Show Us What you got Black Firday!!!

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Sep 22, 2004
Please post pictures of your deals!!!!!! Im about to head out now to Scranton, i got off to a late start.
roninblade said:
Please post pictures of your deals!!!!!! Im about to head out now to Scranton, i got off to a late start.

How is this a hot deal?
Just got the last 32" Westinghouse LCD HDTV at my local Best Buy. I'll post pictures when I'm back at the dorm on Monday.
clickclickw00t said:
I scored a 22inch Westinghouse. It's gorgeous...
I also scored a 22" Westinghouse, lots of video inputs on this thing, dvi, d-sub, component, composite, s-video. Alright, gonna finish hooking it up then I'll edit in some pics.

Left: Westinghouse 22w2 (dvi) Right: Dell 1905FP (d-sub)


The westinghouse can be bright, very bright, but the colors aren't as rich as the 1905FP's. On the other hand, the 1905FP ghosts in games (really bad in FEAR with all the greys), while the 22w2 is crisp as can be. So, photoshop on the right, game on the left. The 1905FP is hooked up using d-sub and the 22w2 is using the DVI I stole from the 1905FP atm. I thought I had another DVI cable around but I can't find it and I'm too tired to go looking right now. There were 5-6 22w2's left when I grabbed mine, I got in line around 3:40am. The boxing on the westinghouse stuff is pretty low-key, I saw multiple people grabbing 17" and 19" monitors and just passing the 22w2s by because the box didn't have a picture on the front.

Oh, also snagged a 100 pack of DVD-R's for $5 I mean, $0.05/dvd, I couldn't pass that up. Total for the 22w2, 100 dvd-r's and tax came to 218.82, instant savings>>>>>MIRs.
I also got a westy 22... last one in the store... and let me say, it was worth freezing in 25F temperatures for 4 hours.
Wow, these 22" Westinghouse's are nice. Really glad I didnt give in and pay $600 for a 2407WFP. Sure does have a better image than my 2001 15" samsung. Talk about blacker blacks and whiter whites. And looking through the OSD, this thing has PIP? Sweet! Too bad its only sources are vga or svideo.

And so far, no indication of bad pixels or anything like that. Backlight variation isnt noticeable.
clickclickw00t said:
I scored a 22inch Westinghouse. It's gorgeous...
I got one also, best Buy opened at 5:00, its now 5:45, I am useing it as we speak, getting ready to download dead Pixel Buddy to see if I have any dead pixals, have not seen any yet.I was wanting the $189 desktop computer they had advertised but it was no luck for me, Now I am going to have to spend twice as much for a computer for my daughtor. I am like ultra tired as I was in line about midnight, not early enough, really got to hand it to the Best Buy employees at my local BB, they did a wonderful job with crowd control.
smandzak said:
Wow, these 22" Westinghouse's are nice. Really glad I didnt give in and pay $600 for a 2407WFP. Sure does have a better image than my 2001 15" samsung. Talk about blacker blacks and whiter whites. And looking through the OSD, this thing has PIP? Sweet! Too bad its only sources are vga or svideo.

And so far, no indication of bad pixels or anything like that. Backlight variation isnt noticeable.
mine has every input you could want, VGA, DVI, S-Video, Comonent, and Composit, cant ask for anything more from a computer monitor. I was really surprised to see that it had all those connections when I pulled it from the box!
22" westy too, had a chance to get a 32 but turned it down
also got a $50 chair from officemax
250gb hard drive from best buy
100 pack dvd-r
2gb sd memory card
Diablo2K said:
mine has every input you could want, VGA, DVI, S-Video, Comonent, and Composit, cant ask for anything more from a computer monitor. I was really surprised to see that it had all those connections when I pulled it from the box!

Oops, my bad, I meant to say that it was only offering those inputs for PIP. I'm thinking about all the connection possibilities at the moment. 360 on component, digital cable box on svideo, laptop on vga... he he he he oh all the combinations that are possible!

