Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

I'll post up my LCD setup. An excuse to take a break from work. ;)

Yes, this is my house. And yes, I do have a cubicle setup in it. I live Office Space every day.

The displays are a Viewsonic VX2235wm and a Viewsonic VP191b. Awesome for Visual Studio since you can throw all the extra windows on the second monitor. (Even more awesome for Supreme Commander!)
dont like the windows buttons? haha

well i hate em too..sometimes ill hit the windows button when im in an intense firefight in CSS and i try to hit CTRL but i miss.. and it minimizes and i die...=(....stupid placement of them imo....
I was playing Duke Nukem 3D on a box I built around 1996. The windows keys kept kicking me out of the game, so I vowed to never have a windows key on another keyboard. I leave them on laptops, but my computer at work doesn't have windows keys either, 11 years later.
well i hate em too..sometimes ill hit the windows button when im in an intense firefight in CSS and i try to hit CTRL but i miss.. and it minimizes and i die...=(....stupid placement of them imo....

I know that certain toshiba satelites have them mounted at the top of the keyboard. This seems like a better idea.
Here is my LCD setup:


Hyundai L90D+ 19"
Dell 1901FP 19"
4x Dell 1800FP 18"
Radeon X800XL PCI-E
2x Radeon 9200 PCI
PentiumD 930
2GB DDR2-667
Windows XP Pro
how do you read those chat windows in the upper right hand corner without serious neck strain?
I'm on a budget - I'm seriously considering putting in 22" widescreens on the two center monitors, but the wife limits my spending to $20 per monitor and it will be a while before 22" get that low.

Live Messenger is in the upper right mostly to alert me when someone is online. The other window is ActiveSync for my iPaq. I hold conversations in the lower right monitor. This particular setup was built with my neck in mind - I've tested 5x1 monitors, 3x3 monitors, even 5x2 (using CRT's), but I find 3x2 optimal. I don't have to tilt my head much, and I don't have to turn much to see any particular screen. The job of the upper monitors is for information I don't need to physically watch constantly but need to check when alerted or when I want to without disturbing whatever I'm working on. The lower monitors allow me to use multiple VirtualPC sessions for development work.

The biggest drawback of my setup is that I have to replace the PCI video cards and probably the motherboard in order to get this setup to work with Vista's Aero Glass interface.
Ok, I've been coming here for a while and never posted until now. Here is my setup:

Main work setup is two viewsonic vg2021m monitors.


To my left I have my HP nw8240 notebook.


And all the way to my right, I've got a lonely dell 19" monitor hooked up to a server.


Well there you go...:D
Ok, I've been coming here for a while and never posted until now. Here is my setup:

Main work setup is two viewsonic vg2021m monitors.

To my left I have my HP nw8240 notebook.

And all the way to my left, I've got a lonely dell 19" monitor hooked up to a server.

Well there you go...:D

nice and clean. I like it! :cool:
Here is my LCD setup:


Hyundai L90D+ 19"
Dell 1901FP 19"
4x Dell 1800FP 18"
Radeon X800XL PCI-E
2x Radeon 9200 PCI
PentiumD 930
2GB DDR2-667
Windows XP Pro

Commodore 1702 monitor FTW! I have one also that I used for VCR -> VCR dubbing.
looks like a 40 or 42.. wish 32 had the glossy coating :(

Yah it's a 40"! It's Samsungs latest model LNT4065F. The other sizes are 46" and a 52". I Initally was going for the Sharp 37 gaming lcd, but once I saw this in person and sratched my head on the price, I thought I would get more out of this LCD than the Sharp.
My Westy 37. I don't have a tower yet so it's hookep up to my laptop via VGA. The desk is the IKEA Mikael. I don't know, I think it's pretty sweet.

I can't seem to get my camera to not take a blurry picture. Sorry.
Commodore 1702 monitor FTW! I have one also that I used for VCR -> VCR dubbing.

Yeah, Commodore used an awesome CRT in the 1702 - the richness of the colours compared to regular CRT TVs still astounds me. And the darn thing is nearly immortal - I bought that one to go with my Commodore 64 in 1983!
I was 2 orgams with Nicole Kidman and your monitor setup. :p :p

I wish they had more hi-res pictures available on the Internet - whenever I scale up I can clearly see the aliasing because I am literally dealing with six times the number of pixels, and I find it annoying. I especially would prefer vertical pictures instead of horizontal - the two horizontal pics are from an older setup I was using which had a 2x2 layout instead of the current 3x2. This is an example of how I would like it to look if I could:


It's not a perfect setup - the problem with vertical alignment is that I would have to remount the LCDs so the bezels touch. Worse, I'm a perfectionist - you'll notice in the original picture that the various app windows and icons don't block anything in the wallpaper - I try to make the wallpaper part of the entire look and feel of the computer rather than just a picture whenever all the windows are closed. Still, you get a sense of what I'm aiming for as a background. Ideally I would like 3 vertical pictures, but I haven't found anything I like other than the JLH shot in the resolution I would like.
It's not a perfect setup - the problem with vertical alignment is that I would have to remount the LCDs so the bezels touch. Worse, I'm a perfectionist - you'll notice in the original picture that the various app windows and icons don't block anything in the wallpaper - I try to make the wallpaper part of the entire look and feel of the computer rather than just a picture whenever all the windows are closed. Still, you get a sense of what I'm aiming for as a background. Ideally I would like 3 vertical pictures, but I haven't found anything I like other than the JLH shot in the resolution I would like.

how many PCI E x 16 video card do you have?

