Scorching! GTX 280 $599AR @ the egg!

Great! Now if they'll just lower the price to $300 I could actually buy one! :D
Not getting me to open my wallet until I see ATI results. Spending 600 + tax is scorching alright... but not in the way you mean it ;)

If anything, the ATI cards may force Nvidia to lower the GTX280 prices.
Isn't this card slower than the 9800GX2 which can be bought at for $394.99 shipped (with 5% off coupon)?
Is the thread title a joke? Because it made me laugh.
I really like the 280, I just wish prices were lower. I don't want a GX2 because I don't want to deal with lack of SLI support in brand new games or obscure titles that just never work.
I've heard not so great reviews of this card already, especially for the price point.
ladies, last time i checked this was [H}ARDFORUMS, not {S}oftForums.:rolleyes:

if a card comes out that costs $5,999.99 i would hope that some of you members that are {H}ard enough would buy it. :cool:

graphic cards are like autos ( actually they are nothing like it) but you dont hear people complaining they can't afford a Lamborghini Murcielago! :p
Some people are getting them on ebay for 430-440 after cash back with the MS cashback program. Of course you have to pay full price and wait 60 days for the 35% cashback.
ladies, last time i checked this was [H}ARDFORUMS, not {S}oftForums.:rolleyes:

if a card comes out that costs $5,999.99 i would hope that some of you members that are {H}ard enough would buy it. :cool:

graphic cards are like autos ( actually they are nothing like it) but you dont hear people complaining they can't afford a Lamborghini Murcielago! :p

yeah but if you thought about cars like videocards, you lambo turns into a geo after a year >.>
I'd rather be dragged by my testicles through a field of broken glass and thorns by savage rabid wolves, than to give PNY $600. I hate PNY.

I got an EVGA GTX 280 on the way. I'll sell my 8800GTX to help off set the big cost. And also no prostitutes for me this month. So it'll all be good.

PS... even if this rebate was for a card from a better company, who the heck considers a $50 mail in rebate on a $650 video card to be "scorching"? You kidding me? :p
Um, no. The 280 is faster than the GX2. The 260 even beats the GX2 in most titles, according to [H]

"But then we have the question of whether or not you should buy one of these things. As impressive as the GT200 is, the GeForce GTX 280 is simply overpriced for the performance it delivers. It is NVIDIA's fastest single-card, single-GPU solution, but for $150 less than a GTX 280 you get a faster graphics card with NVIDIA's own GeForce 9800 GX2. The obvious downside to the GX2 over the GTX 280 is that it is a multi-GPU card and there are going to be some situations where it doesn't scale well, but overall it is a far better buy than the GTX 280." - Anandtech
"But then we have the question of whether or not you should buy one of these things. As impressive as the GT200 is, the GeForce GTX 280 is simply overpriced for the performance it delivers. It is NVIDIA's fastest single-card, single-GPU solution, but for $150 less than a GTX 280 you get a faster graphics card with NVIDIA's own GeForce 9800 GX2. The obvious downside to the GX2 over the GTX 280 is that it is a multi-GPU card and there are going to be some situations where it doesn't scale well, but overall it is a far better buy than the GTX 280." - Anandtech

Anandtech is surely entitled to their opinion. I was kinda leaning towards just buying a second 8800GTX and a SLI board. I was aware of the hills and valleys with SLI and was thinking that might be acceptable for $200 less (after the price of a second 8800GTX and a 750i motherboard).

But then I started reading about something I hadn't heard about as a non-SLI user, micro stuttering. People that played with the GTX 280 and the 9800GX2, such as EVGA Tech Jacob (and others) say the GTX 280, as a single GPU solution, doesn't have the micro stuttering issue and game play is smoother.

"Also, one thing to note over the GX2 that can't really be explained over numbers or graphs, overall gameplay is just "smoother" no microstutters, just very smooth gameplay." (watch out, has huge images in the thread)

So I figure... performance that is on par, sometimes a little better, sometimes a little worse (varies on games and reviewer it seems) as a 9800GX2, consistent performance regardless of game, no micro-stuttering, 1GB of RAM (not two sets of 512MB mirrored between two GPUs) and true 512 bit interface, which I think might age better for games down the road than the 9800GX2 would. I feel pretty satisfied with my purchase.

