Smokin Seagate 160Gb Retail

just ordered one. stop making big orders you bastards, i want this to go through :p
Must of found some hiding.
It's back up.
I was able to get in for a couple.
out of stock again! Dammit. I was just about to order....

Holy crap back in stock five minutes later.... Just ordered 2...
Did i miss out again?

"Sorry, out of stock. Item(s) N82E16822148031 could not be added to the shopping cart"
SJetski71 said:
Did i miss out again?

"Sorry, out of stock. Item(s) N82E16822148031 could not be added to the shopping cart"

I think there is something funny going on. Because when I did it about 15 minutes ago, it went out of stock, then I hit refresh and it was back in stock.. weird...
For once, I got in before it died. FWIW, NewEgg's site is down, but my order still has not been canceled via email.
smellyfatchick said:
I think there is something funny going on. Because when I did it about 15 minutes ago, it went out of stock, then I hit refresh and it was back in stock.. weird...
No kidding, back in stock though and finally managed to get my hands on one :).

I'm using it for a secondary rig but it looks like the perfect Tivo/DVR hard drive upgrade
Anyone got a promo code to toss on top of this deal? This is a pretty good deal...but for those Ebayers....these are selling cheaper doubt you will get much for them if you resale them.
wow first time i've ever seen newegg get that hammered. you guys really did it this time.
Well considering its on SlickDeals and Fatwallet, Im sure those guys are the ones hammering the site.
My card was successfully charged (stage 2?). I ordered 2 cause thats what I can use, at about 8:10 central time...
I ordered one aswell...Mine is at step 3, and they have charged and taken the $$ from my CC. I better get it now ;)
tried again for the hell of it and now its going through, this is wierd...but 30 bucks is 30 bucks

*EDIT* step 3 this time... YAY!
Manaknight said:
tried again for the hell of it and now its going through, this is wierd...but 30 bucks is 30 bucks

*EDIT* step 3 this time... YAY!

Didn't you just say that yours got voided a couple posts back?? Did you mean it got voided by email, or you weren't able to put your order through to the end....
just imagine if later on tonight, you browse back to this thread and it is 30 pages long and the deal is still going..
just ordered one for my xboxen.

had to pay tax.. i'm located down the road from their warehouse lol

hope i get it soon :p
Sorry, out of stock. Item(s) N82E16822148031 could not be added to the shopping cart.

yet on the main page it says....
In Stock



oh well, i didn't need another TB anyways....