So I camped out all night



At the local target. And I was three away in line from getting one. Oh man, what a waste :( Target sucks.
Lol, there are gonna be alotta these threads.. Just get a DS and MarioKart and be done with it. (and save some money) -
haha, id be so pissed.

the whole day, ive been so depressed because i want one so bad. still havent even played one... but im prolly making the right choice and saving for that 2405fpw still.
fodder0 said:
haha, id be so pissed.

the whole day, ive been so depressed because i want one so bad. still havent even played one... but im prolly making the right choice and saving for that 2405fpw still.

If you dont have a HDTV yet, buy the 2405fpw first, then the XBOX360 so you can maximize both your PC gamming and Console gamming pleasure.

My sister went to the Mojave desert for Zero Hour (invited through PMS clan), bought one there on the spot. :D
WhyYouLoveMe said:
I just gotta laugh. :D

hahahaha.. that does suck.. the weather on the east coast is just damn miserable on top of it.. good thing i'm not stupid or desperate enough to camp out just for a game system with average release titles

My sister went to the Mojave desert for Zero Hour (invited through PMS clan), bought one there on the spot. :D

Bet she didnt pay $1000 she still there????? can she get another one????? :D
magoo said:
Bet she didnt pay $1000 she still there????? can she get another one????? :D

Nope just $500 for the premium, and $100 or so for PDZ and Kameo.

And no, she's home now. :p
After playing a 360 in Best Buy I'm glad I didn't waste my time camping out.

PC ftw, always.
11 hours for my defective X360 :rolleyes: Although Halo2 seems to be running whereas PGR3 would not so who knows maybe I got a defective (yet flawless) disc.

I do have a second one sitting here waiting to go up for auction.
:p WOW, Thank really sucks!!! That is one of the reason's i am not getting one.
They had 15 where my wife works (Fred Meyer)... 10 premium and 5 core - there were 20 people standing outside when she got there at 5 am, store opens at 7 am and by 7:05 they were gone. One guy tried to grab 3 of them was damn near gang raped. She found it most amuzing and is glad she's married to someone more sane than a rabid console gamer (her words...)

For those that waited and didn't get one on launch day, that blows, but there just aren't enoug to go around for the average consoler, but those with wealth or influence already have one... <sigh>

somecallmeTim said:
They had 15 where my wife works (Fred Meyer)... 10 premium and 5 core - there were 20 people standing outside when she got there at 5 am, store opens at 7 am and by 7:05 they were gone. One guy tried to grab 3 of them was damn near gang raped. She found it most amuzing and is glad she's married to someone more sane than a rabid console gamer (her words...)

For those that waited and didn't get one on launch day, that blows, but there just aren't enoug to go around for the average consoler, but those with wealth or influence already have one... <sigh>


Seriously. It's a shame that people who preorder months ago, camped outside their respective stores, and walked away empty handed. And here I am, didn't really care for the XBOX360, and landed one through Zero Hour without a hitch.
Zinn said:
At the local target. And I was three away in line from getting one. Oh man, what a waste :( Target sucks.

All I have to say is the Playstation 3 will own you, and every Xbox owner.
zamardii said:
All I have to say is the Playstation 3 will own you, and every Xbox owner.

And you are basing this on what exactly ?
I read on Anandtech that the unsold 360s from the Zero Hour event at Plant 42 last night have been movied to the Palmdale Best Buy. Apparently there were over 100 units this morning.

I might be able to pick one up and ship it to a needy person. :D
I wouldn't trust Sony after this DRM nonsense even if their system were better than the Xbox. Fuck Sony.

My sister went to the Mojave desert for Zero Hour (invited through PMS clan), bought one there on the spot. :D

