Quake 4 in PCGamer

I am looking forward to Q4. I bought Q3 when it came out and also Team Arena. I remember joining the ID TA server and some of the devs were playing and they showed me how to rocket jump onto the roof of the castle on one of the terra maps. I even created this account as ^1x because in Q3 it appears as x. I will not argue about which game is best because I see them all as works of art. Just need to save up for that 6800.
Impulse said:
You overlooked Valve's Source (HL2) engine in that summary aaron... And HL's original engine was just a modified Q1/2 engine like others said before (started as Q1, think it was mostly Q2 by release time, Q2 had been out for quite a while), so it had a fairly patched and re-patched NetCode. HL itself had a mish-mash of NetCode but it was improved in many of the mods over time. HL obviously didn't have a very big MP component, not 'till TF and CS were made.

HalfLife had no Q2 in it. It was Q1.
omfg! yes! I read the whats coming in the far page in last months PC Gamer, and it said they have something totally sweet.. to put it in their words, "senses-shattering world exclusive , which I kinda wondered if it would be Quake 4... Now, however, I know, and I am totally excited to follow the development of this game. Quake 3 has been my fps of choice since its demo days, and more accurately, the rocket arena mod for it has been my "online game" for years now. The strafing, bunnyhopping ( :p ) and physics just feel so good. The only real downfall in Quake 3 was the prediction implementation that made some shots look like they never even hit but did, but meh, u get used to it. Risking being flamed my thenoid ( ..i.. ), in my opinion, quake 3 engine is my fav. RA3, SOF2, CoD have all used the quake 3 engine, and each game feels just right compared to any other engine. Ive been gaming for, hmm, 17 years counting coleco, vectrex, atari... big deal, like that makes me better than anyone else who voices their opinion.. pretty nasty post there noid :rolleyes:

Soooo excited for Quake 4... but im sure quake 3 will carry me over until then, because I can't afford any upgrades for a while anyways :p


GeForceX said:
Yeah, HL is based on Quake 1/2. Thx very much. :)

And well, to call Quake III the best game ever is quite an opinion and in fact I do support that statement. I couldn't like UT. I couldn't like UT2K3 or even UT2K4. I didn't like the physics. And the weapons felt superfluous. But then, it's all on opinion. Quake III is simple yet complex, has an addicting strafing technique, addictive and has simple weapons, you can do tricking. UT2K3/4 tries to trick but doesn't provide any actual good use. Quake started the tricking thing. It's so much more fun in that. Again, opinion. And boy oh boy, Quake III's graphics are still superb if you put it in the right settings (with lightmap and 8X AA/16X AF-- it's still smooth at 300+ fps). It's so much fun. Can't leave it alone for one second (well two but yeah...).


word... I hate UT. The game may be just as fast, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. Quake flowed, UT chokes. My opinion :D
Guys, what are everyone's aliases in Quake? I've been playing both ra3 and 3w for a good long time as Stealth, xocStealth, wsStealth, and a bunch of others. Who are my fellow [H] guys?
Stealth5325 said:
Guys, what are everyone's aliases in Quake? I've been playing both ra3 and 3w for a good long time as Stealth, xocStealth, wsStealth, and a bunch of others. Who are my fellow [H] guys?


haven't been playing for about a year or so... but been grabbing a lot of q3a vids... they're kick ass!
RA3 alias has always been "ojax" heh, although I have been known as _b0rg from time to time since I am a cyborg in real life... I wear my pancreas on my belt :D Im a regular on the AGSN ra3 server... although these damn open beta mmorpgs have occupied my time as of recent...

Quake2 was the game when I really got into online gaming in a big way, and I enjoyed the single player so I'm quite looking forward to the sequel.
The Quake2 railgun is still my favourite weapon in any game to date, the thing just felt like it had some serious kick to it :D
Whatever that thing on the cover is, it looks ugly. And not cool-ugly like a monster, just unproportional kind of ugly. And the color selection sucks too.. that gun looks like a gay parade in a box.

ojax, do you play UrT for Quake III?
[H]arls said:
Quake2 was the game when I really got into online gaming in a big way, and I enjoyed the single player so I'm quite looking forward to the sequel.

