Reducing Piracy May Stimulate World Economy

I just have to laugh at everyone trying to take a "hardline" stance on piracy... You'll never stop piracy, so STFU =P lolololol... Seriously, you can't do anything about it; pathetic.

Furthermore, to the person who thinks a 99 cent download is nothing expensive... Try on top of everything else (including that broadband connection)... Plus, like someone else said, you can't have 10,000 songs if you pay 99 cents for each one... To this person:

"No, it applies to everything. If you can't afford it, then you can't have it. There is absolutely no justification to piracy whether you define it was copyright infringement or theft or whatever."

lawl, you are lame, and obviously do not know what you are talking about. I can't afford many things I have... You have no idea what you are talking about, and if you do, you don't sound like it; I have many things I cannot afford....

"If someone can't afford it then they can download it. This is the world we live in and it is not going to change anytime soon." <--Owned. Seriously, this guy is right... All of you people who cry about piracy suck, and are never going to stop enough people to get anything done. You fail at life.
Hipster, I wasn't talking about things your parents bought you. Grow up.
Dear parents,

This is what happens when you fail to educate your children.

He's a hipster. I could go into detail about the hipster lifestyle and their feelings towards piracy as a whole, along with their markedly superior thought process, but it's complicated, I don't think you would understand.
He's a hipster. I could go into detail about the hipster lifestyle and their feelings towards piracy as a whole, along with their markedly superior thought process, but it's complicated, I don't think you would understand.

What IS a hipster? I still don't get that.

But piracy is a need thing. If you have the money for things, you don't see why people need to "steal" them. Why do people steal 20c loafs of bread when I could buy 400 after working 1 hour?
In related news....

Reducing Piracy May Bring World Peace
Reducing Piracy May Halt Pedophilia Worldwide
Reducing Piracy May Cure Cancer
Reducing Piracy May Improve Chances of Winning the Lottery
Reducing Piracy May Enlarge Your Member
Key word being may.

But you know what? Me walking outside may save the world too. I mean, who knows... that last kick of the can might end up being something taht generates materials for the world to live off of.

Key word being may.

But you know what? Me walking outside may save the world too. I mean, who knows... that last kick of the can might end up being something taht generates materials for the world to live off of.


Old school Cult Of The Dead Cow site nailed it:


This site may contain explicit descriptions of or advocate one or more of the following:

adultery, murder, morbid violence, bad grammar, deviant sexual conduct in violent contexts, or the consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs.

Then again, it may not.

Who knows?
Bullshit. Most people pirate because they're cheap. Don't tell me nobody can afford a 99 cent mp3 download, but a $50-$99 a month broadband connection.

People pirate because the crap released theses days isnt worth paying for...and your assumptions and on what internet connections people have compared to what they can afford were just pulled straight out of your ass.
People pirate because the crap released theses days isnt worth paying for...and your assumptions and on what internet connections people have compared to what they can afford were just pulled straight out of your ass.

The numbers are not important to the point really I do not believe. I have loads of Linux distros that I did not pay for simply because I did not feel like paying for them plus it's usually easier. I do not delude myself and pretend I would pay for most(any) of them if given an opportunity not to do so. I am a fan of free things, especially when it's only a few mouse clicks away.

If something is so bad it isn't worth paying for then why the hell would you bother pirating it? It really comes across as hollow justification.

For all those who say "If it's worth the money I'll buy it later"...most of you are full of shit. The people who do this are the exception not the rule.

Fact is, most people just like free stuff. You can sugar coat it all you want and blame the industry for your actions but at the end of the day you guys know what you are doing is wrong. I do, I just do not I now live in China so I really have zero fear of any of the lawyer hit squads.

No, you will likely never stop piracy or infringement or whatever you want to call it; its not exactly a new phenomenon and I can see no realistic reason for it to end. However, what concerns me is the attitude that some people take that it is actually their right to pirate things and blame entire industries for their actions. Just another case of people shifting blame I guess. If you are going to be a douchebag, at least be man enough to own up to your douchebaggery instead of blaming others.

