So I camped out all night

0mega said:
because of idiots who buy them and resell them to make money, isnt there some kinda clause that says they arent for resale? :( i could have sworn there was one on games saying they werent for resale or rental... ill check in a bit...

I'd say the idiots are the people actually paying 1500 for one, unless they make 150+ grand a year and are really into video games. The people running the auctions are smart. :)

I saw an ad for some kid who says his dad is VP at some retailer and he got 7 premium systems !! They all sold for between 1400-1700 dollars !! So some 16 year old kid made over 7,000 dollars profit for probably 6 hours of work to set everything up and mail them out. It would take me months to earn that much money at my regular job.

Sadly though, if the kid's dad is a VP at some big corporation, the 7000 will most likely go to buying his 3rd car or a vacation to Europe for a month.
regardless of the fact that the idea is smart, its still disgusting to do something like that, not thinking that some people may not be able to afford something like that, makes me wish it was illegal to dos tuff like that... it just sickens me...
0mega said:
regardless of the fact that the idea is smart, its still disgusting to do something like that, not thinking that some people may not be able to afford something like that, makes me wish it was illegal to dos tuff like that... it just sickens me...

I'd do it. I think alot of people would if they had some extra ones...
Zinn said:
At the local target. And I was three away in line from getting one. Oh man, what a waste :( Target sucks.

I feel so sorry for you. I camped out at a Walmart Supercenter way over in IN somewhere and was able to get my hands on a premium at midnight. I got there at 1pm for the midnight launch and was #5 in the line. My friend was out doing something and came later and was able to get in line to get the last one at #32. The guy who had #33 was not happy unfortunately.

Bad news, is that the X360 looks so good on a HD TV that I finally broke down and bought a 23 inch Samsung HDTV this morning :(
okay, now that has to be the most dumbest thing I've heard all week. what in hell's business would it be to anyone if I want to resell something that I legally purchased??????????????

Actually, there are many laws against this. I guarantee no one is reporting that multi-thousand dollar sale as income on their tax forms, which is highly illegal. Also, many industries are regulated or have authorization required to legally sell their products.

And this whole thing is disgusting. Both the greed and need for instant gratification that drives the buyers, and the greed and viewpoint that there's nothing wrong with taking advantage of others that drives the sellers.

Free enterprise? Hmmmm. I bet we could make millions jacking up the price of medicine for those who need it. Oh wait, someone already thought of that.
And what, pray tell, is the solution to all of this?

I've got it: we all share things as equals, even though many people are clearly not equal to others. Nobody makes a profit on anything. Nothing drives manufacturers to innovate, and the market will stagnate. Sooner or later, somebody will find a way to take advantge of the situation and rise above everyone else.

What do we call this? Communism.
This reminds me of when star wars came out...tons of people camping out in line...then the biggest hail and wind storm hit that we'd had in around 5 years...wind at around 40mph and hail the size of marbles. Crazy thing is, the people stayed in line!
Some of you people just can't resist, can't you? In the console world, this is it right now and will be IT for a while to come.
Draax said:
If you dont have a HDTV yet, buy the 2405fpw first, then the XBOX360 so you can maximize both your PC gamming and Console gamming pleasure.

buy a 1080p DLP TV with a VGA input..
And maximize ..

TV Watching
Console Gaming
Computer Gaming
HDBox2d1 said:
buy a 1080p DLP TV with a VGA input..
And maximize ..

TV Watching
Console Gaming
Computer Gaming

I would not buy a 1080p TV as very very few things can take advantage of 1080p. The XBOX360 will not take advantage of 1080p as 1080i is what is possible with the 360 currently..

In addition there is still a war going on over how 1080p is to be broadcast. If legislation goes through 1080p will only be possible through firewire connections.

I do not believe that the additional cost for 1080p is justified by the few devices which can utilize it.
Yeah, but just to say.. "i have a 1080p TV" is nice.. like posting your FX-57 & 7800GTX SLi setups for the bigger E-P8nis.

Some high end TVs can upconvert (right term?) 1080i to 1080p?
So when your watching a broadcast from DBS/Cable in 1080i maybe the TVs internal scaler would just make that signal progressive?

You can always run a Demo loop of 1080p material. haha
But i agree; there are indeed very very few things can take advantage of 1080p.
Which is no fun.. But think; when things start being broadcasted/produced in 1080p..

If i had to buy a new TV it would be a 60"+ Mitsu 1080p DLP.. but i guess thats $4k+
HDBox2d1 said:
Some high end TVs can upconvert (right term?) 1080i to 1080p?
So when your watching a broadcast from DBS/Cable in 1080i maybe the TVs internal scaler would just make that signal progressive?

Thats something im not sure of. I think a lot of TVs have 720p native resolution so even 1080i is upscaled / upconverted. So im not sure how it would work with 1080p. Dont get me wrong NFL football in 1080i is friggen amazing, I Have a 46" DLP and a digital box and the detail is amazing with 1080 signals.
combustion said:
its called free enterprise and its one of the many things that makes this country great.

No, it's not free enterprise. There's nothing even remotely enterprising about it since it's not a business. There's also zero risk and the investment has an almost immediate 100% profit on turn-around which is quite nice but it's not even close to sustainable. In fact, it's really just helping to create even more demand for the system. I'd be willing to bet this is one of the things that makes the country worse after reading the stories of people lying about getting them for servicemen etc. to sell them on ebay.

If you think about the time you're investing in camping for one of these things, it'd probably be better to just work overtime. Although, I can't really imagine anyone with any sort of decent full-time job sitting out in front of Best Buy to sell an xbox on ebay. However, I'm sure this appeals to the lowest common denominator due to the illusion of simplicity in getting one.
EndersGame said:
I dont get it dont people pre-order???

I mean damn you have 500 dollars to dish down but not 50 bucks for a pre-order??

Mine was pre-ordered the first week they made pre-orders available (months and months ago).

Consider yourself lucky. Many people preordered their Xbox360's but the retailers recieved less than what was preordered. Remember the, "You're number 41, we only have 40 XBOX360's. Sorry."

Oh well, I got mine from Zero Hour.

And no pictures of my sister, besides, she has this gigantic pile of aryan as a boyfriend.
HDBox2d1 said:
Yeah understand..
Madden NFL 2006 on Xbox 360 in 1080i looks Amazing.

Does Madden look better in 720p, or 1080i? All except for one of my games looks clearly better in 720p.