Quality, Not Quantity, is the Future Plan for Xbox

If you buy something, and that something breaks inside of a year under normal use, you don't send it to get repaired.
For starters, that's what the warranty covers. Where they bought it might be a 30 day window, but all the warranty covers is repairs. If people can't deal with the warranty, they shouldn't have bought the darn thing.

Guess who has the better games according consensus? Microsoft's system.

You buy a gaming system to... guess what? Game! I know, shocker right? It doesn't matter what the heck kinds of features you have in it. If it cannot do its core purpose (Game) then it's not going to do well, sorry.
Sony was once at the top of the chain, but fell off because they thought they could get away with BlueRay and horsepower alone. Now you've got the Nintendo Wii, a measly fraction of the power of a PS3, kicking its butt.

Consumers care about GAMES, not horsepower. There's really no better example than the Wii for this. The Wii is by any means not a horsepower machine. But it does something by giving you a unique and fun experience, and obviously that's what people want.

Sony has lost sight of this, and I'd personally not be surprised if this is the last Playstation we ever see.
The RROD is there because it is a planned failure. There is a special indicator in the system specifically so that it can tell you "lol I'm bricked". This means that they were fully aware that it would break in that way, and break often enough to warrant the red lights on the power ring. And they still released it to market.

Early-model PS2s were also garbage, and also did not deserve to be bought, but not on the scale of the 360. Again, this isn't about console fanboyism, this is about a consumer electronics product being a brick.

Just look around you. Your suggestion is a bit like saying motherboard manufacturers have used beep indications because they knew it was going to break in a particular way. They knew chances were there that it could break in that way and they knew a indication of some sort could be beneficial to the user. The rings signaling out these failures is just another example of this. It's like iPods displaying the sad face, it's like a DVD player showing a red LED instead of blue or green, it's like your check engine light. It's an indication. That's so far from them actually believing that it would cost them a billion dollars that I can only chock up such misguided thought to being a fanboy.
So basically, you had to hardmod the thing to fix its faulty construction. Case modding is cool and all, and more power to you -- but the average consumer doesn't do that, and you should not have to mess with the laser to get it to play discs, which is the one thing it is supposed to do.

My point is that MS talking about "quality" is laughable.

nope, i didn't have to, it was something i chose to do while in there, i found out the safe range on the pot and found MS had adjusted mine on the far conservative end of the range to preserve laser life i am sure, but sooner or later, as the discs get scratched it makes it harder for it to read them, so i went ahead and bumped it up, my point was i have been poking and prodding and soldering and such and havent had a single problem with my 360 yet (this second one that is, the launch console rrod around 14 months after purchase), but that was no biggie because i got it swapped out under warranty, this heavily modded one is the replacement
i just wish that they dont have as many red ring of deaths as the 360 and they remove the x clamp
i just wish that they dont have as many red ring of deaths as the 360 and they remove the x clamp

X-Clamp isn't the real problem (which it would probably be easier to manufacture if they just used plain machine screws anyway), it was the weak solder joints themselves. It's a question of how well it was manufactured, and of course, not very well.

Being we aren't nessesarily talking about hardware here, they've got a point.
Compare the purpose (a multiplayer enthusiast gaming system) to that of a Wii (lacks any decent multiplayer games for the enthusiast with poor video quality) or a PS3 (lacks game backing) for the most part, and you've got a high quality system.

Having it break is hardly high quality. What good is the games if the system itself doesn't run. Hardware is extremely important. Priority number 1.

If I make a console that somehow has 1 million AAA titles on it, plays all video and audio formats, connected to Amazon/Blockbuster/Netflix/etc for online movie downloads, plays Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii games, but catches on fire as soon as it's plugged in. Would that be a high quality system?

1. hardware
2. games
3. everything else

If number 1 isn't good, the rest don't mean a damn thing.
Having it break is hardly high quality. What good is the games if the system itself doesn't run. Hardware is extremely important. Priority number 1.

If I make a console that somehow has 1 million AAA titles on it, plays all video and audio formats, connected to Amazon/Blockbuster/Netflix/etc for online movie downloads, plays Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii games, but catches on fire as soon as it's plugged in. Would that be a high quality system?

1. hardware
2. games
3. everything else

If number 1 isn't good, the rest don't mean a damn thing.

If the rest don't mean a damn thing why are so many people buying 360s and why are they making so many games on it? I see it differently.

1. games
2. hardware

You can fix hardware. You can't fix the quality of games(patches don't make C-rated games A-rated games). The PS1 and PS2 weren't very great pieces of hardware either. My brother had 3 PS1s and 3 PS2s. Why did he buy them so many times? Oh, right, the GAMES. My friends bought multiple playstations(evil disc read problems) as well because it had great games.

