly starting to come around now after using it on a daily basis. It has it's ups and downs, I had to change a few things that with XP you didn't have to but really it's just a learning process all over again for how to tweak your system how you like it.

Performance it runs like a champ, but then again I have dual E5405's with 8GB of RAM too. :p
I stuck with XP for a long time...not too long before vista SP1 came out, my wife got a laptop with vista on it...I liked it and so did she (techie and non-techie) so when I bought a new hard drive for my laptop, I thought I'd test vista on that and if I didn't like it, no harm done...loved it...stuck it on my desktop immediately...never looked it.
Been running X64 since I got my freebies from MS. Very stable,with Sp1- never had any crash issues, app or OS. On my q6600 with 4 gigs, I'm really pleased.

The one thing I really do miss is right click context search of a folder tree.
Been using it for a couple of months now. I made the leap from Vista Ultimate 32 to 64 when I upgrade to 6gb of RAM. So far it's been great. No issues to report related to 64. I do have problems with my Sony handycam, but it's old and the issue seems to be Vista support in general.
64 bit Ultimate user reporting for duty, Sir!

Stable and pretty darn snappy on my rig from my sig below :D

Edit: I should also add that I'm using Vista Business 32-bit at work sadly, only because our production software, Primavera, does not work on 64-bit operating systems. But still, Vista 32-bit is pretty darn stable and quick too!
Running it on 2 desktops. 1 media center and 1 gaming. No problems at all.

Yep, vista ult x64.

TBH.. with a powerful rig, it's amazingly quick. Boots up quicker than when I had xp 32.
theres really no reason to stick with 32bit anymore. all companies products are required to make 64bit drivers if they want to be labeled Vista compatible

also Vista x64 is just plain better
theres really no reason to stick with 32bit anymore. all companies products are required to make 64bit drivers if they want to be labeled Vista compatible

also Vista x64 is just plain better

Indeed. Really makes me wonder why people can't ever seem to find drivers for their product. I'd understand more if it was OEM by Dell, Hp, etc. but most enthusiasts here on the site seem to have no problem finding drivers.

Hell, even my x-fi has been working all year with no problems =/
Since August of last year I've been running it and I love it, built three other computers with it and they all love it too.
There was a similar poll in the PC gaming section not long ago, Vista x64 was #1 between Vista x64, x86 and XP x64, x86. Anyways, I'm "lovin" Vista x64, it's a great OS.
I have been using it since it came out. I do not love it tho. It's OK

I have it on several machines all 64 bit

1 175 Opty
1 3200 Barton
1 2-4core xeon 3.0 ghz workstation.

BUT I still have 5 xp computers. Working great.
Been on it for a year plus and love it.

For my HTPC, however, I'll be using x86. I tried x64 and the tuner card and media center stuff just doesn't play as nicely. I don't want to take that much time to get it to work, so x86 will do.
I've been thinking about putting it on my gaming rig in my sig, since I have upgraded to 4GB ram. I keep complaining about memory leak issues in Age of Conan, and some of the people I play with say they have never had the issue with Vista 64. It is almost enough to get me to switch, but not enough yet.
Vista64 has been one of the most stable, powerful platforms I've used, and I've used most. I waited to adopt and I saw none of the early crashes and incompatibilities that others saw. <3 Vista64.
Been using it since it launched, after about 2 months of growing pains it worked and continues to work flawlessly for everything I need, from gamepads to microphones to a Wacom tablet to high-end videocards to a TV tuner I fiddled with to PDA synch'ing and literally everything I've tried. It's more stable than XP 32 ever was for me, and the 64-bit version of Vista that I use of course lets me access a full 4GB of RAM. With Service Pack 1 there's been a few small improvements, but the stigma surrounding it has been there even though it was pretty much 100% fixed within a month of launch :(. It is a stable, snappy, and intuitive OS thanks to the thousands of tiny little tweaks you hardly notice individually that stack up to be a great change after a couple weeks' use.
Been running Vista x64 since March, no driver issues here. Being able to actually use 4GB of physical RAM has saved me from some of the perils in FSX that others have reported with 32-bit OSs due to out of memory errors.
Nice to see that there are a lot of technologists on [H], those that appreciate technology for its framework and long-term benefits, despite the initially high resource costs.
Yup, use it, love it, on both my Laptop and Desktop.