Some of you are the probably the type of basement dwelling losers who would pirate things using your Mom's internet connection and say things like "LOLOLOLO Mom got pwned" when she gets hit with a lawsuit.
But piracy can't be stopped. Just like poverty, so we should just stop talking about it.
People pirate because the crap released theses days isnt worth paying for...and your assumptions and on what internet connections people have compared to what they can afford were just pulled straight out of your ass.

That justification is the worse of all justifications. If you don't like something, then why the fuck did you download it anyways? Would you, know you, not have anything to do with it?

Your logic was pulled straight out of your ass.
Bullshit. Most people pirate because they're cheap. Don't tell me nobody can afford a 99 cent mp3 download, but a $50-$99 a month broadband connection.

That makes no sense. You're paying for the broadband one way or another, but having to pay for MP3s is an additional cost. Theoretically, if I'm paying $50 for my broadband, and another $50 for 50 songs, that's $100, versus just $50 for the broadband and piracy. While I don't always agree, the fact is $0.99 is still quite expensive for something as easily distributed and mass-produced as digital music. Just look at how profitable the iTunes store is... that tells you they're overpriced, because a middle-middle-man is making tons of money off it :eek:
That justification is the worse of all justifications. If you don't like something, then why the fuck did you download it anyways? Would you, know you, not have anything to do with it?

Your logic was pulled straight out of your ass.

I disagree to a point. It's a perfectly valid reason, as long as you, once you decide you don't like it, delete the file and stop sharing it. Then you tried it, didn't like it, and can now say you refuse to buy it because it's shit. If you keep it, though, it is just a self-created justification.
People pirate things they are unwilling to pay for.

The people that pirate software, movies and music would likely just forgo having most of it if they couldn't pirate it.

This is how I find most people justify their pirating. They were never going to buy it either way, so the company/artist didn't lose any money by them pirating it.

Most people I know who pirate stuff today (I stopped years ago, cause I found it was silly) buy the music and software they really like, or would ahve spent money on if they couldn't pirate it, and pirate the rest that they don't really care about and could easily do without.

I feeel like if they were sucessful in ceasing all piracy tomorrow, you would only see a marginal improvement in music/software/movie sales, and it likely wouldn't create more than a handful of jobs.
People pirate because the crap released theses days isnt worth paying for...and your assumptions and on what internet connections people have compared to what they can afford were just pulled straight out of your ass.
If it's not worth paying for then it's not worth having in the first place yet people still rush to DL the latest Ironman movie, latest album, or latest game. Sure some stuff isn't worth paying for but let's face it, the only reason people pirate is because they either can't afford something or are too cheap to buy it.
When we have matter replicators, then yes, people will download cars. And food. And everything else. And we'd have a society free from greed regarding money.
good luck paying for the energy costs to power one of those suckers
If software became impossible to pirate today. I cant think of anything i would buy because of it. Open source takes care of most of it. Like im going to spend 400 for PS, ill just use gimp... And as for video games. IMO being able to pirate keeps peope so involved with their computers and in the (gamer) world it actually increases sales. And in that regard, go on, rid of piracy. The amount of video games played today is pathetic.
If software became impossible to pirate today. I cant think of anything i would buy because of it. Open source takes care of most of it. Like im going to spend 400 for PS, ill just use gimp... And as for video games. IMO being able to pirate keeps peope so involved with their computers and in the (gamer) world it actually increases sales. And in that regard, go on, rid of piracy. The amount of video games played today is pathetic.

If they were able to 100% shut down piracy, open source would go through the roof. We'd see the year of the Linux desktop probably.
Yeah i think at this point I really dont care what happens. Like Katal said. Open source would just take over. Computer folks dont like to pay high prices for shit they can do themselves. And i would love to see these guys shoot themselves in the foot with how some of them are acting. Im a capitilist type guy but in the computer world lol, that gouging shit doesnt fly well yo. You have to be on the up and up and fair. Or go find a new venue to make money.