You usually buy consoles for the games it has, not for how perfect the hardware is. Remember that.

Anyways, if quality is the future for the Xbox, that's great. I'm pretty sure they are gonna learn from this RRoD fiasco. Not learning would be the dumbest thing they could do. It's not that hard. =\
The RROD is there because it is a planned failure. There is a special indicator in the system specifically so that it can tell you "lol I'm bricked". This means that they were fully aware that it would break in that way, and break often enough to warrant the red lights on the power ring. And they still released it to market.

I agree with most of your posts in this thread... But the fact that there's an indicator for product death has absolutely no correlation to the shoddy workmanship that went into the product... And there's certainly no reason to suggest the defects were planned.

The red ring probably signifies a general POST or startup error. I'm sure there are many kinds of errors that would lead to the RROD, but there just happens to be one particular fuckup that made it's way into primetime.
You usually buy consoles for the games it has, not for how perfect the hardware is. Remember that.

And like I've said before, Sony has brainwashed its loyal followers into thinking "Omg!!! Sup3r H4rdw4re FTW!!!"

When your games suck, your console sucks. That's all there is to it.

Yes, the RROD is a PITA. Nobody will disagree with you. But games OBVIOUSLY superceeed the hardware, otherwise the 360 would have been dead a long time ago.
I think a point that a lot of you are missing is that the Xbox 360 is the 2nd best selling system and has the best games out of any console platform. Sure it breaks, but it gets replaced in one way or the other. If it were so terrible, it wouldn't be doing so well.
if you are looking at console sales alone, sure

if you take into account Live subscriptions, game sales (attach rate), etc......the 360 is hands down the biggest seller where it counts
I still fail to see the success of a console when it's hardware fails to meet even the most minute standards.
I still fail to see the success of a console when it's hardware fails to meet even the most minute standards.

And sorry for the double post, but I'm referring to quality, not quantity of features or anything like that.
Quality of games trumps quality of hardware.

'Nuff said.

The Xbox had a 33% failure rate.

Are you STILL going to back that same statement? The quality of the games isn't even that great anyway, and is left mostly up to opinion in that regard.

IIRC, the Wii is the best selling among the three, at least when the supply can actually meet the great demand.
The Xbox had a 33% failure rate.

Are you STILL going to back that same statement? The quality of the games isn't even that great anyway, and is left mostly up to opinion in that regard.

IIRC, the Wii is the best selling among the three, at least when the supply can actually meet the great demand.

Yes, I'll still argue it.
Sorry, but you've got to be one blinded fanboy if you argue that the quality of games on the 360 aren't that great. You could argue the fact of Halo 3 alone.

The Wii is a novelty item, methinks. Here in a couple years, it'll crash and burn. Just a prediction, but I don't see Nintendo coming up with another revolutionary system.
the wii isnt novelty only, its a niche. it will be more successful then the original NES.

but i completely agree- quality of games trumps hardware every single time. why did the playstation 1 do so well? the hardware was junk, the games were addicting. done deal.
The Xbox had a 33% failure rate.

Are you STILL going to back that same statement? The quality of the games isn't even that great anyway, and is left mostly up to opinion in that regard.

IIRC, the Wii is the best selling among the three, at least when the supply can actually meet the great demand.

um, yes, because those failure rates are dropping fast (did i mention i am only on my second one, launch console lasted 14 months, replacement is still running strong after me soldering to the motherboard and havign it all in pieces many times), price is dropping fast, and game selection is increasing fast, everyone i know has a 360, one has a PS3, and a couple others have Wii's, and the system that sees the most use by far is the 360, the Wii's i see get used for 6 months and the novelty wears off

bottom line is, the 360 has beaten the PS3 hands down in the gaming console arena and the Wii was never a contestant, it's a completely different animal, different people buy the Wii, the Wii will never be considered a competitor to the 360 or PS3, it was never meant to be
Wow the post in this thread show the lack of importance of durability. just about everything is throw away nowadays. That includes phones and the buildings that make them. MS has proven that the delivery method is not as important as the delivery.
So long as it gets there, and the user likes the contents. I wonder...if the DISC had a 33% failure rate rather then the hardware would people still feel this way. Would third party developers allow MS to have warrenties for games.
This would reek havoc on the used game concept. How much stock would a store need to handle the returns. I bet this process would add us fast. I remember a gamming store company had 500,000 broken xbox 360's, and MS would not take them back. How would the distributors react to such a failure rate?
It doesnt matter if the Xbox has a bigger library of games. Whats the point of buying a game system thats gauranteed to fail on you? Its like buying an unreliable budget sports car. I prefere a reliable luxury sports car (PS3). Im not gonna buy a game machine thats limited on future proof technology. I make very good money and Im one of those guys who buys all the toys. I will never own a Xbox360 again. Quality > Quantity
...really? Have you played on Live with voice chat enabled...ever? I can think of a ton of things it's easily second to, such as being punched in the face or stabbed.

