Show Us What you got Black Firday!!!

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Got a 1GB SanDisk cruzer micro at Office Max for 12.99 and a 5 in 1 card reader from Micro Center for 11.99.
UL said:
wtf that best buy manager is an asshat. the whole point of getting tickets is the fact that YOU got there early, not her. So the time she waisted duesching in the morning equated to you geting duesched on... Its a capitalistic society you saw the potential to make money and you tried to capitalize on it... so what... more power too you

BTW which best buy was it? just incase im ever around i will NOT go to that store...

I actually almost refuse to shop at best buy anymore, circuit city seems to be much more reasonable.
It was Store #1038 in Flower Mound, Tx....

But I myself am not going to boycott the store; just last week, I camped out for a PS3 there, and they handled it extremely well. The same manager was not working this morning, and th guy today was in way over his head. He was literally taking a smoking break every 7-10 minutes he was so stressed. The good news is my friend's mom isn't going to get fired, but he did almost make that happen when he called the manager a quote "jerk off" to his face.
300 TY CD-Rs at K-Mart - $17 OTD
2GB Cruzer Micro $30 & 2GB MS Pro Duo $40 @ Best Buy Online
2x320GB PATA Hard Drives @ $60ea @ Fry's
Sansa 2GB Audio Player $99.99 and $9.99 Generic Card Reader (not really a deal) @ Fry's

Went to Best Buy at like 10am just for the hell of it...none of the LCD's were there...Staples was also sold out of the My Book 400GB Externals.
I ended up with alot, ended up keeping samsung 920bw x 2, samsung 225bw x 1, 400gb my book x 1, maxtor 200gb x 2 hds, flash drives, 32" hdtv, etc. etc. Cant wait for next year... First year actually going early.. When a label says one per customer.. will they let you buy more? some rebates say 3 per person/household.
I just ordered a LVM-37W3 from Crutchfield. Man, and I thought it was going to be a dark Black Friday for me. Here I come 1080p!
Got a Syntax Olevia 542i 42 inch LCD TV from Microcenter for $799 after $200 rebate.

The line was ridiculous (I'm talking like 800 people there by 4 am, 5 cop cars and cops telling people to go the the end of the line, well over 1000 and growing when the store opened at 6) at the Fairfax VA store. They had a lot of stock though but line was still about 200 (maybe 300) when I left at 9. Great deal though and the picture is great.
I live in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and all we have here is a OfficeMax and a Target. I looked at all the ads and didn't see anything that I wanted. Officemax always has the worst deals on BlackFriday. grrrrrrr :mad: So anyway I went onto Fry's and ordered the two 320GB PATA Maxtor hard drives for $60. Thats the only thing I got and I'm happy. No going out early in the morning and fighting the mess for me. I sat by the fire and surfed the net looking for deals. I may order the 200gb Maxtor from Staples. Do you guys think I shoul hop on that one? All in all a night, quiet, Black Friday.

Star Fox said:
It was Store #1038 in Flower Mound, Tx.

Thanks for the info. I will always shop there if I am ever in Texas. That manager was very cool. Happy Black Friday!
MP160 AIO Photo Printer
$29 Shipped

320GB Hammer Desk External HD
1GB SanDisk SD Card
Brother Label Maker
All for $84.97 Shipped

I couldn't go out for BF but I made up for it thanks to the stores selling BF stuff online.
Meh, didn't get too much this year: (I've already bought enough stuff)
- 2 Netgear wireless routers @ Staples for $20 AR each (1 for myself and 1 for someone who I'm working on a network for)
- Maxtor 200GB drive @ Staples for $20 AR
- Wi-Fi router @ CompUSA for $2 AR. I think I'll return this because I liked the Netgear's interface better and I had a couple of issues with it. BTW I'm pretty certain this is a rebadged D-Link DI-524; I took it apart and it says "DI-524" right there on the board. And the MAC address is registered to D-Link. Nonetheless attempts to flash it with D-Link firmware failed (didn't brick it though).
- My Name Is Earl Season 1 DVD @ CC $19 - gift.
Live in Po-dunk town america with 10,000 people. Only have a Walmart, Kmart and Sears. Nearest Best buy??? 97 Miles away. It was very tempting to drive, but alas i decided to stay. Girlfriend and I wake up at 4:30 am.. leave house at 4:50 am arrive at walmart. Line is 4 blocks long. We wait for 3 minutes get in the store and watch people move in like vultures and devour pallets like starved Ravens. Secretly? I'm laughing the whole time.

