
I guess the only question I have left is: Am I going to blow through this real quick and have something with little to no replay value or what?
I guess the only question I have left is: Am I going to blow through this real quick and have something with little to no replay value or what?

Half-way through and I'm getting that feeling.
Definitely a creepy game. Really reminds me of BioShock, especially with all the watery stuff and mutants.
Story-telling 101 - make the story something that the user can relate to. We can all relate to the cliche enemies. It is fairly unique for a game to revolve around a story that involves completely made up characters / races / etc. There are exceptions, but they are pretty rare.

The story is great so far. It is somewhat like bioshock/fallout 3. Of course you get to kill russians, which is getting old, video games need to find something other than killing russians, nazis, north koreans or middle easterners.
I guess the only question I have left is: Am I going to blow through this real quick and have something with little to no replay value or what?

This is one of the only games i have ever played through more than once in a week. I literally finished the game, then started a new game as i had so much fun. Then when i finished my second play through i started a third.

With each play through i found something new. There are lots of pop culture references dotted around the game. There's references to Borat, Lost, Metroid to name a few. There are probably more i haven't found yet. Will play through again to see what i can find.

I havent played a game over and over since i was a kid. That was when i mastered Thunderforce 3 and 4 on megadrive simply to get my high score in a magazine :D

I loved Singularity. May not have an amazing story, amazing graphics, decent sound effects, but it nailed FUN. Shit hot game !:D
Played through it, and enjoyed it. The only problems I had were the texture pop-in issue where some wouldn't load at all, and that it was over too quickly. Definitely had potential to be a longer game.

I admit it was fairly scary at the beginning of the game (I get creeped out easily), but once I got the time-slowing sphere and minigun, I felt like I could take on just about anything without a sweat. Which I did :)
This is one of the only games i have ever played through more than once in a week. I literally finished the game, then started a new game as i had so much fun. Then when i finished my second play through i started a third.

With each play through i found something new. There are lots of pop culture references dotted around the game. There's references to Borat, Lost, Metroid to name a few. There are probably more i haven't found yet. Will play through again to see what i can find.

I havent played a game over and over since i was a kid. That was when i mastered Thunderforce 3 and 4 on megadrive simply to get my high score in a magazine :D

I loved Singularity. May not have an amazing story, amazing graphics, decent sound effects, but it nailed FUN. Shit hot game !:D

Thanks for the feedback. :)
If every A+ FPS title since 2003 was to be made into a single game, Singularity would be it. Maybe that's where it got its name! :p Great blend of what made has made so many games fun to play.

I very much enjoyed this title!
I did a review on this title.

I thought it was good. Maybe not worth the $50 I paid as replay value is meh and you can only get 8-12 hours of it, if you replay from last checkpoint to get all three endings. Graphics are good for the Unreal Engine.

I agree with an earlier post. A demo would be nice. But I think that should happen no matter what game. Demos should just release standard. Kind of like trying on shoes. You wouldn't normally buy a pair without trying them on would you?

Didn't review the multiplayer because I thought everyone did amazingly good job on reviewing that. It was bull..
I did a review on this title.

I thought it was good. Maybe not worth the $50 I paid as replay value is meh and you can only get 8-12 hours of it, if you replay from last checkpoint to get all three endings.

I liked the Sniper review. Decided not to buy the game based on the review.

Should these reviews be considered possible spoilers? I don't remember the Sniper one really having spoilers, though.

Without knowing anything about Singularity (I don't want to know about a game before I play it, assuming I will one day), it sounds odd that you can get three different endings, but all three can be decided upon actions taken after the final checkpoint? Last game like that was Far Cry 2, and it was really just the same ending either way anyway.

I say that in comparison to games like Bioshock, where your actions during the entire game decide which ending you are going to get.

(I'll watch your review if it doesn't have spoilers...)
No spoilers.. As its just action seens and nothing past the first hour or 2 of the game.

We talked about the similarities of this game in our Clan podcast today. Looks like Bioshock very similar to Far Cry... I restarted from the checkpoint after completion and I was able to change the ending just to prove to myself it was possible before stating it but I didn't find the need to see what the 3rd ending was. Definitley worth $30-$40 maybe not $50 but I suggest people try it.

Most of reviews should NOT have spoilers. Random gameplay. Yes but we try to stay away from anything that could ruin the game for you. Unless like Ghost Warrior the game is terrible ;).
Don't hate but I never watched LOST. and a google search will tell you what the "reference" did in LOST.
Don't hate but I never watched LOST. and a google search will tell you what the "reference" did in LOST.

Now that is a spoiler! (I already probably know what it is, and I've never seen a single episode of Lost!)

Wanted to mention, I thought your review was excellent. Very thorough...but didn't give too much away.

I just stumbled across this thread...never heard of this title before today, and I usually follow game releases pretty close, so this one must have been under the radar as you mentioned. I think it looks pretty good from what I saw in the review. Almost a Far Cry does Russia/Fear feel too it.

I believe someone asked about Eyefinity capability for this title...Anyone have the scoop?

Off to d/l Serious Sam, it's a free play this weekend on Steam, plus 1/2 off.


Liquid Cool
Does this game support multi-monitor?

Yes it does, but requires a little bit of work. I had this up and running on EyeFinity in about 30 minutes. It also is the same for Surround.
It's not natively supported and the .ini or whatever files are all encoded.
I installed the game, set the controls and resolution, and then went to work on the multimonitor stuff.

