So... I see we're in second?


Apr 17, 2001
I thought this was supposed to be the number one team in folding..... Have I been gone too long? Where the heck is Relic! Do we need to get the dang Mojo out on the newbies on the team?!?

Yeah, I'm back. Not as strong as I used to be, but here. Don't expect too many posts as my current job is even busier than any of my last.

So, what's new? Slackers?

For those of you who don't know me, let me edumacate you:

We are the Horde,
That much is true.
We've come to fold,
For me and you.

Cancer's the enemy,
We've brought our boxen.
We've set our sights.
We're strong as oxen.

Hardfolding for a cause.
Hardfolding because.
Hardfolding we be.
Holdfolding to a tee.

Now let's light it up!
Show em we're strong.
We'll crush cancer,
All day long.

For those with doubt,
With thunder we speak.
Damn, you have been gone a long time.....

We're making a strong push to get back to #1, it was basically impossible to compete for a while with the paid folding going on over at eVGA.
We are the number 1 team in folding ;)

Just not # wise atm.
Figured there was a reason for it. Good to see there are some old guys still here.:D
Depends on what you mean by #1 ;) If you mean the best, hell ya , point wise it is quite hard to compete with EVGA due to their shear number of folders attracted in part by EVGA Bucks.
We are the Horde,
That much is true.
We've come to fold,
For me and you.

Cancer's the enemy,
We've brought our boxen.
We've set our sights.
We're strong as oxen.

Hardfolding for a cause.
Hardfolding because.
Hardfolding we be.
Holdfolding to a tee.

Now let's light it up!
Show em we're strong.
We'll crush cancer,
All day long.

For those with doubt,
With thunder we speak.

Welcome back, old man!

You have been gone far too long!

Relic still posts at [H], but not in the DC sub-forum. He is alive and well but busy with other things.

We have a strong team of dedicated DC'ers. Lots of participation. The amount$ dedicated to folding these days is insane.

Some folders are producing more than a million points per day every day, day in and day out.

Nice to have you around again.
Hmmm... Now that I stirred up the pot... I need to up my own contributions. I just literally installed the client on my laptops... figured I needed to get off my own a$$.

So, what's a good folding box on the cheap? I want to replace two of my old lab PCs with a more current PCs. I want to be able to fold for cheap, but still use the boxes for basic office/photoshop and light work.

whats your budget is the biggest question.

On the low end a 2500k/2600k, on the med a 2p setup (intel or AMD), on the high end (AMD Quad socket)
For now my budget is pretty low. I would like to spend less than $500 a box. Don't worry about software licenses I have that covered.

As a side note, anyone every done F@H on their ESX server? What did you find was trhe best combo of Client OS (Windows 7? 2008?) and what did you assign for hardware resources? 1/2/4 CPU 1/2/4 GB RAM? I have one that I need to bump up for work and I always have spare cycles. Thanks.
Getting all Medieval on us old man? :p Good to see you back in the game again...
Getting all Medieval on us old man? :p Good to see you back in the game again...

Yes, it's good to urge on the young whippersnappers here. :D

I am looking for a way to sneak in some new folding boxes in the guise of 'lab' machines. :cool:
@ $500 a box your best off buying a used 2600k + Mobo/fixings, and you will be set to go.
It's been a long time since I folded for [H] but I'm back with my new 4P 6174 system. Thinking about building a second if I can get the parts at a reasonable price.

I was just looking at my old stats on EOC. 24,379 WUs = 2,078,974 points. That works out to 85 points/WU. I just submitted 2 WUs from my 4P machine and received 784,397 points. It's incredible how far we've come.
@ $500 a box your best off buying a used 2600k + Mobo/fixings, and you will be set to go.

I would assume 4-8 GB would be good as I seem the SMP client operates well @ 1 GB per core. Disk wise, gree, blue or black WD? I know hard drive prices are up so I will have to find a used drive for this part.

What can I expect in terms of PPD on such a rig? Thanks for helping an old folder get back into things.
/brings out the beer and tamales

Good to see some old timers come back.

Just a side note medieval, at current it is better to have one large box than many small ones. This may not be possible in your case, but much has changed.

As far as the HDD for a dedicated folder, I grab used or refurbed drives.... even before the price went up.
It's been a long time since I folded for [H] but I'm back with my new 4P 6174 system. Thinking about building a second if I can get the parts at a reasonable price.

I was just looking at my old stats on EOC. 24,379 WUs = 2,078,974 points. That works out to 85 points/WU. I just submitted 2 WUs from my 4P machine and received 784,397 points. It's incredible how far we've come.

Been a long time. I remember you from way back when. Good to see you're around. :)
/brings out the beer and tamales

Good to see some old timers come back.

Just a side note medieval, at current it is better to have one large box than many small ones. This may not be possible in your case, but much has changed.

{edited] Good advice. I will look into my options for dual and single CPU. What good dual CPU sockets are useful for folding?

Good to see you as well.
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Why does this make me feel young again?

/me whips out more beer and tamales to fill the empty jug
{edited] Good advice. I will look into my options for dual and single CPU. What good dual CPU sockets are useful for folding?

Good to see you as well.

Welcome back on board

for AMD you could look at either C32 or G34, for intel the best choice would be dual 1366,

Some of the older sockets would still generate useful work but bang for buck would be low.
It's been a long time since I folded for [H] but I'm back with my new 4P 6174 system. Thinking about building a second if I can get the parts at a reasonable price.

I was just looking at my old stats on EOC. 24,379 WUs = 2,078,974 points. That works out to 85 points/WU. I just submitted 2 WUs from my 4P machine and received 784,397 points. It's incredible how far we've come.

Welcome back, old man! Nice to see you around these parts.
Wow, Chelsea Oilman, Medival....

Where are JKStang, Pagian, Moose, and the rest?
Man, this thread brought out the old farts :). Good to see.

On a tighter budget, a used dual C32, G34 or 1366 would probably be best.
Don't worry guys, I just started folding for team 33, my i5 will lead us to victory :D
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Don't worry guys, I just started folding for team 33, my i5 will lead us to victory :D


Welcome to the team!

Start a welcome thread if you like and tell us all your secrets!
Don't worry guys, I just started folding for team 33, my i5 will lead us to victory :D

Welcome to the [H]orde!
There are a bunch of awesome people here that can help you get that i5 on the road to folding domination. :cool:
Heh, never left. Although I was down to two dual old school opteron rigs (275's) for a number of years.
Dropped from 7th on the team (27th overall) to 127th on the team.

Just started my ramp a little over a year ago.

Welcome back BTW!
This is weird! It is like a 10 year reunion around here. Medieval, Ax, and ChelseaOilman! Am I dead?
As a side note, anyone every done F@H on their ESX server? What did you find was trhe best combo of Client OS (Windows 7? 2008?) and what did you assign for hardware resources? 1/2/4 CPU 1/2/4 GB RAM? I have one that I need to bump up for work and I always have spare cycles. Thanks.

Running ESX 4.1u1 with a gentoo linux VM and FAH 6.
As long as you aren't running any other VMs, the difference in tpf between the VM and bare metal install is negligible (few seconds at most, but I can't tell if that is just the normal diff in between frames, user load or ESX)

Once you load up a second VM it has a much bigger difference, especially if you haven't dedicated core(s) to the second VM.

Personally I like having ESX and only a single VM. Makes it much easier to port between physical boxes during upgrades and you can have a minimal install for folding along with a full linux or windows VM when you want to use the machine as a workstation.