Same here. I played Q2 and mods waaay into many nights. I hope they capture the feel and flow of Q2.

Maybe this article will answer some questions about Multiplayer.
q2 multi rocked my world....
did anyone play action quake 2?
Yes, thanks Kyle and ojax, right on...

I'm excited about Quake IV, maybe the shotgun ROF will be faster than Doom 3's, and maybe the rocket will have some splash damage. I hope they give the rockets smoke trails too, not that that's realistic, but it's fun. One thing we could be sure of, it will look cool.

Quake III has been the longest installed (and perhaps most installed) game on many of my PCs. I haven't really played the base Q3/Q3TA for a long time, but I LOVE the best mod: Urban Terror (which makes CS look somewhat crappy, relatively).

I bought CS, "Steam" is such a pain in the ass I only played the game twice. I really wanted to like CS (because it's the only one of it's kind that's extremely popular) :( CS 2 looks AWESOME, but, I fear it too will be crippled by Steam?

As soon as Id (Raven/Activision?) Releases a version of Quake IV that doesn't have "CD protection" I will rush out and buy (at least one) my copy. Perhaps complacently tolerating corporate greed, and the wholesale flushing down the toilet of our civil liberties by "right wing nuts" is to be expected when the majority of our populace has become obese?

If George Bush, by some terrible quirk, were to be re-elected, it would be perhaps the most terrible event in history.
I played Team Arena for three years as [H]olyGeekboy.

I play Threewave now as -]Rx[-RogerX.

Are you in the ws clan as in "we sux" clan? :) We play ws in CTFS all the time!
CrimandEvil said:
There are still some games being released that use the Q3 engine. I believe KOTOR uses a modified one too (so will Sith Lords).

KOTOR uses a spiffy Graphics engine, but it's NOT I repeat NOT The Quake 3 engine. Bioware made their own engine they call Odyssey. I don't know what engine will be used for Sith Wars because I don't beleive Bioware is involved with that project.

I'm thinking for this round of gaming, we won't see as many games use licenced graphics engines. That's just due to the competition that's out on the market. There's The CryEngine, Source Engine, Doom 3, DICE's Refraction engine, The new Medal of Honor Engine....and I can't think of any others, but that's more game engines than we've had on the market in the past. The CryEngine won't see any use outside of EA as EA bought Crytek, Source will probably get the lion's share of the licences due to cost. Every one of those I've mentioned is a FANTASTIC Graphics engine and I can't wait to see the future titles that use each and every one.
Quake 3 single-handedly ruined the Quake franchise for me. Quake 4 isn't even on my radar screen. I can already picture the bland multiplayer from Doom 3 being shovel-ware'd into Quake 4.
RogerX said:
I played Team Arena for three years as [H]olyGeekboy.

I play Threewave now as -]Rx[-RogerX.

Are you in the ws clan as in "we sux" clan? :) We play ws in CTFS all the time!

im guessing you know clan doom/clan vicks from ctfs?(mph, etc)? ;)
J3RK said:
aaron: The Halflife engine is the Quake 1 engine modified. I believe Anachronox was built on the Quake 2 engine.

From what I have been told, although the half life engine is a modified version of the quake engine, it was modified to the extent that it should be considered it's own engine.

You're right, I was wrong. Anachranox was built over the quake 2 engine, also modified into obscurity. My talk with the dev team came about a year before the game was released, and they may have had to cut corners in the interest of budget to get the game out. A custom engine was planned, and from the tech demo I got at ION Storm, I would say it was at least 50% built when I visited (I doubt they lied to me about the presented engine being "from scratch", but it's possible).

PS: I also got a signed copy of Daikatana, "Good luck with your programming career, John Romero"... My mom has the box in her attic in Chicago; as I didn't want it jinxing me. At least he didn't say "May you be as successful and adored as Daikatana".

If you're bored, check out this physics engine demo. Yay for swedish developers!

Aaron de Zeeuw
If I remember correctly, he started a company for mobile games. I don't know if that's still what he's doing, but that's the last thing I remember.
Oh yea, I remember reading an article 'bout that on CGW... PDA sales are down, coincidence? I think not!
iZero said:
Quake 3 single-handedly ruined the Quake franchise for me. Quake 4 isn't even on my radar screen. I can already picture the bland multiplayer from Doom 3 being shovel-ware'd into Quake 4.