So let me get this straight, your sister games, plays first person shooters, and is apparently good enough to get invited to the 360 debut... jackpot. Show us the pictures of this mythical creature. :eek:
codegoblin said:
So let me get this straight, your sister games, plays first person shooters, and is apparently good enough to get invited to the 360 debut... jackpot. Show us the pictures of this mythical creature. :eek:

calm down junior, 98% of chicks that game are scary :p you don't want pics!!
I work as a stock-person overnight at a Target and as I left work there was a group of about 15 people who camped outside of Target overnight. I was in a weird mood, so as I walked out the door I said out loud to one of my co-workers "Man, I can't beleive we STILL havn't got any Xbox 360s in". I got a few looks from the campers after having said that. :p
Techx said:
hahahaha.. that does suck.. the weather on the east coast is just damn miserable on top of it.. good thing i'm not stupid or desperate enough to camp out just for a game system with average release titles

yeah i dont understand why people would camp out to buy a video game system. i went to get dinner yesterday and just had to laugh at the people sitting in their little tents in the freezing rain in front of circuit city. what was even more funny is my friend is manager there and they only got 10 units but werent allowed to tell the 20+ people out there this. hah!
Yeah, just finding out what the solid facts were was a real problem last night.
I called sams club and some useless chick answered the phone there.
How many 360s do you have? "Oh, tons of them" She says.
How much are they? "Oh around $250 I think."

Dumb as a clam
I dont get it dont people pre-order???

I mean damn you have 500 dollars to dish down but not 50 bucks for a pre-order??

Mine was pre-ordered the first week they made pre-orders available (months and months ago).

My experiace on buying a 360? I got a call from my local gamestop last week saying come in either today at midnight or anytime during the day... So i got my lunch break at work went to the local gamestop walked in and 5 minutes later out I walked with a 360 preimium in hand...

No lines.. no camping... no cold air.. no nothing.. just in and out and BAMO.. i purchased a VGA cable with the xbox 360 and have it hooked up to my Sony 24inch CRT, I have it on the 13XX * 768 resolution and it looks rather nice.
i'm only depressed because i didn't camp out and sell it on ebay. I had no idea these things would go for more than 1k....jesus

Honestly, if you have a premium system i would strongly urge you to put it on ebay and rack up that pure profit now....some idiots are paying upwards of 1700!
bobthebaker said:
i'm only depressed because i didn't camp out and sell it on ebay. I had no idea these things would go for more than 1k....jesus

Honestly, if you have a premium system i would strongly urge you to put it on ebay and rack up that pure profit now....some idiots are paying upwards of 1700!

I could have waited in line at Walmart yesterday and got a core system.
Went down around 5pm to buy other crap and noticed they had 8 core chairs and 8 premium chairs in the electornics dept. The premiums were full but they had 3 chairs open for the core. They were giving out vouchers to the chair people at 11pm and they went on sale at midnight.
Even the core systems are getting 800 on ebay. Could have made 75+ bucks an hour waiting in line for 6 hours. LOL This was inside the store too, so no foul weather. I should have just brought a book and camped out for the evening ! :)
camped at 10pm at circuit city then the security guards called the cops on us cause we were tresspassing. We parked off the property..stayed in our cars, went back at 6am, and scored some premiums.

Nice system, gotham racing is impressive, the titanic hd video on the hard drive is real nice.
Too bad this thing sounds like a vaccuum cleaner when its on. :)
the only reason why I wouldve camped out (and I do mean the only reason) wouldve been to land a couple of the Premium consoles just so I couldve sold them on ebay and made a killing like so many others have already done. but to just keep a console for myself after going through that kind of hell? hell no, not in this lifetime or the next.

I saw an ebay auction earlier where this one guy's Premium console tipped the scales at $2475 with free overnite shipping. (and by the way, the winning bidder looked to be the real McCoy so I dont think that this particular auction was BS like alot of them are.)

man, making an almost $2K profit from just standing in line looking like a retard for 10 to 12 hours? hell yes I would and I'd be laughing my ass off all the way to the bank. :p )
because of idiots who buy them and resell them to make money, isnt there some kinda clause that says they arent for resale? :( i could have sworn there was one on games saying they werent for resale or rental... ill check in a bit...
0mega said:
because of idiots who buy them and resell them to make money,

oh okay, so now these people are idiots for wanting to make some extra cash, huh? well then, these people should be shot at point blank range for wanting to make some money. :rolleyes:

isnt there some kinda clause that says they arent for resale?

okay, now that has to be the most dumbest thing I've heard all week. what in hell's business would it be to anyone if I want to resell something that I legally purchased??????????????
This discussion was had yesterday, and the thread was locked because it turned into a shitfest.

If people want to ebay their 360's that is their choice. If people want to buy them, that is theirs.

Leave it at that.