Samsung SA850 on PLS - the first review has been published (preproduction unit)

Yes, thanks for posting NM. On your screen, there doesnt seem to be the backlight bleed as has appeared in some pics fromother users.

To risk an order or not, that is the question. I guess it depends on how i like the HP 27inch that's o. Its way to me.
Here are some pictures of my SA27850D. These were taken with a Lumix DMC-F20Z using standard Portrait setting. I am no photographer, and I should have at least used a tripod to reduce the blur.


I want to see the rest of this video!
I'm having a dilemma. :(

U2711: after panel lottery starting to love it again. Doesn't rotate to portrait (which I really wanted as a feature!).
U27 is Fine for movies and gaming, but SA850 was slightly less laggy when tested in shop. Samsungs' mild AG was nicer too but it's not a huge issue for me either way. Asking for demo at home of SA850 for colour/backlight, will take comparison pictures if this happens.
HP zr27 doesn't seem to do as well on colour as U2711 but has less lag. (Have not seen one in person yet though).
ACD gloss even in low light drove me mental.
Hazros don't exist in New Zealand.
NEC PA271W is 3k NZD (roughly 2.5k USD), U27 and SA850 roughly $800 an $1000 USD respectively.

What I'm after:

Around 1k USD
Best colour possible (that's not an HP dreamcolour price range monitor), good blacks.
Lowest lag (no scaler preferred as DP only)
LED preferred
Mild AG (although heavy AG doesn't bother me much).
Portrait/landscape rotation

Don't need DVI/HDMI/VGA/MMC/sd/xd/audio connectivity etc that u2711 has. Just want DP and WQHD!

Primary use video editing in native 1080, some image work, spreadsheets and datasheets, movies, researching and gaming.

Can someone just leak me a superduper WQHD plasma or something >_<
Just check FedEx & my S27A850D wil be here tomorrow. I wish I could be completely excited about it but from reading all the posts I'm nervous about it. I have such bad luck when ordering anything from the net. Wish me luck & I will give you all the info when I get it.
I set up the HP ZR2740W and am happy with it based on a few hours usage. No backlight bleed like that in the Samsung that users posted pics of here. The HP is also cheaper by about $100.
Just check FedEx & my S27A850D wil be here tomorrow. I wish I could be completely excited about it but from reading all the posts I'm nervous about it. I have such bad luck when ordering anything from the net. Wish me luck & I will give you all the info when I get it.

My 27" does not have backlight bleed. I posted pictures.
Someone else on here posted that their 27" was also free from BLB.

My wife's 24" has a little, but it is not ever noticeable in actual use.
Some members have not been as lucky.

While backlight uniformity is important, it is only one factor to be considered. There will be compromises in any monitor you purchase.
I have seen some of these Dell's, HP's, and the ACD, and found things to dislike about all of them ( as well as things to like). And all 3 have have the potential for known flaws that have been reported numerous times. Sometimes it becomes a matter of picking your poison.

Bottom line, from our very tiny sample pool so far, it seems that the SA850 may have no backlight bleed, minor to moderate backlight bleed, or major backlight bleed. All three categories have been seen.

I have had perfect luck with one, very good luck with a second. I would not hesitate to buy another if needed, and simply swap for the same model if the backlight uniformity was inferior to the two I have.

Best of luck with what, for me, is proving to be a beautiful screen.
The 850 and 750/950 are all 6bit + afr panels. Obviously the 7 and 9 are TN panels.

I've read reviews that state that the 7/9 have great colors. I've also read reports that they exhibit dithering on certain tests.

Will the 850 also have noticeable dithering in some circumstances since its 6 bit? Wouldn't an 8 bit IPs panel be a better natural choice?

Damn, I wish I could actually see some of these in person. None of the local retail stores have anything high end setup. Not bestbuy, or CompUSA.
There are now two user reviews on the Egg. Both are bitching about severe blb.

