

[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2006
Oct 8, 2003
Okay, I know a few of you out there sneakernet a few internet-less borgs.... How do you do it? I talked with my boss and he said that he didn't care if F@H ran on my work PC, but that the higher ups were bitching about bandwidth and net usage.... so I told him it could run without the any access to the net, I'd just have to put them on a thumb drive and upload them elsewhere and he said that was fine.......

So................ I looked in the FAQs and such and didn't see any mention of sneakernetting, so I figured this was a good time to compile a few different ways to do it.... What are the different ways you can do it?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I copied the F@H folder for each machine to the thumb drive and exported the userID as a .reg file, also had shortcuts setup to run the F@H clients with -local. Also keep a copy of your "WU turn in machine" 's userID.

So to turn in a WU, just run the reg file, run the short cut and let it turn in the WU and grab the new one. Then close the client. Set the userID back and bring the F@H folder back to that netless machine.

Hope that makes sence.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

OSUguy98 said:
<snip> the higher ups were bitching about bandwidth and net usage....
If F@H is causing a bandwidth issue, you must have a HECK of a lot of boxes running--enough to make sneakernetting impractical. Do the higher-ups have any evidence of F@H causing problems, or are they just trying to cover up for their NSFW surfing?

it's a state-wide crackdown on "unofficial network usage" nothing about F@H specifically, just a general crackdown on misc. browsing, file sharing and other non work related BS....

Mohonri, I'll give that a try and see what I can come up with.......

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Get them to block img files in email...

jpg, gif, png, etc... not to mention wmv, mp3... i'm sure that would cut down on alot of the problems :)
I think if you took a certain coworkers emailing privaledges away (and blocked all his other email addresses) we'd cut down on a LOT of BS...

they're mostly trying to cut down of the kiddie pr0n and napster/itunes people... not to mention the AIM/ICQ/Yahoo people... it's kinda the "one person ruined it for everyone" mentality.... So they said "nothing that is not work related except for admins and those who hold the power" of course, that last part goes unspoken.....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Here they have all those ports firewalled for instant msgrs, and then the web-verisons websensed away
Another thought is, can load up on timeless wu's in a que, have it run them all, then bring em home for a nice small dump...
You may also want to run timeless WUs on the systems. That way you can queue up 10 WUs which will cut down on how much you have to move stuff around. Also, it creates really nice points dumps when you finally send all the WU's back.

Yup, I planned on timeless... and probably multiple clients... you can have 8 clients on a PC, so that's 80 queued units........ but I've never played around to getting them to queue.... is that an option once you say yes to deadline-less units?

We have Websense here... mainly to keep the ebay whores at home... but I can't go to Steve's alterego site because on the front page it has the word "NUDE" so it's blocked...... hell, last I checked, was blocked... and I actually USED that for work.... asking the occasional question about who owns what rail line, who we need to contact before we inspect the bridge,etc.....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
Yup, I planned on timeless... and probably multiple clients... you can have 8 clients on a PC, so that's 80 queued units........ but I've never played around to getting them to queue.... is that an option once you say yes to deadline-less units?

We have Websense here... mainly to keep the ebay whores at home... but I can't go to Steve's alterego site because on the front page it has the word "NUDE" so it's blocked...... hell, last I checked, was blocked... and I actually USED that for work.... asking the occasional question about who owns what rail line, who we need to contact before we inspect the bridge,etc.....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Yes, there is a setting to queue up the WUs. It will ask you if you want to minimize networking or something like that. If you say yes to that, it will queue up the timeless units.

I would not suggest putting 8 instances on the systems, though. It will take plenty of time to chew through ten of the timeless units as most of them are 230-249 point Tinkers. At least, that's all I have seen on any of my machines runnng timeless lately. Besides, you wouldn't want to run multiple clients like that. It would be a pain to setup every one of them as a service and then have to disable and enable them as one of them finished.

KodiakStar said:
Get them to block img files in email...

jpg, gif, png, etc... not to mention wmv, mp3... i'm sure that would cut down on alot of the problems :)
not to mention .exe, .pif, .scr, .bat, et cetera. I have a very hard time justifying even any formatting in email. If you can't get the message across using plain text, there are bigger problems at hand...

What's the point of having a big fat government pipe if it's not being used for anything beneficial/useful? Porn and warez are one thing, WUs are entirely different. It's not taking people's time away from work (like ebay does), which is (it seems) the big issue at stake.

