Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

truflip said:
hi all

which one is better for the $?
This thread is for posting pics of your LCD montior. Start a new thread asking that question for people to help you.

~Hope this helps
Wesley1357 said:
ryansebiz, specs?

Here’s my specs.

Items pictured:
Canon LiDE 30 Scanner, Router: Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router, Belkin Nostromo n52 Gamepad, Dell 2405fpw LCD with AS501 Speaker Bar, Logitech MX1000, Logitech Z-5500 Pod and Center Speaker, and Epson R200 CD/DVD Printer

PC specs:
MoBo: Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe BIOS 1008
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3500 Venice 2.2 GHz w\ 1Ghz FSB & included heatsink
HD: Dual Western Digital Raptors 74GB 10,000 RPM (Raid 0)
Maxtor 300GB 7200 RPM SATA 6B300S0
RAM: Corsair 1 GB (2x512) DDR400 PC 3200
Video Card: eVGA Geforce 6800GT 256MB
DVD Burner: Liteon SOHW-832S 8x
CD Burner: Liteon SOHC-5232K Combo 52x
Sound Card: Creative Audigy 2 ZS Gamer
Capture Card: Hauppauge WinTV PVR 250
Case: Chiefmax Black Mid Tower 212-4HL
Power Supply: Thermaltake W0013 Silent Purepower 480W Xaser Edition
Goat_187 said:
ryan that is sexy! i love that set-up.

what kind of desk is that? maybe a far away shot?

thanks Goat_187. here's that far away shot you asked for, plus you can now see my brand new 2nd 2405fpw!


and here is a shot with the lights off.


what do you think? i appreciate the comments.
That you don't have enough room on your desk now ;)

If you put both like your first one (horizontal) then you will use the whole width of the desk :eek:
Vol said:
That you don't have enough room on your desk now ;)

yeah, seriously. :p

the main 2405fpw is for firefox and outlook (i use outlook instead of thunderbird because i can sync my pda with it). the 2nd 2405fpw is for windows explorer, winamp, photoshop pallettes and my pvr (with beyond tv 3).

i thought about setting them both up horizontally, but i wanted to have a "main" monitor to watch movies on and line up with the center channel of the z-5500. i also thought having to look across 48"+ of screen would be a little much, so i turned the 2nd monitor vertically. this also allows me to leave some space for peripherals (scanner, gamepad, etc) because if i had them both horizontal i would have no desk left!

god i love my 2405fpws. :D
allrighty, finally got a bit of spare time to post a pic of my setup now that I'm at college.

I have two ergotron neo-flex arms setup upside down so that I can fold the two screens up and use the whole desk for stuff like math homework. Only problem with that was the fact that the arms didn't want to move far enough for my liking so I had to take the grinder to them, but it's all good now.
Nices...looks like you got alot of toys:)

notice you got a black v3 razr :) got a silver one here, is that an unlock version?
Just a single Hyundai 19" B90A, soon to be replaced with an Apple 23" Cinema Display or a Dell 2405....hopefully.

dariuslatamus said:
I've posted these before but I've updated my room a little since then :) Some fresh shots for those who haven't seen it.

Links to higher resolution shots are below:












Here are links to higher resolution shots:


- Darius

dude i need your driving force pro for my gt4 >.< i thiink im gonna get one soon and nice shit man but whats up with the 3 trinity posters i thought one was good enough
dariuslatamus said:
I've posted these before but I've updated my room a little since then :) Some fresh shots for those who haven't seen it.

Links to higher resolution shots are below:

Here are links to higher resolution shots:


- Darius

Aren't you a little old for dolls? What do chicks think when you take them home, walk up the stairs, past your parents room, and then open the door to your room?
danman said:
Aren't you a little old for dolls? What do chicks think when you take them home, walk up the stairs, past your parents room, and then open the door to your room?

damn dude I'll assume you know him based on ur tone, but if not thats about uncalled for. and if you dont like it, think of him as a "collector" :D
Well, lucky for me, girls come through the window in the middle of the night and are usually gone in the morning, so they don't say much :) j/k

I've learnt from my ex, that girls are not allowed in a guys room. They love to touch everything and ask questions like a 6 year old. Usually, I'll be over her place or out and about.

- Darius

Nah, don't worry about it. You can't take stuff on the boards seriously or else it'll bug you forever. If you've never "collected" anything in your life, then you'd probably make remarks like that guy but hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just to add, roughly 8 of those "dolls" were purchased by my gf.