And since you have 6 screen, why don't you get a Motherboard w/ 2 x PCI E x 16 and an 1 x PCI E x 8? that way, you can connect your 5th and 6th LCD to a 3rd video card on the PCI E x 8 slot
how many PCI E x 16 video card do you have?

And since you have 6 screen, why don't you get a Motherboard w/ 2 x PCI E x 16 and an 1 x PCI E x 8? that way, you can connect your 5th and 6th LCD to a 3rd video card on the PCI E x 8 slot

Try reading the post?

Hyundai L90D+ 19"
Dell 1901FP 19"
4x Dell 1800FP 18"
Radeon X800XL PCI-E
2x Radeon 9200 PCI
PentiumD 930
2GB DDR2-667
Windows XP Pro

Oh & rtangwai, could I get sources for all of those wallpapers? I have such a time trying to find images big enough for 2, 3 or 4 monitors.
Currently I have an Asus P5WD2 Premium motherboard, which has 2 PCI-E x16 slots and one x1 slot. I've toyed with getting the HIS Radeon x1300 x1 card to put in the x1 slot and whatever Radeon I care to choose eg. x1950 Pro in the open x16 slot (for multimonitor in Vista with Aero Glass *ALL* the video cards must use the same driver such as Catalyst or Detonator). Problem with the HIS card is that it has a 64bit memory bus, which would slow it down significantly in Aero Glass (the x1 isn't a concern, it's twice as fast as PCI and probably faster than the GPU on the card anyway).

I'd much rather get a nVidia 680i motherboard with 3 PCI-E x16 slots, but the chipset has been dogged with controversy over data corruption and burning out certain types of RAM. I've seen the Asus P5W64Pro-WS aka "Wallstreet" with 4 x16 slots, but being Intel 975-based it still has only 20 lanes (the 680i has 40), which would reduce the max lanes on any slot to 8 if you are using more than 2 slots - a potential bottleneck down the road if I got a monster video card like a 8800GTX or a 2900XT. I probably will wait to see what happens on the motherboard front - the 680i was made with the intention of supporting SLI and a physics card, but with both ATI/AMD and nVidia looking closely at integrating those functions onto GPUs I wonder if newer motherboard will bother with more than 2 x16 slots (the Intel P35 chipset boards only have 2 and they are newer than the 680i).

I can't remember where exactly I got the wallpapers (had them a long time) so I put up a small website where you can download them. Apart from the multimonitor wallpapers I use I put up a spanning 2 monitor and spanning 3 monitor picture. The link is . I'll leave it up for a week or so - it's off my personal server and I use ADSL, so it will be rather slow.

Been using that desk for over 10 years now. When I move out next year, I will be getting a Galant series from Ikea, they just look so clean and they're not expensive.

The laptop is the TZ and the monitor is the samsung 32" 3251 TV. Its nice for games and browsing, but it still can't substitue for a computer monitor. I plan on either a Dell 24" or 30" and just use this for a TV which is one of the best I have seen.

Outrigger: If you'd like to see a Galant workstation in action, click here and scroll down about halfway to my post. :)
Just went through the last 20 pages, wow that's a lot of Westinghouse owners here. Too bad the 37W3 was never available in Canada... and was a pain and a half to get one if we wanted one, so I had to settle.

Clockwise from the bottom:
Energy S10.3, Energy RC-30, Silver PS2 fat, H/K247, Westy 37W1, Fujitsu P1510, P4 3.0C with generic specs.

is that box on the floor a sub? nice if it is :D

links to stereo equipment where i might buy them :D
is that box on the floor a sub? nice if it is :D

links to stereo equipment where i might buy them :D

Don't know where in the US is good for buying it (heard thrown around once), I got mine from Futureshop...



But due to an absolutely insane staff purchase, got them for 75% off the retail price (heavily subsidized by Energy to get much lower than regular staff purchase)
My Westy 37. I don't have a tower yet so it's hookep up to my laptop via VGA. The desk is the IKEA Mikael. I don't know, I think it's pretty sweet.

I can't seem to get my camera to not take a blurry picture. Sorry.

I just picked up a Mikael from a girl on craigslist for free!! haha I think it is perfect.
Just went through the last 20 pages, wow that's a lot of Westinghouse owners here. Too bad the 37W3 was never available in Canada... and was a pain and a half to get one if we wanted one, so I had to settle.

I think Black Friday was the cause of the Westy 37w3 being everywhere:p Plus it ended up being a great monitor.
Ok, I've been coming here for a while and never posted until now. Here is my setup:

Main work setup is two viewsonic vg2021m monitors.


To my left I have my HP nw8240 notebook.


And all the way to my right, I've got a lonely dell 19" monitor hooked up to a server.


Well there you go...:D

Hey where did you get that wallpaper? Thanks!