Silverstone TJ09!

Haha..your right..they have a great setup.but I think mine will be better.

Slik ..i thought it was yours..but I couldn't see the outer edge of the case..nice review thou..thanks for the link :D :eek: ;)
I know, when my 09 is done it will be alot more classier, and more attention to detail than what Scan has done with theirs
When people are jealous, they feel they must lash out and bash what they dont have :p
SlikRig said:
When people are jealous, they feel they must lash out and bash what they dont have :p


Please :rolleyes: .......I have no reason to be.

Square edge cases with flat faces have always seemed ugly to me.

I'd buy the TJ07 if I didn't have a V1000 already, that's a hot case. The TJ09 may have some cool interior features that they probably spent some time designing but design of the front of the case is so outdated it's laughable.
nobi125 said:

Please :rolleyes: .......I have no reason to be.

Square edge cases with flat faces have always seemed ugly to me.

I'd buy the TJ07 if I didn't have a V1000 already, that's a hot case. The TJ09 may have some cool interior features that they probably spent some time designing but design of the front of the case is so outdated it's laughable.

i have to agree somewhat even though i love the tj09 and plan to get it. i wish they would have done something to the bottom half of the front of the case just so there wasnt a big plain area. same reason why i think the p180 is ugly. but next time you need a little more tact in bashing a case, especially in a thread made for it. its your opinion and thats alright but unless you're looking to get a rise out of people then a little subtlety might suit you.
ok and what about the noise? Is this case really lod with all those fans?
Ockie said:

So you'd pay twice the price for something thats exactly the same as the other but just with a diffrent logo? I'm amazed. I guess you must have a Louis Vitton (sp?) wallet too. :rolleyes:

Killer rig? Please don't get too ahead of yourself before I have to bust out pictures of my rigs (yes rigs... with an s) and stick you in your place. Just because something costs more, it doesn't mean it's better, take a look at the Asus fiasco not too long ago where tons of people had issues with their cards... proof that more money doesn't mean better products all the time.

I have a TJ-07 on one of my machines, there is a reason why I'm selling it right now... because I felt that it's not worth the money as you can get other cases out there just as good or even better for cheaper.... more proof that tossing money at something doesn't always equate to being better or of a higher quality.

Ockie so what case would you reccomend in which I could fit 8800GTX and didn't pay too much?
sn_85 said:
i have to agree somewhat even though i love the tj09 and plan to get it. i wish they would have done something to the bottom half of the front of the case just so there wasnt a big plain area. same reason why i think the p180 is ugly. but next time you need a little more tact in bashing a case, especially in a thread made for it. its your opinion and thats alright but unless you're looking to get a rise out of people then a little subtlety might suit you.

My goal was to deliver my opinion without wasting space as much space as possible in the thread.

I wasn't going for a rise of any sort. I didn't see anyone other than you get all bent out of shape over it, so I'd have to assume it may just be you. I'll make the appropriate accomidations in the future.
nobi125 said:
My goal was to deliver my opinion without wasting space as much space as possible in the thread.

I wasn't going for a rise of any sort. I didn't see anyone other than you get all bent out of shape over it, so I'd have to assume it may just be you. I'll make the appropriate accomidations in the future.

go back and read what i wrote. i didnt get bent out of shape, in fact i said i agree with you in part. im just saying if you dont want responses like this
SlikRig said:
When people are jealous, they feel they must lash out and bash what they dont have :p
then dont post this
nobi125 said:
Lots of fans in a drop dead ugly case.
make sense? you were the one who had to explain himself about not being jealous and in the end you wasted even more space. its similar to going to the intel part of the forum and saying core 2 duo sucks, you're going to get a rise out of people. if you want to express your opinion on something include why rather blatantly slamming something without reason.
Blah, you guys are really turning this thread to crap. Move on to another thread....
sn_85 said:
i have to agree somewhat even though i love the tj09 and plan to get it. i wish they would have done something to the bottom half of the front of the case just so there wasnt a big plain area. same reason why i think the p180 is ugly. but next time you need a little more tact in bashing a case, especially in a thread made for it. its your opinion and thats alright but unless you're looking to get a rise out of people then a little subtlety might suit you.

sn85...I like how you put that..I second that :cool:
f1tifosi said:
OK, I'm not going to comment on the current dispute about the merits of this case. I like the conservative looks of this case. Some people appreciate that too, some do not. That's just life.

But, for those who want one, Performance PCs is expecting the plain black, windowless model in by Tuesday or Wednesday. I just received an unprompted phone call from their sales manager to update me about the expected delivery date. That is a touch of courtesy and customer service that goes along way amongst us jaded computer geeks. I have been an Egg fan for years, and still intend to buy from them, but Performance may have just found themselves a new customer because of this simple act of courtesy.

Sorry to get off topic, but they should have black, windowless cases in stock soon. The sales manager said they put up the availability on Sunday and sold 20 right off the bat. Although people may dispute the appeal of the case, there is no disputing the popularity.

Happy Holidays everyone!!!!!

I just ordered a modded G70 from There was some complications with the website saying thing are in stock and the case actually being in stock. They just received a shipment in today of the G70s and I was told they are going to take care of my case today and ship tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes with them.
Teecee said:
I just ordered a modded G70 from There was some complications with the website saying thing are in stock and the case actually being in stock. They just received a shipment in today of the G70s and I was told they are going to take care of my case today and ship tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes with them.

I don't know for sure, but I think their site may lack a 'pre-order' button. When I first found out that they would be receiving some stock, I was told that I would be able to pre-order over the weekend. When I ordered on Sunday, the selection button had gone from 'out of stock' to 'in stock'; however, I knew that they were not expecting them until mid-week.

