Rule the Seas

Well I wasn't thinking about doing it. I have my hands full with just one pirate. I was only thinking of the gang. I find it hard to believe that they would put a cap in the system like that.
DO NOT create a second pirate. Period. Frequently, when someone is caught cheating, the rest of their gang is investigated. If we were to funnel money into a separate account that wasn't actually being played by a separate person, then several people from our gang would be banned. If I find anyone doing this, even if it is to help the gang accrue some extra interest, I will kick them from the gang and notify the admins. And I'm sure Manse would agree with me on this as well.

But, so long as you don't cheat there's nothing at all to worry about :).
Im a little late, but I'm in. All I do is send the 10 points to the gang vault right?

BTW im BlackOps
That all sounds like a good deal to me. I can afford losing approximately 2.5 million in points per day to a worthy cause for the gang.

Also, to gain the max interest your bank should be $1,682,692,306. This will give you $67,307,692 There is a bug that doesn't allow you to get exactly 1.75 or 1,749,999,999 without losing interest off the amount I just mentioned.

So doing the math, I would need 1,607,355,267 to get the max interest out of it. All I have to do is get my arse kicked at a certain time preset by an elder of [H], and they can transfer me some money. I will drop the interest into the bank every day. I am not in need of anything yet, so I will not spend it. You can trust me.

That would leave $1,440,705,164 in the gangs bank. It would take approx. 3 days and the money from the points to be back at $1,749,999,999.

Also the number of points donated so far is = 239 which = 57,360,000 if sold for 240,000. I would like someone else to sell them in case I screw it up. I could do it though.

Waht you think and when do you need me on. I am Mountain Standard Time. (G.S.T. -7:00)
Im not in a spending game cash mode either so doing something like this for the good of the gang makes sense.
So doing the math, I would need 1,607,355,267 to get the max interest out of it. All I have to do is get my arse kicked at a certain time preset by an elder of [H], and they can transfer me some money. I will drop the interest into the bank every day. I am not in need of anything yet, so I will not spend it. You can trust me.

That would leave $1,440,705,164 in the gangs bank. It would take approx. 3 days and the money from the points to be back at $1,749,999,999.

Also the number of points donated so far is = 239 which = 57,360,000 if sold for 240,000. I would like someone else to sell them in case I screw it up. I could do it though.

Waht you think and when do you need me on. I am Mountain Standard Time. (G.S.T. -7:00)

We have a lot more points in there than that right now (1884 to be exact). Many of those came from incinerator when he decided to quit the game, and are free to be used by the gang. Most of the cash in the gang vault right now is money being loaned out to Manse from Tyrant and myself (as well as a couple other contributers). I think the gang itself has about 700 - 750 million (could be more, it's hard to tell right now). If we sold the points for 243,000 each we'd gain an additional 457,812,000, bringing the gang's money up to 1,150,000,000 to 1,200,000,000 (don't know the exact amount). The gang is free to use the money I've loaned out for Manse's use (788 million and some change) to collect interest on until I may need it.

If it's agreed upon, I will go ahead and sell the points, put the money in the gang vault, and then we'll go about determining who will be getting money to make interest on.
If I recall correctly, three people contributed specifically for my interest-building cause, with two of the donations going into the vault. I was sent 50m to use, and 500m and 1.3b were put into the vault.

So, aside from Reaper's donations into the vault, from my possibly incorrect recollections, I have 1.85b lent to me with 1.8b being in the vault.
I say we go ahead and start selling the points, they aren't doing us much good just sitting there, they would be much better off as cash IMO. We can always keep a like 100 or so for stock just in case.

I vote for a share the wealth plan, I have been trying to build up money on my own and have gotten up to 30 mill with 27 of that being my house, so I could certainly use the help and keeping the level low but the training high to ambush is not too easy.
I vote for a share the wealth plan, I have been trying to build up money on my own and have gotten up to 30 mill with 27 of that being my house, so I could certainly use the help and keeping the level low but the training high to ambush is not too easy.

If we shared the wealth of what's in the gang vault (minus what's mine and what's been loaned to Manse), and sold ALL the points currently in there, each pirate would get 22 million.