OSUguy98 said:
ebay whores

Anyways. I'd suggest only setting up two, because it'll take you a while even with a modern machine to finish the timelesses. Then you can do some fun little scripts that swap off between the two directories, and copy the correct one to thumbdrive at the right time. Maybe a script on the thumbdrive that autoruns on insertion or something?

it seems executable files are normally the ones that are *always* blocked... but if you eliminate all those others that are not blocked, or put in size restrictions.. it would cut down a great deal.
my work machine is a P4 2.66.... it chewed through alot of WUs before they started cracking down on "non work related usage".....

they haven't blocked the servers or anything for F@H, but I'd rather sneakernet them than worry about net usage....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

unhappy_mage said:
Anyways. I'd suggest only setting up two, because it'll take you a while even with a modern machine to finish the timelesses. Then you can do some fun little scripts that swap off between the two directories, and copy the correct one to thumbdrive at the right time. Maybe a script on the thumbdrive that autoruns on insertion or something?

Here's an idea--tell me if it sounds wacko.

I'd create about 20 directories on the usb drive, 10 slots for "results to be uploaded" and 10 for "new WUs to put on machines"
I'd write a script to do the following:

--Detect whether it's on the machine where you upload/download (could be as simple as testing for the existence of a certain file)
----If yes:
------run all the instances of F@H for, say, 10 minutes to allow uploading of results and downloading of new WUs
----If no: (we're on a folding box, not the download/upload box)
------stop FAH
------copy the FAH folder to one of the 10 results folder on the usb drive (keep track!)
------copy the work from one of the 10 WU slots on the USB drive to the folding computer (keep track!)
------start FAH

This would let you dump 10 machines' worth of Timeless WUs at a time, and you'd only have to make one trip to each machine for each group of WUs.

Is there a way to prevent a machine from attempting to contact Stanford? I guess you could set the proxy as or and it'd never get through....although that's probably not a good idea if you're running it on a server...

mage, what do you think?

I'm surprised you have not gotten blasted by the "turn 'em in fast" police.
I sneakernetted my way to #1 for the [H] in Genome at home.
Right now I'm "burning in" about 12Ghz at work, after a summer off.
Prime parameters:
VJ discourages it.
I've posted at least three how to's on sneakernetting over the years.
The main things are keep your registry files coordinated and turn the WU in fast.
When I was running timeless I'd que 10 WU, but the damn things would stop to upload after processing 6. And they were so small that my hogs would go through them in one day. One good 600 pointer would take a few days.
pm if you want a lot of details.

chileman said:
I copied the F@H folder for each machine to the thumb drive and exported the userID as a .reg file, also had shortcuts setup to run the F@H clients with -local. Also keep a copy of your "WU turn in machine" 's userID.

So to turn in a WU, just run the reg file, run the short cut and let it turn in the WU and grab the new one. Then close the client. Set the userID back and bring the F@H folder back to that netless machine.

Hope that makes sence.

An easier way:

Set up a new client on the upload/download machine. Copy from the work machine F@H client: the work folder, queue.dat and FAHlog.txt. These are all that you need. Don't bother with User IDs or registry entries. Dump the three files from the work machine into the u/d machine. Start the u/d client and it will send completed work and download a new wu.
Okay, so I've been playing around with sneakernetting my work machine... I've run into a slight problem.......... no matter what I do, F@H still sends ech WU back when it's done... since the PC has network access, it can, and so it does..... I haven't figured out yet how to sneakernet an "online" PC...... The whole reason I wanted to do this was to have the net usage be 0.... which doesn't help if it returns the WU after it's done... I might as well have it run normal WUs............

Any ideas??

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

In the config, you can set your proxy as or

Alternatively, you can configure it to ask before it send work.