For screen resolution you have to revise the registry. The hack is spelled out on widescreengamingforum, it was very easy to do, I used "1799" to expand the X axis.

The next thing you have to do is fix the textures. Textures won't load correctly so the graphics look like ass until you fix them. It has something to do with the Unreal Engine.

Google "SIngularity Texture Patch" and download and run the patch outside the game and you're good to go. I had to run the patch as administrator in W7 or else I got error messages. Once loaded it works like a dream. UNFORTUNATELY, THE TEXTURE PATCH WILL NOT WORK WITH THE STEAM VERSION OF THE GAME. I have the retail version, so no issues.

I'll put proper links in here later, I'm using my netbook and it's a pain in the ass to do. I hate touchpads.

Texture patch:
Widescreen Registry Hack:
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Thanks for the info! Damn, doesn't work with the Steam version, oh well, I can just pick up a copy at BB but I normally don't like to by discs. A shame that the devs don't build this stuff in when it doesn't look like it would be that big of a deal.
Thanks for the info! Damn, doesn't work with the Steam version, oh well, I can just pick up a copy at BB but I normally don't like to by discs. A shame that the devs don't build this stuff in when it doesn't look like it would be that big of a deal.

No problem.
There are some rumors that Raven is looking into the situation and some patches may be out to fix these issues.
The texture deal "seems" to be only in large pixel like multimonitor. I played a bit in 1920 x 1200 and didn't see it, but when I went to three screens, youch.....looks horrible, like old Doom or HL1 at 800 x 600!!!

The olny work-around I could think of for Steam would be to manually apply the patch, but you'd have to know some coding to do that......and I sure don't.
Yeah, there is a trick that someone post that if you copy the patch while launching the game you can apply the patch on the Steam version like you were saying. I'll probably wait a bit to see if they fix this, I definitely want to play this as its getting rave reviews and looks to be my type of game and there's just no reason NOT to play this in EF or Surround.
I thought the game was fun to play. I it took me a bit to get use to the FOV though.

It seem every game based on the UT3 engine except for UT3 and GoW for PC has an FOV problem. You would think game developers would address this. I guess they don't get motion sickness. ;)
I thought the game was fun to play. I it took me a bit to get use to the FOV though.

It seem every game based on the UT3 engine except for UT3 and GoW for PC has an FOV problem. You would think game developers would address this. I guess they don't get motion sickness. ;)

More like they don't play PC games. FWIW, I don't get motion sickness.
More like they don't play PC games. FWIW, I don't get motion sickness.

At least not on $5k+ rigs which is a shame. The stuff these guys could do would be unbelievable no doubt but I guess there's just not enough money in it.
It seem every game based on the UT3 engine except for UT3 and GoW for PC has an FOV problem. You would think game developers would address this. I guess they don't get motion sickness. ;)
The problem is not unique to UE3 games and has nothing to do with the engine itself. It's just a product of developers being lazy and not adding FOV customization to their games. UE3 fully supports custom FOVs, but most games just don't implement it.
It's just a product of developers being lazy and not adding FOV customization to their games.

And the devs are more than understanding in the simple truth that as long as the game's going to rake in the buck, they just don't have to give a fuck.
I think the game is fun for what it's worth.:D

Unfortunately, it does remind me of the latest Wolfenstein, which I thought stunk.

It has some fun momments, it's great in Surround, but the TMD thing is exactly like the Wolfenstein gadget. Go figure, Raven ripped themselves off.:eek:

It really needs an FOV hach,especially in EF/Surround.
Wow, I loved Wolfenstein's single player campaign. The manipulation of the various bits was awesome.
Appart from the cool looking multiplayer modes, it looks a bit like Timeshift
I'm thinking about buying this title.

Here in early August there's a bit of a lull. But then on the 17'th we'll be getting Kane And Lynch 2, which looks promising, and the following week it'll be Mafia 2.

After that, the avalanche of titles will begin. I just can't see myself fitting in any time for this title if I don't buy it now.
I'm thinking about buying this title.

Here in early August there's a bit of a lull. But then on the 17'th we'll be getting Kane And Lynch 2, which looks promising, and the following week it'll be Mafia 2.

After that, the avalanche of titles will begin. I just can't see myself fitting in any time for this title if I don't buy it now.

I didn't much care for the Kane and Lynch 2 demo. I had Mafia II on my day one purchase list, but after finding out it's only a 10 hour campaign I decided to wait for it to go on sale on Steam.
But, Elemental: War of Magic is coming on the 24th. That could be fun. Singularity has been on my radar for awhile. I'm just waiting for a Steam sale. From the reviews I've read it's neither long enough or good enough to warrant a $50 purchase price. Once it hits $30 or less I'll snag it.
I like the game, and as another poster said it has a very timeshift like vibe, but in a good way. Unfortunetly, I feel extremely sick after playing less than 30 mins. The first time I played the game, I thought that it was just something i ate that was making me feel so bad. So I laid down and drank lots of ice water. But when I tried to play it again, I felt sick again. Being really confused, I googled it and apparently it is due to a fov issue and motion sickness. This has never happened with any other game i've played, and I've played a lot of games! I like the game and want to play it, but I feel terrible when playing it. I read that the dword registry fix for the game doesnt work to change the FOV. Is there any other solution you guys know of?