Nope. The single player sucked I agree. But the extension of multiplayer made it so great. BTW, Q3 was my first FPS game ever. I never liked FPS'es until the Q3 demo came out. I was hooked on it. Even on the same q3dm17 map. Then I later discovered Q2 and Q1/QW. I still like Q3 over those. Correction, love. I can expect Quake 4 to have both of these elements from Q2 and Q3 mixed in to make Single and Multi player accessible and enjoyable.

Aaron, that physics demo is pretty neat. Especially the car thing. But some of it has its flaws. Balls don't jump out of water. :-P But the coding is very nice.

I play lots of mods from time to time, mostly UFT (Ultra Freeze Tag). Names: w00t'z0r, [cholie], drake, etc. Eh, I play 1.16 pr too much.

Critofur said:
As soon as Id (Raven/Activision?) Releases a version of Quake IV that doesn't have "CD protection" I will rush out and buy (at least one) my copy. Perhaps complacently tolerating corporate greed, and the wholesale flushing down the toilet of our civil liberties by "right wing nuts" is to be expected when the majority of our populace has become obese?

If George Bush, by some terrible quirk, were to be re-elected, it would be perhaps the most terrible event in history.

.... wow... talk about random.
PCZone has already published its article on Quake 4. Raven makes the analogy of Doom 3 : horror movie :: Quake 4 : action movie. There is a thread at the Penny Arcade Forums with scans.
I'm not very familiar with the Quake storyline much, but I don't see a difference between it and the Doom one. Space marine fighting evil things on another planet? Can someone give me a quick run through maybe? :( :confused:
Well the Quake2 storyline that this one is a direct sequel of goes like this - bad mofo aliens called The Strogg are invading earth. They harvest humans for their organs and whatnot, and use body parts to make more Strogg.
The humans are getting pretty fucked up, so they send a metric shitload of marines to the Stroggs home planet on a suicide mission to destroy the device that lets them get to earth through some space wormhole thing. Only things dont go very well, and nearly all the marines are killed on the way down to the planet leaving only you.
You charge on through the game, blow shit up, destroy some bits of Strogg kit, teleport to the orbital base, kill the Strogg leader (The Makron) and escape in a pod back to the planet.
Quake 4 happens right after you land back on the planet.
Are they set in the same universe? That would be neat. =P Your description of quake actually got me interested. Maybe I'll look around for a copy of it at the ebgames across the street... (I'm serious, its in my direct line of sight and I can throw a ball at it).
Plastic Jesus said:
Engine, maybe, but only cause it's the most recent. Game, never. Not to start the whole UT v. Quake thing, but Q3TA was nothing special.

The reason Q3 was special was because of the skill it took to be good at it, not the story/graphics/maps.

Between gap-jumps, plasma climbing, rocket hopping, and strafe jumping, you're talking alot of practice to even be able to compete at a decent level, and even then, its still very intense. If you're good at Q3, odds are you can pick up any FPS out there and be pretty competitive.

UT is just a run/shoot, and it was fun.....but it doesnt require the concentration level and precision that Q3 did. You cant camp in Q3 ;)
Pipo said:
Are they set in the same universe? That would be neat. =P Your description of quake actually got me interested. Maybe I'll look around for a copy of it at the ebgames across the street... (I'm serious, its in my direct line of sight and I can throw a ball at it).
If I had an EB across from me, I would be so broke.
nullvector said:
The reason Q3 was special was because of the skill it took to be good at it, not the story/graphics/maps.

Between gap-jumps, plasma climbing, rocket hopping, and strafe jumping, you're talking alot of practice to even be able to compete at a decent level, and even then, its still very intense. If you're good at Q3, odds are you can pick up any FPS out there and be pretty competitive.

UT is just a run/shoot, and it was fun.....but it doesnt require the concentration level and precision that Q3 did. You cant camp in Q3 ;)

I thought we were talking engine/story here. If you wanna talk MP gameplay, then I'd have to agree that Q3 is definatley the best twitch FPS out there.

Thats still no reason to pair it with a shitty ladder style single player experience. In fact, it's all the more reason that a good single player expereince should have been developed.