64bit FTMFW and Vista FTMFW IMO, both have been flawless and a joy to use over XP.
I've been thinking about putting it on my gaming rig in my sig, since I have upgraded to 4GB ram. I keep complaining about memory leak issues in Age of Conan, and some of the people I play with say they have never had the issue with Vista 64. It is almost enough to get me to switch, but not enough yet.

Give it a try. Your rig in your sig's awesome for Vista. My processor's a hair slower than yours and it's blazing fast with Vista Ultimate 64. Try it and stay away from XP for one or two weeks, and I think I can promise you that you won't look back.
Nope. I an anxious for the day when I can move to it, but there are still too many developers lagging behind on releasing updates. I've tried it twice, too many issues. And I suspect that won't change much until they release a version of Windows that is 64 bit only.
I am not sure if this is an issue with IE or Vista 64 bit, but occasionally when I click a hyperlink that opens in a new window, IE freezes and I have to close down all instances. This is particularly annoying because I have to take quizzes online for school which are not timed, but they're really long. Sometimes I have to start them all over when this happens. Now I force myself to finish the quiz before clicking anything else, which is good for me to get the quiz done, but rather annoying.

I would not say I love it, but I don't hate it either. I would definitely say I don't recommend it for anyone without a decent setup.
It used to be my primary operating system but now its collecting dust thanks to Fedora 9 :)
Installed Vista Ult 64 2 days ago. I don't love it nor do I hate it. Have dropped some noticable FPS on COH since XP 32bit (can i blame DirectX10 here?). Some weird things happening like if I leave COH sitting for a while, goes to screen saver and then comes back with normal windows border around it instead of full screen. Internet downloads seem slower... Have done all MS updates - no difference.

One thing so far that I do hate - the new defrag utility: very, very, very slow, no estimate of time or progress. Just the 'wait' message and not much else to say its working. You might assume its hung if not for the disk activity LED. XP defrag took about 20mins, Left Vista defrag for about 4 hours, still not finished. And before everyone says, leave it to run scheduled in backgound, thats not the way I prefer to do it.

Pretty interface (aero, dreamscape desktop etc.). Haven't had my great Vista 'experience' yet, waiting for it to arrive in the mail after I register... :)

Had been resisting the change but will have to support Vista clients at work soon so I have to make the jump.
I switched to Vista 64 from XP 32. Overall I like it but I hate that it rearranges what's in my folders every time I close them and the new defrag utility is terrible. I like that you can schedule it to auto defrag every day and yeah you can access the regular defrag but I don't want to have to use command line and even that isn't as good as the regular defrag on XP.
I switched to Vista 64 from XP 32. Overall I like it but I hate that it rearranges what's in my folders every time I close them and the new defrag utility is terrible. I like that you can schedule it to auto defrag every day and yeah you can access the regular defrag but I don't want to have to use command line and even that isn't as good as the regular defrag on XP.

So many complaints about defrag, when there is:
O&O Defrag
Auslogics Disk Defrag
There should be something in that list for everyone to like. ;)
I tried to go x64 on my new machine, but it crashed quite a lot more than the x86 install. It really couldn't take the OC (which is weak sauce, anyway). So, back to x86 until... SP2?

I did move my laptop to X64, and it works fine. Drivers are all good. Software is OK - no major problems. I may try it again when I reinstall HP on my old rig in place of Biz.
I've been using Vista 64 for motnhs now and I only have a driver problem with it. my Nostromo N50 has no vista x64 drivers :(

But besides that everything works very well.

One big thing I like about vista is its automatic driver downloads for new devices, works very well for alot of things.