Should I step up my GTX275?


Aug 24, 2003
I purchased my GTX275 in August with the hopes of stepping up to a 300 series card around this time. As we all know, the new releases aren't slated until late Q1 2010. Sucks for me.

I briefly considered the GTX295, but I prefer not to go dual gpu. That & $300 out of pocket is a turn off. I can grab a GTX285 for $100 out of pocket. My GTX275 is factory o/c'd at 710/1242. I think that puts me in GTX285 territory.

Is it worth it to step up, or should I just stick with what I have & fuggedaboutit?
The GTX 285 is like 7-10 % faster than a GTX275 both at stock. Its not even worth the time opening your case little own any $$.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Dam. Though I'd be sporting a GTX3'ish card.
It sucks about the delay but definitely don't waste any money stepping up. A 295 would be nice but its much more affordable to just sli with another 275.