Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

scanners still have their uses, like when i find old photos i want on my comp. ..other than that i use a digital camera so i dont have much other use for it besides scanning documents.
I gave this 2405FPW a very nice home.





Havn't really tested it out with a good movie or game yet, but so far they sound good. If I had known this was going to be my computer room I would have added more wiring, including speaker wiring. Right now all I have are 2 RG6's 4 Cat5e's in here. If I had a second chance I would have 6 RG6's and 8 Cat5e's (now Cat6's) and of course speaker wiring through out the house..... o well, next time.... or next life.
Only reason I was asking is because I'm going to have to do a similar setup once I get some speakers. ATM I just use my current sound system to spread the sound out across the whole room with good sound and even distribution.
Tebbens said:
I gave this 2405FPW a very nice home.


What desk is that? Looks like 2 desks actually.
Dell USB Enhanced Multimedia Keyboard.

The desk is semi-custom by Three H.

I ordered that desk and another desk in the room from a local office furniture
store. It came a few weeks later. I asked it be delivered unassembled as it
came from the company. I wanted to assemble it myself. They dropped it
off and I unboxed and carried everything to the room.

This furniture is very high quality and assembly went very smoothly !!
The pictured desk is made up of 2 seperate sections. Because of the
shape and large size, that top could not be cut as one peice. They
semi-custom everything to the inch.

The assembly, look, feel, weight all tell me this is great quality furniture.
For office furniture, I don't think you can get much better then this. A little
expensive though, but I'm happy. The pictured desk was aprox. $1400 when
I purchased it 2 years ago.
Tebbens said:
The pictured desk was aprox. $1400 when
I purchased it 2 years ago.
Ouch. Damn... Kinda reminds me of the $10k desk of yore :p

Nice setup man, really nice...
Here is my humble little corner. As you can see, I love aviation AND my Dell 2405FPW LCD! :p

Ok, heres a new photo of my setup, ive moved it around a little since last time, my speakers are in true surround now.

PRCop said:
Here is my humble little corner. As you can see, I love aviation AND my Dell 2405FPW LCD! :p

Nice clean setup. Personally, I'd get rid of those red curtains. Looks like you have bright white walls in that room. Go to Home Depot and buy yourself a couple cans of earth tone colored paint. Also, while you're there, order yourself a nice set of wood window blinds to match your desk. ;)
lol - the more I watch these gallery type threads, I think this one should be called "show off the top side of your desk", and the case modding "new new pics of your rig" should be called "show off the bottom side of your desk" and "the post your work-station" should be called "show off your whole desk". heh...

(this would have been funnier if the above post didn't show off his whole desk)
revenant said:
lol - the more I watch these gallery type threads, I think this one should be called "show off the top side of your desk", and the case modding "new new pics of your rig" should be called "show off the bottom side of your desk" and "the post your work-station" should be called "show off your whole desk". heh...

(this would have been funnier if the above post didn't show off his whole desk)
haha, fine, heres a pic of mainly the lcd:

its a little dusty. :p
hehe. dust is inevitable!

Nice monitor. It's good to see some variety from time to time.. :) rather than being inundated by wide screen dells, over and over... *gurgle* ;)
PRCop said:
Here is my humble little corner. As you can see, I love aviation AND my Dell 2405FPW LCD! :p


that's the most beautiful setup i have ever seen in my life! snif snif
Thermite Paste said:
Ok, heres a new photo of my setup, ive moved it around a little since last time, my speakers are in true surround now.

how come so many cables to the sub-woofer?
Happy Hopping said:
how come so many cables to the sub-woofer?
Five are the output cables for the speakers, Three are the audio input cables, and one is the volume control interface, and one is the power cable. I should really clean it up down there, its hard to tell which is which :p
Hi videofan and wesley1357! Thanks for the comments. Videofan, nop, it's not a real picture. It's a screenshot taken from within Flight Simulator 2004! Glad you liked it. :):p;):D
board2death986 said:
two computers, two monitors, two speaker setups .. kinda cluttered though

I move things around a lot. Sometime cables are organized sometimes they aren't. I put everything on shelves to open up my desktop.

previous computer setup 1 month ago:


before that:


etc etc

I don't feel cluttered :)
Rash: what monitor are those Sony? and the same question about the keyboard? and retailprice?
You guys need to resize your pictures and stop quoting those big ass pictures.
vat said:
You guys need to resize your pictures and stop quoting those big ass pictures.

The majority of us have 2405s. No need for resizing or horizontal scrolling
VoBoy said:
What desk is this?

I got it at a going out of business sale at one of those home stores. I can't remember the name but they are out of business now.
jayx9 said:
The majority of us have 2405s. No need for resizing or horizontal scrolling

It doesn't matter what you got, it's for other members as well not just for the people with big screen so please resize your pictures and try not to quotes those big ass pictures.
Pipen said:
Rash: what monitor are those Sony? and the same question about the keyboard? and retailprice?

The monitors are the Sony HS95Ps they cost me £350 each, Keyboard is a sony vaio wireless keyboard with built in touchpad and a vaio wireless mouse, it comes as a set and cost £120 from sonystyle