Rule the Seas

My training is falling really far behind my level now, I need to catch up, I'm just not able to log on every 20 minutes for training so it's a bit gay.

Level 11
Stats are

Getting my ass kicked obviously.
There was some madness last night. Someone in the GLC (i think from memory as I cannot access RTS from work) gang conducted a gang payout seemingly without the knowledge of the gang. Therefore, every member of the gang got $12m ish deposited, most whilst off-line. Was pretty funny as point prices went right up and every member of GLC got raped and pillaged for the next 10 minutes. Managed to get $20m out of it. Was chaos for a bit.
When the game was severely..."hacked"...and the select people had their money out, and BUM's gang vault was emptied, I found Searcher with 1.7b in his hand. I mugged the shit out of him.

The odd thing is that although he had 1.7b out, I actually pulled more like 2.7b. I dunno what happened. Maybe I middle-clicked so many times, the game flipped out, and maybe whenever I mugged him, it gave me twice the amount. Who knows. The fortunate thing (for me) is that he only saw the 1.7b, and said I only grabbed like 700m from him. So I sent it back to him and now he protects me.

Hence my Chain. I was so happy when they said no rollback. :D

When I played at work, I basically spent the whole time mugging.
I have the option to add an accessory an a sea charm, but I have yet to find those. Any suggestions?
One more question, does it do any good to have more than one item, for example, am I better off with 4 admiral's skulls than just one?
As far as i can tell, you can only have one item equipped per slot in your inventory. As you can repair items, it makes little sense to have more than one of anything (talking only weapons, armor etc). I would equip 1, sell the 3 remaining and bank the cash.
Or donate the remaining 3 to the gang, depending upon how charitable you are feeling at the time.
There was some madness last night. Someone in the GLC (i think from memory as I cannot access RTS from work) gang conducted a gang payout seemingly without the knowledge of the gang. Therefore, every member of the gang got $12m ish deposited, most whilst off-line. Was pretty funny as point prices went right up and every member of GLC got raped and pillaged for the next 10 minutes. Managed to get $20m out of it. Was chaos for a bit.
I was in the tavern when someone came in and said there was a ton of people with money out. I managed to get about 25mil or so.
Got a PM from Rook, he had a family emergency and will be AFK for a couple days/weeks. I'm willing to donate my bank (1.7B) to get the ball rolling on the Island Chain thing, if it'll help speed up the process a bit. This will be in lieu of the $$ that rook is holding as a result of selling the points.

Let me know.

Got a PM from Rook, he had a family emergency and will be AFK for a couple days/weeks. I'm willing to donate my bank (1.7B) to get the ball rolling on the Island Chain thing, if it'll help speed up the process a bit. This will be in lieu of the $$ that rook is holding as a result of selling the points.

Let me know.


LaTech, can you get rook to donate the money he is holding into the gang vault? That way we'll be able to keep using that money while he is away. He has 1,288,253,989 that is the gang's, the rest of what's in his account is his.
I'll see what I can do. If not, I'll put that amount of my $ in the vault and then rook will just pay me.
Item list updated on page 5, includes Leon's Outpost and Grakinnsnorgle Roost, as well as new sea charms on everything lower than Leon's Outpost.

LaTech, don't worry about sending your own money. If you want to help in his absence, butt_pirate's bank is almost full, so we can start sending some money your way to fill up your bank account (assuming yours isn't full already).
if you need another bank i have about 530,000,000 right now, i sent you a PM the other day reaper about this but not sure if you got it
if you need another bank i have about 530,000,000 right now, i sent you a PM the other day reaper about this but not sure if you got it

Wish I had that money :( lawl. Well you can send money my way when needed since I only have $235,399,036 ;) but make sure to tell me when so I can get into the IW so I wont get mugged like heck xD
Sorry i have not been on a whole lot, my net connection at home and work are not working very well at this time.
Well it appears that someone paid kbeard to hit us. Anyone have an idea why?
I have been mugging the crap outa people the past two days. I mighta upset someone. ;)
seems like BUM is still online killing.... atleast i got hit by BadBunnyBride... =( i was about to mug someone that had 10mill on them too and was just getting out of IW. i got shafted big time
Oh yeah, I think I finally made the gang push up a level. I know everyone helps but my goal was to be that last point that pushed the gang to the next level.