And if I wanted the best bang for the buck, I'd of waited for the GTX 260, but I just wanted the best. So I paid extra for it. Government gave me $600 a couple months ago, I think they wanted me to buy this video card. :p
ladies, last time i checked this was [H}ARDFORUMS, not {S}oftForums.:rolleyes:

if a card comes out that costs $5,999.99 i would hope that some of you members that are {H}ard enough would buy it. :cool:

graphic cards are like autos ( actually they are nothing like it) but you dont hear people complaining they can't afford a Lamborghini Murcielago! :p

sorry "Hulk" graphic card are nothing like autos, there are only 2 makers ATi and nVidia, and most people buy based on performance/price, currently these cards are watt hungry and they are expensive, and we all know they are not worth 599 atm
nah. get two 4850s which will be faster than a GTX280, cheaper, and consume less power :)

If you have an intel chipset that is.
Let us wait for the benchmarks shall we :p I hope everyone isn't getting too carried away in this thread. At the end of the day when all is set and done, we all want the samething; lots of power for lil cash :D
Let us wait for the benchmarks shall we :p I hope everyone isn't getting too carried away in this thread. At the end of the day when all is set and done, we all want the samething; lots of power for lil cash :D

There's a slew of reviews up as of earlier this week.

And yes, I want lots of power AND for cheap. OCP = Overclocker's Comparison Page for them such as don't already know, so nothing strange in seeing people here that don't want to pay 50-100% extra for a minor improvement. We takes the cheap CPU, and we makes it go really really fast. (Of course, some people are loaded and don't care about the difference. Me, I could think of other things to do with the money.)
Not scroching hot. But it burn a whole through your saved cash buying at this price point.
this will continue to happen.
people will continue to buy them, so no wonder prices will be high.
why would someone run off and buy one right now?

wait another 2 weeks and see how it compares to the cheaper ATI ...
Uhmmm, didn't the folks that originally buy 8800GTXs and Ultras pay around $600.00 for those cards?

I was not around, when those cards 1st came out, but most of those early owners seem to be happy with their decision.

And off course $600 is worth a lot less these days than 2 years ago (to see why, convert $600 to Liters\Gallons of gas).

I wonder if the 8800GT spoiled us? I mean, now that is one serious price\performer.

I mean, i can slap 2 of those suckers here in Canada for like just over $300, and get 280 "like" performance. yeah yeah, microstuder.

Man, I should just stop rationalizing, and just buy the damn thing. I know I want it, but I will wait to see what ATI will come up with.
ladies, last time i checked this was [H}ARDFORUMS, not {S}oftForums.:rolleyes:

if a card comes out that costs $5,999.99 i would hope that some of you members that are {H}ard enough would buy it. :cool:

graphic cards are like autos ( actually they are nothing like it) but you dont hear people complaining they can't afford a Lamborghini Murcielago! :p
What about a Chevrolet that costs what a Lamborghini does?

If there was a $6,000 card that actually gave a 1000% performance boost over a $600 card, yes, there are at least several people here who would buy it.

It's nothing to be proud of if you're paying just for the sake of being able to say how much you paid. In fact, part of being [H]ard is that you get bang for your buck, either by OCing or by knowing what parts yield better performance even if they cost less and are older.

This card is nowhere near worth the price they are asking for it over the 9800GX2. NOWHERE. So take your sarcasm elsewhere. :)
. And also no prostitutes for me this month.

Government gave me $600 a couple months ago, I think they wanted me to buy this video card. :p

There are some funny people on this board. :D

Yeah I paid over $600 for my Ultra and I literally have no regrets. That card remained at the top of the video card heap for well over a year. That' s pretty unheard of these days.

I get the strong suspicion that if I plunked down 6 bills right now on a 280, something faster will be out within a few months if not weeks.