RE5 Demo - I hate it.

This reminds me of the hate that some peeps gave to the Metroid Prime RE5 will be another great game in the fine tradition of RE games. RE1 is still my fav. Just b/c it was so fresh and new. The other games were great, but you knew what to expect. I had no clue about how awesome RE1 was going to be.
The only things that really changed with RE4 was the perspective and being able to free-aim. Otherwise it has a lot more in common with the previous RE games - standing still to shoot, accessing the inventory, slow controls, etc.

In function, it isn't a third-person shooter, despite how it looks. You either accept that or you don't. If you're one of those who don't, move on to something else.
Here's a question - can you kill the executioner in the first level? I never could, and I wasted 10 shotgun shells to the head and chest, 2 uppercuts, and at least 10-15 pistol rounds to the legs and center mass.

Yeah, you can kill him. It isn't easy but it can be done. Make sure to lure him outside and blow up barrels he's standing next to. Also, when he's stunned make sure you uppercut and such.
yep. the controls are TERRIBLE. you have to stop moving completely to change your weapon and to reload too! That right there kills the game for me. How can it be that hard to design it so you can still control your characters movement and just bring a menu up? couldn't the just have left the controls normal while the select screen was up, and have you move the cursor around with the D-pad?

K, don't play it then. :)
The control scheme is fine IMO, it adds to the challenge and the fear factor trying to run and stop and get off a shot or two, its really tense. I am sure they kept it the same for that reason alone. Anyway, it has co-op, thats well worth the price of admission to me.
Woah, hold everything! I'm watching the "OXM Resident Evil 5 report" or whatever on my Xbox and the developer says that you can use the "old style" controls OR you can use "Gears of War style" Action controls where you CAN MOVE while shooting! Don't really have any more info than that, but check it out on your Xbox, it was one of the things on my dashboard. Mayhaps this control scheme isn't available in the demo??
Woah, hold everything! I'm watching the "OXM Resident Evil 5 report" or whatever on my Xbox and the developer says that you can use the "old style" controls OR you can use "Gears of War style" Action controls where you CAN MOVE while shooting! Don't really have any more info than that, but check it out on your Xbox, it was one of the things on my dashboard. Mayhaps this control scheme isn't available in the demo??

This'd be completely retarded. :mad: I want to play with the old one but I'll probably take the GoW-style just because!
Woah, hold everything! I'm watching the "OXM Resident Evil 5 report" or whatever on my Xbox and the developer says that you can use the "old style" controls OR you can use "Gears of War style" Action controls where you CAN MOVE while shooting! Don't really have any more info than that, but check it out on your Xbox, it was one of the things on my dashboard. Mayhaps this control scheme isn't available in the demo??

Haven't heard this at all, but it would be cool if so.
RE series is closer to true to life panic scenarios than FPS games, I mean run and gun is basically praying you may hit something, but FPS seems to make you think you can do chinese acrobats while accurately hitting a target.

Shooting a handgun accurately at 15 yards is tough as it is, it doesn't take much to throw off your aim.

Anyways, If it plays like RE4 and just about every other RE, I'm all for it. If you want run and gun, go to a FPS game.
If you want run and gun, go to a FPS game.

Why can't it be like dead space or gears where you can't run and shoot, but you can walk forward extremely slowly while firing? Quite a few games now have shown us that you don't have to be stuck in one place only OR running shooting like a moron. There are plenty of in betweens.
Yeah, it isn't really very specific. At one point they say "you can strafe" but then say "you can't walk and aim and shoot" so I too am a little lost as to what it means. But look on the control scheme 2nd picture, it definately says "strafe" in the middle of the far left column...I haven't noticed that yet when playing the demo (granted, I haven't looked terribly hard).

*edit* ahh, I see, I think their idea of "strafe" is my idea of "walk sideways." In RE 4 you can't even walk sideways, you can only walk forward and turn while walking, in this one you can at least sidestep...

