RE5 Demo - I hate it.

See, that's what I didn't like. RE isn't realistic and I don't think that adds anything to the game. It took too many steps to swap from a pistol to a shotgun. It would be one thing if you could hot swap things quickly (maybe you can?) but I didn't like the 8 steps while zombies are closing in on you just to swap from a pistol to shotgun.

I'm assuming the move to making accessing the inventory real-time was to enhance the feelings of anxiety and urgency, as done in Dead Space. The hotswapping doesn't really negate how cumbersome the inventory feels in this game, which is not helped by being all real-time. I'd prefer that the RE4-style inventory returned with the game pausing as you access health and weapons, but it might end up working better than it does in the demo down the track sometime.
I'm assuming the move to making accessing the inventory real-time was to enhance the feelings of anxiety and urgency, as done in Dead Space. The hotswapping doesn't really negate how cumbersome the inventory feels in this game, which is not helped by being all real-time. I'd prefer that the RE4-style inventory returned with the game pausing as you access health and weapons, but it might end up working better than it does in the demo down the track sometime.

I don't mind the anxiety of it, but I didn't like having to hit Y, take the cursor over to the shotgun, click it, click again to confirm that I do want to equip it, and then it finally works.
I didn't play long enough to see if the d-pad would hot swap weapons, but that method was tedious and involved too many steps. I'm with you that the pause menu is the best, but if they keep the new real-time system, hopefully the option to have macro keys for weapon swaps and healing items will be there.
You don't have to, you can just hit the D pad in the direction of said item (without opening up the inventory with Y) and it'll automatically switch to whatever's there. The downside is that you have to know what is where in your inventory. It works alot like the Gears of War weapon switching, but with the cardinal directions as well.

I just got done playing the demo with my cousin using the online co-op feature. overall i enjoyed it quite a bit...much more so than playing alone. we chose to play the "shanty town" stage, and i must say that the added feature of co-op really adds a whole new dimension to the RE series. there are more zombies this time around, and yes they do come from all sides, but when your playing co-op it is easy remedied with a little voice chat. the part of the level that had the girl jumping to the next building and going down to unlock the door was my favorite part in the demo. it was cool getting to help her out by sniping zombies from across the way while she was laying out some mp5 fire. the "boss" fight versus the chainsaw zombie was also enjoyable. by the time we reached the end we were low on health and only had a clip or two of pistol ammo left. we ended up kiting the boss around and blowing the barrels when he got too close to them.

my experience with the demo:

graphics- 10/10 - the game looks gorgeous and the frame rate was very solid even with lots of zombies and running

sound- 8.5/10- sound was solid throughout, the only complaint i had was the pistol sound...just like in RE4 it sounds like a pop gun.

gameplay- 9/10- yes, ill agree controls are pretty clunky for this day and age. it took me a while to get used to them, but it also took me a while to get used to the RE4 controls. not being able to move and shoot can get annoying, but once you accept the fact that that's the way it is and plan around it, it's really not bad. co-op is exactly what the series needed imho, and it seems they implemented it very well so far--you can give items to each other very easily, if you're close enough and use an herb it heals both players since its a spray, etc.

will most likely be picking this one up next month.

I didn't really get a decent chance to play co-op, the friend I was playing with kept having connection issues which ends the demo. Even with my complaints I'll probably pick this up on release day, looks like I'll need a decent teammate to go through the game with.
I'm assuming the move to making accessing the inventory real-time was to enhance the feelings of anxiety and urgency, as done in Dead Space. The hotswapping doesn't really negate how cumbersome the inventory feels in this game, which is not helped by being all real-time. I'd prefer that the RE4-style inventory returned with the game pausing as you access health and weapons, but it might end up working better than it does in the demo down the track sometime.

I think a more technical reason why they moved to realtime inventory access is because the game is co-op. If they implemented a pause when a player accesses their inventory, the other player would have to get a pause screen, too, and that would not be very smooth for the player that is trying to kill zombies(or people *shrugs*).