So I Swoop in and pickup a 1gig thumb drive for 13.87, 9 dvd's totalling about $23 Dollars.
I eye the cordless drill and saw. Let me woman buy some girly things and then book it out after taking a few laps around the store watching people buy the crappy portable Dvd Players.

Then we move along to Kmart, opens at 6 am. Arrive about 15th in line. Wait 7 minutes. Get in store. Watch people buy crappy 20 dollar dvd players and move in for the kill. Pick up Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift for 10 dollars. My girl gets Justin Timberlakes new cd. Then we make our rounds around the store and alas!

I find what I wanted to buy a leather jacket for 50% off. Tag price 99.99... 50 dollars OTD out the door. And its the one i wanted.

So i manage for two plants and unfortunately after McDonalds breakfast and a 20 minute respite nap with the girl. Im off to work. I get done at 3pm and drop my girl off at work at 4. and say to myself? I want to go back to Wal-mart.

I've been really eyeing the 360 premium as I just bought a 32" HDTV 3 weeks ago. and I knew abuot the $50 gift card. So i swooped in and bought the premium xbox 360 for $426 out the door and then took the gift card and bought Gears of War.

Im done shopping lol.. That's Christmas enough for me. Anyone have a 99 mazda 626 v6 engine laying around.

Happy Holidays
Circuit City is by far the worst place. It's no surprise Best Buy will eventually put 'em out've business.

What sorta store only opens ONE checkout lane and doesn't allow price adjustments/matches and returns on Black Friday?

I bought a Pioneer VSX-516 a couple days ago for $169.99. Today it's 119.99. I went in to get the pricematch and they said they couldn't do it. So I asked if I could just return it and REBUY it. Nope, can't do that either. Hopefully the CSR didn't lie to me and I can infact go in tmrw and get my 50 bucks.

I missed out on the Westy 22". I didn't think I'd want to get one, but after reading all the positive feedback regarding it, it seems like it would've been a wise choice. My BenQ fp202w doesn't have all the inputs, but it probably offers a better picture. Saw the 22" westy running and I wasn't terribly impressed.

Never going to CC again on Black Friday. Rude workers. Not that great of deals.
My expierence was amazing. First time camping out. My dad has always wanted a 50" plasma and my mom was always "NO!". For some strange reason she said yes yesterday. I showed up Best Buy approx 1030pm. I was in a great group.

Everyone 10 people backwards and forwards were nice. I acutally ended up getting a number from one of the better looking girls near us :-D

Well I got the 50" Toshiba, so far rather happy. We always grabbed the Kodak Z630 and had the 32" LCD Westinghouse in hand but decided against it (it was my sisters and I dont know why she did that)

Anyways, that was my great expierence

Extended: Our best buy was very well organized. We were acutally the first people to check out with the 50", the laptops were gone half up in front of us. No pushing or shoving to get in the door. Overall I was extremely pleased except for the crash that comes after 3 1/2 energy drinks in 8 hrs.
Jeff Foley said:
Up at 4:00am, out the door by 4:30am, in line at Staples around 4:50am, out Staples door at 6:02am(first one to checkout btw :)).

Scored the 19" Samsung SyncMaster 920BW for $129 and the 200Gb Maxtor for $20.