Video game developers are pulling the same stunt with wanting to get rid of used game sales. If i cant resell a game i buy, then screw it. Ill just DL it out of spite and so i wont lose any money if your game is ass, and ill pick it up if its high caliber game ill play for years. What they need to do is stay the course. Video games are a huge industry. Frown on pirating, and do your DRM or whatever but know that deep down its making you money.
No, but nice try. In that case, people would just burn copies of any game they buy for their 10 best friends. This would be especially true in cases of popular titles like Halo 3 if Microsoft didn't have its anti-piracy system build into the xbox 360 to prevent most burnable disc from reading, updating the firmware occasionally to prevent modchips, etc.

If MS consoles played burnt cames with no modding needed b/c they put no efforts into anti piracy, I suspect game sales would be at most 10% of their current level. Once ppl figured out, 'Hey, i can just copy this game I rented and have it FOREVER in my collection for a $0.50 dvr' profits would go way down. Sure you'd save money on drm but your sales would take completely counter-acting that 'save 30% effect' and driving a company into the red.

I know this is late in the conversation, but what about the Dreamcast? It has no piracy protection. One can download the ISO from the internet, burn it to a CD, and poof, DC loads it up like it was cake.

Well, we all see how long the Dreamcast lasted.
I know I'm late to the game on this but why do they always think if they stop people from pirating people care enough about it to go buy it.

If I couldn't get a copy of office for free or next to nothing (student) I would download open office.

I can't tell you how many freaking old people and 12 yos i see come in with pirated copies of photo shop only using .0001% of its abilities just because some one installed it for them. They sure as hell arnt going to drop that kind of money just to reduce eye when there are plenty of free programs that can.

When I was a poor high school student with plenty of free time I downloaded and played tons of crappy C and D title games. If I wouldn't have pirated them then I simply wouldn't have played them.
People pirate because it is cheaper and usually easier. If I want the newest copy of software X, I can go to the store pay money and buy it, order it online and wait for the disc in the mail, or put "filetype:torrent software X" into the Google search box and start downloading it shortly after.
Services like Steam, Direct2Drive, and the like prolly curb more piracy that price or any DRM ever will. But I am not all that surprised, they have made the legit way, as easy as piracy.
A zero sum economy believer. I thought you all died out. Please tell me they are not teaching you that in college.
#1 - I don't believe economics is zero sum. Quite the contrary, the reason the market is so freaking awesome is that it allows for win-win scenarios. I get what I want, you get what you want. It's fantastic.
#2 - They don't teach Austrian Economics in most colleges because most people who want to become "economists" are going to support the status quo. If they don't support the status quo, it's hard to get those bureaucratic jobs.

Even in a mythical existence where zero sum really works, a dollar spent, is a dollar destroyed. In reality, that dollar would in turn be spent again elsewhere, again, and again. The same dollar can be spent countless times. All that changes is who is spending it. It's only when people/corporations that have money get all panicky and stop spending that we have problem.
If people don't spend their money, but instead exercise a demand for money by saving they are decreasing the total quantity of money available to spend, which in turn increases the value of the remaining money (deflation).

When consumers save more and consume less, this defers real resources towards lengthening the structure of production (allowing for more goods/services to be produced as capital goods are increased).

A simple illustration of this is in computer technology which I assume we all love. As more money is spent towards the machines necessary to produce chips/motherboards/etc. the costs are driven down. If money is stolen (taxed) from the computer manufacturers and redistributed instead, then there is more money spent on final consumer goods but less spent towards capital goods, resulting in a lack of production. This is the reason the government's involvement in industry is so bad. It can only cause a net loss of wealth with it's policies of redistribution.

Wherever it invests in an industry it can never know how much it's investment is worth because it has no means by which to calculate costs and benefits (the price system).

I think the BSA is full of shit on this, money spent, is money spent, after all. It just might not be being spent where the BSA wants it to be. But with that said, they are a far cry from the MPAA and RIAA, the BSA goes after corporations that at least have the capability of defending themselves in court. They don't go after Johnny Warez's dead grandmother or the like.
It's strange you disagree with me but then go on to say "money spent is money spent." In other words, the money goes on to be spent by those businesses that are pirating in other areas of the economy, which is all that I was saying.