Damn, I so wanted to buy one of these but I don't have the patience to do the return game.

Buying a monitor is the toughest hardware decision I've ever made. I'm half tempted to just fire off and buy the ZR27w, which is a bargain at under $700. But I'm turned off by the AG, even though I haven't seen it in person. :)

ACD is being ruled out because someone mentioned a firmware issue with powercolor 6970's.

Then there is someone in the back of my mind telling me to just get an SA750 for $550. It's cheaper, so less invested if I don't like it, and I've actually seen around a dozen users here rave about it.

I walked through a best buy looking at HDTV's, to my eyes the TV's with glossy panels really made the colors jump out at you and the dark scenes looked great.

I've really been looking closely at my current lcd, a 3+ year old HannsG HG281D.

It's actually not a bad TN in some respects. It's 16:10, 1200p, virtually NO back light bleed, decent colors (not eye popping), good response time, great AG. The only criticisms I can really lodge are TN related viewing angle shifts which don't bother me, and it doesn't have the best contrast. But the blacks are very black.

The only thing is, I hate visible color dithering in game textures so I'm thinking I should stay away from TN. Maybe my HG is just older technology, I'm not sure if it even does that +H-FRC technology. Maybe the SA 750/950 have way better panels since they're much newer. People seem to be very positive about their color capabilities and image quality.

Look at it this way:

Professional and user reviews have all stated that this a is a fantastic monitor IF you do not get one with significant BLB.

You may or may not be lucky. If not, just exchange it for another. If you're willing to spend this kind of money on a monitor, and you plan on keeping it for a while, then it may be worth the extra effort to get it right. After all, no matter what model you buy, you may find yourself displeased or longing for something else.
Look at it this way:

Professional and user reviews have all stated that this a is a fantastic monitor IF you do not get one with significant BLB.

You may or may not be lucky. If not, just exchange it for another. If you're willing to spend this kind of money on a monitor, and you plan on keeping it for a while, then it may be worth the extra effort to get it right. After all, no matter what model you buy, you may find yourself displeased or longing for something else.

Words of wisdom
dude, the only sample video you could find was a porn movie? lol!!!

You would prefer kittens playing soccer, or something?

I thought I'd provide a real world example.

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Cnet sets their monitors to 200cdm/2 brightness compared to 120-140cdm/2 like most other sites. At that brightness all non VA panels will produce greyish blacks and any back-light bleeding will be far more visible.
Got my S27A850D yesterday. Didn't think I would get it till Tuesday cause FedEx delivery date was for yesterday & I had to work. Lo & Behold I get home from work & check to see if there's a note on my door. Instead here sits my $837.00 monitor sitting outside my door almost in the rain. Can't believe they just left it! I was happy they did cause they would not be able to deliver it till Tuesday & you know what antisapation is like when you are waiting for something. Anyway, here is the "great" news. No BLB, No Dead Pixels & NO PLS Glow. Nada...not even a little BLB or PLS glow. The whites are white & the blacks are very deep blacks. My last monitor had a glossy screen & it had a beautiful sharp picture. This one has even better RBG & the colors are sharp. The screen shows somewhat of a reflection when it's turned off but absolutely no glare when on. Used a glossy screen for years I didn't know what AG was really like. From reading so much about it & owning a glossy screen I was a little afraid that even a semi AG would not be as bright & sharp as my old monitor. Well, I am not disappointed at all. I haven't played with it much & I can't seem to make my taskbar icons bigger without going to a lower resolution. I didn't spend money on a high end monitor to set it at low resolutions. Guess I will just have to play with. I think this monitor is SPECTACULAR & you will not regret buying it. I got it at a good price & very fast delivery. Ordered it late Wed. night & got it Sat. with Free shipping.
CNET: "When showing faces and light-colored hair, the S27A850D's colors sometimes dip ever so slightly into a greenish hue".
CNET: "When showing faces and light-colored hair, the S27A850D's colors sometimes dip ever so slightly into a greenish hue".