OSUguy98 said:
Okay, so I've been playing around with sneakernetting my work machine... I've run into a slight problem.......... no matter what I do, F@H still sends ech WU back when it's done... since the PC has network access, it can, and so it does..... I haven't figured out yet how to sneakernet an "online" PC...... The whole reason I wanted to do this was to have the net usage be 0.... which doesn't help if it returns the WU after it's done... I might as well have it run normal WUs............
since you won't pm me -
Ok - run console timeless and nonet.
When you fire it off on the download/upload (DU) machine do a config, advanced options
Your cfg file should look like this:




important lines are:

When you run it don't use advmethods flag.
I use:
fah502-console -verbosity 9 -local -forceasm

This should download 10 units.
copy the reg key.
At this time you should get 10 tinkers of approximtely 240 points each.
Then sneakernet it.
Before you go to run it turn OFF the net on the machine to ENSURE you don't trespass.
run the reg key.
Fire it off.
Example - "fah502-console -verbosity 9 -local -forceasm"
It may ask to connect to the network, I go ahead and say yes, it bumps it's head then goes and starts processing.
I then go and turn the network back on.
My machines are crunching about 50PpDpG, thus I'd expect a 2.6Ghz machine to crunch about 1 unit in 2 days. Remember, that it used to want to upload after 6 units.
Now let's see - 8 instances times 10 units times 240 points could equal what we used to call a strong Elephant Dump from the old days when the image of the [H]orde was a rampaging Elep[H]ant.

I just did a Brainless Emu dump at the end of October.

Here's one of the scales for the link lazy:
Dirty Bird Lapel soiling dump 75 - 100
Small spastic, yippy dog Dump 101 - 250
The ColinT Memorial Godzilla Cat Dump 251 - 500
Beaver Dump 501 - 1,000
Post Coital Hill Giant Dump 1,001 - 2,000
Big Red Roo Dump 2,001 - 4,000
Brainless Emu Dump 4,001 - 8,000
Rhino Dump 8,001 - 12,000
Elephant Dump 12,001 - 15,000
Fat Bastard Dump 15,001 - 20,000
Tyrannosaurus Rex Dump 20,001 - 25,000
Giant Deep Sea Squid Dump 25,001 - 50,000
King Kong Dump 50,001 - 75,000
Godzilla Dump 75,001 - 100,000
Angry Greek Titan Dump 100,001 - 150,000
Screaming Barbarian Horde Dump 150,001 - 200,000
Blue Whale Dump 200,001 - 300,000
Deadly Aquatic Drop Bear Dump 300,001 - 500,000
Planetary Core Dump 500,001 - 1,000,000
Super Nova Dump 1,000,001+

And a Big Red Roo dump today!
Sorry about the lack of PM, I must have missed your post....

I'll give that a shot this evening/today... thanks for the info...... who knew we have ranges for "dumps" :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Dirty Bird Lapel soiling dump 75 - 100
Small spastic, yippy dog Dump 101 - 250
The ColinT Memorial Godzilla Cat Dump 251 - 500
Beaver Dump 501 - 1,000
Post Coital Hill Giant Dump 1,001 - 2,000
Big Red Roo Dump 2,001 - 4,000
Brainless Emu Dump 4,001 - 8,000
Rhino Dump 8,001 - 12,000
Elephant Dump 12,001 - 15,000
Fat Bastard Dump 15,001 - 20,000
Tyrannosaurus Rex Dump 20,001 - 25,000
Giant Deep Sea Squid Dump 25,001 - 50,000
King Kong Dump 50,001 - 75,000
Godzilla Dump 75,001 - 100,000
Angry Greek Titan Dump 100,001 - 150,000
Screaming Barbarian Horde Dump 150,001 - 200,000
Blue Whale Dump 200,001 - 300,000
Deadly Aquatic Drop Bear Dump 300,001 - 500,000
Planetary Core Dump 500,001 - 1,000,000
Super Nova Dump 1,000,001+
I like this...
OSUguy98 said:
Sorry about the lack of PM, I must have missed your post....

I'll give that a shot this evening/today... thanks for the info...... who knew we have ranges for "dumps" :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

You should have been around in the Genome@Home days, they were all the rage. ;)

Yup... that was a little before I started I guess....

Is all of this sticky material (especially the defintions lol)? or is this something Stanford is steadfastly against, no matter the circumstance?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
Yup... that was a little before I started I guess....

Is all of this sticky material (especially the defintions lol)? or is this something Stanford is steadfastly against, no matter the circumstance?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Who cares what they think? ;) ;)
OSUguy98 said:
Is all of this sticky material (especially the defintions lol)? or is this something Stanford is steadfastly against, no matter the circumstance?