Like kabob said, you can instantly access your weapons with the Dpad without having to press that other button, however, I noticed that I could only access the items that were mapped to up down left right. I could not quickly access the diagonally mapped items. I'm not sure if it was because of the crappy dpad or what but I tried and it didnt work. So you would still have to open up your inventory the slow way to access some things. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Does anyone know if there will be any horde like mode in the release? What about more than 2 player co-op games...such as deathmatches, etc.
I didn't try the cardinal directions, although when I was quick swapping I either didn't have anything in those slots or had nothing I needed at the time.\

As for a "horde-style" mode, I've heard they added the Mercenaries minigame from the original game. If I could name a game that's most similar I'd say the game "The Club," where you have a certain amount of time to get as many points/kills as possible. Ammo is limited, enemies are everywhere, and it's about surviving the time limit, which, granted, you try to extend for more points. I wasn't a huge fan of the mode for RE4 but I know alot of people loved it. I'd also expect extra side mini-campaigns to be included as in RE4. In RE4 you meet a character a few times throughout the game, after beating the game you can play a short campaign that shows what they were doing while you were playing the main story. There will also be DLC I'm sure.
Does anyone know if there will be any horde like mode in the release? What about more than 2 player co-op games...such as deathmatches, etc.

You're thinking of a different game, Left 4 Dead. This is Resident Evil.
This game is terrible in comparison to L4D.

The zombie AI is lousy, the game is frustratingly hard, and the controls feel pretty clunky.
On the plus side, the graphics look very sharp, and the game isn't as much of a stretch from RE4 as I thought it would be.

That'd be a matter of opinion really, I tried playing Left 4 Dead on my brother's computer and got bored in under 10 minutes. Boring overly-simplified gameplay, bland weapon choices, and overall boring gameplay. Thankfully there's more than once choice of games in the world.

If RE5 is "frustratingly hard" then you're either A) really bad at it or B) just don't know how to play it. I'll admit there are times when the controls/gameplay elements can get in the way of certain aspects of the game but I'd not it terribly hard. I will admit though, just as in Left 4 Dead, this game is not for everyone.

And I bet they do have cheeseburgers, just you wait. It'll be the most delicious game ever made!
I love both L4D and RE4. They're about as different as games get, except the zombie theme.
I really didn't play this one enough to develop an opinion on it, but it seemed very much like a true successor for RE4. The look and gameplay were still intact for sure.
With L4D, the game is really at it's best in VS. mode with a team of friends. The AI is almost too good for the normal game levels, and like you mention, it's pretty boring and simple.
The real fun is competing against others to have a better run through a level while trying to stop them as zombies. When you get used to communicating and working together, I don't think there's anything better.
With RE5, you're really only working with one other person, and the AI seems suspect in the demo. I'm 1/2 tempted to have my wife play as I think even a person new to the game would be better than the AI.
Why the l4d comparisons? Because they both have zombies? Well it's different from dead rising too...that has zombies.....

Stupid comparisons like this are...well, stupid.
No, I am thinking of RE. Just liking additional features...kinda like zombie mode in COD WaW. It doesn't hurt to have extras.

Yeah a Horde mode would be great for this game, it would atleast add some replay value,
like gears2.

Horde is the only thing I still play on gears.
Yeah a Horde mode would be great for this game, it would atleast add some replay value,
like gears2.

Horde is the only thing I still play on gears.

Same. Even though Gears 2 is a great game on paper...there's just something that keeps me from going back to it with the exception of Horde mode.
For RE5, the Mercenaries game would be a blast if it had a horde level.
I don't really care what anyone says negative about RE5 in this thread.

Wesker is back in the picture. He's been a badass since RE1, and I can't wait to see what happens with him.
It's annoying as hell to have to make yourself a sitting duck while you shoot.

The gameplay is designed for it, though. Everyone is pissed because they see third person perspective and automatically expect it to control like Gears or Uncharted. RE 4 and onward simply are not those games. There is a much much different emphasis on how they want you to play the game. Come to terms with it, and you'll see that the tank controls are really well utilized and make for a pretty fresh and claustrophobic experience.

Note* I have not played the RE5 demo yet, gotta wait until next week for the PS3 demo. But despite a few minor tweaks, I hear the controls are very much the same.
I miss the attache case and the pause menu! Other than that the game is definitely better. The controls are the same as they were before, game play is just about the same. I wasn't sure about having a companion but it's pretty cool. I didn't like it the 1st time through but once I got comfortable I was in love with RE again.
Woah, so does Gears/Gears 2/Oblivion/Fallout 3 and about 20 other games!! Man, what outdated technology...

What does that have anything to do with the fact that I enjoy the feature and am glad to see it?