After Staples, I went to the local mall to walk(yeah, ex-fat guy here) and it was absolutely packed. Extremely long lines at EB and the news media was all over the place. Made walking a pain but the "scenery" was nice. :cool:

I have that monitor. Its a great monitor, you wont be dissappointed.

As for me I just get BF2142 for $25 at Best Buy. I dont care what everyone says, but its the first Battlefield I really enjoy.
takeabao said:
Circuit City is by far the worst place. It's no surprise Best Buy will eventually put 'em out've business.

What sorta store only opens ONE checkout lane and doesn't allow price adjustments/matches and returns on Black Friday?

I bought a Pioneer VSX-516 a couple days ago for $169.99. Today it's 119.99. I went in to get the pricematch and they said they couldn't do it. So I asked if I could just return it and REBUY it. Nope, can't do that either. Hopefully the CSR didn't lie to me and I can infact go in tmrw and get my 50 bucks.

I missed out on the Westy 22". I didn't think I'd want to get one, but after reading all the positive feedback regarding it, it seems like it would've been a wise choice. My BenQ fp202w doesn't have all the inputs, but it probably offers a better picture. Saw the 22" westy running and I wasn't terribly impressed.

Never going to CC again on Black Friday. Rude workers. Not that great of deals.

Not meaning to go off-topic here but I felt this information might be helpful to that poster quoted above and anyone else where Circuit City is concerned. So...

There's no reason they can't or won't honor the price match 110% guarantee for a product purchased before "Black Friday." So, if you'll accept a suggestion from someone that was a Circuit City Store Operations Manager (second only to the General Manager of the entire store) for almost 4 years, here's what you do, in plain simple English.

Go back to the store tomorrow just after opening time if you can make it.

Go up to the counter and say you need to make a return, but before you actually turn over the item or open the packaging or even show the receipt, say the following:

"I'd like to speak to the Manager please, now" and let the "now" part sorta drawl out a bit louder than the rest of it to emphasize you mean business.

When the Manager shows up, and they will, simply say "I'd like to make a return, but before I do that, I'd like the telephone number for the Cool Line."

If the Manager wasn't miffed before he/she/it was so rudely torn away to speak to some lowly customer (that's how they typically look at customers; I know, because I did on many occasions), he/she/it is going to be not only miffed but pissed now. But, it's part of their job to provide that number to any customer that requests it.

After he/she/it gets the number for you - and don't let them continue with anything until they do, this is the important part, stick to your guns, they work for you and not the other way around - continue with the return/exchange/pricematch path since that's why you returned to the store.

If at any point the Manager or a clerk gives you any lip at all, just kinda mention you'd heard about the Cool Line number from a friend that had <insert random issue here> about returning <insert random defective/broken/crappy item here> and didn't get much help at the store level so it was escalated up to a call to the Cool Line and then things happened pretty fast."

Seriously, the most feared and despised thing a Circuit City Store Manager hates, more than red in the daily/monthly report, or customers too, is a call from the District or Regional Manager about a silly returned item at store level. It's one of the worst things that can happen to a Store Manager, and I've seen 3 of them lose their jobs over Cool Line calls.

Bit of background: the Cool Line was created years ago to help with customer service issues and complaints that simply got out of hand. The original idea was - and probably still is - when a customer calls the Cool Line they get in touch with the Administrative Assistant for one of the VPs of the company - no joke. The phone on her desk literally rings and when she notes the particular line ringing, she'll answer it with "Thank you for calling the Cool Line, how can I help you?"

From that point, just tell your story. She'll listen to it all, make notes as required, then tell you someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Typically that means within 2 hours based on the policy they created at the time the Cool Line went into effect - but that was way way back in 1985 so things might work differently now. Surprisingly, they've kept that program all these years.

If a simple customer return or exchange or pricematch isn't handled at store level where all customer service issues can and always should be handled, and it gets elevated to the Cool Line, then it's almost guaranteed the current Store Manager will be demoted or terminated outright, especially if that Manager had a hand in the actual face-to-face situation in the store. If it's some lackey or Dept. Manager or Dept Lead, they'll most likely get the ax.