You'd get more if you sold all your points for 4 days straight. I think the goal of getting someone a carribean chain every couple weeks is a much more solid plan, as it maximizes the interest on our money and increases the training and effectiveness of our crew.

Sgt rock. Make sure you're getting and selling your points every day, playing the slot machine, and doing daily digs and dips. That all should net you around 6,250,000 a day. If you want to play the point and item market by buying low and selling high you can make a significant amount more than that.
Before I hit 200, I was trying to find exp cows as much as I could. What I wanted to do was get to a high level so my slot machine max bet would be comfortably high. At level 200 it's $100k. Right now I average well over 10m per day from slots, usually closer to 20m.

I'm not a math person, so managing the gang's finances should rest in someone else's hands. I do like the Chain idea. In addition to it, if we go down the member list by level, our strongest gang members would start to utilize their training better. The training difference for lower levels wouldn't benefit the gang enough.
I also agree with the chain idea. The more money we can all put together the better. It will work better for us in higher quantities. I have plantation at the moment, and it is fine for me for now.

Sgt, for real make sure you are playing the slots everyday, I pull from 600k to 1.2 mil everyday from just those. At low levels I look at points as only good for selling, using 10 points to fill up 10 to 30 energy isn't nowhere near as useful as 4 million in the bank. Interest is where it is at.
What ever you guys want to do, I'll go in on. I have a decent amount of scratch together, I can make it without selling points for a little bit. I just want this to be a gang effort, If only 4 or 5 of us are doing it, there isn't as much of a point to it.

24 pts @ $240,000 = 5,760,000 x 39 members = $224,600,000 per day.

By "underlings" donating points to the greater good of the gang, would prove dedication and worth to the guys who are "elders" at this game and/or spend a lot of time or effort making us better. Who also can lay some smack down on whomever picks on us. It is not a lot to ask, and it will get you somewhere fast as far as housing goes. I have just really started the attribute building phase, and it takes a while. I am only around the 60,000 in speed, 55,000 defense, and 20,000 strength.

Welcome to your Coastline Bank Vault. You currently have $154,803,381 in your account and gain $6,192,135 a day due to our 4% interest rate.

This is where I am at. I am a mugger and a attribute builder right now. I am trying to slow my level gain, but still move forward in the game.

1844 x 240,000 = $442,560,000
I say sell the points and start the interest collection. I do not care who collects the interest, and how many, but I think it should be someone who is showing dedication to the gang. I will volunteer my bank also, and I can "empty" the interest back into the gang's account every morning, This would allow us to make the most interest on our dollars.
All sound like good ideas to me. Im still getting the hang of everything so just tell me what I need to do to benefit the gang and I will. I have been donating 10 pts a day and I just started selling points and banking some serious cash becasue of it even though I wasnt in the IW when I did it. :eek: Got mugged for about 400k on that deal.

I didnt realize that the slots got you that much. I played them a little bit last night and seemed to just break even.

Lastly, should I (lvl7) worry about character building or leveling up right now?
Some of our members are inactive. In fact, we should filter who actually receives cash from the gang. Inactive members will be kicked, of course, and I'm starting to think we should kick them after 21 days instead of 28. We could also lower the inactivity period to two weeks for members to receive money.

Or we could base it off contribution to gang experience. There should be no free rides. If you aren't getting the gang experience, you shouldn't get its money.

