So how Serious is Serious Sam 3???

The devastator is hands down the best weapon for taking on distanced high level baddies. Very fast travel time and a big punch.

I agree.
however, the ammo seems to be few and far between. I save it for the bosses of the level if possible.
Picked this up last night and have been having a good time. Runs well on my system with most settings on ultra, texture quality is good with only a few low res objects. Shooting is fluid and fun. This review pretty much sums up my opinion,

the final say 9.2/10

Awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome. But it's intelligently made beyond being just "awesome". It's awesome, yes, but it also has a brain, and expects that YOU have one, and lets you USE that brain. It may start off a little slow, but eventually the game truly turns into something special. It's the kind of game we not only get anymore, but the kind of game we NEED MORE OF. If you have any interest in taking the FPS genre in a direction in sorely needs to head in... buy this game. If you have any interest in blowing up monsters, buy this game. If you have even the slightest passing interest in crazy multiplayer experiences, buy this game. If you are a PC gamer: BUY. THIS. GAME. That's all I can possibly say.
IGN gave it a 7.0. Guess the nub might have been playing consoles all this time... :bleh:
IGN gave it a 7.0. Guess the nub might have been playing consoles all this time... :bleh:

PC gamer here, dont see the appeal of SS3 either. 7.0 probably warranted. Offers nothing new. It's a throwback, which is fine in itself, so a 7.0 in that sense is great. But the gfx are average, gameplay is dated. And who, other than super hardcore PC only gamers, really care about the plethora of options the game has.
PC gamer here, dont see the appeal of SS3 either. 7.0 probably warranted. Offers nothing new. It's a throwback, which is fine in itself, so a 7.0 in that sense is great. But the gfx are average, gameplay is dated. And who, other than super hardcore PC only gamers, really care about the plethora of options the game has.

What exactly do you want from the gameplay, either added or removed, in order for it to not be "dated"? And I'm talking primarily about the SP.
Seriously (no pun intended) they can't win. Too many options / too few options. Gameplay like every interchangeable, watered-down modern warfare console port on the market / dated gameplay.
If up-to-date means being like all the other FPS shit out there (which basically means MP-focused with some pissy little on-rails, scripted, QTE SP campaign) then give me throwback any day.
If, on the other hand, you're one of those people who's all about the competitive MP, then this probably wasn't going to be the game for you to start with.
PC gamer here, dont see the appeal of SS3 either. 7.0 probably warranted. Offers nothing new. It's a throwback, which is fine in itself, so a 7.0 in that sense is great. But the gfx are average, gameplay is dated. And who, other than super hardcore PC only gamers, really care about the plethora of options the game has.

well, i think the game is awesome, especially considering the launch price of $40 retail ($30ish on sale).
4saken doesn't like SS3 because I bought it first... :p
zooming map to different locations? check
follow the arrow missions? check
regenerating health? check
ice climbing? check
rescue missions? check
bombing runs? check
helicopter missions? check
downhill skiing/4 wheeling? check
dramatic "story" ? check
cover? check
prone/sniping? check
you think all this bullshit makes a game fun? think again. All the CoD shit is dated. They add all this bullshit into a game because it is expected, but it adds nothing to the fun.

If you play serious sam and love it it is because you HAVE BIG FUCKING BALLS! None if this pussy bullshit that has been introduced for the watered down console market.
What exactly do you want from the gameplay, either added or removed, in order for it to not be "dated"? And I'm talking primarily about the SP.
Seriously (no pun intended) they can't win. Too many options / too few options. Gameplay like every interchangeable, watered-down modern warfare console port on the market / dated gameplay.
If up-to-date means being like all the other FPS shit out there (which basically means MP-focused with some pissy little on-rails, scripted, QTE SP campaign) then give me throwback any day.
If, on the other hand, you're one of those people who's all about the competitive MP, then this probably wasn't going to be the game for you to start with.

you probably hit it on the head with competitive MP. I just dont see how any PC FPS shooter these days can be released without some form of actual VS mp. Co-Op has zero appeal. I am not judging on what should be added or removed necessarily, just stating that its a very generic title, no matter how tweaked for PC it is. Hence the average reviews. Just because it works very well xfire/eyefinity, graphic options, etc doesnt warrant any special bonuses as far as how good a game is. This title will be all but forgotten in 3 months.
you probably hit it on the head with competitive MP. I just dont see how any PC FPS shooter these days can be released without some form of actual VS mp. Co-Op has zero appeal. I am not judging on what should be added or removed necessarily, just stating that its a very generic title, no matter how tweaked for PC it is. Hence the average reviews. Just because it works very well xfire/eyefinity, graphic options, etc doesnt warrant any special bonuses as far as how good a game is. This title will be all but forgotten in 3 months.

