Samsung Galaxy S5 Watch Thread

Because adding a case to a phone doesn't add 'minimal' protection, its a big deal and can mean the difference between the display cracking or not. Do you ride a bike without a helmet on?

Then take care of your phone, which I know is a really difficult concept for many. I have dropped my iPhone 5 on concrete, and tile many times and it never broke anything. Scratched up the edges, but you can get clear protectors for that. I don't use a case because I buy a phone that I like the look and feel of, the only thing I might do is use the clear protectors. (Think bodyguardz type stuff).
That's the easiest part. It was broken two days after the iPhone 5s went on sale.

We hope that this finally puts to rest the illusions people have about fingerprint biometrics. It is plain stupid to use something that you can´t change and that you leave everywhere every day as a security token", said Frank Rieger, spokesperson of the CCC. "The public should no longer be fooled by the biometrics industry with false security claims. Biometrics is fundamentally a technology designed for oppression and control, not for securing everyday device access." Fingerprint biometrics in passports has been introduced in many countries despite the fact that by this global roll-out no security gain can be shown.

If you think Samsung is now doing this correctly you've missed the point CCC is trying to make.
The Galaxy S phones and iPhones don't sell because the design is unchanged, they sell because of marketing $$$. Thus I don't get the argument of 'why change something that works'.

Samsung could easily have taken a bit more risk, the phone would still sell. Its much more likely their design/fab department didn't really want to experiment or that some higher ups/management killed any thoughts of a major redesign.

I will respectfully disagree.
Samsung took as much risk as they wanted to at this time.

After hearing all the potential gimmicky "innovations" that were floating this last year I am glad none of them found there way into the S5. Curved display? No thanks. What else is there? dual speakers? HTC did that, didn't help, BEATs audio? No thanks, All metal case? no one cares, ill take my removable battery and sd slot.

Samsung said it up front that they know their consumer and this phone is what their consumer wants. While all the other phone makers are scatter blasting the market with variants Samsung took a direct, calculated shot.

Time will tell if the market agrees. I will vote with my wallet in April.
^Maybe you are right. But I mean things like better speakers, a refreshed design, bigger changes to software (e.g. what Motorola does).

The S3 was a huge improvement over S2 and really started the whole Samsung domination. They've since not come close to a similar level of improvement.
Then take care of your phone, which I know is a really difficult concept for many. I have dropped my iPhone 5 on concrete, and tile many times and it never broke anything. Scratched up the edges, but you can get clear protectors for that. I don't use a case because I buy a phone that I like the look and feel of, the only thing I might do is use the clear protectors. (Think bodyguardz type stuff).

Speak for yourself. To most people a phone is an expensive purchase and they value it far more than just looks. When you're walking down the street and someone bumps into you causing phone to fall, then should I blame you for 'not taking care' ?! And if you've dropped the iPhone multiple times with no damage, that's just plain luck.
I will respectfully disagree.
Samsung took as much risk as they wanted to at this time.

After hearing all the potential gimmicky "innovations" that were floating this last year I am glad none of them found there way into the S5. Curved display? No thanks. What else is there? dual speakers? HTC did that, didn't help, BEATs audio? No thanks, All metal case? no one cares, ill take my removable battery and sd slot.

Samsung said it up front that they know their consumer and this phone is what their consumer wants. While all the other phone makers are scatter blasting the market with variants Samsung took a direct, calculated shot.

Time will tell if the market agrees. I will vote with my wallet in April.

Pretty much how I feel about it. I couldn't care less about a pretty phone that "feels nice". If this phone has a removable battery (Zero Lemon FTW) and expandable storage, then it's already ahead of all other OEMs, IMO.
That's the easiest part. It was broken two days after the iPhone 5s went on sale.

I knew you were going to bring that up, but did you actually read what's involved? They made a fake finger through an elaborate process. If your phone gets stolen and the thieves have the time, willpower and skill to recreate one of your digits before you can remotely wipe the data, you have bigger problems.

Besides, if you trust the CCC's views so explicitly and unquestioningly, you should immediately boycott the Galaxy S5 and urge your friends to do the same. After all, the organization said:

"We hope that this finally puts to rest the illusions people have about fingerprint biometrics. It is plain stupid to use something that you can´t change and that you leave everywhere every day as a security token", said Frank Rieger, spokesperson of the CCC. "The public should no longer be fooled by the biometrics industry with false security claims. Biometrics is fundamentally a technology designed for oppression and control, not for securing everyday device access." Fingerprint biometrics in passports has been introduced in many countries despite the fact that by this global roll-out no security gain can be shown.