Thanks for being an ass in a thread that's so far had reasonable discussion.
I played the demo for about 10 min and exited the game.

I'll try to get used to it later, but i think ill save my money for street fighter 4.
What does that have anything to do with the fact that I enjoy the feature and am glad to see it?

Thanks for being an ass in a thread that's so far had reasonable discussion.

Because your first post in this thread is to comment about how it's controls match that of a 6 year old game...I wasn't being an ass (although if that's how you feel than more power to you), but if that's what excites you most about it then go for it.

is there gonna be a demo on PSN?

Should be up next week, MS got a 1 week "exclusive" release date or something stupid like that.
I heard the controls suck hard, but I personally haven't played the demo yet because I own a PS3. I'm assuming the controls are as good/bad as RE4, in which case I'm not worried at all.
I liked the game, despite not really enjoying re4 as much as some others. The stop and shoot didn't bother me really.
Because your first post in this thread is to comment about how it's controls match that of a 6 year old game...I wasn't being an ass (although if that's how you feel than more power to you), but if that's what excites you most about it then go for it.

It was my second post in the thread. And yeah, finding out about a feature that I like in shooters does excite me, regardless of its appearance in past games that I may or may not have ever played.
It took me a few goes, but I cleared both stages of the demo. All you really have to do is just keep running from one end of the area to the other and focus your firepower on the boss enemy and not the respawning locals. Having to repeat this 'stun the boss and punch him' routine over and over until death didn't feel very satisfying, unfortunately.

Aside from that, I found the demo to be pretty good. The awkward controls required some perseverance, but once it clicked it was a blast. The AI did a great job of controlling Sheva; she is a far cry from the token useless partner so many action games plague themselves with. The inventory system works really well; you don't need to choose one weapon exclusively to get the job done, as you have control of what weaponry and ammo Sheva has at her disposal. Having to manage ammo and health for both characters added a nice sense of urgency, especially when Sheva cries out, "out of ammo!" while I'm on my last magazine...

I was pretty primed to get this on release, and the demo has done a great job of strengthening that.
Here's the basic scheme of things since RE4:
Shoot, stun opponent, punch/kick opponent while stunned, run the hell away to make distance, repeat.

I love the RE games but this is what it has become.
Here's a question - can you kill the executioner in the first level? I never could, and I wasted 10 shotgun shells to the head and chest, 2 uppercuts, and at least 10-15 pistol rounds to the legs and center mass.
I love hearing people complain. It isn't Gears of War guys....if that is what you are expecting in terms of playability and control then this isn't the game for you. Bottom line, this is a game about survivalism, not killing lots of bad guys.
Here's a question - can you kill the executioner in the first level? I never could, and I wasted 10 shotgun shells to the head and chest, 2 uppercuts, and at least 10-15 pistol rounds to the legs and center mass.

You missed his pinky toe.
You know, I find playing with a regular controller cumbersome after playing RE4 with the Wiimote. It made me much more accurate.
You know, I find playing with a regular controller cumbersome after playing RE4 with the Wiimote. It made me much more accurate.

Playing RE4 with a wiimote is like playing on Very Easy mode. Still enjoyable but takes a lot of the difficulty out of the game.
Here's a question - can you kill the executioner in the first level? I never could, and I wasted 10 shotgun shells to the head and chest, 2 uppercuts, and at least 10-15 pistol rounds to the legs and center mass.

I found the pistol was more effective than the shotgun at stunning him. Aim for the head.
Here's a question - can you kill the executioner in the first level? I never could, and I wasted 10 shotgun shells to the head and chest, 2 uppercuts, and at least 10-15 pistol rounds to the legs and center mass.

Run past him.
I played the Japanese version and I thought it was OK once I got used to the controls.
yep. the controls are TERRIBLE. you have to stop moving completely to change your weapon and to reload too! That right there kills the game for me. How can it be that hard to design it so you can still control your characters movement and just bring a menu up? couldn't the just have left the controls normal while the select screen was up, and have you move the cursor around with the D-pad?
yep. the controls are TERRIBLE. you have to stop moving completely to change your weapon and to reload too! That right there kills the game for me. How can it be that hard to design it so you can still control your characters movement and just bring a menu up? couldn't the just have left the controls normal while the select screen was up, and have you move the cursor around with the D-pad?

The game is based around this design. Have you played any other re games?