S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't the OL 2.0 mod come with AMK? I have AMK files in my gamedata folder.

1) I don't suppose there's a mod to quick-travel? :D
2) Does the military armor cost 960,000 RU for everyone else? I checked the outfits.ltx file and the cost is 160,000. I put it to 1000 just to test, and it was 6,000 RU to buy. Why is the cost being multiplied by 6? The exoskeleton armor has the same problem.
3) How do you guys make money? I did all of the Arena battles, but then I blew all my money on some armor. Now I'm pretty broke. I still have possible quests with some guys but I don't feel like doing them, and I'm sure the rewards are paltry. I've done most of the missions for the later NPCs.
The missions "respawn" every day or so. Also, artifacts spawn after blowouts. I use those and guns I pick up to sell from enemies to make my money.
Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't the OL 2.0 mod come with AMK? I have AMK files in my gamedata folder.

1) I don't suppose there's a mod to quick-travel? :D
2) Does the military armor cost 960,000 RU for everyone else? I checked the outfits.ltx file and the cost is 160,000. I put it to 1000 just to test, and it was 6,000 RU to buy. Why is the cost being multiplied by 6? The exoskeleton armor has the same problem.
3) How do you guys make money? I did all of the Arena battles, but then I blew all my money on some armor. Now I'm pretty broke. I still have possible quests with some guys but I don't feel like doing them, and I'm sure the rewards are paltry. I've done most of the missions for the later NPCs.

OL and AMK are two different mods, but they do share some things. If you look at the credits for OL, it mentions credit for the AMK team.

The only mod which does quick travel that I know of is the ABC mod. Other than that you could try a vehicle add-on. I dont know why you are seeing those values for armor. Most of the quest rewards dont give much money. The best way to make money is collecting artifacts and looting dead bodies and selling what you find.
Do you know if the ABC mod works with OL?

No it doesn't. Its a global mod full of mini mods like OL. You would have serious issues combining them. Besides, ABC is having some issues right now with stability. There is only one guy working on the mod that I know of right now. Sorry
Heh. I also recommend playing STALKER with a box fan blowing on you. Definitely adds to the dark atmosphere (plus it keeps you cool while your rig churns out super hot 9800GTX air into the room).
Yep. Several games have influences and missions taking place in the Zone of Alienation.
I just spent a good part of my work day on Wikipedia reading about the Chernobyl disaster, Pripyat, and all the aftermath. It's really interesting stuff. Very profound eeriness.

A few suggestions:
Chernobyl Disaster
Zone of Alienation
Red Forest

Must-see: My Journey to Chernobyl: 20 Years After the Disaster
This picture of gas masks in a Pripyat school: http://nikongear.com/Chernobyl/036_LND0332_S8.jpg

hmm I just spent the best part of 45 minutes on those sites.

scary stuff, it seems so surreal

thanks :)

edit: its nice to see influences of games like COD4 in this example

This game is scary :(

Yes it is, I was freaked out enough in the Agropom underground when the invisible bloodsuckers appeared...and then the bloody Controller totally f-------- me out of my chair and kept pulling me in...and the way he takes control of your mind so you can't even do anything and you're helpless is horrifying. I couldn't reload or shoot so I did the only thing I could manage to do in the gaps between when he mind controls you - I chucked all my grenades and it took him out.

The next lab in Dark Valley was even worse. I barely got through that one. I don't know how I'm going to do the rest of the game.
Yep , it does work on Steam version. Some mods dont though, because the Steam version has no control over which patch you can use. OL runs on 1.0004 and 1.0005
Yeah. You have to assume the Steam version is up-to-date, although you can have it not automatically update.
Yeah, it just took me around 4-5 sittings to finish X18 since I was so scared. When I finally made it back to the gate, I had 5-10 mutants swarming me and 20% health. Then there was a blowout 15 seconds after I loaded the Cordon, so I had to run like hell for shelter.

BTW, I want to pull one of the sounds clips of the snorks off the game and put it on an MP3 player. Then I'll find a friend who had just player Stalker late at night. As he is walking from his computer to his bed, I'll blast the sound on speakers and jump out and tackle him while wearing a gas mask. Immediately afterward I will run like hell so he doesn't kill me out of pure instinct.
OL and AMK are two different mods, but they do share some things. If you look at the credits for OL, it mentions credit for the AMK team.

The only mod which does quick travel that I know of is the ABC mod. Other than that you could try a vehicle add-on. I dont know why you are seeing those values for armor. Most of the quest rewards dont give much money. The best way to make money is collecting artifacts and looting dead bodies and selling what you find.

And knowing where to sell them, the trader in the Cordon pays well for things off animals and mutants. The Bar keep pays well for weapons, and the scientist at Yantar pays well for artifacts and armor.