Of course, the CCC's statement is overly simplistic and alarmist. It ignores the value of a fingerprint reader for everyday security, and it suggests that you must reject any and all biometric protection measures (including the GS5's) as tools of evil. Considering that the organization's logic is inherently flawed to start with, are you going to trust their claims that this is a major threat, or will you think for yourself?
Given how easily passwords are cracked/leaked, and how many people neglect to have even the most basic security on their phone, any sort of biometric security that's at least feasible (i.e. not a stupid trick like ICS face unlock but an actual implementation) is very welcome.

Also, unlocking a phone with a swipe on the fingerprint reader is faster than having to enter a password/pattern. That alone will increase its use.

Laptops have had readers built in for years, and they are used in enterprises all over the world. I can powerup and unlock my Thinkpad with a single finger swipe. If it's good enough for an enteprise, its surely good enough for a casual user.
I thought Samsung has said the S4 sales were lower than overall expected, due to it being more of side grade from the S3, and not radically better or major update from the S3 to S4 ? And I would ahve to agree with that.

So this S4 to S5, just seems the same again. Just like the S3 to S4, sure better hardware, little better screen, but nothing that big.

I would dare say the S4 from the S3 is a bigger upgrade, than the S5 from S4.

So if the sales weren't as great as Samsung expected on the S4, I could see this year being a test for them, as the S5 isn't that much better than the S4, I could see other smartphones really making a push against Samsung.
How does TouchID on iPhone 5S work? Do you have to first click home button, then hold finger over it? Or can it be done in one motion? With S5 you'd have to first power it on, then swipe to unlock.
I am disappointed with the S5. The Z2 however hits all the right places for me. Looks like its going to be between the Z2, Note 4, and the new iPhone. Ill probably end up with at least two of the three.
How does TouchID on iPhone 5S work? Do you have to first click home button, then hold finger over it? Or can it be done in one motion? With S5 you'd have to first power it on, then swipe to unlock.

You can unlock your phone by pressing the home button and holding your finger. It actually works fairly quickly.
Anyone else incredibly underwhelmed by the S5? Wtf were they thinking with the design of that thing? Looks like the worse design choices from the past S phones were chewed up and thrown up.
I am disappointed with the S5. The Z2 however hits all the right places for me. Looks like its going to be between the Z2, Note 4, and the new iPhone. Ill probably end up with at least two of the three.

I have to agree, the S5 is extremely disappointing. The Z2 looks sweet, and that 3,200mAh battery should be pretty awesome, and Snapdragon 801 + 3GB RAM will make that phone a beast. But will the U.S. see that phone ?

iPhone 6 are very interested in, only if it has a 4.8" screen or so, and some type of revised home screen with Live Tiles / Widgets.

A special GPE Z2 would be F'ing sweet.
I'm sure the iPhone 6 will have a bigger screen (or will come in 2 sizes). Too many rumors from too many credible sources this time. Also iOS 8 is bound to have bigger changes after the visual refresh in iOS 7. By that time we'll also have some rumors on Note 4, Nexus 6, Z3 and Android 5.0. Seems like fall is going to be a much more interesting time for phone upgraders.
I guess smartphones are maxed out already and so these iterations aren't going to be particularly interesting anymore.

Maybe Samsung should have waited a couple more months and grabbed one of the newer SoCs coming soon.
Anyone else incredibly underwhelmed by the S5? Wtf were they thinking with the design of that thing? Looks like the worse design choices from the past S phones were chewed up and thrown up.