So nevermind...the guy's comments in the OXM thing are (to me at least) VERY misleading...

*edit x2* Hrm, now I'm perplexed, as I did a google search for Resident Evil Action Control and there's several people who all posted today who quote the same video I posted, here's one from the TeamXbox forums:

You guys complaining about the controls need to check out the latest OXM Report on XBL. They interview a guy from Capcom Marketing at a recent Capcom event where they're showing off the game and he states that Capcom has been listening to fans including control-types.

Resident Evil 5 devs have recently-included an "Action Control Type" where, he CLEARLY says, players will be able to move and shoot at the same time, similar to Gears of War. You'll be able to switch control types in the Options Menu under Control. The demo doesn't have this feature - I checked. So yeah, the game will still have RE4-style controls, but also more Gears-style controls for those who want'em.

Sounds like Capcom was definitely listening to their fans on this one.

Wow, you're right! I just watched the OXM Report on XBL and the guy (Mike Webster, Capcom's Director of Marketing) says;

"The main function of the new 'action controls' are to allow you to move while you're shooting, so you don't have to be stationary anymore while aiming and firing."

I said before "don't get your hopes up" for altered controls, but apparently that hope paid off! I'm so pleased that many more of you will be able to enjoy the game now.

Looks like they're putting out mixed signals...
I just read my older copy of EGM with RE5 in it and the developer said that the "Gears of War" style control setup was Option D and the classic style was Option A. If you want me to fully quote then I will but that's generally what he said. Along those lines at least.
If the controls are setup like RE4 then I have nothing to worry about.

They are fairly similar. Same controls in every RE game ever made. The problem is there are a lot more zombies or whatever than there have been in previous games, and in the demo you find yourself lacking ammo like mad. I kinda liked it, controls aside since i've always hated them, but i mean its just a demo
RE series is closer to true to life panic scenarios than FPS games, I mean run and gun is basically praying you may hit something, but FPS seems to make you think you can do chinese acrobats while accurately hitting a target.

Shooting a handgun accurately at 15 yards is tough as it is, it doesn't take much to throw off your aim.

Anyways, If it plays like RE4 and just about every other RE, I'm all for it. If you want run and gun, go to a FPS game.

I'm with you on this. Shooting while moving is pretty much an invention of the gaming industry. I like the idea that the game adds to the fear/claustrophobia by making your turn speed intentionally slow, your field of vision limited, and your aiming only work while still.
If you played RE4, you know that the key is putting your back to a wall in a lot of situations.
I'm a huge Resident Evil fan going back to RE on the Playstation 1. I enjoyed RE4 a lot and didn't mind the controls as they were better than the previous game. RE5 is a bit different because Dead Space came out and did the controls better. Plus there seems to be even more onscreen action then RE4 making the controls frustrating. The difficulty and fear should come from the gameplay not the controls.
I think ill just wait like 2 days after the game is released and just ask someone about the controls set up and the GoW type control setup unless they say something 100% about the GoW setup. The game is probably going to be good but i cant get into the stiff movement.
I'm with you on this. Shooting while moving is pretty much an invention of the gaming industry.

No it's, "run and gun" ala Unreal Tournament/CoD 4 is where you've got perfect accuracy while moving at a decent pace, sure, but shooting while moving is a VERY common practice. Go watch an IDPA or IPSC tactical match sometime. Granted, you don't move terribly fast, but it's not a crawl by any means.
Waiting for the PS3 demo to drop so I can try it out (this week).
just played it on my PS3, its a lot of fun. its hella hectic with the slow movements and stuff. I can see how some people wouldnt like it but i enjoyed the atmosphere/urgency that created.
God what a horrible game. Played the PS3 demo, after about 2 minutes of fighting I uninstalled it. The controls are just so bad. Whats with the zombie hordes in RE all of a sudden? Its not fun with controls like that, its a chore, a frustrating chore.