Only negative I've seen so far is a bit of backlight bleed at the top and bottom if I have a black screen up. I only noticed it when I tested the starfield screensaver.
I got the 22" LCD W.S. monitor too, also the 19 W.S. for my dad. This thing is such a friggin' step up from a 17" CRT flat screen. :eek: This thing is perfect, no dead pixels as far as I can tell, and very little bleed on the bottom and manageable bleed on the top... which is still better than my friend's 19" Samsung LCD he bought this summer, which had bleeding on all 4 edges. :(

EDIT: Wow! My video card temps have gone up considerably, I suppose, under the stress of higher resolution. BF2142 went from 55*C max to 67-68*C though.
Up at 4:00am, out the door by 4:30am, in line at Staples around 4:50am, out Staples door at 6:02am(first one to checkout btw :)).

Scored the 19" Samsung SyncMaster 920BW for $129 and the 200Gb Maxtor for $20.

After Staples, I went to the local mall to walk(yeah, ex-fat guy here) and it was absolutely packed. Extremely long lines at EB and the news media was all over the place. Made walking a pain but the "scenery" was nice. :cool:
Bestbuy. Great experience. Very organized. Got everything I wanted. Super nice sales associates. Will shop again.

Dethred said:
EDIT: Wow! My video card temps have gone up considerably, I suppose, under the stress of higher resolution. BF2142 went from 55*C max to 67-68*C though.
What setting you useing, I added the "+szx 1680 +szy 1080", I am now getting crashes to desktop after a short blackscreen. I had it set to 1280x1024 and it worked fine
I got the 22" monitor, a 1 GB thumbdrive for $15, aq couple of movies and a new laptop bag and mouse for $20.

I still have the voucher for the 32" Westinghouse in my pocket. I decided to pass on it and get something bigger and better come springtime.

Heading back out to HomeDepot for the 199-piece tool set and to Walmart for some Levi's for $12 and a new coffee maker for $25.
J/W how early you guys had to get to Best Buy to get the 22" Westinghouse.

By the time I got there (5:45) they were all gone so I went to OD and got a 20" Samsung 203B for $180 AR. It's not widescreen, but not sure if I wanted widescreen anyways.
We got in line at 1:20. When the store opened we got our monitor right away, but they were gone in 20 minutes or so. I did point out the fact that they had 11 more up on a higth shelf that weren't pulled down yet.

They did have the X1600 in stock for $99, but the wife wouldn't believe that I actually needed a new video card when the X850pro I have is less than a year old.

I might stop and get it anyway.
waynev said:
They did have the X1600 in stock for $99, but the wife wouldn't believe that I actually needed a new video card when the X850pro I have is less than a year old.

I might stop and get it anyway.
Atta Boy
Got a Western Digital 400GB External HD from Staples for ~$111 with tax.

Got to Best Buy ~10 minutes before open...There were at least 2K people waiting on line...SICK. Plus, Staples had the better HD deal. No thumbdrives were available. Couldn't used damned coupons...;_;

Got to Staples(small store) around 30 mins before open and there were ~40 people standing. By open, line tripled in size. Drove by Staples just now...2 hours after open, there was still a line. Guaranteed no hard drives left though...

Next year...Next year...>_>
Another 22" Westinghouse here. This thing is beautiful, well worth the wait, now I need component cables for my Wii, and it will be awesome. Also picked up the $80 kodak camera, which is very nice, as well as the advent 15" television, for my mother. She always wanted a tv for the kitchen. Oh yeah, got the $20 pixima all in one printer, that was a nice score as well. Got to best buy around 2 in the morning, luckily people around us were nice. I'm really loving this Westinghouse, wow, I can't wait to set it next to my 19" samsung non widescreen. YEAH!
KoZLop said:
Just ordered 2 300gig Maxtor Hard Drives from Frys for 60$ each! :)

I picked one up at my local Fry's and they are actually 320 gig. I even read somewhere that they may actually be rebaged 7200.10's. After I get through backing up my current data, I am going to install and run some benchmarks. I also scored Terminator 3, and Matrix DVDs for $.99 each.

The Best Buy across the street from Frys really sucked here in Lewisville, Texas. Very disorganized, and the mp3 player I wanted was gone.