I'm starting to warm up to it, but there's no doubt that it's a relatively safe upgrade based on feedback (and not wanting to cede ground to Apple). I'll say this: if you have a GS3 or earlier Samsung phone and plan to remain loyal, this is a huge upgrade. Depending on how well the camera and health features work in practice, it might also appeal to those crowds. However, I wouldn't go out of my way to get a GS5 until I'd seen what the HTC One sequel and Xperia Z2 are like in real life.
This is complete speculation on my part, but does anyone else think that there still might be some sort announcement for the "prime" or whatever else model we've heard so much about? Look at the physical dimensions of this phone announced today. It's bigger than the S4 so one would think that the bezels would be just as thin if not thinner than the S4. But no, the bezels are actually bigger which intuitively does not make much sense from an aesthetic or design perpective. However, if in 2 or 3 months time they announce a "prime" or superduper model or whatever the hell they want to call it, I could see them easily fitting a 5.25 inch screen in the same footprint as this S5 version. Think about it, Samsung could see how shitty the Iphone 5c sold (relatively speaking) and perhaps they didn't want to cannabalize the sales of it's lower end S5. In a few months, when everyone has a boner for the new Iphone 6, Samsung could pull a "Hey but wait, here's our new S5 on speed." I don't know. Complete speculation on my part but I just find it hard to believe that with so many sources pointing to a metal, 5.25 QHD phone, that all of them were wrong. Thoughts?????
Right now 1080p on phone is perfectly adequate and some. Rather they hold off until 4K for when 4K monitors and TVs are more prevalent along with less rescaling lag.
This is complete speculation on my part, but does anyone else think that there still might be some sort announcement for the "prime" or whatever else model we've heard so much about? Look at the physical dimensions of this phone announced today. It's bigger than the S4 so one would think that the bezels would be just as thin if not thinner than the S4. But no, the bezels are actually bigger which intuitively does not make much sense from an aesthetic or design perpective. However, if in 2 or 3 months time they announce a "prime" or superduper model or whatever the hell they want to call it, I could see them easily fitting a 5.25 inch screen in the same footprint as this S5 version. Think about it, Samsung could see how shitty the Iphone 5c sold (relatively speaking) and perhaps they didn't want to cannabalize the sales of it's lower end S5. In a few months, when everyone has a boner for the new Iphone 6, Samsung could pull a "Hey but wait, here's our new S5 on speed." I don't know. Complete speculation on my part but I just find it hard to believe that with so many sources pointing to a metal, 5.25 QHD phone, that all of them were wrong. Thoughts?????

I don't think so. For Samsung, the Note has long been the premium phone that follows the "for the masses" Galaxy S. Having to make people choose between two ultimate devices later this year wouldn't help much. If Samsung had really wanted a metal, mid-size flagship phone, it would have launched one today.
Maybe the d-bag might get a clue and realize it's a Mobile World Congress demo phone that's been touched my hundreds of people so he should wipe it with his shirt and he's spending less finger time on the sensor than on his his device. Plus, security on Apple devices is non-existent anyway having pretty much sent everything in the clear with the GotoFail SSL vulnerability.

How funny. Didn't read this article until just now but it was published 6 days ago. Talks about exactly what I was speculating about regarding an updated model in a few months time.

Actually I think this article is probably legit considering that 6 days ago it said the "initial" S5 release would have a 5.1 inch screen and the QHD variant would have the 5.25 inch screen with metal body. 5.1 was exactly right.

So if it's true, why the hell would I buy today's model when I can wait a few months a get a much superior (at least e-peen wise) S5 variant?

EDIT* Slight correction, the article talks about the QHD having the 5.1 screen and the Full HD coming in 5.25. They probably got these mixed up. Most people would have trouble perceiving a slightly smaller screen as an upgrade. Usually works the other way around.
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Maybe the d-bag might get a clue and realize it's a Mobile World Congress demo phone that's been touched my hundreds of people so he should wipe it with his shirt and he's spending less finger time on the sensor than on his his device. Plus, security on Apple devices is non-existent anyway having pretty much sent everything in the clear with the GotoFail SSL vulnerability.

You should probably research a bit more before you fail so much. That was fixed a while ago on iOS, and if you were on a secure connection it didn't matter. You act like Android is the cream of the crop when it comes to security lol.
Maybe the d-bag might get a clue and realize it's a Mobile World Congress demo phone that's been touched my hundreds of people so he should wipe it with his shirt and he's spending less finger time on the sensor than on his his device. Plus, security on Apple devices is non-existent anyway having pretty much sent everything in the clear with the GotoFail SSL vulnerability.

Apple simultaneously patched everyone iOS product they've released in the last 4.5 years. If anything happen to Android it would be a disaster of phones no longer getting updates.

Though I will agree the feedback in the GS5 fingerprint scanner not working is irrelevant at this point. Even iPhone users may need to run the setup a few times to get a good recording of their print.
Apple has never cared about security, they have a track record of denying any problem in their products, let alone fixing it. For a long time they propagated the myth that OSX was 'secure' because it had few viruses, when in fact any hacker knew it was riddled with holes compared to Windows, and lost in every hacking competition.

When their own security engineers publicly insult the company, you know somethings broken.
Apple has never cared about security, they have a track record of denying any problem in their products, let alone fixing it. For a long time they propagated the myth that OSX was 'secure' because it had few viruses, when in fact any hacker knew it was riddled with holes compared to Windows, and lost in every hacking competition.

When their own security engineers publicly insult the company, you know somethings broken.

Apple has definitely had a looser approach to security (there is no "Patch Tuesday," for instance), but I think you're misinterpreting a few of its actions.