Serious Sam 3 has competitive co-op. Get so many points and you get a 'credit' to kill your co-op partner. There are also DM modes.
Co-op is the most appealing multiplayer for me. When I played Crysis, my first thought after hopping into a vehicle was "I can't wait to play this with a friend!" followed by "Oh wait, just deathmatch." Then when playing Crysis Warhead, I again thought "I can't wait to play this with a friend! Oh wait, still just deathmatch" which was closely followed by me beating the game and then never starting it up again. Thank heavens Croteam knew what was what when they made Serious Sam.
you probably hit it on the head with competitive MP. I just dont see how any PC FPS shooter these days can be released without some form of actual VS mp. Co-Op has zero appeal. I am not judging on what should be added or removed necessarily, just stating that its a very generic title, no matter how tweaked for PC it is. Hence the average reviews. Just because it works very well xfire/eyefinity, graphic options, etc doesnt warrant any special bonuses as far as how good a game is. This title will be all but forgotten in 3 months.

So then don't buy it? I've been playing coop with a buddy of mine for a couple days and already feel like I've gotten my $24 out of it. So what if it's forgotten in 3 months, it's a lot of fun right now. If I based all my gaming buying decisions on whether or not a game will keep me entertained for 3 months or more I'd probably have around 5 games total. I've purchased worse games for more money and have played them less than this one
Co-op is the most appealing multiplayer for me. When I played Crysis, my first thought after hopping into a vehicle was "I can't wait to play this with a friend!" followed by "Oh wait, just deathmatch." Then when playing Crysis Warhead, I again thought "I can't wait to play this with a friend! Oh wait, still just deathmatch" which was closely followed by me beating the game and then never starting it up again. Thank heavens Croteam knew what was what when they made Serious Sam.

I'm not sure if you know this but Croteam does not equal Crytek.
you probably hit it on the head with competitive MP. I just dont see how any PC FPS shooter these days can be released without some form of actual VS mp. Co-Op has zero appeal. I am not judging on what should be added or removed necessarily, just stating that its a very generic title, no matter how tweaked for PC it is. Hence the average reviews. Just because it works very well xfire/eyefinity, graphic options, etc doesnt warrant any special bonuses as far as how good a game is. This title will be all but forgotten in 3 months.

lol go back to MW3.. if co-op isn't for you then don't play it, the rest of us will continue to enjoy SS3 without you.
you probably hit it on the head with competitive MP. I just dont see how any PC FPS shooter these days can be released without some form of actual VS mp. Co-Op has zero appeal. I am not judging on what should be added or removed necessarily, just stating that its a very generic title, no matter how tweaked for PC it is. Hence the average reviews. Just because it works very well xfire/eyefinity, graphic options, etc doesnt warrant any special bonuses as far as how good a game is. This title will be all but forgotten in 3 months.

So much bitterness.

So is this game worth getting guys? I'm thinking of snagging it , I love Painkiller type games where its just a slaughter fest.
So much bitterness.

So is this game worth getting guys? I'm thinking of snagging it , I love Painkiller type games where its just a slaughter fest.

yes its worth getting. the single player starts slow but gets more and more bad ass as you go. just make sure you play it in serious mode otherwise its a total borefest. MP co-op is awesome when you get a ton of people playing. just go through the thread theres a few videos people have posted playing the game.
These guys seem a lot harder than in the old games. They move a lot quicker and tend to move at angles to you so you can't just fling a bunch of rockets at them from range and then move on. You either need to get close with rockets or spend a ton of bullets from one of the assault rifle or minigun. Or use the cannon.