Have you ever played any game anywhere on the internet for the last dozen years or so? It never ceases to amaze me how any long time gamer who's be online for years could think that the xbox community is somehow less assholish than the cs/bf/quake/ut/rts/ps3 HOME/wow/whatever community.

Online = anonymity = immature assholishness
Im not gonna buy a game machine thats limited on future proof technology.
That's a comment I'd only expect from a Playstation fanboy, to be honest.
It's a BS comment at that. Consoles have a limited life... 5, maybe 6 years tops. "Future Proofing" isn't a phrase you can use in the technology realm too often, unless you're talking about software.

It doesnt matter if the Xbox has a bigger library of games.
You've got to be kidding me.

It's a GAMING console. The very freaking definition...

Its like buying an unreliable budget sports car. I prefere a reliable luxury sports car (PS3).
But the budget one has all the hot chicks with it... Which is most desirable for Average Joe?
Yes, I'll still argue it.
Sorry, but you've got to be one blinded fanboy if you argue that the quality of games on the 360 aren't that great. You could argue the fact of Halo 3 alone.

Eh, I've never been wowed by the 360 game library... Nothing's impressed me because every game of the year is some variant of a "save the world" shooter :eek:
Eh, I've never been wowed by the 360 game library... Nothing's impressed me because every game of the year is some variant of a "save the world" shooter :eek:

Finally someone who doesn't speak from a 360 fanboy's standpoint :eek:.
PS3 does so many things and yet it has like 1 - 2 worthwhile games.

And even with RROD problem, 360 is kicking ass.

I don't see Metal Gear Solid 4 on ANY game of the year award lists, not to mention Action Game of the Year...

Face it, PS3 has a long way to go before it can be considered a gaming console, right now its just a Blu Ray player that plays games.
MGS4 was one of the best PS3 games I've played and kicks ass online as well. People have shitty taste in games I guess.
MGS4 was one of the best PS3 games I've played and kicks ass online as well. People have shitty taste in games I guess.

It was just an interactive movie. And people have common sense. People like to PLAY their games, not WATCH them.

You're so deep in the PS3 fanboy closet you're finding good games in it.
Eh, I've never been wowed by the 360 game library... Nothing's impressed me because every game of the year is some variant of a "save the world" shooter :eek:

Yeah, unlike resistance 2, and metal gear solid. No shooting or saving the world in either of those marquee ps3 titles.
It was just an interactive movie. And people have common sense. People like to PLAY their games, not WATCH them.

You're so deep in the PS3 fanboy closet you're finding good games in it.

Either that or you're so deep in the X360 fanboy closet that all you can do is call out PS3 fanboys.
That's a comment I'd only expect from a Playstation fanboy, to be honest.
It's a BS comment at that. Consoles have a limited life... 5, maybe 6 years tops. "Future Proofing" isn't a phrase you can use in the technology realm too often, unless you're talking about software.

LOL quick to judge fanboism. I owned an Xbox360 and PS3 together at one point to make my judgements. Its all perception really. Im not really big into games as I used to be, but when I do game, its mainly on the PC. No gaming console beats my PC...period. The PS3is just a very nice add-on to my home entertainment center (thats what its made for). The 360 has excellent graphics and a very good library of games, its just not a well made system. I mean I couldnt even plug in my G25 wheel, fighting games just sucked on the Xbox controller and I couldnt browse porn on my 52 inch TV. Oh and RROD is a myth right? I had to freakin buy another Xbox360 just to have HDMI capabilties lol. It would really make me laugh if the Xbox comes out with Blu-ray or even a web browser.

You've got to be kidding me.

It's a GAMING console. The very freaking definition...

Yeah if its just a gaming console, then why did MS even implement movie capabilties like HD-DVD and netflix? Sorry but if its going to "just be a gaming console", thats all it should be made for.

But the budget one has all the hot chicks with it... Which is most desirable for Average Joe?

The Average Joe would love to get head from a chick, and thats not going to happen showing off your Halo skills.

The Average Joe would love to get head from a chick, and thats not going to happen showing off your Halo skills.