Also there is a mod I use with OL, it's an Exoskeleton mod found on FPS Banana.

http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/21520 Enjoy.
After reading this thread I was intrigued enough to go out and purchase Stalker on Steam so I could give this mod a try. WOW....this is more than I expected...
Installed the sharper textures, really love the love and feel. I just had my first night time experience and it was the creepiest time I've had in a game for a very long time. :D
It's really a great game. I was hesitant to try it, but I got it anyway. Now I'm really interested in the Chernobyl disaster, and after reading a lot about it, the game has a big impact on me. I absolutely can't wait for Clear Skies.
i installed the OL mod and S.H.A.R.P.E.R. textures pack last night and played for a few hours (the longest single sitting i've ever devoted to this game). the new weapon sounds make all the difference in the world for me. this game is MUCH more enjoyable with these mods. anyone who was like me - tried to get into stalker but never could - should try these mods.
i installed the OL mod and S.H.A.R.P.E.R. textures pack last night and played for a few hours (the longest single sitting i've ever devoted to this game). the new weapon sounds make all the difference in the world for me. this game is MUCH more enjoyable with these mods. anyone who was like me - tried to get into stalker but never could - should try these mods.

I'm surprised no one else has really brought up the existence of these mods in a thread like this one. I mean, it made worlds of difference!
I'm surprised no one else has really brought up the existence of these mods in a thread like this one. I mean, it made worlds of difference!

Umm, they have. There have been about 5 or 6 STALKER threads in the past few months. Just do a search.

I jumped on the STALKER bandwagon only in May when I got a free copy from ASUS.
should i continue to play stalker vanilla? or should i try this mod first? I heard that vanilla and OL and 2 distinctly different games. Is this true?
Short answer, yes. Reworked atmosphere along with modifed damage system change the pace of the game making it feel different for the best imo.
should i continue to play stalker vanilla? or should i try this mod first? I heard that vanilla and OL and 2 distinctly different games. Is this true?

I played about a week of Vanilla STALKER and forced myself to restart with OL because once I installed it, I realized I could never go back. It was kind of hard giving up all the progress I had made but I had more fun doing it all over again in OL.

Also, OL is balanced well. I hate it when mods make the game too easy.

The one major change I did is that I don't like OL's music changes. They put in real Russian songs on guitar but it sounds ridiculous, like instead of your fellow STALKERS playing by the campfire, it sounds like a soviet radio from the 1950s.

I took those out and put back in the old guitar campfire songs. I also put back in some of the spoken english so I could understand the game more (OL makes almost everything real Russian audio and there are no subtitles).
I'm hoping to learn Russian in college if I can get in the class. It'll be fun to see how much I can understand as I play, and it'll make playing Clear Sky more interesting too.
Why is it so hard to find a place to download this mod?

Everyone's saying how good it is but there's no DL link :confused:
lol i checked pages 1-2 and 5-6 here before going to google and their official page with no avail...thanks


You can even use the [H]ardOCP search, I've posted those links in other STALKER threads before also. But seeing as you failed utterly on Google, maybe using the forum's search is not such a good idea.
i spent another 3 1/2 hours tonight playing stalker w/ this mod. i can't believe i've had this game since the week it was launched and im just now discovering how fun it is. nice job OP and everybody else who commented for opening my eyes to this game.
Umm, they have. There have been about 5 or 6 STALKER threads in the past few months. Just do a search.

I jumped on the STALKER bandwagon only in May when I got a free copy from ASUS.

No, I meant threads that put so much emphasis on the mods. Most of them were just regarding STALKER in general, and then slowly died off.

It's funny to see us get all excited about a game that's 1+ year old. I quite vividly remember when Oblivion (Elder Scrolls) came out, every single thread in the gaming forum was about it for about 2 week straight. :p
No, I meant threads that put so much emphasis on the mods. Most of them were just regarding STALKER in general, and then slowly died off.

It's funny to see us get all excited about a game that's 1+ year old. I quite vividly remember when Oblivion (Elder Scrolls) came out, every single thread in the gaming forum was about it for about 2 week straight. :p

I swapped the STALKER addiction for Oblivion yesterday afternoon and I haven't slept yet. I think for my personal health I will have to give them both up.

Oblivion Lost is to STALKER as Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul is to Oblivion...except Oscuro's is insane.
No, I meant threads that put so much emphasis on the mods. Most of them were just regarding STALKER in general, and then slowly died off.

It's funny to see us get all excited about a game that's 1+ year old. I quite vividly remember when Oblivion (Elder Scrolls) came out, every single thread in the gaming forum was about it for about 2 week straight. :p

For reference, we have this post http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1279537 that BioSergeant started. If you go through the threads you will see a lot of discussion on Stalker mods. I made a post somewhere in there listing some of the best mods for Stalker. I am getting ready to start a new post this weekend on the AMK mod for Stalker, keep an eye out :)