Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

thyshallsmite said:
Theres my baby, 100$ walmart desk works great. My monitor is 2405 dell JOY!!. along with my old 15" NEC LCD for my ATI HDTV video card to watch TV and play my consoles on. and my Z-5500 logitech speaker system set up so it sround sound :)

Resize that pic please
thyshallsmite said:

Theres my baby, 100$ walmart desk works great. My monitor is 2405 dell JOY!!. along with my old 15" NEC LCD for my ATI HDTV video card to watch TV and play my consoles on. and my Z-5500 logitech speaker system set up so it sround sound :)
Just wondering if you could resize that?

2608x1952 is a very odd size pic to post.

And those that think they're 'busting' IceWind for asking them to be resized, I don't think his request is unreasonable. I'm not at a tiny rez and it's pretty annoying to scroll sideways.

shadylx said:
get a higher res display

Er... the pics should be resized due to page loading speed, not because someone's running 800x600. The one annoying thing about this thread is how long some of these pages take to load--and I'm on DSL here.
I'm curious what it is you guys do that requires the use of 2, 3, or 4+ monitors. Do you use em for work or gaming, or is it just for show? I'm a student studying programming and web design and we only get 1 monitor to look at all the code lol.
geteg said:
I'm curious what it is you guys do that requires the use of 2, 3, or 4+ monitors. Do you use em for work or gaming, or is it just for show? I'm a student studying programming and web design and we only get 1 monitor to look at all the code lol.
Yeah, I'd like to know what you use them for too.
geteg said:
I'm curious what it is you guys do that requires the use of 2, 3, or 4+ monitors. Do you use em for work or gaming, or is it just for show? I'm a student studying programming and web design and we only get 1 monitor to look at all the code lol.

It's nice to have the space to have mail, IM and other stuff off to one side. I use dual monitors with music so I can have the tracks all laid out across one screen, and have the mixing window and various other VSTs showing on the other. While not necessary, when dealing with music the faster you can work the more chance you have of capturing a mood or feeling - nothing is worse than having a creative moment ruined while trying to find a window or device on the screen.
geteg said:
I'm curious what it is you guys do that requires the use of 2, 3, or 4+ monitors. Do you use em for work or gaming, or is it just for show? I'm a student studying programming and web design and we only get 1 monitor to look at all the code lol.
I'm a CAD/GIS programmer for local water and sewer utility using Autocad Map 3d 2005 and ArcView 9.1. It makes life so much simpler for me. No more, minimizing or ALT+TAB annoyances to interrupt work flow. At work, I use dual Dell 2001's. Here at home, I have the dual 2005's, but I usually leave one in portrait mode. Great for compiling the data links of the mapping to the Access database ... soon to be Oracle. There also isn't a substitute to web surfing using a widescreen in portrait mode. Once you try it, you hate to go back to normal viewing.
hedpe said:
Dell 2005FPW :)

Are those the Logitech X-530's? If so, how do you like them?

You have the setup that I want....2005FPW and 5.1. Nice. :)

Cool dual WI-FI mounting also.
thanks dude!

Those are logitech x-530's. I love them, they sound great. Very excellent quality for the price, I wouldn't think about trading them in for something else.

the left wifi device is a WAP54G (Access Point) set in client mode to connect to my schools wireless, it then feeds it over to the right wifi device, WRT54G (router). So then my router distributes that connection over a local WAN and to those devices on the switch.
TSS Modder said:
i can second that. its a surprisingly nice desk for the price. very nice and clean :cool:

Consider it thirded...When i posted a picture of that desk under the post your workstation thread, I got about 5 PM's asking about it.
xmetal2001 said:
Consider it thirded...When i posted a picture of that desk under the post your workstation thread, I got about 5 PM's asking about it.
i believe one of those was mine ;)

thanks! :D

o yea, that hutch is incredibly convenient. i got the desk, hutch, and file cabinet for about 200$ after tax. :cool:
geteg said:
I'm curious what it is you guys do that requires the use of 2, 3, or 4+ monitors. Do you use em for work or gaming, or is it just for show? I'm a student studying programming and web design and we only get 1 monitor to look at all the code lol.
When you have to compare multiple documents, tables, charts etc., it's easier to have multiple screens rather than switch back and forth repeatedly.

For a company, time and efficiency = money.
geteg said:
I'm curious what it is you guys do that requires the use of 2, 3, or 4+ monitors. Do you use em for work or gaming, or is it just for show? I'm a student studying programming and web design and we only get 1 monitor to look at all the code lol.

With multiple monitors, you might have one monitor with the main coding app or development suite maximized on one monitor, and pull in material (i.e. code pieces/templates) displayed on other monitors. Same example applies to document building, graphics editing, etc. Also comes in handy if you're working in a virtual team environment using shared sessions, IM, etc with other people and don't want to lose focus on your main windows/apps, but need to monitor communications. As above poster stated, main reason is efficiency...
hedpe said:
Dell 2005FPW :)
Needs more 2405FPW as the main screen and [another] 2005FPW as side monitors, with one of the sides in portrait...I would so do that if I hit the lottery...

That wifi setup is sweet too. I assume the access point (client) is sending it wired to the other station for routing?
Dell 2405



The desk is a Varitask E series electric actuated desk that rises from 24" to 48" in height, allowing me to use the desk standing up.

This one is similar , but mine is rated at 250Lbs lift and has a 40x36" top on it.

I got linked a deal from the [H] Forum on the Dell and hooked it for $863 a few weeks ago. The desk, um....fell off a truck. It retails for $1600 :eek: