RE5 Demo - I hate it.


Sep 5, 2001
Title pretty much sums it up. I understand that the controls in these games have always sucked, but in 2009, I just can't tolerate the reasoning behind hindering a game like this with those 'old guard' controls after so many other games have done them right, and continue the trend.

Even though Dead Space (closest comparison I can think of) had some control complaints from various crowds, was light years ahead in the maneuverability department from this, this SHIT. I would love to be elegant about my description, but shit pretty much sums er' right up, in my opinion.

There are four options for control configuration, A through D. I would describe them as 'shittiest', 'shitty', 'shit-tastic', and 'sucks the least'.

I'm sure that lots of people will enjoy the demo and the full game, and I'm actually pretty bummed that it looks like I'm not going to be one of them.

Sorry for the haterade, I was just really looking forward to this one.
Lol cant even try it,, capcom sold out to xbox for resident evil..:( i dont think this one will be that good.
If the controls are setup like RE4 then I have nothing to worry about.
Control's r to sluggish gameplay just seems like it's lacking something or alot?
People, I was a fan of the RE series, but this game is just bad anyway you look at it. The controls of course are horrible, the difficulty is just annoying. Why throw so many zombies at you with so little ammo. I know this is a survival game, but in the end...isn't it suppose to be fun? I was shocked on how not fun it was. Playing co op online with a buddy...we just sat silent on the headset.

After we played that we played the Army of Two demo...which looks like a masterpiece next to RE5...which it's not, just trying to make a point.
Love the demo, and probably the best version of RE I have played to date based on the little game time we get. I will getting this on day one.
Controls were decent, one of my buddies is saying it looks better than crysis, i love telling him it does not cause he goes into a nerd rage about how crysis is nothing special. Talk about random comments.
Love the demo, and probably the best version of RE I have played to date based on the little game time we get. I will getting this on day one.

Wow, would you mind expanding on what you like about it?

I'm morbidly curious.

I can't stand the fact that they lock you down so that you can't move while aiming. Keep the slow aim speed, fine with me (Dead Space did this) but no moving while firing is a cheap tactic to ratchet up difficulty.
So, the bitching is because the controls are the same as Resident Evil 4?

Don't care. RE4 was one of the best games of all time, lack of strafing or not. Haven't played the demo yet, but if that's the chief complaint, I'm sure it will still be awesome.

RE =/= Crysis. You want to strafe, play an FPS.
I enjoyed the game play, the graphics, the aiming, and the pace of the game. I am completely fine with the Resident Evil controls (as they were before). I also like that I CAN'T run and shoot from the hip. I like that it's a challenge and not some bunny hopping Resistance/Halo type shooter. I like the fact that you actually have to CONTROL your ammo usage. Plenty more tactics involved in conserving ammo then the spraying and praying of typical strafe FPS shooters these.

I'm morbidly curious as to why people get their panties in a bunch if someone doesn't agree with their opinion.
So, the bitching is because the controls are the same as Resident Evil 4?

Don't care. RE4 was one of the best games of all time, lack of strafing or not. Haven't played the demo yet, but if that's the chief complaint, I'm sure it will still be awesome.

RE =/= Crysis. You want to strafe, play an FPS.

RE4 = one of the best games of all time? hmm....:confused: why?

Yes, I've actually played it. Only reason I bought the gamecube. Later played it on the PC.

It's annoying as hell to have to make yourself a sitting duck while you shoot.
I think the controls were the main reason I couldn't get into RE4. It just doesn't feel natural. Like the older RE's, I didn't really mind that I couldn't move and shoot at the same time. For some reason in RE4/5, I notice it a lot more. Maybe it's because I'm still trying to figure out the controls and in that timeframe, the mobs are very close to me. Haha. The computer partner is usually pretty good, I thought, until she got her head chainsawed off. =\

But for now, RE5 isn't a 1st day pick up for me. It's okay though because I'll have SF4. :D
Resident evil = NOT A FPS

It created it's own genre as far as I am concerned. I didn't like RE4 for some reason but the first RE still remains one of my favorite games.

If you want FPS zombie game Left 4 Dead pretty much has the area covered.
Ive never liked RE because of the controls. The first games on the PS1 were dreadful once the enemies started getting hard. I thought I would like RE4 because you could actually aim but ended up disappointed because it was just as sluggish and cumbersome.

Theres too much focus on combat in RE for it to have such horrible controls. I dont think I would call RE a "survivial horror". Silent Hill is a survival horror because combat is insignificant so the controls dont really get in the way, but in RE you are some type of special soldier with a huge arsenal of weapons and a huge amount of things to kill (despite not acting like a special soldier who cant even move and shoot at the same time).
My first thoughts:

The graphics on this game are gorgeous, although I think everything is a little too bright and washed out (I'd heard comlaints of this from early screenshots). The environment looks realistic, the enemies look pretty good, although I have to say it (promise this isn't a racist comment!) I wish they'd stuck with the original plan and not put white enemies in the game. I know people were threatening lawsuits and such (odd how that didn't happen in the previous game when all the enemies were white guys), but it looks odd to have a dusty shanty town in the middle of Africa and being attacked by a group of what appears to be albino Africans. It sorta detracts from the feeling of being in Africa.

Sheva, your sidekick works relatively well. I much prefer having her helping out then the "decoy" teammate from RE4 who was there to distract enemies more than anything. She's a pretty good shot, can take some damage, and (sadly) seemed more efficent than I was at taking out bad guys. There are certain obsticles in the game that requires you to split up to get past an obsticle (I think there's only one in the demo), the one you can play though isn't terribly long or difficult, and it doesn't feel like it was just thrown in there to be annoying. Also, a very smart move on the developers part is that you can trade/swap weapons, ammo, and items between the two of you. One of the levels starts out with you having a sniper rifle and she has a sub-machinegun. I felt like giving the SMG a whirl so selecting both of our inventories and doing the "give/request" feature and soon I was wielding an H&K MP5.

The controls are clunkier than I remember them being on RE4. Also, I wish you could customize what buttons do what on your controller, you're locked to the choice of four preset schemes. It's not a huge issue, but every once in a while it seems my fingers would default to the "typical" reload key for FPS games (X for the Xbox 360) only to find that nothing happens. Also, pulling my knife out took some getting used to, I liked the RE4 method more (same button as aiming, but a different button to swing it).

I have 2 main complaints:

1) The controls are clunky, yes, but the control scheme itself needs to change in one big way, you really do need to be able to move while shooting. I know it's not changed since the original RE game, but the series has morphed from a survival horror series to an action series with 5x as many enemies on screen as there were in the original game at a time. Simply moving side to side or backwards would make the fighting SO much easier.

2) This goes hand in hand with the first (sorta) and is most noticible during the boss battles. The AI needs a major boost. Since you can't move and shoot when fighting guys like the chainsaw guy you run, take a shot or two, and run again. Sometimes though there's nowhere clear to run, you can pretty much run straight at a group of enemies and they won't attack/grab you. Someone on Anandtech described it as "red rover" which is kinda true. You need to be able to move while shooting (even with a loss of accuracy/speed) and enemies need to be "smarter" (especially since they're marketing this game as having enemies with "human-like intelligence.")


I WILL definately pick this game up, I loved RE4 (bought it again yesterday for the Wii) and while this game definately has a few flaws it's still going to be alot of fun.
I don't know if this was just me being dumb or blind but I couldn't figure out how to pass only a clip or so to your partner. It seems like you only have the option to pass all bullets or none. This was a pain because I needed bullets so I grabbed them and I couldn't split them with the girl. I hope they fix that.
I don't know if this was just me being dumb or blind but I couldn't figure out how to pass only a clip or so to your partner. It seems like you only have the option to pass all bullets or none. This was a pain because I needed bullets so I grabbed them and I couldn't split them with the girl. I hope they fix that.