So that'll happen when you play uncharted instead? Sense: you're not making it.
LOL quick to judge fanboism. I owned an Xbox360 and PS3 together at one point to make my judgements. Its all perception really. Im not really big into games as I used to be, but when I do game, its mainly on the PC. No gaming console beats my PC...period. The PS3is just a very nice add-on to my home entertainment center (thats what its made for). The 360 has excellent graphics and a very good library of games, its just not a well made system. I mean I couldnt even plug in my G25 wheel, fighting games just sucked on the Xbox controller and I couldnt browse porn on my 52 inch TV. Oh and RROD is a myth right? I had to freakin buy another Xbox360 just to have HDMI capabilties lol. It would really make me laugh if the Xbox comes out with Blu-ray or even a web browser.
And how does any of that address "future proofing?

Yeah if its just a gaming console, then why did MS even implement movie capabilties like HD-DVD and netflix? Sorry but if its going to "just be a gaming console", thats all it should be made for.
Sorry, but nobody in their right mind is buying a 360 for HD-DVD or Netflix only. It's just another feature IN ADDITION to the gaming.

The Xbox 360 is:
1) Gaming Console
2) Media Extender
3) ???? Whatever addons you use.

The PS3 is:
1) BlueRay Player
2) Gaming Console
And how does any of that address "future proofing?

Sorry, but nobody in their right mind is buying a 360 for HD-DVD or Netflix only. It's just another feature IN ADDITION to the gaming.

The Xbox 360 is:
1) Gaming Console
2) Media Extender
3) ???? Whatever addons you use.

The PS3 is:
1) BlueRay Player
2) Gaming Console

3) Media Extension (Albeit not exactly the same method as Xbox but it still has the capabilities)
4) Personal computer. I couldn't install linux on my Xbox, What a downer eh?
5) Supercomputer. This is in light of scientific simulations being run on this hardware as a popular alternative to renting supercomputer time.
6) Web browser w/ flash support. Microsoft is so hard on getting you to understand that their console is not a computer that they won't ever put a browser in it, so good luck. It's nice to know my console has these nifty additional functions.

I could get a nice list running of what the PS3 can do that the Xbox 360 can't, just let me know and I'll jot everything down for you. I once owned a Halo 3 Edition 360 and bought some accessories for it, it was alright, but I felt that at the end of the day, it wasn't quite worth the money I paid for it. PS3 feels like a solid piece of equipment as opposed to a junky game console in comparison.
You watch movies with chicks... someday that will make sense yo you guys.

back on topic... The Xbox360 is a piece crappy system. I call it a crappy system because of its failure rates. The Xbox360 has a VERY high failure rate and that is a fact. If MS fixed the issue with the RROD.. it would be a great gaming sysem. I dont spend 4-6 hours a day gaming. I work and run a side business. The PS3 is a great system in itself. It has the capabilities to play high quality video games + more. I am a casual gamer and this is the system of choice for me. It hasnt crapped out on me and it compliments my $5000 home theatre system very well. In my opinion, thats quality.
LOL quick to judge fanboism. I owned an Xbox360 and PS3 together at one point to make my judgements. Its all perception really. Im not really big into games as I used to be, but when I do game, its mainly on the PC. No gaming console beats my PC...period. The PS3is just a very nice add-on to my home entertainment center (thats what its made for). The 360 has excellent graphics and a very good library of games, its just not a well made system. I mean I couldnt even plug in my G25 wheel, fighting games just sucked on the Xbox controller and I couldnt browse porn on my 52 inch TV. Oh and RROD is a myth right? I had to freakin buy another Xbox360 just to have HDMI capabilties lol. It would really make me laugh if the Xbox comes out with Blu-ray or even a web browser.

Yeah if its just a gaming console, then why did MS even implement movie capabilties like HD-DVD and netflix? Sorry but if its going to "just be a gaming console", thats all it should be made for.

The Average Joe would love to get head from a chick, and thats not going to happen showing off your Halo skills.


Until MS get serious about expanding it's storage capacity, I would basically consider it a gaming console......120GB hdd for media storage is a joke man.......MS should be offering 320GB hdd or even 500GB hdd. I would gladly pay $170 for a 500GB hdd replacement for my console
Until MS get serious about expanding it's storage capacity, I would basically consider it a gaming console......120GB hdd for media storage is a joke man.......MS should be offering 320GB hdd or even 500GB hdd. I would gladly pay $170 for a 500GB hdd replacement for my console

Especially considering that $50 out of the $150 you pay for a 120GB drive is for the actual drive, and $100 is for a plastic shell. Thanks MS!
anyone who cares to try can order a $50 120gb drive and flash it and replace the one in their plastic shell, quite easy to do, no it's not for average joe, but neither is swapping out the drive in a PS3, so.....
anyone who cares to try can order a $50 120gb drive and flash it and replace the one in their plastic shell, quite easy to do, no it's not for average joe, but neither is swapping out the drive in a PS3, so.....

Really? I've heard it's very difficult. Any links on how-to's?