It did not bother be since I knew what was going on, but I could see how someone not so neurotic as myself would be bothered by the situation.

Either way, good luck!
nobi125 said:
I'd buy the TJ07 if I didn't have a V1000 already, that's a hot case. The TJ09 may have some cool interior features that they probably spent some time designing but design of the front of the case is so outdated it's laughable.

I agree. The stock V1000 is definitely better looking than the TJ09, but imho is too small to properly WC without cutting to pieces. Mine was pre- cut to pieces, but I still had to mount the radiator on the top outside the case, which looks pretty fugly.

So I have a TJ07 on the way now, with room for two radiators inside.
I also like the understated look on front of this case. However, I was thinking of making a custom front panel to hide the unused 5.25" 3.5" slots and also replace the silverstone logo with something more palpable.

So how loud does this case get?
Jerry said:
I also like the understated look on front of this case. However, I was thinking of making a custom front panel to hide the unused 5.25" 3.5" slots and also replace the silverstone logo with something more palpable.

So how loud does this case get?

just about as loud as the fans you put in them. it can be loud as you want or it can be quiet but it wont ever be silent.
The eta of the tj09 cases on NCIX have been moved back another week. Is Silverstone making any of these things? :( :(
canuckz said:
The eta of the tj09 cases on NCIX have been moved back another week. Is Silverstone making any of these things? :( :(

Keep an eye on I think they just got some silver ones in.
I just ordered the tj09b-w from them. It says they will have them this week so hopefully I will get it next week some time. I haven't ordered any of my parts for the new box yet anyway so I'm not in any hurry. I also ordered the new big typhoon vx cpu cooler from them as well. Now to decide if I'm going with an e6600 or an e6700...
lukx said:
Ockie so what case would you reccomend in which I could fit 8800GTX and didn't pay too much?

Depends on what you really like,

You can pickup a P180 for $80 now which is dirt cheap, you can also pick up a Stacker (Although not in the same class) for $80 too. The LianLi series cases are nice such as the A10B or the V series cases, not too much on cost, but they are quite up there especially for the A10. You could perhaps look at the TT Armor, it's pretty cheap too and quite lightweight. Stacker 830 is quite fancy for those who like a little more design.

The P190 is also due out, however that includes a set of PSU's and some thinks they are quite ugly with the large side fan.

My main dissapointment was with my TJ06 and my TJ07, their build quality is good, but not perfect. It was quite aggrivating getting the panels to fit right, they had other issues as in those "why on earth would they put that there", etc... kinda lost my loyalty in Silverstone. I have not seen the 09 in person, however as the 07 is still their flag ship case, I'm not feeling it. The 09 has the video cooling fans, which is about the only part that really interest me and the fact that it's a plain case design, the negatives is the weight, lack of spare parts, lack of sound dampening design, and the fact that it doesn't accomodate dual psu's as the 07 did. I have 1kw psu's that I used in my other machines and they would suit this case well, however they are loud... I recently became a silence freak and the 1kw units are just too loud, especially when you load them high... so two lower wattage ultra silence psu's are where my monies at. The TJ-07 was horrible with noise, HORRIBLE, they made no attempt to silence the unit and they also made no attempt to create airflow for the video cards (neither did the P180, however they fixed it with the P190 revision). Antec is making the move to the dual psu's, so thats defnitley an alternative.
i have a question about the build quality this time. are the side panels still really tight and jammed to remove like the tj07? i'm getting rid of my tj07 and putting it on ebay (oh, pm me if you want to buy my tj07 that's on ebay). i will be getting this case if the problem does not continue with the side panels.
Side panel removal on the 09 is a breeze, just remove the 3 thumbscrews on the rear of the case and the panel is ready to drop off...I would have liked a slightly thicker panel like the ones on my tj03
SlikRig said:
Heres another loaded TJ-09....SWEET

I have the same power supply as this dude the enermax galaxy 1,000 was always wondering if it can be turned upside down and fit in the case... now that i know it does.. i am really considering getting one now :)
The area under the psu on the 09 is mesh, so even if you had another fan on the bottom of your psu, it would have no breathing problems at all...the psu also sits on foam strips like the ones in the HD cages
I just bought a black windowed TJ09 from for 273.99, only 4 dollars more than the non-windowed version, can't wait for it to get here!

Now I'll have to sell my V2100B Plus and my TJ03...
Just got mine today from Needs MoBo screws. Other than that it is Awesome. The build and fit of the cases is just great....I could not ask for more..
is this case already with some fans or you have to get it extra?
lukx said:
is this case already with some fans or you have to get it extra?
it comes with 2 silverstone 120mm' if you want all fan cages filled you still need to purchase 3 more
canuckz..your case was done up at Performancepc' LevelLord..right ..great work..nice work
SlikRig said:
Lets see some pics :cool:
Sorry no pics till friday, dig. camera comming from Newegggg.

This build will have the following

Asus P5W DH Dlx.
Intel X6800
OCZ OC2 8000 Titanium Alpha vx2 2x1gig
Evga 8800GTX
LSI Logic SAS 3442X
Raptor X 150g
2X Fujitsu Max3036

Should run good
sdgserv said:
Sorry no pics till friday, dig. camera comming from Newegggg.

This build will have the following

Asus P5W DH Dlx.
Intel X6800
OCZ OC2 8000 Titanium Alpha vx2 2x1gig
Evga 8800GTX
LSI Logic SAS 3442X
Raptor X 150g
2X Fujitsu Max3036

Should run good

nice rig! :)
Thank you..
The case did not come with MoBo stand off's so I have to wait till they ship and get here..Arghhhhhhhhhhhh