- Darius
nice setup dude ^^ very clean.. where you got all those action figures? love the silver surfer action figure.
Those "dolls" are sweet. A whole other thread should be started on those just to see what everyone else has.

Edit: Where did you get the fountain and why is it in there?! I love it....very original. Maybe deserving of its own "Post your fountain" thread as well.

There's a few comic shops near my place that has some nice figures. The silver surfer is actually a statue. It's very heavy and cost me about $200 US. It's made by Bowen Designs. You can check out his work at

The Kingdom Come Superman and the Sephiroth on my shelf are my other 2 actual statues, both, again, very expensive.

- Darius
dariuslatamus said:

There's a few comic shops near my place that has some nice figures. The silver surfer is actually a statue. It's very heavy and cost me about $200 US. It's made by Bowen Designs. You can check out his work at

The Kingdom Come Superman and the Sephiroth on my shelf are my other 2 actual statues, both, again, very expensive.

- Darius

You do know the color red insites hunger, action, drama, and it will keep you up and make you feel hungry......

grocery stores use same tenique.......colder colors are calming, warm colors keep you away.......when i paint my room imma make it a nice dark type blue........just thought id let ye know, not getting on to you, bad ass set that a moto Razor? looks secshee on tv :p nice set up all around tho

Ya I was aware of how the color red affects on a pyschological level. I do graphic design, specifcally package design, and it's interesting that red is also the number #1 most popular choice of colour for packaging.

I've always had a thing for everything red, so to me it feels more relaxing rather than driving one crazy.

Yes, that is the Black edition of the Motorola Razr along with the black edition of the Motorola HS850 bluetooth headset below it. Great phone, lots of customizability. =)

- Darius
I think the trick would be to set up the foutain as a bong cooler for your computer... or at least thats what I would try to do...
Man how do you guys get any work done? I mean hell my desk has at least one static baggie, a pci card of some tip, at least 3 tools, a few coasters, mail, and a few food wrappers. You guys with your clean setup must not work at your computer at all ;)
jdunner3 said:
Edit: Where did you get the fountain and why is it in there?! I love it....very original. Maybe deserving of its own "Post your fountain" thread as well.

I got the fountain at kohls actually. It was on sale for $50 from $200, and I first was just joking about buying it, but 10 minutes later im at the cash register with it. I haven't done it yet, but my plan is to put some fish in it.

and since someone else asked, it doesn't really get in the way, its sorta off to the side from where my desk is or where i usually walk.
My 2 Cents....
Down to just the G5, PB, and the little shuttle xpc (dual 23" and a 17").


just got my Viewsonic 17" vx724, it works pretty well and has the 4ms response time but I havent really noticed a big difference from the normal 8ms, and just one dead pixel~! . . which is red :mad:

nightanole said:
Man how do you guys get any work done? I mean hell my desk has at least one static baggie, a pci card of some tip, at least 3 tools, a few coasters, mail, and a few food wrappers. You guys with your clean setup must not work at your computer at all ;)

I mean, my work area looks like this!


And that was months ago.
I don't even want to post how it looks now with food plates, the desktop tower in pieces, me on my laptop, an entire toolbox emptied out on the side table, and a computer running with just bare parts laying about plugged into a power supply sitting on the printer, while I have books and rulers and other work sitting out too. All on one desk!

Some of the wierder stuff I have on my desk right now include caramels from England, a bios chip, guitar pic, a stuffed cow, free gum sample, clothing tag, Old Navy wristband, remote control, mini DVD+RW, electrical tape, and pens all over the place.
this is going to sound like a wierd question but is that a REAL revolver on your desk? seems like an odd place to put it.
dariuslatamus said:

There's a few comic shops near my place that has some nice figures. The silver surfer is actually a statue. It's very heavy and cost me about $200 US. It's made by Bowen Designs. You can check out his work at

The Kingdom Come Superman and the Sephiroth on my shelf are my other 2 actual statues, both, again, very expensive.

- Darius

nice.. thanx for the link
heres my setup with my brand new selfmade 2005fpw since dell decided to not ship my screen even after 3 weeks of wait i decided to build my own, and here it is! 0 dead pixels btw.

i think i have some backlight bleeding

its actually more slim than the standart 2005fpw model i think...