And you can count me out of the pool. I'm already in a Chain, and I should be fine with the money I have. I'm almost to a billion! Thanks again to those who've lent me money to gain interest.
As I've said before, I'm down for whatever. Been donating 10pts a day for a few days now. Just msg me (BlackOps) and tell me what's what.
I decided to buy 1250 of the points, which brings my share in the vault down to 488 million and some change, and brings you guys up another 300 million. I'll sell the rest on the points market later today.
Just donated 200 of my points. Also have over $1.7B in cash...I can buy a ton of points or whatever needs to be done.
Just dumped 178 points to the account... more to come soon. Let's do this fellas.
Well i didn't quite drop 200 points in there, but i'm donating as well.
From an impact perspective, an upgrade to a chain is going to make a big difference to guys in my position. I gained 50 levels pretty fast and now find that when I train, my awake % is constantly at around 25-50% (doesn't replenish fast enough, 10 hours of inactivity only gives me around 10-20% back). As an awake potion is $25m, I can drop $50m in a day just training. However, if I don't replenish my awake %, I receive only a fraction of the points from the training I undertake and can only really train 2-3 times before my awake % is stupid low. It sucks. Just don't have the $$ yet to upgrade myself (probably 2 weeks away).
looks like you guys have been busy while ive been irl busy... good to see we are coming together as a gang now :)

I (Tyrant) have been wanting to upgrade my house for a while but wanted manse to use my money because he would need it and i have been continually busy for the past week or so. I will continue to save up my points but will let the gang to use my 1.3 bil for interest purposes instead of donating points because if im not mistaken it gains more in interest than 10 points per day...

keep going with my money and use it wisely. I have never sold points any lower than 250k and think you all can make a bit of money in the IW refreshing the points market to find the lone dumb person (actually like manse hah) to scam... I also found people who are selling points and offline or not in the IW to buy then mug my money back... it does work wonders every once in a while

good luck with my money!
Tyrant, you can have most of your cash back. Right now I have $835m, so I only need around $850m currently. Do you want $500m back?

And any of you who lent me money can ask for some or all of your money back. Message me or Reaper if we're online.

50m Nooch
500m mello_newf
1.3b Tyrant
just to change the subject a tad.

When you train, at what percentage of awake does it not make sense to continue? 75% 50%???
just to change the subject a tad.

When you train, at what percentage of awake does it not make sense to continue? 75% 50%???

That all depends on how you are going about filling up your awake, energy, and what type of housing you have.

Usually if you aren't using points or awakes, and have a relatively small house (meaning awake regenerates faster) Train until you're down to 50% awake.

If you're using awake potions/points, it's usually good to refill your awake when you get down to about 30-35%, which is about where the stat increase per train goes down significantly.

And the third option is using awakes and just waiting for energy to refill. With that you would want to use all your awake, and when it gets down to zero refill with another awake.

What I personally do is use one awake shortly before I go to bed and train once, by the time I wake up my awake has gone back to 100% (or pretty close to), then I train until all my awake is gone, once that happens I attack people for the rest of the day, to make sure my energy doesn't go to waste. This isn't necessarily the fastest method of training, but I've found it to be pretty well rounded and very cost effective.
So I just got attacked again by that same person while I was online. I think I'm going to try and enlist a higher up to help me out.

Title: Online hits
Sender: [H] Manse
Sent: 18 Sep 2007, 10:33pm

I highly recommend you stop the unprovoked online hits on my gang.

Title: Re: Online hits
Sender: [BUM] Iateacricket
Recieved: 18 Sep 2007, 10:34pm

my demands have been sent! Now unhand my turnip!
His gang leader has been notified, and has no idea what's going on so she's going to talk to him about it tomorrow.

Until then, we wait.

On another note, the sales of points are going quite well, and rook's bank account is almost filled up.
I got hit too, but I was idle on the site so it said I was online. Didn't really affect me beside the letdown of expecting a good event and seeing that in my inbox.

On another note, I found a guy that we were messing around with earlier thats 10 lvls higher then me and I can spank him getting about 4k exp each attack. So needless to say, Im shooting up the levels pretty fast now. Im trying to space it out, though, so I can train accordingly as I go. Dont want to level too fast, if there is such a thing. Plus I dont want to piss him off even though he is kind of an idiot.
haha nice, thats usually what i do. i find someone with really bad stats thats a decent amount of lvls higher and kill them non stop till i come within like 3 lvls with them
How do I get involved with the gang? I am a member, but I have not really done anything to help the gang.
Kill pirates of other gangs (not allies, of course). When you kill someone who's in a gang, the gang also gets experience. That's the main thing right now.

You can also donate 10 or more points per day, old equipment, and sometimes money if you can.