Circuit City might be a lot of things, sometimes good on prices, sometimes bad on customer service, but in this one respect I have to give them mad props for it and continuing the program.

I've seen 3 Managers in my tenure get trashed: 2 were demoted to Sales Managers within a week of the call to the Cool Line, and the 3rd was terminated outright - because the customer that called the Cool Line in that case was actually a City Council member that happened to mentioned that to the Admin Asst. when he spoke to her. Didn't bode well for Circuit City to have the entire City Council giving them bad word-of-mouth advertising.

So, these are some handy helpful tips for the poster above and anyone really when it comes to dealing with Circuit City. If you're just goofing off or whatever, they'll know it. But if you're a customer with a legitimate gripe and you're not getting satisfaction, you're a perfect candidate for call to the Cool Line.

Hope this helps... someone...
bbz_Ghost .. damn man that's pretty hard core, thanks for the info though .. I don't really shop at CC, but if I ever have a problem there I know which card to pull :)
vbrtrmn said:
bbz_Ghost .. damn man that's pretty hard core, thanks for the info though .. I don't really shop at CC, but if I ever have a problem there I know which card to pull :)

Hey now, I did say "If you're just goofing off..." hehehe

It's there for a reason, and it works if, once again, you have legit concerns, gripes, or problems. I've actually used it myself once in the past for one petty issue that the "then" Store Manager decided wasn't worth his time to help me resolve. As he walked away thinking he'd just washed his hands of me and my situation, I waited the proper amount of time as he turned his back on me and walked away to say:

"Oh, by the way, can I have the number to the Cool Line? I think they'd be veeerrrrrryyyy interested in hearing about how I've been treated here today, what with the 3 customers behind me as witnesses."

I was turning towards the 3 people behind me who were nodding their heads at him as he turned around. Boy, I tell ya, sometimes you just wish you had a nice camera to snap those times. What a Kodak moment that was... :)

takeabao said:
Circuit City is by far the worst place. It's no surprise Best Buy will eventually put 'em out've business.

First of all, look at CC growth vs. BB growth over the past couple of years, secondly just because you had a bad experience doesnt mean its a bad place, isues arrise there's nothing you can do to prevent that.
Kueller said:
My Best Buy was very well organized, the staff was friendly (more friendly than I would've been if I had been working at 4am), the line was orderly (of course the 3 cop cars parked on the curb by the entrance might've helped encourage that) and a lot of the items on sale were instant savings stuff instead of the typical MIR crap. The increase in instant savings at BB this year was a wonderful change imho, certainly made the deals worth waiting for.

you are an anomaly i've been to ones all over arizona, north dallas, and all up and down the florida coast line have been really bad. It didn't use to be like that though
office depot was where i went last year, got a laptop for 500 dollars after shipping rebates, and an upgrade to ram, and a desktop with a ram upgrade for 300.
Billz said:
I live in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and all we have here is a OfficeMax and a Target. I looked at all the ads and didn't see anything that I wanted. Officemax always has the worst deals on BlackFriday. grrrrrrr :mad: So anyway I went onto Fry's and ordered the two 320GB PATA Maxtor hard drives for $60. Thats the only thing I got and I'm happy. No going out early in the morning and fighting the mess for me. I sat by the fire and surfed the net looking for deals. I may order the 200gb Maxtor from Staples. Do you guys think I shoul hop on that one? All in all a night, quiet, Black Friday.


I heard that they are getting a Best Buy in Sheboygan soon. I moved from Sheboygan a few years ago. Sounds like alot of changes goin on down there....