The company doesn't deny that problems exist, or at least it hasn't for as long as I can remember. More often than not, the company declines comment until it has a fix ready. That doesn't help much if you're looking for short-term workarounds, but it's not denial.

Also, Apple has been hiring security experts for the past couple of years... including at least one from Microsoft. We probably won't see the full effect of these people for a little while, though.
I personally am happy with Samsung's approach. The major complaint people had was touchwiz, now they are toning it down and people complain its not enough new? lol cant please anyone.

I personally was also scared they would screw everything up and go with a sealed battery or maybe even ditch microSD expansion. They have done neither much to the dismay of their competition and despite them probably being able to move 40 million units with either choice.

Finger print sensor, good, everyone is getting one, as long as they work well I think they are a great addition to phones that should have been standard at least 3+ years ago.

Heart rate monitor, good for some don't care myself.

As for making it bigger, I don't get the point of this but whatever. I think that people who want bigger phones get the note. Its time for Samsung and everyone else to stop shifting around in size and just make certain sized devices like has been done with laptops for a long time.

On the other hand I was hoping for Note level or better specs. IE 3Gb+ RAM instead of 2, glad the battery is bigger though. The big disappointment is the storage. Still 16GB standard. Probably should have bumped it up to 32GB standard.
Apple has definitely had a looser approach to security (there is no "Patch Tuesday," for instance), but I think you're misinterpreting a few of its actions.

The company doesn't deny that problems exist, or at least it hasn't for as long as I can remember. More often than not, the company declines comment until it has a fix ready. That doesn't help much if you're looking for short-term workarounds, but it's not denial.

Also, Apple has been hiring security experts for the past couple of years... including at least one from Microsoft. We probably won't see the full effect of these people for a little while, though.

Apple can't stop smelling its own farts long enough to realize that security/privacy are not something you can brush off because you don't have the market share Windows does.

When the CIA is making public statements saying that if everyone had iPhone's that collecting "information" would be so much easier it raises some serious eyebrows. Its about damn time someone speaks up about these huge security holes that remain open and Apple gets called out on it.
Apple can't stop smelling its own farts long enough to realize that security/privacy are not something you can brush off because you don't have the market share Windows does.

When the CIA is making public statements saying that if everyone had iPhone's that collecting "information" would be so much easier it raises some serious eyebrows. Its about damn time someone speaks up about these huge security holes that remain open and Apple gets called out on it.

It would be easier since its single platform, unlike Android fragments.
So Galaxy S4S basically? So much for "the next big thing", no more innovation.

When was there innovation? Do you mean back when every phone was simply the same phone with a faster processor / better camera? I get kind of tired of people talking about innovation as if there ever was any. In the last couple years when everyone started saying there is no innovation is when the innovation actually started to happen. If you think that then why don't you tell use what exactly they should add to innovate so much.
You should probably research a bit more before you fail so much. That was fixed a while ago on iOS, and if you were on a secure connection it didn't matter. You act like Android is the cream of the crop when it comes to security lol.

It hasn't been a while but rather a few days ago on 2/21. Apple might've fixed the gaping hole in iOS but they won't be able to fix the leakage of your account/email passwords, bank accounts, personally identifying info, boyfriend's photos, etc.
It hasn't been a while but rather a few days ago on 2/21. Apple might've fixed the gaping hole in iOS but they won't be able to fix the leakage of your account/email passwords, bank accounts, personally identifying info, boyfriend's photos, etc.

Ouch, I am so afraid, but I am glad you are so concerned about this with me.

This bug only affects you if you are on an unsecured network. You shouldn't be going through all your personal shit on airport/starbucks wifi anyways. Oh, and how many backdoors/exploits have been found on Android? Exactly, so keep predicting doomsday for Apple products.
I actually am wondering about the S5 wifi mimo technology. I know it's in the new Broadcom radios. So is this only in the exynos version? Cause Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 SoC already has a radio and does not support it.

BTW, guys, Samsung is finally using a better grade of plastic. Too bad they didn't go for the feel of polycarbonate like Nokia or HTC, and instead dig a bunch of holes...
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Apple and it's defenders want to have their cake and eat it too. Either it's a better OS or not. You can't call iOS / OSX superior and then also say that Windows/Android also have security flaws, so it's ok. And both MS and Google are far more transparent and forthcoming.
You should probably research a bit more before you fail so much. That was fixed a while ago on iOS, and if you were on a secure connection it didn't matter. You act like Android is the cream of the crop when it comes to security lol.

I did want to mention since the finger print scanner was brought up.

My friends 5s....if he uses the scanner too much, if I slightly touch it...the phone unlocks. 3 times out of 10 roughly.