Smokin Seagate 160Gb Retail

I had ordered 10, they took the money out of my PayPal account and voided the order, going to call and bitch at them later today. :(
We all knew it was a pricing error, we took our chances and it didn't pan out for us.
I tried ordering 4, the money was 'held', not withdrawn. No skin off my teeth.
They are not responsible for pricing errors, we all know that. Come on.

Now you want to try to get compensated for something that we knew wasn't going to happen? What, something for nothing? I read a post that someone got something shipped to them twice, did you even bother sending back the duplicate item? Or did you just keep it and eBay/sell it?

After all Newegg does, this is how you treat them?


Rock on Newegg, I didn't get my 4 drives, I don't care and I don't want the $25.00 dollar credit towards a future purchase. Obviously something I do not deserve.
How is it a pricing error when the post above you says that it is in trasit to his home, and has a valid tracking number. That tells me this is all crap. They ARE sending these drives to a select few. So your statement is all null.
No, it was a pricing error. His just slipped through the cracks. Good for him.

And my post wasn't directed towards him either. Where in his post does it say he is going to call and get something he doesn't deserve? Maybe I'm blind.

It was directed to all the whiners that think they deserve something for nothing. The times have changed people, Dot Com resellers don't ship out product anymore on pricing errors. It's not like it was a few years ago.
Yeah Geto has a point about the dot com companies...they (most anyways) really don't fall under bait and switch laws. So, they can say it is free and then ask you to pay and the only down side would be to get a bad name. Switch the .com address and start over. dare people to expect a company to hold good to their pricing. Congrats on those who are getting theirs. Sorry to hear so many didn't. Next time just go to Ebay...LOL
Gilthanis said:
Yeah Geto has a point about the dot com companies...they (most anyways) really don't fall under bait and switch laws. So, they can say it is free and then ask you to pay and the only down side would be to get a bad name. Switch the .com address and start over. dare people to expect a company to hold good to their pricing. Congrats on those who are getting theirs. Sorry to hear so many didn't. Next time just go to Ebay...LOL

It's one thing if there is a pricing error in a b&m store on an item. They lose out on a few dollars. But when this pricing mistake is posted on 3 (that I know of, Slickdeals, Fatwallet and Hardforums) huge forums and people order multiple drives, they tend to frown on losing thousands of dollars. Looked like the drive should have been 89.99 with 30.01 instant savings. That's a 60 dollar loss per drive. Multiple that times the hundreds and hundreds of drives that were ordered, of course they are going to void out 98% of them. The other 2% probably slipped through the cracks.

My main point was people expect to get something they don't deserve, something for nothing. Then they get pissed off when it doesn't go their way and find ways to get compensated for their 'troubles'.

Yea, ok.
I understand that...but you gotta take into account how many thousands/millions they make off of the same 3 big forums you speak of. The volume they get from those sites could (can't tell with out doing research with data they probably wont give) in fact be equivalent to the buisiness a local store would get from running an add with the population densities. I agree some in here may boohoo too much, but they have a right to demand compensation for a betrayal. After all, they got their hopes up for a really good price...and no...the loss isn't that huge when I have seen many other sites run instant/MIR deals on this same drive making end price arround $50. They still make a profit when doing that too...don't let them fool you. With a wholesaler like Newegg, they get the lower prices due to the volumes they sell. Everyone knows if you want to be an honest salesman, you uphold the deal...not renig on it. Cancel any further orders and bite the bullet on what was sold.
I ordered 10, but they voided the order. Oh well, that's why I used a credit card.

I don't really mind that they voided the order because it probably WAS a pricing error.

However, I don't think it's right for anyone to come here and bitch out other posters for trying to 'get their's.' Just move along me thinks.

For those that were "charged" it'll reverse in a few days. If it's with your personal checking or savings account, yeah call newegg to be sure they catch their gaffe. In the future, get a credit card.
Apallohadas said:
I don't really mind that they voided the order because it probably WAS a pricing error.

However, I don't think it's right for anyone to come here and bitch out other posters for trying to 'get their's.' Just move along me thinks.
My exact thoughts, my order also voided but like the saying goes 'if it seems too good, probably is.' Chances you take knowing when something is in error.
Refund is in process to CC. Although they will credit $20 to my account (I only purchased 2).
correction to my previous post where I stated my four units were shipped. My order stated shipped but when I clicked on the details it stated void. Bummer. No email, nothing from newegg. I still like newegg but I do find their prices are not as sharp across the board as they used to be.
fusionrx said:
Refund is in process to CC. Although they will credit $20 to my account (I only purchased 2).