If they think that makes a game scary then they still dont know what scary is.
Just like RE4. That means I'll like it about as much as I liked RE4. In other words, not at all.
Hated the controls at first but I'm getting used to it. Inventory management is a pain. Is there no way to separate out items ? Or once you have more than one grenade stacked, that's it, you can't split them out ? Also I didn't like how discarding items makes it disappear instead of dropping to the ground.

I don't mind that you can't run and shoot, but the knife is really useless when you can't wield it and advance or retreat. The fighting seems arcadey for a survival horror game. They take too many rounds to die.

Graphics are pretty good, I was expecting worse, Gun sound effects are weak. AI is spotty, quite a few times a zombie would just stand there groaning until it "noticed" me.

I like the cut scene when the voodoo guy is talking to the crowd of zombies. I held out long enough on that levell, but the chainsaw asshole in shanty town has killed me 3 times now already. :(

RE5 is most likely a rental for me. But that's an improvement, since I couldn't stand the game back in the PS1 days, and tried the PC version of RE4 and uninstalled it within 20 minutes.

Unbelievable....the only thing holding this back from being a brilliant game :rolleyes:

Being rooted to the spot whilst shooting makes the game painfully slow and often puts you in massive trouble. Capcom....look at Dead Space, learn to update your control method and try again. Besides that I thought it looked brilliant, love the close combat moves but wish they had used motion sensitivity for shaking zombies off.

On the fence at the mo, if they aren't adding movement to aiming I don't think I'll bother tho.

On a side note Capcom look like pumping Home with more content soon as the RE5 Home space looks interesting, with RE5 co-op and SF4 matchmaking launching straight from Home....its about time this started happening.
Unbelievable....the only thing holding this back from being a brilliant game :rolleyes:

Being rooted to the spot whilst shooting makes the game painfully slow and often puts you in massive trouble. Capcom....look at Dead Space, learn to update your control method and try again. Besides that I thought it looked brilliant, love the close combat moves but wish they had used motion sensitivity for shaking zombies off.

I agree with you and find it odd that they want to evolve the game but don't want to evolve the controls. I think they should have put out a beta instead of a demo. Probably too late. Oh well, I'll most likely pick the game up when it hits $20-30.
I find the way it switches joysticks when you aim completely mind boggling, why would they think thats a good idea? Its just such a horrible game.
Title pretty much sums it up. I understand that the controls in these games have always sucked, but in 2009, I just can't tolerate the reasoning behind hindering a game like this with those 'old guard' controls after so many other games have done them right, and continue the trend.

Even though Dead Space (closest comparison I can think of) had some control complaints from various crowds, was light years ahead in the maneuverability department from this, this SHIT. I would love to be elegant about my description, but shit pretty much sums er' right up, in my opinion.

There are four options for control configuration, A through D. I would describe them as 'shittiest', 'shitty', 'shit-tastic', and 'sucks the least'.

I'm sure that lots of people will enjoy the demo and the full game, and I'm actually pretty bummed that it looks like I'm not going to be one of them.

Sorry for the haterade, I was just really looking forward to this one.

My sentiments exactly...
The control scheme is fine IMO, it adds to the challenge and the fear factor trying to run and stop and get off a shot or two, its really tense. I am sure they kept it the same for that reason alone. Anyway, it has co-op, thats well worth the price of admission to me.

Frustration and fear are two very different things...
Unbelievable....the only thing holding this back from being a brilliant game :rolleyes:

Being rooted to the spot whilst shooting makes the game painfully slow and often puts you in massive trouble. Capcom....look at Dead Space, learn to update your control method and try again. Besides that I thought it looked brilliant, love the close combat moves but wish they had used motion sensitivity for shaking zombies off.

On the fence at the mo, if they aren't adding movement to aiming I don't think I'll bother tho.

On a side note Capcom look like pumping Home with more content soon as the RE5 Home space looks interesting, with RE5 co-op and SF4 matchmaking launching straight from Home....its about time this started happening.