Ask and ye shall recieve, added to the DC Lingo and Advanced tips and tricks sections of the FAQ. :D
Schweet!!! :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

chileman said:
I copied the F@H folder for each machine to the thumb drive and exported the userID as a .reg file, also had shortcuts setup to run the F@H clients with -local. Also keep a copy of your "WU turn in machine" 's userID.

I HATE to bump an old thread, (page 5 isn't too bad is it?) but I have a small sneakernetting question that didn't warrent its own thread.

How do you export your userID as a .reg file? Do you make a .txt file, type your userId in it, and rename it as a .reg file, because when I'm trying to sneakernet on my other computer, the program just keeps asking for the internet for an ID, despite the fact that it has 9 WU's to much on.
All you need to do is find the key in regedit, HKLM\SOFTWARE\PandeGroup\Folding@home, and export it. You'll be prompted to give it a file name, and then you've created your reg file. :D
p[H]ant0m said:
All you need to do is find the key in regedit, HKLM\SOFTWARE\PandeGroup\Folding@home, and export it. You'll be prompted to give it a file name, and then you've created your reg file. :D

Thanks, would have never thought of that. :)

*edit*: Ack, I exported the reg file, put it in the directory, but it STILL is trying to connect to the internet, argh. Any other suggestions?

Shortcut is "-verbosity 9 -local -forceasm"

I guess I just don't know how to "nonet" since there is not a "-nonet" flag. :/

drkfce said:
Thanks, would have never thought of that. :)

*edit*: Ack, I exported the reg file, put it in the directory, but it STILL is trying to connect to the internet, argh. Any other suggestions?
Once you export the reg key from one machine, you have to import it on the other machine. Just double-click the .reg file to merge it into the registry.

Mohonri said:
Once you export the reg key from one machine, you have to import it on the other machine. Just double-click the .reg file to merge it into the registry.

oops :eek:

*edit* I double clicked it, and it says it is not a registry script? :confused:

It was the registry called "UserID" right?

When you export it, right-click on the Folding@Home folder icon in the left pane, and export that. You want the whole key.

Mohonri said:
When you export it, right-click on the Folding@Home folder icon in the left pane, and export that. You want the whole key.

Oh. :eek:^2

*edit* did just as you said, Right click on "F@H" folder, and export that, but it is still saying that it isn't a registry script.

Or am I supposed to click on the "All" option on the lower left side of the "Save as" window, making a 50 meg file? (I doubt this is it, it's probably saving registry information from all the directories, but what do I know ;) )

drkfce said:
*edit* did just as you said, Right click on "F@H" folder, and export that, but it is still saying that it isn't a registry script.

Or am I supposed to click on the "All" option on the lower left side of the "Save as" window, making a 50 meg file? (I doubt this is it, it's probably saving registry information from all the directories, but what do I know ;) )
No, you want the "selected range" option. (The "All" option is to export the entire registry)

What are the options when you right-click on the .reg file?

Mohonri said:
No, you want the "selected range" option. (The "All" option is to export the entire registry)

What are the options when you right-click on the .reg file?

*sigh* I just realised something; there is no console version for windows ME, only a graphical client. So, basically, all this stuff working back and forth has been in vain, hehe.

Is it possible to sneakernet with the graphical client?

drkfce said:
*sigh* I just realised something; there is no console version for windows ME, only a graphical client. So, basically, all this stuff working back and forth has been in vain, hehe.

Is it possible to sneakernet with the graphical client?

There is a console version for 98/ME. You have to use version 4 of the console client. It does not have the same options. You cannot use it to install it as a service. You have to use another program to do that. Also, I don't think it will allow you to queue up timeless WUs. I think you can only do one WU at a time. That makes sneakernetting a lot more difficult depending on what speed the system is you are sneakernetting from. Instead of being able to just forget about it for a while, you'll have to check it all the time to see if it's done with that WU and get a new one to it.

SmokeRngs said:
There is a console version for 98/ME. You have to use version 4 of the console client. It does not have the same options. You cannot use it to install it as a service. You have to use another program to do that. Also, I don't think it will allow you to queue up timeless WUs. I think you can only do one WU at a time. That makes sneakernetting a lot more difficult depending on what speed the system is you are sneakernetting from. Instead of being able to just forget about it for a while, you'll have to check it all the time to see if it's done with that WU and get a new one to it.

Even if I install version 4 of the console, it still wouldn't work since the windows XP registries seem to be incompatible with windows ME, right?