Did they say the refund was going back to your CC? Any details on time frame? Just curious.
yea, i got voided too.

i have a question. i got the void email, but when i log into newegg, my order is still active and not yet void. is that how it is and there's a little delay on behalf of the site? or should they be updated simultaneously?

nor does the void email say anything about refunding or not charging my cc.
fusionrx said:
Refund is in process to CC. Although they will credit $20 to my account (I only purchased 2).

I was told a $10 credit, but I only purchased one drive. It was to go back to my credit card :).
Voided as well :mad:

Why don't they send you an email when they do that?

I was surprised when I got home from work and still no "shipped/invoice" email so I went to check status. the Egg is usualy like clockwork.

Ya I'm pissed, but Newegg is still the best!

Guess I'll be going to Best Buy for the $60 WD 160 tonight. :(

They say it's in stock at my local store... but I wont be surprised to see an empty shelf when I get there... I call them Best Bait
Voided. First time newegg's let me down. Of couse, I bet they werent to happy to have a thousand orders for a item with a pricing error. :D
mtbaird said:
Anyone had the money put back in their banking/checking accounts?
I ordered with a debit card (VISA). They took the money and then voided my order. The refund showed up last night, so the turn around time wasn't bad.
I wanna know why some of us get free shipping and 25 dollars in vouchers and other get a "humble apology".

I did not even get contacted by newegg about my order being cancelled. If I never checked this thread again I would still be waiting for my drives and wondering when they were going to be shipped.

I emailed them and then I got the "humble apology".

I call shenanigans on the whole deal. Treat everyone the same newegg...cause when you dont, informed consumers know about it instantly.

Now I feel less important than your other obviously more valued consumers. Maybe I should have tried to make mad loot off the drives on ebay by ordering 37 instead of the 2 I was going to use. I did not have any reason to believe this was a pricing error as I've purchased drives this cheaply before and its old technology. So, unlike when I knowingly order something that is priced wrong, I was expecting to get the stuff 100%. Thats what makes this different than a regular error. It was not obvious and it was handled extremely poorly by newegg.
mtbaird said:
Anyone had the money put back in their banking/checking accounts?
They canceled the charge on my CC within a few hours of voiding the transaction. Probably was quicker then that, it was the first time I had taken a look.
i can understand you guys watching some free stuff. but seriously, like the second post in this thread stated it was an incorrect listing. if you ordered in hopes of taking advantage of such a mistake do you honestly believe you're entitled to any compensation for the order getting cancelled?

not trying to knock anyone. if you guys got some type of compensation, good deal, but for the rest of us, just deal. better some people got something back than nobody at all getting anything.
fluxion said:
i can understand you guys watching some free stuff. but seriously, like the second post in this thread stated it was an incorrect listing. if you ordered in hopes of taking advantage of such a mistake do you honestly believe you're entitled to any compensation for the order getting cancelled?

not trying to knock anyone. if you guys got some type of compensation, good deal, but for the rest of us, just deal. better some people got something back than nobody at all getting anything.

My main problem is the fact that people are getting treated differently. If it was a mistake fine, but at least treat everyone the same. Its cool though...zipzoomfly has decent prices and they have free shipping without any vouchers. I'll just shop there instead. Of course the computer I'm using right now is made of parts almost exclusively purchased at newegg...
Sigh* i knew this would happen :p oh wellz i dont need another hd anyways. only have like 10, and that between my 3 comps.
how is this a deal? how WAS this a deal?

the 320GB drives are down to the 100-110 range.
omega-x said:
how is this a deal? how WAS this a deal?

the 320GB drives are down to the 100-110 range.
Find a 320 for 60 bucks and you'll impress the hell out of everyone on this board. Till then, $30 for a 160 was indeed a hot deal.
omega-x said:
how is this a deal? how WAS this a deal?

the 320GB drives are down to the 100-110 range.

Considering 40GB hard drives still average arround $40+, I would have to say that this is pretty sweet. Just because most peeps in here are looking at $/GB ratio's doesn't mean that if someone offered a 10000TB hard drive for a couple grand everyone would jump on it. Some people already have sufficient space for what they need due to DVD backups, it is just nice to upgrade as the need comes up. Not everyone has crisp $100 bills sitting arround for more economical storage solutions for future needs. We live in the here and now.
i got a 10 dollar credit on my next purchase for being voided, not sure why people get different stories, though i'm sure it helped that i emailed them via my business email (which is a computer shop btw), and the disgusting amount of purchases on that account doesn't hurt either...
Check your cc statements.
Newegg charged me for the hd's on my canceled order.
Yea, made two orders, and only one has been credited so far. Been past 5 business days and Newegg supposedly credited back both orders so I'm going through AMEX now *sigh*.