I would not trust CNET or any medium-large, well funded website to give me an unbiased, objective review positive or negative.
Got my S27A850D yesterday.

That's great you got lucky and scored a good one. I would not go out on a limb telling people they would not regret buying one of these with the amount of defective units out there :D
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I would not trust CNET or any medium-large, well funded website to give me an unbiased, objective review positive or negative.

It's not about trust.
It's not about positive or negative.

It's about listening to what people observe.
DonnaL: Where did you order yours from? I ordered mine from Hasn't shipped yet (ordered it early Friday, so I really hope Buy gets moving and ships it tomorrow).
It's not about trust.
It's not about positive or negative.

It's about listening to what people observe.

If I threatened you with the loss of your job, or you were hired and agreed to and/or hired as a shill to give favorable overall impressions on particular products, or I offered x amount of money or incentives to you in agreement for favorable impressions in an industry where it's all to common and widespread. You reckon that would change what you "observe"? It also could be the uh, ahem.. "reviewer" has little knowledge of what he is looking at, doing or fully knows what he is talking about. The Internet is full of people like that. Bedroom reviewers.
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I published my review of Samsung S27A850D on

I tested two production units, measured with i1 Display 2 + Blue Eye Pro and i1 Display 3 Pro + ChromaPure (and ETC osciloscope). Second has almost no backlight bleeding issues, both were manufactured in August 2011. It's a little bit like lucky draw.

Hope you can understand the most of information (graphs, uniformity ilustrations, tables with numbers etc.), you can also use google translate for text (CZ -> your language):
I've had the 27" version of this monitor here for a few days. Unfortunately the back-light bleed is present along with many dead and stuck pixels.





I forgot to add, when I opened the box and inspected the panel there were smears, rubbing type marks, scuffs and glue type stuff on the panel which all came off with cleaning.
What I noticed later is that the marks were in many of the same spots as the bad pixels are. So someone at the factory noticed and made a weak attempt to rub them out and decided it was high enough quality to send it out.
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Just got done chatting with Rachel @ Newegg.

I inquired about their dead pixel policy, they stated that they'd accept a return even if there was only one dead pixel.

I asked if I could return it if I was unsatisfied for any reason, she said if it's not defective it can be returned with no stocking fee if unopened, with restocking fee if it has been opened.

The chat window closed before I could save it, but I'm glad to hear that from them. I've been a customer for soooo long.

Now I just have to decide between the 750/950 and the 850. I've given myself a deadline of noon to make a decision, 1 hour and ten minutes left.

/I can tell I'm probably gonna end up with both before it's all over. :D

This would be so much easier if I could find someplace within 100 miles to see them in person.
I've had the 27" version of this monitor here for a few days. Unfortunately the back-light bleed is present along with many dead and stuck pixels. It will be returned soon.

What brightness setting were you using?

I published my review of Samsung S27A850D on

I tested two production units, measured with i1 Display 2 + Blue Eye Pro and i1 Display 3 Pro + ChromaPure (and ETC osciloscope). Second has almost no backlight bleeding issues, both were manufactured in August 2011. It's a little bit like lucky draw.

Hope you can understand the most of information (graphs, uniformity ilustrations, tables with numbers etc.), you can also use google translate for text (CZ -> your language):

Thank you
I bought it at Cost Central. They had the lowest price that I could find with free shipping. I read so many reviews about this monitor & when I decided to get it I just went with the one with the lowest price. Like this monitor every resale store on the net it gets good & bad reviews. I got lucky with both. Sorry if any of my reviews are not very professional. I can only give my opinion on what I see.
Damn, Lebowski. I'd feel like sticking that thing under the delivery truck, that is bad. I'd pay extra for good quality control.

Just ordered mine from the egg, probably arrive Thursday if it ships from CA. Might arrive sooner if it ships from Jersey.