Did not bother with Staples cause I heard the Easy Rebates suck, but then again, all rebates are like buying a lottery ticket.
Westinghouse 32" LCD HDTV (422.39 after 12% reward zone discount coupon)
MI:3 - $7.99
Click - $7.99
Arrested Development Season 3 - $9.99
Benchwarmers - $9.99
Gregory_WE said:
J/W how early you guys had to get to Best Buy to get the 22" Westinghouse.

By the time I got there (5:45) they were all gone so I went to OD and got a 20" Samsung 203B for $180 AR. It's not widescreen, but not sure if I wanted widescreen anyways.
I saw a movie at the mall, where best buy is, at 10 and just went to best buy afterwards around midnight I'd say. It really wasn't all that bad. Although the 2 hour wait in the store even though i was like 40th in line at the computer checkout was kinda ridiculous. However the sales associates went around the store and grabbed all the other stuff on my list for me. A+ to them. Also I forgot to picture the westi I had already picked up earlier when they said they'd give the price adjustment so maybe I got two ;) :p
I got a SyncMaster 931BW. Was after the westy but omfg, there were gangs of hindus and asians of ~3-5 people each, and they all grabbed the god damn westies infront of my eyes, I was about to pick the last one up, but nope, a hindu took the last 3 WTFFFF
Wanted to get my hands on a Westinghouse 37 or 42" 1080p and they were gone :(
went to staples at 6 am and got nothing...looking for the syncmaster but apparently it was all sold out in 5 mintues. heading off to compusa...thought about a wireless keyboard and mouse set but turned it the end all i got was NOTHING!!!
I had the worst expeirence at my local Circuit City. I went for the $300 laptop which I got however it took me 4 hours in lines to get it. Not four hours camping, we camped 8 hours but 4 hours in the line at the store. At first me and my friend were the first to go to teh computer section and they pointed us to the register. Then the cashier took 40 minutes trying to upsell it all their stuff to us and didn't know how to login. Then she said she didn't know how to ring up credit. By that time she directed us to a 1 hour wait. Aftre that they said we had to go back to the other register which was a 2 hour wait but a new person. However, that cashier had to call her manager every person she rang through. In teh end, I will never go to circuit city again for black friday. =\
Not all that exciting, but I got an extra 2 hours of sleep. I thought about getting a wii, but I wanted it for yesterday, at this point I'd prefer to wait until semester is over before picking it up.

I -might- head out to best buy and look for some of the cheap pen drives, but odds are they're going to be gone. Were there multiple shopping carts full of them like there were last year? Or should I just skip it because the only drives I need are 8gb ones, and these would just be "nice to have, but not important"
I'm stuck at work but I talked the wife into heading to BB, she got there at 2am and there was over 50 in line and 3 cop cars...I told her to go home. I really wanted to get the Westy 32" but I wasn't going to have her stand out in 20 deg weather for 3 hours and not get what I wanted. I sent her home...
got there at 2AM... got some good plunder...

scored the 22" Westinghouse Monitor
42" Westinghouse LCD HDTV
$20 Canon All in One Printer
100 pack of DVD-R's $5
well there's a staples right next to my work so i stopped in around 8:30 and picked up one of the 1GB cruzer micro drives for $8. They still had probably 10-15 of them left. Was thinking of getting one of the 4GB ones for $60 but i really don't need it for myself and not sure how much I could sell it for.
swetmore said:
Did not bother with Staples cause I heard the Easy Rebates suck, but then again, all rebates are like buying a lottery ticket.

Man, Staples Easy Rebates are great. You submit them online and then track them online. Very, very easy and I've never heard of anyone being denied. I wouldn't think twice about them next year(unless you just hate rebates to begin with).

BTW, already submitted my two Easy Rebates from this year. ;)
First off easy rebates own.... I've done atleast 20 of them in my life... best rebate ever... second only to cheap prices out the door with no rebates.


I got

20" Samsung LCD 205BW i think is the model and $179
2x 200gb maxtor drives $19.99 each
Staples in Lodi CA is a huge fucking JOKE. I wanted the laptop they advertised, and I was the very first in line to wait there since 3AM. 10 minutes before they opened one of the associates came out and said they didnt have any. Over half of the line just vanished, so i pretty much blew any chance i had of getting anything good this year cause of these fuckwads.
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