Selling In-Game Cut Scene Movies for $30?

I seriously want them to do this. I want them to test the market. I also think that they will make lots of money from it.


People are stupid. When they offered the DLC pack for Modern Warfare 2 that featured some recycled content for $15, people laughed and said, "Good luck with that!" Guess what? They had pretty damn awesome luck with that.

"A fool and his money are soon parted," Benjamin Franklin.

I want them to sell these cutscenes for $30 bucks and make a killing so I can laugh. I mean, its not hurting anyone, right? Don't want it? Don't buy it. But I bet you WILL buy it because you don't wanna feel left out.
best of all, when no one (except those willing to pay $100 for a collectors edition of a game) buys this they can blame it on piracy, team up with the MPAA now and say they're losing revenue because of that.

Seriously someone needs to kick this guy in the nuts so fucking hard it sterilizes him.
i think it was reported last week or the week ago that apple patented being able to take a game, say mass effect, and making a book based on your choices. seems like much the same thing here.
They should just make a damn movie then, not take something out of a game that we've all seen and could just capture or download if we really wanted it. And 30$? What? There's a few games I've played where I found myself wishing for a movie. Maybe if they boxed the "movie" with the game and charge 60$ I'd feel fine about shelling out the outragous game prices. Then again, even if there was a "no movie included" version of the game it wouldn't be any cheaper.
I think some japanese game had 4 hours of cutscenes, and it was1 hour for the initial cutscene. somewhat excessive IMO. But I may have misread the article.
You know what else $30 could get you?.. An actual GAME.

And do I even need to say the word 'fraps'?
Every time this guy opens his mouth, he just proves how he knows nothing about gamers or Activision/Blizzard's customers. Why Blizzard merged with this monstrosity is beyond my comprehension--Blizzard actually cares about their customers, Activision couldn't care less.

Doesn't seem like it anymore if they're happy to let that fool speak for them about their work they ended up selling out on. I mean just look at sc2, it's been broken up into three games.

I don't even think I'll get sc2 or d3 anymore now. I just don't care enough.

As for this business, it's pretty silly to compare a string of cutscenes to a typical "hollywood movie", and to even call it a movie let alone then want to charge blu-ray prices for something that in comparison to a real movie had zero production values.

Tell ya what blizzard / activision dude, make a real starcraft movie, you know real actors, locations, etc, and people might pay your fairyland prices for it then.
Bobby Kotick knows that the human race is full of trash and sheeple, he knows that no matter how dumb an idea he comes up with to make a dollar, the sheeple will buy into it.

Just look at how many bought the map packs and DLC.

WE, the gamers at H, might be smarter than the average person about things like this, but the unwashed masses will buy just about anything.
It might sound dumb to you. But I agreed with everyone else that $15 was way too much for a map pack with 3 of the 5 being recycled from the old game. But the consumers agreed with Bobby and bought millions of those units. Whose the idiot here again?

How this affected the hardcore gamer: It didn't, they still enjoyed the same old maps they were playing before. Were they missing out because they didnt have the chance to pay fairly, 5 bucks for those same maps? No. So who loses again?

How this affected the [H]ard gamer: It didn't. Any [H]ard gamer plays games on the PC and knew well enough to stay away from the game as a whole due to the rampant cheating and lack of Dedi's.

So all that happened is that Bobby the "dumbass" made a couple more million bucks of the idiots while you superiors weren't really affected. This is normally called a win win.
The point being, that Kotick will keep trying to foist this untill we ALL are buying into his bullshit, he's trying hard to get to the point to where EVERYONE will have to get to the point of voting with their wallet.

Sooner or later, it'll be either buy ALL his bullshit or NONE of it.
The point being, that Kotick will keep trying to foist this untill we ALL are buying into his bullshit, he's trying hard to get to the point to where EVERYONE will have to get to the point of voting with their wallet.

Sooner or later, it'll be either buy ALL his bullshit or NONE of it.

Other publishers and developers have already started to adopt his business methods, too. I dont want to see quality game devs go down the tubes because they refuse to join in on the shady practices.
It's a good idea, even more great for interactive movies like Wing Commander games. $30 is a steep price though.

Speaking of which, they should REALLY make another Wing Commander game, with updated graphics and the same awesome gameplay. :D
I won't pay $30 for any full length feature films. Why on Earth would I pay it for in-game cutscene content that's strung together?
I am waiting for the punch line here but it does not seem to be coming :p
this is crazy!
One punchline coming up:

... and it still sucks less than 99% of the real movies follywierd has produced from games.
Why don't the idiots just make a real film and put it in the theatres?

A wow/starcraft movie would sell tickets like mad..
All you guys complaining and whining about $30 for a cut-scene movie should realize you already caved to BLIZZ/ACTIVISION by paying $60 for 1/3 of a game :-/ (those of you that actually bought that 10 year old remake that is)
All you guys complaining and whining about $30 for a cut-scene movie should realize you already caved to BLIZZ/ACTIVISION by paying $60 for 1/3 of a game :-/ (those of you that actually bought that 10 year old remake that is)

It was a complete game. I hope this helps.