IIRC you actually pass them in groups of 30, not positive though.
I downloaded it last night and the controls are awful, I really liked R4 but the same control scheme worked better in R4 because the enviroments were more open and it seemed like their were less enemies. If the full game has alot of these tight spots like the demo has It'll ruin for me.

The demo just has way to many places where your confined to these paths that two people can barely fit through at the same time, and throw in 10 psycho's and a chainsaw and it's just not fun, it's frustrating.

Looks great though.
I hate the controls of this demo with a passion... I'll wait for the PC version (even if it takes 6+ months)
My first thoughts:

The environment looks realistic, the enemies look pretty good, although I have to say it (promise this isn't a racist comment!) I wish they'd stuck with the original plan and not put white enemies in the game. I know people were threatening lawsuits and such (odd how that didn't happen in the previous game when all the enemies were white guys), but it looks odd to have a dusty shanty town in the middle of Africa and being attacked by a group of what appears to be albino Africans. It sorta detracts from the feeling of being in Africa.

You brought it up, so going to correct you. RE4 Zombies were not "white guys".
You brought it up, so going to correct you. RE4 Zombies were not "white guys".

Looked like it to me. Point is they fit the environment.

And I agree with the RE4 controls being better than RE5, I too think part of it is the level design. For the most part in RE4 when attacked the enemies usually come at you from the front, in this game they come at you from all sides so it's alot harder to mount a defense. The no moving while shooting works better if you've only gotta cover one side, when you're being attacked from everywhere it's tough.
I hate the controls of this demo with a passion... I'll wait for the PC version (even if it takes 6+ months)

Did you play the PC version of Resident Evil 4? They depended on the mod community to add *mouse* support!!

I'm going to take a spin through the RE5 demo later tonight. I'll post my impressions. The game itself looks great, but RE has always had control problems. Oddly enough, I was able to tolerate RE2 controls on the N64
I thought the demo was pretty neat but I thought have a separate button for "Run" was really ridiculous. Every time I stun a zombie, and try to give him a good 'ol uppercut, I walk towards him in a crawl then he bites my neck. Make it so you can run by clicking the joystick or something atleast.
Graphics are awesome. Two problems for ME: 1) I feel like puking because of the third person view. 2) The controls suck! If you have a zombie behind a corner and your aim is off by a tiny bit you have to let go of the aim button to reposition yourself because you can't strafe while aiming. At least let us walk very very slowly in order to let us position ourselves.

For those that don't like the controls, just get Left 4 Dead (super fun online) or try the Fear 2 demo (which is more scary than re5).
Oh and, Sheva or whatever her name is, her AI wasn't completely useless. She healed me when I needed it, gave me ammo that she didn't use, and punched zombies in the face when they were on me. Of course all of this took place on my first run but on the second one, all she did was get in my line of fire, and use me as a pack mule because she killed everything.
I just got done playing the demo with my cousin using the online co-op feature. overall i enjoyed it quite a bit...much more so than playing alone. we chose to play the "shanty town" stage, and i must say that the added feature of co-op really adds a whole new dimension to the RE series. there are more zombies this time around, and yes they do come from all sides, but when your playing co-op it is easy remedied with a little voice chat. the part of the level that had the girl jumping to the next building and going down to unlock the door was my favorite part in the demo. it was cool getting to help her out by sniping zombies from across the way while she was laying out some mp5 fire. the "boss" fight versus the chainsaw zombie was also enjoyable. by the time we reached the end we were low on health and only had a clip or two of pistol ammo left. we ended up kiting the boss around and blowing the barrels when he got too close to them.

my experience with the demo:

graphics- 10/10 - the game looks gorgeous and the frame rate was very solid even with lots of zombies and running

sound- 8.5/10- sound was solid throughout, the only complaint i had was the pistol sound...just like in RE4 it sounds like a pop gun.

gameplay- 9/10- yes, ill agree controls are pretty clunky for this day and age. it took me a while to get used to them, but it also took me a while to get used to the RE4 controls. not being able to move and shoot can get annoying, but once you accept the fact that that's the way it is and plan around it, it's really not bad. co-op is exactly what the series needed imho, and it seems they implemented it very well so far--you can give items to each other very easily, if you're close enough and use an herb it heals both players since its a spray, etc.

will most likely be picking this one up next month.
If they'd aped the Dead Space controls, I'd be fine. Explain to me how wanting the ability to move in a natural manner, i.e., taking a step to the left or right while aiming, instantly means I need to go play an FPS.

