SemiAccurate wrong about Nvidia 480GTX power use

How can people say drivers "have gotten better" or "are fine" from either ATI or nVidia?

I've had catalyst hose windows vista and 7 installs, and people with the 5000 series are getting killed by gray screens.

And I've personally had no issues with any nVidia drivers, yet. My 8800 and GTX280 have worked fine since release, but the driver pack release killing cards and shutting off the ability to use physx with amd cards says a lot.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

AFAIK, the GSOD is not cause by driver itself.. driver is trying to fix the defective card...
AFAIK, the GSOD is not cause by driver itself.. driver is trying to fix the defective card...

That looks to be part of the issue. The latest drivers fix the GSOD for some people but not others. AMD is continuing to investigate. There's a huge thread about it under the AMD flavor cards that was started by Kyle. AMD has even received cards back from [H] members who still have the issue.
ATI on the other hand, continuously releases cards that offer a LARGE improvement over their last series. But ATI also releases the worlds WORST drivers.

Nope. The driver "suck" argument is just a hook for brand loyalist to hang their hats on since they have no real rational reasons behind their brand devotion.

I've owned drivers from both and they both have their hiccups. However, neither companies excels over the other in the driver department.
How can people say drivers "have gotten better" or "are fine" from either ATI or nVidia?

I've had catalyst hose windows vista and 7 installs, and people with the 5000 series are getting killed by gray screens.

And I've personally had no issues with any nVidia drivers, yet. My 8800 and GTX280 have worked fine since release, but the driver pack release killing cards and shutting off the ability to use physx with amd cards says a lot.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Between a 3850, 3870, 4670, 4870, 4870, 5770 and 5850 noone I know has had a single driver issue. The last driver issue I ran into was my buddy's 8800 Ultra not doing DX10 shadows properly in Lotro and that was pretty minor no show stopper. There were some pain in the ass issues both my buddy's Radeon 9700pro and another's Geforce 5600 Ultra had with their drivers in WoW, which is where ATI seemed to developed its reputation from, and my 6600 GT AGP had a hard lock issue that took 3+ months to fix and doesn't handle Vista properly to this day (I can't even install drivers above ~164.x on that PC or it just locks up)

Imo both sets of drivers are as fine as you can expect though.
Of course it is you uneducated goof.

Everyone else is happy they bought a 5870 too xxx days/months ago too, because they have no choice.

We'll see whose product is best when the review comes out. When the nVidia offering is roughly 20 percent better I'm going to save the posts and make a new thread dedicated to the people who have bashed the card with unknown performance metrics.

Everyone who has been bashing it has either a 4xxx, 5xxx in their signature. Get off your brand loyalty and stop expressing buyer's remorse by hoping your impulse buy doesn't loose.

How exactly is it an impulse buy when the 5870 was released a good 7-8 months before Fermi? It's not even comparable. Even if Fermi IS faster than the 5870, people have been enjoying ATI's cards for a long time.

Note, I have a 5870 but upgraded from a GTX280.
We'll see whose product is best when the review comes out. When the nVidia offering is roughly 20 percent better I'm going to save the posts and make a new thread dedicated to the people who have bashed the card with unknown performance metrics.

Everyone who has been bashing it has either a 4xxx, 5xxx in their signature. Get off your brand loyalty and stop expressing buyer's remorse by hoping your impulse buy doesn't loose.


Ha, if you could get your hands on a Fermi card at launch. You will be experiencing buyers remorse when ATI refreshes their cards and close your hypothetical 20% gap at a cheaper price point. Also, when Nvidia admits to working on Fermi 2 to be released later this year, there will be a lot of buyers remorse to go around on the Nvidia side. I'll probably buy Nvidia card then. How can someone have buyers remorse after getting 5-6 months of use out of the 5000 series?
go to bed, Nividia. Horse play is expected until release. Unlike you my friend, they have something solid and can tell you about, unlike fermi at the moment.

Speculation is the truth. Quit talking like you know something.
go to bed, Nividia. Horse play is expected until release. Unlike you my friend, they have something solid and can tell you about, unlike fermi at the moment.

Speculation is the truth. Quit talking like you know something.

.... Okay.... :confused:

Seriously, some of you guys need to learn english or something....
And I HIGHLY doubt nVidia has their next architecture out at the end of this year, that's just garbage. It's about 2 years per release. Look at road maps.
They should if the 5% performance difference between the 480 and a 5870 is be believed.

This thing just looks like another NV30 so it wouldn't surprise me to hear that NV is already working on Fermi2 to get out the door by the end of this year since Fermi is already a very expensive flop so far.
We'll see whose product is best when the review comes out. When the nVidia offering is roughly 20 percent better I'm going to save the posts and make a new thread dedicated to the people who have bashed the card with unknown performance metrics.