Wow... Tiger, we actually agree on something for once!
tried the demo last night on the PS3

looks really good..there are a lot more enemies..they attack faster....I sort of like the inventory control scheme....

but you can't dodge attacks, you can't strafe/move while firing, you can't even change camera angles to see enemies running at you like James Harrison going for your blind annoying/frustrating. At least RE4 gave some button combinations to dodge some attacks, why didn't they evolve that control scheme in this game? You want to play at a heightened level but the controls won't let you. "Damn this guy is about to hit me with an axe I gotta move out of the way NOW!!!!" /dead....because you can only walk backwards, not run.....they could've gotten really creative with this game. I recommend they take some excerpts from games with good control scheme like MGS4.....yeah I said it....

damn I didn't think it was this I know how the OP feels.....
I'm glad the PS3 crowd finally got a chance to try it out... and I'm glad I'm not the only one. I see a lot of support on various media and news outlets for this game, and also a lot of polarization.

After reading some of your comments in this thread, some of the 'go play an FPS' remarks really miss the point of the original complaint, while others, rooted in nostalgia, and "it's the way it's always been" I can sorta understand, but really don't see how or why you enjoy the game the way it is.

Cars from the early 1900's got us where we wanted to go, sure they were slow and clunky but they worked. Why make them faster or more comfortable, no reason to change, right?

I went back and played some more of the demo this week, trying to find the fun that some of you have in this demo... and I can't do it. Co-op or SP, either way. I found that the game play that is there after adapting isn't really anything new or exciting.

You basically run from point A to point B, while trying to find an exit, pursued by mobs of difficult to kill enemies. I don't enjoy this, the controls drive the non-enjoyment directly home like a fireaxe to the head. I enjoy the shooting and the blood and guts, but not the "how" that allows you to get to that point.

Tolerating frustrating controls because 'thats the way it always has been' and seeing capcom towing this line takea a level of masochism I don't have in me, and makes me think that I'm better off contributing my gaming dollars to another franchise.

I accept that you all like it, but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
I'm glad the PS3 crowd finally got a chance to try it out... and I'm glad I'm not the only one. I see a lot of support on various media and news outlets for this game, and also a lot of polarization.

After reading some of your comments in this thread, some of the 'go play an FPS' remarks really miss the point of the original complaint, while others, rooted in nostalgia, and "it's the way it's always been" I can sorta understand, but really don't see how or why you enjoy the game the way it is.

Cars from the early 1900's got us where we wanted to go, sure they were slow and clunky but they worked. Why make them faster or more comfortable, no reason to change, right?

I went back and played some more of the demo this week, trying to find the fun that some of you have in this demo... and I can't do it. Co-op or SP, either way. I found that the game play that is there after adapting isn't really anything new or exciting.

You basically run from point A to point B, while trying to find an exit, pursued by mobs of difficult to kill enemies. I don't enjoy this, the controls drive the non-enjoyment directly home like a fireaxe to the head. I enjoy the shooting and the blood and guts, but not the "how" that allows you to get to that point.

Tolerating frustrating controls because 'thats the way it always has been' and seeing capcom towing this line take a level of masochism I don't have in me, and makes me think that I'm better off contributing my gaming dollars to another franchise.

I accept that you all like it, but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

I agree as well. Same with their "well it's not realistic to shoot and move at the same time". But it is realistic to throw someone 20 feet across a rooftop like you do with some of the coop moves? It's realistic to shoot your partner and do no damage? Shit, it's realistic that a guy can run after you with a 200 pound executioner's axe?
I cant beleive that after all these years of people bitching about escort missiond they mad an entire game that is one huge escort mission. MY GAME SHOULD NOT END BECAUSE SOME DUMBASS AI CHARACTER FUCKING DIES!!! :mad:

On a side note, the game looks amazing!!! :D