they are much harder, their rockets seem a lot faster and they shoot more of them.
Freaking loving this game. It's a proper PC game. When I started the game up for the first time I was a so scared that I would find maybe 3-4 graphics options, and a few mouse/keyboard options. When I saw that you could customize nearly every option in the game I damn near jumped out of the desk chair with joy. Seriously. Oh and the fact that it has adjustable FOV out of the box and does not need any .ini tweaks or anything gay like that. This game is seriously awesome. the prelude run up to the final boss...damn near melted my video card. :D

I'm not kidding I hit 85C by the end of the level, my office feels like a friggin sauna.
I loved the first two, can't wait to play this, hopefully steam has a deal on it sometime soon. the prelude run up to the final boss...damn near melted my video card. :D

I'm not kidding I hit 85C by the end of the level, my office feels like a friggin sauna.

I just got the Devastator; please tell me I get the mini-gun soon.
I just got the Devastator; please tell me I get the mini-gun soon.

Huh? I thought the mini was before that, could be wrong though.

Here's my question, where in the hell is the laser gun? I found it via the secret, but ammo is seriously rare and I don't recall it ever being officially given in the game. Likewise with the sniper rifle.. the prelude run up to the final boss...damn near melted my video card. :D

I'm not kidding I hit 85C by the end of the level, my office feels like a friggin sauna.

pffft, I've had a 9800GX2 that would idle 80C and go up to 105C under load ;-P

I got my minigun after I got my devastator. I'm sure I could have found the minigun earlier if I was better at finding secrets.
I remember now...I had to take my minigun off of a turret. I probably could have gotten it on the level in which you had to disable many turrets, but I didn't figure out I could remove it from the turret until much later in the game.
Huh? I thought the mini was before that, could be wrong though.

Here's my question, where in the hell is the laser gun? I found it via the secret, but ammo is seriously rare and I don't recall it ever being officially given in the game. Likewise with the sniper rifle..
Neither one is given normally during the game. The only way to get them is to find the secrets.
  • Step one: Find a 10 foot high structure you can climb onto
  • Step two: Gather all enemies on the map into a corner right below the structure
  • Step three: Drop a brick of C4 into the hundred or so enemies below you
  • Step four: Profit (or alternately: It's Raining Men)
  • Step one: Find a 10 foot high structure you can climb onto
  • Step two: Gather all enemies on the map into a corner right below the structure
  • Step three: Drop a brick of C4 into the hundred or so enemies below you
  • Step four: Profit (or alternately: It's Raining Men)

This only works with enemies with no ranged weapons but, yes, the profit is indeed great when it works. I also enjoy using the bracelet of death on big groups of guys. Circles strafe around bunch of purple shirted rocket guys, string together as many as possible on the lightning chain and watch them pop.
So I was a little harsh when first commenting on the game because I had only played through level 3 or 4. I do not recall at which level it started getting better, I'm thinking level 5, but from that point forward the game has been awesome. I'm really glad I stuck with it for the first few levels, which in my opinion, still suck. The later levels totally feel like the Serious Sam game I know and love.

Quick question on the wrist bracelet weapon, Sam has the bracelet on to unlock some relics but I haven't actually used it to kill enemies. Am I missing something or do you get that ability later? I'm to the part of the game just after powering up Anubis.

So I was a little harsh when first commenting on the game because I had only played through level 3 or 4. I do not recall at which level it started getting better, I'm thinking level 5, but from that point forward the game has been awesome. I'm really glad I stuck with it for the first few levels, which in my opinion, still suck. The later levels totally feel like the Serious Sam game I know and love.

Quick question on the wrist bracelet weapon, Sam has the bracelet on to unlock some relics but I haven't actually used it to kill enemies. Am I missing something or do you get that ability later? I'm to the part of the game just after powering up Anubis.


The bracelet weapon replaces your 'fists'. Hold fire and lasso up enemies. After a period of time or when you let go of fire, they "explode".
Gotta say that I ran through this game entirely coop on steam and it was awesome. Definitely recommended - great graphics. The Kleers were definitely annoying though.
The bracelet weapon replaces your 'fists'. Hold fire and lasso up enemies. After a period of time or when you let go of fire, they "explode".

You can also laso several at once, it quickly became my favorite way to kill Kleer. You just have to know how to dodge. :)
Have any of you guys tried this game out with sli? Does it scale? I know that Serious Sam HD doesn't has some issues with sli.