That's a bullshit counter argument. I guess we should never have taken the FPS model of Doom, which didn't allow us to aim up or down, and run with updates to that either.

The graphics were awesome, yes, I won't mind watching a friend play the game. And no, these controls are not the same as RE4, which I played on the gamecube. At that point in time they felt adequate, given that it was the first time an RE game had updated to less than absolutely piss poor controls.

This is the sequel to that update, and the rest of world has moved past it (the dated controls). I'm not saying that the game is shit, just the controls. I've always enjoyed watching the games, but playing them has never been my favorite thing
I just did a thread saying the same thing recently.... i hated the demo.

RE4 is my favourite single player game ever, i appreciate the fact it's different this time around but i just don't like it at all.
This game is terrible in comparison to L4D.

The zombie AI is lousy, the game is frustratingly hard, and the controls feel pretty clunky.
On the plus side, the graphics look very sharp, and the game isn't as much of a stretch from RE4 as I thought it would be.
Did you play the PC version of Resident Evil 4? They depended on the mod community to add *mouse* support!!

That's because (I believe) Ubisoft ported it. They also ported Devil May Cry 3 to the PC, and fucked it up just as much.

If Capcom are handling the port, they should be able to add sufficient controls for the PC. They did a good job porting DMC4 (even though you still need a gamepad), so I'm confident the PC version will be up to scratch.
That's because (I believe) Ubisoft ported it. They also ported Devil May Cry 3 to the PC, and fucked it up just as much.

If Capcom are handling the port, they should be able to add sufficient controls for the PC. They did a good job porting DMC4 (even though you still need a gamepad), so I'm confident the PC version will be up to scratch.

You may be on to something there.

I actually enjoyed DMC4 on PC, and after playing that I was left shaking my head over why RE4 was so darn bad. I remember RE3 being pretty bad on PC too, but it was my only choice seeing as how that never came out for the N64.
I played it last night and didn't mind it.
If you liked the way RE4 played, control scheme A more or less mirrors that. I'm so used to aiming with the right analog these days I just stuck to control scheme D.
It's definitely hard and after playing a game like L4D I think it'll take getting used to.
That said, I did enjoy it. It felt like RE to me.
The one thing I didn't care for, no matter how realistic it might be, is the real time weapon switching.
I played it last night and didn't mind it.
The one thing I didn't care for, no matter how realistic it might be, is the real time weapon switching.

Considering that the game doesn't pause when you access the inventory anymore, it's more a feature of necessity than realism.
Am I the only one the misses the RE1 / RE2 style. RE4 was good and all, but it doesn't seem like survival horror anymore. I like how silent hill homecoming updated the controls, to bad RE doesn't offer something similar.
That's because (I believe) Ubisoft ported it. They also ported Devil May Cry 3 to the PC, and fucked it up just as much.

If Capcom are handling the port, they should be able to add sufficient controls for the PC. They did a good job porting DMC4 (even though you still need a gamepad), so I'm confident the PC version will be up to scratch.

noobman: The controls were still rough on RE4 even with the mouse mod.

Plague_Injected: I felt that the DMC4 controls were great & I'm hoping that the PC version of RE5 show the same quality.
Considering that the game doesn't pause when you access the inventory anymore, it's more a feature of necessity than realism.

See, that's what I didn't like. RE isn't realistic and I don't think that adds anything to the game. It took too many steps to swap from a pistol to a shotgun. It would be one thing if you could hot swap things quickly (maybe you can?) but I didn't like the 8 steps while zombies are closing in on you just to swap from a pistol to shotgun.