Everyone who has been bashing it has either a 4xxx, 5xxx in their signature. Get off your brand loyalty and stop expressing buyer's remorse by hoping your impulse buy doesn't loose.


6 months of graphical bliss means I'm going to have NO buyer's remorse whatsoever even if Fermi is 50% faster and 30% cheaper. Also, I don't know about the others here but my purchase certainly wasn't an impulse. The 5870 was launched at a good price and packed a hell of a punch - it was a no brainer. Eyefinity just made it that much more awesome. While you've been waiting for Fermi, I've been playing games at spectacularly high resolutions.
I have 2 GTX 280 H2OCs clocked at GTX 285 speeds, I bought them 2 years ago. I can afford whatever the heck I want, trust me on this.

I'm sick and tired of people who can't afford everything I have making excuses. Step up to the plate and admit you aren't happy internally and you're envious of the new stuff, but you're inventing coping mechanisms to deal with it.

Step 1 is posting on forums about how happy you are with your purchase.
Step 2 is trying to convince other people you made the right move
Step 3 is hoping the idiots respond and agree with you
Step 4 is allowing yourself to actually believe this is true.

I will not let this happen, I'm sorry.

And I HIGHLY doubt nVidia has their next architecture out at the end of this year, that's just garbage. It's about 2 years per release. Look at road maps.

"Getting your hands on something" and "being able to afford something" is two different statements.You can afford something but if it's not available for purchase you can't buy one. I can afford whatever GPU is released. Your talking about architecture, I'm talking about a die shrink, which Nividia needs badly. Ha, your clearly out of it and need to put the bottle down and the needles away.
I'll get 2. I buy enough stuff at my store that they're already on hold prior to even teh SKUs even being entered.
I'm sick and tired of people who can't afford everything I have making excuses. Step up to the plate and admit you aren't happy internally and you're envious of the new stuff, but you're inventing coping mechanisms to deal with it.

heh...I think someone is taking their tech fetish a little too personally :eek:
I have 2 GTX 280 H2OCs clocked at GTX 285 speeds, I bought them 2 years ago. I can afford whatever the heck I want, trust me on this.

I'm sick and tired of people who can't afford everything I have making excuses. Step up to the plate and admit you aren't happy internally and you're envious of the new stuff, but you're inventing coping mechanisms to deal with it.

Step 1 is posting on forums about how happy you are with your purchase.
Step 2 is trying to convince other people you made the right move
Step 3 is hoping the idiots respond and agree with you
Step 4 is allowing yourself to actually believe this is true.

I will not let this happen, I'm sorry.

And I HIGHLY doubt nVidia has their next architecture out at the end of this year, that's just garbage. It's about 2 years per release. Look at road maps.

I lol'd.

Get off your high horse.

And I do hope Fermi soundly thumps Evergreen for the sake of the industry, trust me on this.
What they said. Owner of 8500, 9600, 9800, 2600, 3870, 4350, 5770.

Going to be a nudge and not a sound thump because of Ken Kutaragi syndrome.
We'll see whose product is best when the review comes out. When the nVidia offering is roughly 20 percent better I'm going to save the posts and make a new thread dedicated to the people who have bashed the card with unknown performance metrics.

Oh noes!
Everyone to the rescue vessel!
Of course it is you uneducated goof.

Everyone else is happy they bought a 5870 too xxx days/months ago too, because they have no choice.

no need to read any further as everyone ALWAYS has a choice when it comes to buying something (unless you consider that Nvidia is *FORCING* you to buy ATi cause they have nothing to offer that is DX11 capable for 6+ months lololol)
Everyone else is happy they bought a 5870 too xxx days/months ago too, because they have no choice.

You always have a choice, in this circumstance people could have waited for Fermi, but the rumours about it being late, and the general problems with the TSMC yeilds made it a pretty bad bet that Fermi would be on time and problem free, and thus not really worth the risk of waiting. So far a lot of the rumours and speculation about Fermi have been true, it's indeed late and has severe manufacturing issues.

We'll see whose product is best when the review comes out. When the nVidia offering is roughly 20 percent better I'm going to save the posts and make a new thread dedicated to the people who have bashed the card with unknown performance metrics.

This paragraph isn't even internally consistent, you say other people bash the card with unknown performance metrics, yet you're allowed to defend it with unknown performance metrics?!

And 20% better than what? The 5870? Maybe, at a stretch, and I'm speculating here based on the little leaked info we have, I think 10% tops would be a better guess. But not the 5970, I don't think Nvidia is beating that, in fact I'll buy you a beer if the next flagship card Nvidia launches can beat a 5970 across a range of real world benchmarks. And you can sig that shit. :cool: