
This is a great game, and it was criminally under-promoted by Activision, just to be dicks I suppose.

The multiplayer is a bit of a clusterfuck on 360, people don't really use teamwork to complete the objectives. Playing as the creatures is a ton of fun, and the first time I used the phase tick I laughed my ass off.
Need to pick this up, there was a problem with textures that got patched I believe and an issue with multi-monitor but some issue with getting it all to work with the Steam version when I last looked into it. The D2D version is cheaper anyway so I will snag this some time soon.
BI really liked this game, your right it did remind me a lot of wolfenstein. I actually beat the game in 2 days which is very unusual for me. I don't usually beat games in two sittings, I wasn't thrilled with the ending.
started playing today ( got the TMD device). it’s a nice game, got scared few times, good thing that it easier than Metro 2033 but I felt that it’s too easy. it’s not a big issue but the mouse movement and sensitivity is hard to deal with like Dead Space.
I just finished it (started playing on Saturday) and while entertaining, I probably should have played on Hard. I don't think I ever dipped below 4 heath kit reserves starting about a quarter of the way through the game. I felt like it was holding my hand through the whole thing. The weapons seemed to be created with thumbsticks in mind which is why I breezed through most gun fights with the sniper or seeker. I was getting some motion sickness and new right away it was the FOV. It happens anytime I try playing a game that's below 85 or so.

I'm glad to have played it, unfortunately I doubt I'll get much, if any, more time out of it.
this game seems to be getting a lot of mixed reviews. maximum pc gave it an 8/10 and pc gamer gave it a 68.

supposedly steals a lot from halflife 2: the tower = the citadel, the singularity = the reactor core, kathryn = alyx (the ys make it a little too obvious) anti gravity tmd = gravity gun, supercharged anti gravity TMD = supercharged gravity gun. its kinda trippy when you see the screenshots side by side. in pc gamer they even have kathryn and alyx in the same pose for the SS.

the game looks entertaining, but not enough to warrant droping $50 imo. looks like a lot of people enjoyed it, however.
Good game. But seemed like very short. And i'm didn't spend a lot of time on this game. It was good but i really want to enjoy playing it and not speed through it. What i do is play part by part once every 2 days kinda thing. But when i loaded my last save point. It was only about 15 min left in the gameplay till is over. Wish it was longer and more boss fight.
this game seems to be getting a lot of mixed reviews. maximum pc gave it an 8/10 and pc gamer gave it a 68.

supposedly steals a lot from halflife 2: the tower = the citadel, the singularity = the reactor core, kathryn = alyx (the ys make it a little too obvious) anti gravity tmd = gravity gun, supercharged anti gravity TMD = supercharged gravity gun. its kinda trippy when you see the screenshots side by side. in pc gamer they even have kathryn and alyx in the same pose for the SS.

the game looks entertaining, but not enough to warrant droping $50 imo. looks like a lot of people enjoyed it, however.

lmao, half life2 had no original features at all.
lmao, half life2 had no original features at all.

well now you've made me curious, please explain where all of halflife 2 unoriginal features came from.

from my point of view it appears as though a mediocre title (singularity, 76 metacritic) borrows a lot from a game which is tied for the most critically acclaimed PC game of all time (half life 2, 96 metracritic) and im not just talking about cross-hairs and life meters. im talking important story and character elements along with "original" game play elements.

although really who can blame them, many games have been incredibly successful with this type of strategy (looking at you WoW). i just would have thought they would try to be less obvious.
Picked it up a couple of days ago because of this thread. I'm enjoying the single player. It's got a mature theme with some cool science fiction. It's linear but very entertaining.
Any word on how well this works with multi-monitor now? I've not picked this up yet because of issues the RTM version had with multi-monitor support.
Sleeper hit of the year.

This game is the bees knees.

Sleeper hit of the year? Absolutely. Right up there with Just Cause 2, and Two Worlds Two.

I love how the plot keeps switching back and forth between the years 2010 and 1955 - one person said the game was too linear: wow, with all this time travel occurring. and everything happening in an inter-connected fashion, there's no way this game could've been anything but linear. (There's a sequence, for example, in which a young scientist in the year 1955 leaves you to go visit a tower. You jump ahead to the year 2010, and as soon as you arrive the same scientist has setup a camera from which he informs you that he's now 55 years older, and has been waiting for you to arrive for that length of time).

When you're in the year 1955, there's all sorts of neat technology around, and the game looks exactly like a souped up version of Bioshock - except the NPCs look way better (their animations are so fluid). I had mistakenly thought this game was going to be like Wolfenstein, but Bioshock is a much better comparison.

I'm kind of surprised that some people were saying that this game represents the final nail in Raven's coffin.

I'm loving every minute of this game. A huge surprise. I guess there's just no accounting for taste.
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So.....does being a shill for activision pay well?

No idea what you're talking about.

If you didn't like the game, then why not say why?

If, on the other hand, you're being critical of me for getting excited about a game that's turned me on... well, then you had better put me on your ignore list. Either way, if I get excited about a game, I'm pretty sure I don't have to run that by you first.
I love how the plot keeps switching back and forth between the years 2010 and 1955 - one person said the game was too linear: wow, with all this time travel occurring. and everything happening in an inter-connected fashion, there's no way this game could've been anything but linear.
Linear refers to the gameplay, not the story. If the game progresses along a set path without giving you the ability to decide how to proceed, then it is linear, regardless of how much time travel is involved.
Linear refers to the gameplay, not the story. If the game progresses along a set path without giving you the ability to decide how to proceed, then it is linear, regardless of how much time travel is involved.

I realize that. But because you're jumping back and forth between 1955 and 2010 the game has to be on a linear path. When you perform an action in 1955 that causes changes to take place in 2010 then you can't allow the Gamer to be jumping about randomly - because of the nature of the plot, the game has to be linear.
I was disappointed that this game did not go on sale on Steam.

Me, too. I should have maybe gone for D2D but I just couldn't get around to it.

Oh well. If Steam DOES put it on sale, preferably for the same price, I'll happily buy it.
I realize that. But because you're jumping back and forth between 1955 and 2010 the game has to be on a linear path. When you perform an action in 1955 that causes changes to take place in 2010 then you can't allow the Gamer to be jumping about randomly - because of the nature of the plot, the game has to be linear.
Perhaps, but the game is still linear, and I was addressing your previous post in which you directly stated the game was anything but linear. By your own admission, that was evidently incorrect.
What is the play thought time on this game? How are the Graphics? what game can it be compared to Graphically?
Perhaps, but the game is still linear, and I was addressing your previous post in which you directly stated the game was anything but linear. By your own admission, that was evidently incorrect.

But I never stated that the game was non linear?
What is the play thought time on this game? How are the Graphics? what game can it be compared to Graphically?

It's an Unreal 3 engine game, pretty much looks like any of those games, plays smoothly and works reasonably well with 2D Surround with a simple registry change. Averaging 114 FPS at 5760x1080 with all in game settings on but nothing enabled through the nVidia control panel. Smooth like butter.
Perhaps, but the game is still linear, and I was addressing your previous post in which you directly stated the game was anything but linear.
Take a closer look at that line you quoted...

Anyway, who cares? I don't know where people got this idea that linearity is a bad thing. Some of the best games ever created are a straight line from start to finish.
Take a closer look at that line you quoted...

Anyway, who cares? I don't know where people got this idea that linearity is a bad thing. Some of the best games ever created are a straight line from start to finish.
Yeah, you're right. I misread it. Anyway, I agree with the second part of your post as well. Linear games aren't worse than non-linear games, they're just different.