Maybe you'll get a decent Black Friday next year...
Got the Compaq Turion Laptop for $400.
I think I was the 20~30 person in line, but I got the laptop fairly easily because most were going for the TV, monitor and GPS. Too many people lined up at the main register for tickets on the TV and blocked many people...but good for me :D

Setting up the laptop for the wife now. Before formatting it detects a ML-28 CPU at 1.6GHZ, but after I formatted and reloaded XP it said ML-32 at 1.8GHZ. Strange? :confused:
Heck its still more than enough for what my wife uses it for.
jbmx4life said:
I heard that they are getting a Best Buy in Sheboygan soon. I moved from Sheboygan a few years ago. Sounds like alot of changes goin on down there....

Maybe you'll get a decent Black Friday next year...

Bah, Bill can make the 40 minute drive & come down here to Milwaukee & stand in line like the rest of us :p

Me, I gave up & decided not to do it this year :( .. .Nice deals ya'll got
I can confirm what bbz_Ghost mentioned in his post.

I hate BB with a passion, so CC is the place where I spend a whole lot of my money when in need of electronics and odd stuff like movies, games, etc. I had a problem with my local CC store. The manager not only was very rude to me, but he didn't do a thing to help me with my issue. After having gone to the store 5 different times in a span of 10 days and not being helped, I got a hold of the Cool Line # (which was given to me by an employee) and decided to call them. Well, about 45 minutes after my call I got a callback and the lady gave me instructions to go to the store and assured me that my problem had already been taken care of and that I just needed to pickup some stuff at the frontdesk.

To my surprise, she was right... everything was done, my issue was resolved and I even got a free $25 GC as a throw in for the 'inconvenience'... but the funniest thing was that the asshat manager personally handed the stuff to me and apologized like 10 times in just a couple of minutes.

I went to the store a couple of weeks later and was told the manager was no longer part of the staff in there.
Star Fox said:
That's from Best Buy....
Me and two friends camped out for 14 hours at our local Best Buy, and we got tickets for that TV and everything else we could. We only wanted (collecetively) some monitors, an HDTV, a laptop, and some other non-ticket stuff, but since we waited so long, we went ahead and grabbed the extra tickets, figuring we could sell them to people who got there late. Note: This was at the same Best Buy that allowed someone in the PS3 line to sell their spot for $800.

Anyways, some lady who got there 5 hours after us (she was like, ~#30-40, we were all in the first 20) freaked out because she didn't get a laptop ticket, and she called the cops to report us for "scalping". We weren't scalping, and the cops agreed. The cops said that according to this thing called "the law", you cannot scalp a ticket if it did not cost anything to get. Period.

However, a middle aged middle management Best Buy employee disagreed, and he confiscated every single one of our tickets (even ones we were planning on buying). And, unfortunately for us, Best Buy has the right to revoke tickets and kick us off their property under their discretion, not the police's.

Anyways, we still got a 27in HDTV, 3 17in monitors, a 1gb flashdrive, a blue tooth headset, and a laptop.

Edit: Oh, and I still have tickets for the 32 and 42in Westy, and some other stuff that does not expire until the end of today... :cool:

Hey, you made the channel 8 news, I'm guessing those ladies are the ones you speak of.
kohan69 said:
I got the best deal of all: Sleep ;)

Yea I started off real slow this morning but still did 5 billable hours of work(I'm a consultant) at 2 different clients locations. First location everyone that had shown up left by 12 but 1 girl. I showed up at like 12:30(start of my work day) and used my key to get in. Shes the one that told me everyone left by 12. Second place was a lawfirm where no one was. Used my key for there to get in and do some work for one of the head lawyers(he got his wife a new machine and left it at the office for me to clean up and get ready).

Only thing I got today was some food which is good because I'm comming off real bad food posioning from a few days ago and a copy of zelda for the wii as I hadn't bought it yet. Wanted some more wii remotes but can't find any(sucks how all the games are in stock but I can't buy more controllers for some multiplayer fun). O well still beats sitting out in the cold at 4 or 5 am.
digi cam is out of batteries from turkey day and taking pictures of my friends goofing off while waiting for the best buy line so

anyone know if the e-machines t3522 is upgradable to a core 2 duo?