New goal: Remove Reaper from his spot. :D
So BUM is still committing online hits? Reaper, can you message Sally? She's been aloof so far with me, and I'm starting to see through it. She has to know something, or Cricket is self-appointing himself as the pseudo-leader. I'm sure BUM could kick our asses, but I wouldn't suspect BUM would be willing to get our allies involved.
I have been left out of the BUM hits as well. Maybe it is because I am so tough. Just a thought.
Holy shit! Check out the points market!!!!

Malo Muerto bought 48 Points from you for $18,000,000.

Malo Muerto bought 58 Points from you for $27,260,000.

Malo Muerto bought 24 Points from you for $9,000,000.

Malo Muerto bought 48 Points from you for $18,000,000.

Malo Muerto bought 459 Points from you for $149,175,000.
I was looking through the points market last night and noticed that several players post points for sale at slightly inflated prices (e.g. $300k per point) and then log off for the night. I caught one guy selling 115 points at $300k each, who hadn't been on for over an hour. So I just brought his points and calmly mugged all my cash back. Pretty decent score. Had to be quick so that other muggers didn't get in on the action as well. I did notice others that had points in the $400k per point bracket that obviously expected that no-one would pay that and logged off. Worth looking out for anyway.
Hey pirates, been awhile.

Interest is still flowing, and I also deposited another 320,000,000 into the vault. Lets get this rocking. Also on the BUM sh!t. They are trying to pick fights with some [nv] guys. They attack peeps they hope will message [nv] and then whine to higher ups when they get attacked. Saying it is all a game and that [nv] shouldn't be policing there port. I think they are a bunch of C[un]Ts personally. Get a life. Thats women for ya, always stirring the pot.

I had [WIU]DreamyWench help me out once and have not been hit again.
ya jason has helped me out many a time on hitting them. he hates them... and theres also a huge thread on the ingame forums started by [BUM] talking shit to the higher level people hitting them for online hitting lower levels.
They expect us to ask [nv] for help? Too bad they don't know about our fun time with Munkeyboi.
yeah i was able to sell 1024 points for 375k each... was a nice payoff and put me over the 1.7bil mark... so i bought some awakes from a gang member and donated the rest to get me at exactly 1.7 bil

it was odd because i was at 1.8bil and it said i would get 0 interest... then backed it down to about 1.75 and it said only 2 mil of interest...
Sickness, I'm in the same boat...but what I do is buy 2 awakes in the AM which drops me below 1.7B...then, with interest the next day, I can buy 2 more. That way you're buying 2 awakes a day using only interest.

Just my process right now.
New goal: Remove Reaper from his spot. :D

Remember to not forget about stats either. I've stopped leveling a few times so I can completely work on my stats and get those back up to par with my level. I'm currently changing from going the Speed/Strength route to the Strength/Defense route (had to add about 1.5 million in stats to defense to catch up, I'm about half-way there), so everything's a bit wacked out for me at the moment. Once I get that settled I will start leveling up again.

Mello_Newf may get to that spot before you do though. You'll have to fight him for it.
So I donated back a total of $652,500,000 against the principal of what I "borrowed" from the gang to start the interest banking. This does not include the interest donations nor the small money donations I make. These are free and clear of any want. I just want to be able to get another account donating the interest of $67,307,000 daily.

How many accounts do we have right now?
and who else?
mello_newf is also donating his daily interest to the gang. What is currently in there right now is going towards our first caribbean chain :).
OK, in-game mail system is a PITA to coordinate anything so we'll do it here instead.

You guys know the jist of whats going on, we just need to figure out a way to get everyone on the same page at the same time. I'm thinking of making it a timed event so everyone goes at the same time, either that or we'll need to use the tavern and use some sort of code to trigger it. The important part is going to making sure no one mugs before the transaction has occured. The other issue is going to be establishing a time when everyone can do it. As I told some of you already, we need no less than 4 people to do this and hopefully more.

If you talk to anyone in-game, let them know about this post. It really sucks repeating the same message 30 times and I think Reaper is the only one who can mass mail the gang.
hey guys, as i level up during this game i hope that i can get more involved with the guild. I hope that we can become pretty power and to do so there needs to be better communication and friendship within the guild. Im sure a lot of people know dont who i am at all and i have barely talked with any of you except for on the forums a little bit so if anyone wants to organize anything and i am not online (in game) go ahead and send me a message on AIM: the name is pjpwnsu just like my in game name. lets make the guild even stronger. i like the idea that we are all pulling together to get everyone chains.