I got

e-machines t3522 with flat screen and photo printer for 189.99
maxtor 200 gig for $20.00
dual layer dvd burner for $20.00
2 copies of bf2142 for 24.99 each
nintendo ds acessory pack for $10.00
whole bunch of packs of dynex 100 dvdrs for $5.00 each
2 2 gig sandisk usb sticks for $30.00 each
sandisk 1 gig sd card for 15.00
whole bunch of cheap dvds under 9.99 some like as cheap as 2.99 for xmas gifts

was thinking about the projector, the 47 inch tv but didn't get either they sold out of the 22 inch cause it wasn't ticketed at my store :(
picked up 2 panasonic 42" plasmas. had to wait inline for it so i couldnt get anything else. all because of slow cc cashiers. these plasmas r awesome.
Lord of Shadows said:
Hey, you made the channel 8 news, I'm guessing those ladies are the ones you speak of.
I just saw that on the news and busted up laughing...
I always wanted to make the news for doing something mischievous that I couldn't get in any trouble for. :D

I was also the person she thinks was an "employee" (I might want to call BB to aid their "ongoing investigation" xD)...
I was wearing like 6 t-shirts to stay warm, and the one on top happened to be a t-shirt with a BB logo that I got during a tour of the local repair/distribution center.
I'm sure that the cheap t-shirt and sweatpants really made me look like an employee (which, I always denied when someone asked me...that lady was too busy doing TV interviews to ask me whether or not I worked there). :rolleyes:

Camping out was cool (even though I couldn't make any extra cash). I happened to end up in line right next to some people from the PS3 line, and we ended up watching star wars episode 3 and playing Gears of War. It was pretty cool.

Now I know what I got on Black Friday:
I got on the news. :cool:

Btw: You wouldn't happen to have recorded the segment, would you? My friends didn't see it, and I know they'd get a kick out of it.
Indignity said:
Bah, Bill can make the 40 minute drive & come down here to Milwaukee & stand in line like the rest of us :p

Me, I gave up & decided not to do it this year :( .. .Nice deals ya'll got


make the drive to GB (by me) or

I am already thinking/planning for next year. I might just decide to get in on this Black Friday deal afterall. It all depends upon what is for sale and where....:eek:
I got an excellent deal!

Went to bed @ 11pm. Got a call from my brother @ 5am (he was waiting in line @ CC for the $250 laptops and he got 2) saying lot of CC items were available online. My computer was already on - went to CC - ordered 2 Samsung 22" monitors for 279.99, couple of the seagate 120gb portable drives, a panasonic digital camera LZ4S. After that went to, ordered the saitek keyboard, logitech G5 mouse, some Memorex +R-DL media over the internet for store pickup. Back to sleep again and got up @ 10 in the morning.

Circuit city stuff should be getting to me next week around tuesday. Picked up the Compusa stuff around 6pm this evening. The best shopping experience I had.

Gonna do the same thing next time!!
I was @ Fry around midnight. There was about ~130 or so people in front of me. Then at about 3:00 AM, I think there was like 400!! :mad: Next year, I'm going to bring my tent and kill somebody if they cut in front of me. At least I got the Infinity speakers my dad wanted.

2 set of Infinity Primus 250s (cashier only scan 3, got one free! :D )
Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift
Matrix: Revolution

2 Fast 2 Furious
Man, I got in too late to knab one of the 22" westinghouse LCD's :(

The damn sales guy had the nerve to say "Yeah, I just bought the last one" right in front of my face! Then they won't give me a rain check and they won’t sell me the floor model (they had two of them out)...BestBuy is getting an e-mail from me for sure...

On a lighter note, I just ordered a Chi Mei 22" LCD from newegg for $299; it has better specs than the Westinghouse, so that takes some of the sting out of the extra $100 I had to pay for it.
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